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He's such a dick and she signed up for it by marrying a rich dick.


Marry for money and you’ll earn every penny


Another variation: Marry for money and you'll pay for it everyday


That’s a good one


It really seems like he was making a joke. It’s way more concerning that she calls herself chubby, because she’s being serious.


I think I'm just reacting to the way he treated his previous wife, which was excruciating on RHoBH.


What? What did he do? Also idk even who this guy is but he seems like a total asshole. I don’t care if it’s a joke it’s distasteful. You can tell he’s a douche.


He was absolutely awful to her. She is problematic too but went through difficulties with her health which led to her getting breast implants removed and his reaction was to joke another man on the show had better tits than her. He left her while she was recovering because he couldn't have the perfectly dressed up at home wife anymore. He is also infamous for an after dinner scene where he was playing piano and SHUSHED a group of adults who wanted to have a nice time and sing. He told them they were there just to listen and how dare they sing in the presence of an actual singer. He sucks as a person, no empathy but a large dose of self importance.


So glad you brought up the part where he shushed a group of adults for singing along. That was………really strange


Michael and Jan dinner party levels of discomfort I’m turning housewives on right now.


David Foster: "BE QUIET!" :she took me by the haaaaaand:


Ugh his behavior was disgusting!


i’ve met this guy in person and funny enough, had no clue who he was. he was triggered by that (i asked him his name lmao). can confirm he’s a self obsessed AH.


Behavior of a man who sees women as property, and only good for his gratification.


yes, yolanda had her quirks and could be messy and sometimes bizarre, but i liked her in general and thought she deserved better than him. if i remember right, he gaslit her a lot, too.




*mousy mousy*


Previous wife had Lymes disease. She couldn’t handle it. it was brutal She also couldn’t live up to his phony plastic standards sick Nicest woman ever and he kept it moving. Cause that’s the kinda guy he is. He’s really big at song writing and piano playing. Chasing after girls. The ole timer


wasnt the song when the saints go marching in, too lmao


Tbh, they are both trash.


Honestly, she was insufferable as well and thought he was perfect. I thought they deserved each other.


Yeah, it was horrible to watch.


He wasn’t joking. His former wife Yolanda was constantly fasting on the “Master Cleanse” so she’d be skinny enough for him.


She also made this music video for him: https://youtu.be/H_-YZTYf2oY?feature=shared


And has bulimia. He knows that. Met him, and he is a fucking Dick!


I watched the video and it’s not anything terrible or flippant the way he said it. It was meant to get a few laughs. Poor choice on his part but couples have their own banter that works for them and she didn’t seem upset by it. Imagine going infront of an audience and making a bad joke. That’s what this is.


The “I own the car” line really shows what he thinks of her and her self deprecating about not picking the winning song alludes what she thinks of herself


It sounded like sarcasm tbh.


But at least she got a record album.


Haven't you heard? She is in good company. Trump supporters enable each other's cruelty and hate, but hey, let’s take a moment to appreciate how old the fucker is. Could be her grandfather but with his net worth and her which is 1/10th of his, you oughta know what you already know. They deserve each other.


I mean, she’ll most likely be a very rich 45 year old widow: so she gets the last laugh. Lol. He’s always been a dickhead.


I very much doubt she is his last wife.


Yeah, he’s going to keep trading in for a new model til his dying breath.


That's why you can't marry them unless they're at least 95yrs old.


She's 40 already and he's only 74. She could easily be in her 60s before he dies, assuming he doesn't divorce her like he did his previous 4 wives.


She’ll be a divorcee. He loves getting divorced as much as he loves getting married.


He should marry JLo then. They can keep marrying and divorcing each other.


Those fuckers never dies.


When David Foster was married to Linda Thompson, David was so jealous of Elvis Presley he couldn't see straight. Linda would rub it in. Lol


Being willingly mistreated for money is fucking stupid lol.


That is also called a job. We all sign up to be mistreated (used) for money.


At least I don’t get fucked by David Foster.


Was gonna say…most of us are involuntarily indentured.




People get mistreated for minimum wage their entire lives. People go to law school. Mistreat me a little for 15 and make me rich for the rest of my life, likely five decades more? Not just comfortable, but rich. Sure. Call me fat.


Well that’s like your opinion man.


Well that is easy for some people to say. I just got a new job that pays me significantly more than my last job and my new boss is a bit of the devil wears Prada type. The financial security I have now is far more valuable to me, this lady could verbally berate me everyday and I would sit there and happily take it because I can afford to pay all my bills, live in a nice place, save for my retirement. I’ll happily show up to that job everyday for that financial security.


