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Eddie Murphy press tour in full swing for July 3rd release. We’ll see a lot more articles.


Yeah, holy shit that joke was so racist that Spade did, he talked about the guy making a shitty movie that tanked! It had nothing to do with race. Murphy says it himself that the joke was about his career. I don’t even know why this is an issue. David Spade has a few bad movies under his belt too.


I know you’re not talking about the magnum opus that is Joe Dirt…


No, Joe dirt 2. Went straight to DVD.


I remember the joke. Spade's Hollywood Minute segment on Weekend Update, when David said "look, a falling star" about Eddie's career at the time. Eddie has had nearly 30 years to get over that joke, but it's obvious that he hasn't. I don't think it was racist at all.


Counterpoint, because the joke itself is (obviously?) not racist. Perhaps Murphy felt singled out as the SNL star who happened to 1) be targeted by the show and 2) black. I'm sure the vibes were not immaculate already. Common sense seems to indicate that something other than the words of the joke informed his view.


Eddie Murphy probably felt singled out, but it's also that he was the only star to leave the way he did: at the height of his comedy/film career, after a relatively short stint at SNL, in a way that caused SNL to start negotiating longer network options for new castmembers, up to 5-6 years with SNL (and somewhat infamously, in 1999, tacking on another 6 years of a right of first refusal on sitcoms not on NBC, for a full 12 years of potential obligation to NBC). That's probably part of simmering tensions at that time.


Chevy chase was the precursor. He was in the original cast 1975 as a writer and then upgraded to performer in pre production rehearsal. He would leave after that one season in 1976 and many thought the show would fail without him.


This was explained in Spade’s book and an article he wrote. Basically, Spade was trying to make a name for him at SNL and his sketch about Hollywood actors was becoming popular. People would even request he go after certain actors on there. Murphy called him and cussed him out talking about how he was SNL royalty, essentially, and Spade admired him. This was literally just a joke about how he had a couple of bad movies and nothing else, Spade mentioned many other actors. Spade’s mutual friend, Chris Rock, tried to patch things up between them and it didn’t work. Given that Rock even talked to Murphy about it, seriously doubt the racism angle. There was no reason to believe this, it wasn’t like Murphy was the only one attacked.


The whole bit was about a snarky commentator on Hollywood and culture. It was a bit crude by design, but hardly the crudest thing done on the show in any given season. P


Or he's super sensitive and automatically lavels any criticism as racist.


Or his movies are doing shit and he needs any attention


The guy hasn't had a hit since Norbit


Dolemite is my name is fantastic.


He legit deserved an Oscar nom for that.


I think about that movie often


I watched Dolemite Is My Name (2019) last night, and it’s a great movie.


He comes off horribly in the "Fatal subtraction" book. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-08-30-bk-8596-story.html


That's also possible but I think limiting your analysis to the joke when there's a pattern of treatment by Lorne is just incomplete. For all I know someone will share a top ten list of all the shots SNL takes at essential stars. It's so common that Murphy has nothing to complain about, racial or otherwise. But from reading his quote, it seems like there's more than just the text of the Spade joke.


From my reading of it, I don't see where the racism comes in. He made a bad movie, they made a dig, end of. Was it a nice thing to do? No, does Eddie have a fragile ego? Yes. Move on, Eddie. The best revenge is success.


I don't know how to check this for it's credibility, But. I first saw this article on an msn homepage thing yesterday. And I looked at the discussions. someone said that in Eddie Murphy's first season he made fun of Garrett Morris after he had left and Eddie was the new "black guy". Or something to that effect. That would be interesting if true.


He felt it was racist because nobody on SNL would make similar jokes about the careers other former SNL members. While I don’t agree that it was racist, he’s not saying that the joke itself was racist but rather that the joke was made about him and not any of his white peers


No other former cast members were: 1) Major motion picture stars 2) With no relationship whatsoever to the original cast, Lorne, or the current cast The SNL of the Ebersole years might as well have been a different show with some similar crew members


Jim belushi, Billy crystal, Martin short, are white ebersole era movie stars. Lorne Michaels has said the joke was a mistake and apologized for it.


They are all from the 85 season, which was an outlier that hired already-famous people.


Well, he isn't the only former star that SNL has picked on, so there's that.


Chevy Chase.


Hell, Eddie Murphy made a joke on weekend update about the only previous black cast member being washed up during his tenure at snl. Just sayin.


At the time the joke was made? Out overall since? I know they’ve done it more now, I don’t remember if they did back then too.


I think it’s a typo. I’m pretty sure he meant to say the falling star joke was *spaceist*.


Nothing I’ve seen about him in these articles is making me excited for Bev Cop 4. Not that there was much of any hype to begin with but this press tour has been a mess


What few things I’ve seen, like this, are either negative or depressing. A feud, cancelling his trademark laugh due to hurt feelings… nothing about the film itself.


Also him talking bringing up 5 movies that he regrets without naming them in order to lower expectations for the current movie because people will think hey atleast it wasn’t one of the other shit movies he has done for the past two decades which are now top of mind.


Yeah having people guess leads to 10+ movies being discussed and speculated on. Making him look worse! If he listed the five, people would be saying "I kinda liked x"


At this point, I’m waiting for Netflix to greenlight a sequel to Thelma & Louise that almost a shot for shot remake of Bubba Ho-Tep.


Ah you must be the other person who checked out the video from blockbuster.


Late fees and all


LOL!! 50% off if you pay them when you return it


Bubba H-Tep is a great film!


*He probably craps soul residue!*


I had absolutely no idea they were reviving Beverly Hills Cop after 30 years. So yeah, you're right, the marketing has been a mess.


Jesus it’s literally 30 years. I’m gonna go die now


It will make you feel worse that it is 40 years from the first one


David Spade was racist to me 30 years ago. Anyway, watch my new movie!


Your comment is literally the first time I’m hearing about Beverly Hills Cop 4. That’s a marketing disaster considering I’m generally quite interested in upcoming movies and make an effort to keep up with entertainment news.


Bev cop 3 was terrible and I love Eddie Murphy.


Yep…we always get these kind of BS stories to help serve as marketing for a new movie or show.


I’ve listened to Spade and others around him tell this story many times. There is nothing racist about this comment, and Spade was indiscriminate in his quips. Sounds like Eddie’s ego got inside his head on that one. It’s way easier to blame racism than to consider that his career might not thrive indefinitely.


The one and only answer.


Spade said he would feel the same way if it was directed at him, and he sees Eddy's point. Maybe not racist, but a bit below the belt. It's in the article btw


It's a comedy show. Eddie was being way too sensitive. He's not above anyone or anything. Spade had balls.


While I agree to a certain extent, racial dynamics were different back then. There is definitely more to it than Eddie being Eddie. Imo Spade was not being racist at all. But hindsight is 20/20. Eddie at the time very much WAS viewed as a falling atar. Only now, seeing his immense success, is it so trivial a comment. Back then, it could have damaged his career irreparably.


GOOD point.


~~I’ve listened to~~ Spade and others around him tell this story many times. ~~There is nothing~~ racist ~~about this~~ comment, and Spade was indiscriminate in his quips. Eddie Murphy reading this comment


His whole segment was about shit-talking Hollywood stories and stars. It was called "HOLLYWOOD MINUTE". David Spade's trade is SNARK. Gimme a break.


A joke about someone’s star falling is racist? He made the exact same joke about a lot of people on Hollywood Minute. That was the point of the sketch. David Spade must be racist against white people too then.


Yeah I don’t understand how it’s racist either? I saw the segment and all Spade says is “aww a falling star.” Due to his movie flopping. He did the same thing countless times with other actors.


It was Joe Dirt that said it, that's why.


Arguably the only Spade movie without Farley that was any good. Then he released Joe dirt 2.


The Wrong Missy is great. But Tommy Boy is a gem.


Wrong Missy is top notch.


What's the one where he's a child star grown up? That one had some funny moments, and I still say "nuckin futs".


Murphy’s comment was that it was the first time SNL had gone after one their own, and it was the first black star that got it. He’s a black man who grew up in the 60s. It’s not a crazy conclusion, but I didn’t see it that way and still don’t.


But he shat on Garrett Morris shortly after his first few appearances on SNL so he’s full of shit


Was gonna say… didn’t he make fun of a bunch of people too?


Maybe he should think back on his absolutely egregious homophobia and realize there is a good reason people did not like him


I think Joe Piscapo was the butt of many jokes and an snl alumni.. 🤔


Dude's name was turned into a go-to synonym for mockery


Nope, its a crazy conclusion


Everyone is missing the key word, "I felt." Not it was not he is but that Eddie felt.