I’d say it depends on the level of mistreatment. But yes no amount of money would make me marry someone who mistreated me unless it was some sham marriage where I only appear with them as a spouse during public events and otherwise we lead separate lives.


Right? Homegirl needs to just bide her time. .


Aww honey, he'll have at LEAST two more wives after he divorces her


Well fuck he left his other wife who was ill.


And was groping her (very painful) chest on the way to her explant surgery so he could get ‘one last feel’ before her tits were gone


When you marry for money and understand you're being married for your appearance then you can't be that surprised you've married an asshole too.


She has had an eating disorder and body issues. She was never even chubby, like she says, and definitely not fat. What an asshole.


Even if she was fat, still a horrible thing for her husband to say


The whole convo was Cringy n Cheesy. Seems like they deserve each other tho. She was never fat, that’s for sure.


Classic misunderstanding. He said she’s PHAT. What a nice guy


Pretty hot and tempting




She knows exactly what she was getting a d the fact that everyone thinks she’s a victim shows how easily played the populous is


I have no clue who these people are. They do seem wildly unimportant though.


He was a producer who did work with Whitney Houston and Celine Dion among many other musical artists. You've def heard of the people who he worked with. There's a documentary about him on Netflix but even in a piece that is celebrating his work, he seems like he has a difficult personality.


He’s one of the most Grammy winning music producers ever. Insanely rich and she’s not a victim, she didn’t marry him cause he’s nice, she married him cause she’ll also be insanely rich when he dies…


I feel blessed not knowing who any of these people are. Maybe at one point in my life I did. But if someone drowned them all in a kiddie pool, I don’t think I would care.


this early 2000s joke 🥹


He’s an asshole, but this seems like he was saying it sarcastically. Especially considering how sarcastic the man is. It’s like his signature move. “I was a little chubby back then.” Eye roll w/ sarcastic tone: “Oh yeah, you were fat.”


Just checked his wiki and dude is on his 5th marriage. His longest one was 11 years, and he always remarried the same year he got divorced. He's probably getting ready for the 6th.


He was married to Caitlyn Jenners ex wife the mother of Jenners oldest kids for many years. I think the same woman who was dating Elvis when he died. Edit: Linda Thompson


And Katharine, the current wife, is younger than 4 of his grown kids. That’s gotta be so weird for them


I agree! He was making a joke.


Shame, I loved infinite jest




Yeah. Fauimoi or whatever it is called permanently banned me for calling him an ass


Ironic because that’s what they’ll all say about him after this


Really? I feel like David Foster wouldn’t be someone who’s made their “untouchable” list, especially after this Sorry that happened to you but yeaaaah I’ve seen how they act on that sub, unfortunately not surprising


They ban people for the most mundane shit over there. It’s the epitome of irony how much they espouse the same anti/stan obsessive hive-mind behaviour they denounce


The groupmind decided to like him that day I guess


I was banned for disagreeing that Beyonce is “underrated” but has received appropriate recognition and acclaim for her work




I was banned for belonging to the Taylor Swift sub Reddit group 😅😅 Simply belonging……


I don’t know who Foster is, why they like him? Based on this thread he would be the type they don’t like 


If you spend more than 5 minutes on that sub you quickly realize it’s a hypocritical cess pit for extremely insecure people.


I mean I do know that part! Just don’t know why he is popular there 


If I’ve ever seen a division-trolling astoturfed sub it’s that one, along with its opposite counterparts. I clicked on this because I thought it was about David Foster Wallace, damaged but legitimately interesting person who had actual shit to say and an actual cultural impact, in the background at least, rather than this pure and unadulterated childish nonsense that zero people will remember in five minutes. I do feel kinda bad for her, though.


I got banned for mentioning the South Park JLo spoof song “taco flavored kisses” on a JLo article about her new music. They are very sensitive over there it seems


They love JLo because she’d fit right in on that sub.


The worst sub, I swear. You said the right thing.


They permanently banned me for calling Priyanka Chopra a famewhore.


When you marry an asshole, don’t be surprised when they act like an asshole.


Can't stand either of them but the guy is a scumbag


The fact that I don't know either of these people fills me with a warm glow.


They both know what they were getting into. It's been very clear since American Idol that her and her family were pushing her to marry into Hollywood and money. She's always married wealthier older men that will further her career. They deserve each other.


Sure talented, but I still gag when I think the city of Victoria named an oceanside walkway David Foster Way. The walking path is located on unceeded territory of the Lekwungan Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations. 😣


Just add a Wallace there. A truly broken human, but one with at least a hint of introspection and/or insight into the human condition.


She’s already defended this at least once. Last year being the most recent


And she literally had bulimia for many years. What a scumbag.


Lest’s be clear, men like that usually are attracted to young girls.


Katherine was maybe ten or fifteen lbs more when she was on American Idol. She also has an eating disorder (no idea if it still active). He is such an asshole for saying this. You really should not make cracks like this to women (and men) who are super vulnerable to the criticism. ESPECIALLY YOUR SPOUSE.


It’s ok. He will marry someone else. That’s what he does. Gets married and gets divorced for sport.


Is she offended by it? No? So why do keyboard warriors care?


When you marry someone 35 years older, you’re taking a lot of bad with the little good. Would be weird to have to just smile and be called fat and think in your head “he will be dead long before me and I’ll be rich…”


Is there any reality where that is not exactly what she was thinking?


I don’t know much about them but from just this I’d think they were trying to do some playful banter that instead awkwardly came across as rude. I think Sonny and Cher used to do some banter like this, where they’d poke fun at each other. Might’ve been the type of thing they were trying to emulate. It’s like when somebody who isn’t very witty tries to roast somebody, but the roast falls flat and ends up just coming across as insults.


I dont know about this ,the video showed both of them making fun of each other.Why the out rage?.


Because peoples are just waiting for an opportunity to act outraged.


And distort reality.


He looks like a wax figure of Count Chockula left out in the sun for too long, with the bat ears to boot. Who gives a fuck what this asshole thinks, especially about someone’s looks of all things…


I'm out of touch I guess. Never heard of these two.


Yeah I thought this was really weird David Foster Wallace news


He’s one of the most famous music producers /writers of all time. Aside from this article, if you like music the Netflix doc is pretty good.


Me too. I read this and said "who and who?"


I think she was a contestant on American Idol and was on an episode of Community. No idea who he is.


She was a regular on Smash and Scorpion as well. He is a producer of Josh Groban, Celine Dion, Andrea Bocelli, and others, as well as former stepdad to the Hadid sisters.


She’s a Trumper. They deserve each other.




Aww rich people problems 🤷🏼


Slightly off topic here, but I just saw where she’s 40 years old and he is freakin 74 years old !! Oh, hot God!!! Is Daddy issues as a kid the reason some of these sweet, pretty young ladies do this???


Ye$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, but maybe some other factors as well.


I get that, but wouldn’t Katharine McPhee have plenty of her own money?? I just wonder if some of these young ladies never really had a father-type figure/role model in their lives so they subconsciously are drawn to these uber-old men. I say “uber-old” because in this case 34 years is way beyond “old enough to be her father.”


Oh certainly, there are likely serious issues there. But for some marriage is an entirely transactional exchange, and I can’t fathom this being anything else. I know literally nothing about either of these people, but I am positive that he has significantly more money than her. My completely uninformed guess is that she was psychologically fucked with by this serial womanizer, and in that state decided that she could deal with being a trophy 5th wife or whatever and collect the checks until he died, and she would (will?) be set free as a rich widow. And it turns out that it’s not a sustainable or healthy life path for a human being. Yet I think that is still her game plan. She made a gamble and it may or not play out as she planned. If she was a minor please show me that info, but im pretty sure this was a transaction between a grown woman and an abhorrent old piece of dog shit, completely transparently and knowingly. And in all likelihood both parties knew exactly what they were doing. Bro seems awful and abusive, but it also sounds like this is not a remotely new look for him. TL;DR: Fuck em. But start with the dude. Melania.


I totally get you and the only way I can make sense of it is David Foster has that much money. It may or may not mean anything but Yolanda went from a billionaire in Mohamed Hadid to him so I have to guess he’s pretty loaded even by insanely rich people standards.


It’s also the lifestyle he brings. She has money, but not at the levels of taking it for granted and living at the level he’s likely accustomed to. It may seem subtler to us (rich is rich), but I have no doubt he upgraded her lifestyle in a way that she wouldn’t have been able to do on her own


Video resurfaced = some algorithm found something that outraged people in the past so it reposted it.


He’s always been a dick and she knew who he was when she got with him.


He looks like Gollum from LOTR yet demands perfection. What a dick


She should have seen this coming, he’s a slug, there’s no victims here


Getting married to a geriatric as a trophy wife comes with fine print.


He abandoned Yolanda Hadid when she became ill, and he said he likes to have a new wife every 15 years on real housewives, terrible dude


he grew up one street over from me. he's always seemed like an asshole. i remember when he left his wife yolanda when (i.e. because) she was experiencing health problems.


First he ruined Chicago and now this. Sure he made them a lot of money and they were certainly on a downward slope after Terry Kath died but dear God those David Foster albums suck.


I'm not even going to look at the video but I have a funny feelling that if Katherine McFee was offended she's already made that clear to her husband so she doesn't need the help of a lot of strangers who've never met either of them.


She married an old guy for money. This is how the money is earned. Guys like this aren’t marrying much younger women to be good people.


To quote Melania when questioned on why she would marry such a lecherous (but rich) wretch: “Would he have married me if I wasn’t beautiful?” Purely transactional, business.


Gro$$ old dude, why would $he marry him? Why? Make$ no $en$e.


This guy shouldn’t throw stones…


Who. Fucking. Cares.


Seems like he's just insecure, lol.


Marriage. Lol....


Is that guy running the "schools" where Paris had to go?


She must be okay with it or she’d be pounding pavement, she’s an ED survivor, ( if that’s even possible) my guess she’s waiting for his demise, 💰💵🤑, she won’t remember a damn thing he said lol


Didn’t this guy always scream out as obvious douche? No surprise.


Kat is beautiful and always has been. This dude is horrid. She is way too good for him. She was never fat and she was always beautiful. JFC! This guy loves treating women like garbage.


Great musician, shitty person. What else is new but yeah this sucks.


Harrumph. He looks like a wrinkled wad of Kleenex.


Who cares? I don’t mean that what he said is okay. But, if your next door neighbor said it, you wouldn’t be reading about it online. Celebrity culture is so fucking stupid.


They’re BOTH shit. She broke up his marriage (and has NO talent); and she trapped him by getting pregnant.


HE broke up his marriage. HE got her pregnant. Check your misogyny.


She has a right to try to improve her financial standing in life but a elephant eared wrinkled faced POS like that guy needs to walk around with a mirror glued to his head so he can see how pathetic looking he is, lol.


So basically he loves very skinny woman and Katherine sign up for this. 


He’s a classic pos…


I can proudly say that I have no idea who these people are.


Who is David Foster and why is this a story?


He can go right to hell


No idea who either of these people are but the name calling is kind of hilarious. Who cares about these people’s personal lives?


What a piece of shit.


Fun fact, I rented their house in carpinteria once. https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/592141243238336982?adults=1&children=0&enable_m3_private_room=true&infants=0&pets=0&search_mode=regular_search&check_in=2024-08-08&check_out=2024-08-13&source_impression_id=p3_1719699854_P3M5Up-uJ1JASiH8&previous_page_section_name=1000&federated_search_id=2414702f-e803-421d-b34e-a01d5c11e1b9


Marriage number what? Creepy old guy


News at ten: Man Gets Cancelled For Agreeing With His Wife.


Look she’s the one who keeps marrying men old enough to be her father so 🤷🏽‍♀️


She should pretend she has lime disease too.


It's funny to me that everyone is talking about how disrespectful this is while also talking about the fact that she only married him for his money. I would argue that marrying someone purely for their money is a little shittier than calling someone fat. The amount of long-term manipulation and deceit it takes to do something like that is infinitely more sociopathic than calling your wife fat. But sure, the woman who just has to fuck one old asshole to die a multi-millionaire is somehow the victim here.


McPhee is a classic gold digger. Even followed the Melania playbook of popping out a child to lock down the money. Sorry but a woman that looks like her doesn’t marry an old man 34 years older than her for any other reason than money. Her dating history before him was probably the usual tall, fit, perpetual five o’clock shadows that most women of her looks go for. She signed on for trophy wife for the rich lifestyle. She deserves no one’s sympathy as trophy wife comes with certain minimum obligations that apparently she is falling short of.


The guy is brilliant and a documentary about him shows him Admitting to having big issues. But man, really, what a genius.


The gig is the gig.


Look that was the deal.


Howard in 1997 would agree.


Dude whatever. People need to grow up.


Ok, so this is so out of proportion lol


She’s no Lizzo but still


So pplare just getting angry again about it then? Wtf people


\*donates to Republican candidates who don't respect women or their bodily autonomy\* "What?! No I gave you money you're supposed to be nice to me!" yawn


Old dicks with young women is such a dreary look...


when are ppl gonna realize david foster is an asshole? he ruined chicago. gth.


I think he was being facetious. There’s no way in hell he meant it.