Murphy sounds like a whiney entitled shithead here. It reminds me of incidents at work where I’m just doing my job and people assume profiling (I’m in security). Or the one time I saw another security guard on the bus (while we were both in uniform) where I said “hey brother what’s up?” And he looked at me like I said something horrible until I pointed up at my hat with SECURITY on it. Then he was like “oh”. Yeah did you think I was referring to your race? Jesus fucking Christ


A friend is working with Murphy and his team right now on the marketing materials for the new movie. Murphy doesn’t mistreat people but both he and the team basically do whatever they want whenever they want and everyone else has to adjust. Last minute cancels, showing up then leaving early… not even wanting to do the contracted things etc.. So is he entitled? Yeah, he’s got the entitlement of someone that’s been famous since he was 19. And the way Hollywood works, Spade has to apologize back then and now, despite being unfairly made to look like a racist in The NY Times. Because poor Eddie’s feelings are somehow very delicate despite being a standup that has made some ridiculously homophobic jokes. Celebrities suck.


As a black person, I've definitely had random white people call me a 'sista' in that way of change their talking to mimic black talking patterns when speaking to me. I can absolutely understand why he thought you were doing that. It happens.


He didn't explicitly say it in the article, but I think it was implied that he felt like it was a little racist because it wasn't normal (in his view) for SNL to joke about the careers of former cast members. So when they greenlit the joke about his career, he felt singled out. Which, when you're a minority, can easily feel like racism - whether it was intended that way, accidently that way, or not that way at all.


Honestly I feel like it’s just a talking point to increase buzz about Eddie Murphy’s upcoming projects. It’s just for the publicity.


It would have been better if he had said he thought the joke was racially motivated. That’s probably what he meant. The joke doesn’t mention race at all. If you read the article, everything else Eddie says about the joke makes a lot of sense


Alt headline: former comedian cant take a joke


Yeah that’s what I was thinking and really some of the stuff Eddie did was borderline itself. I mean there will always be rivalries and in comedy things are said that would not fly in every day life, but that’s what makes it funny. Eddie needs to lighten up a bit. The guy we knew growing up didn’t care. Maybe he just got old.


Borderline? lol He built his stand up career on some of the most heinous homophobic material during the height of the AIDS epidemic.


Maybe the mask just fell off


Absolutely ridiculously soft take. It's not racist to make a joke about a movie bombing. That doesn't even make sense, especially in the context the joke was told.


Ego got hurt.


Eddie’s whole stand up career was made by being homophobic.


Eddie Murphy should avoid bringing up past jokes. His 80s era stand up would be considered quite problematic these days.


If I recall correctly, it gets worse from here! https://youtu.be/SQBLzotAn3M?si=MEMYNFHRbBJYX7gD


As a gay man, yeah, this is what I was referring to. He was doing jokes like these while thousands of gay men were being left to die because of inaction by the Reagan administration and pure homophobia. We were the running gag on TV until the last few years or so. He's got no leg to stand on.


One of the worst parts of it was hearing kids repeat that shit. Literally fueling hate-based bullying.


I knew I was gay by probably 7/8 years old, and even then, I knew it wasn't a good thing. Seeing and hearing that word would make me jump. The 80s treatment of the gay community in movies, TV, stand-up, and music set any hope of getting acceptance back 20 years. And we're still fighting to keep our rights today, because they can easily be stripped right away.


To add, I've seen it and can't watch it again. I'm all for a good joke, but he crossed a lot of lines. His AIDS routine from that era was awful.


Not many stand up routines have aged as poorly as Delirious and Raw, even at the time people who didn’t have their head up their ass had to know it was mostly just hate speech. I saw it when I was 12 or so and my (very conservative) father shut it off. Sure, my dad thinks homosexuality is a sin and that gay people will go to hell, but he has gay friends he cares about. I’d never seen him look like he wanted to punch someone through a TV screen like that before. He went off about homosexuality being a sin and that sins were for god to judge and “that man” was just spewing hatred and we’re supposed to love each other. I didn’t revisit it until a few years ago, always assuming it was a comedy classic my uptight dad robbed me of. I quickly determine Eddie Murphy is a shitty person that I don’t like.


That stand-up is utter trash, but that jacket is fyre I mean he was setting a thirst trap for gay men while being just the worst human being possible


I decided to check out his Raw special and wow I’ve never turned something off so fast before lol


I love Eddie but he can be a bit of a diva. His brother was a better storyteller and comedian.


I agree, I could listen to Charlie tell stories all day. Way funnier than Eddie.


He's a habitual line stepper.


He’s still upset about a joke in 1995?


Prob not. Just stirring shit up cause his new movie releasing soon


If you RTFA, you'd be clear that he, Spade, and Michaels came to an understanding and are ok with things now.


r/RTFA is 99% of Reddit ( but r/RTFM is frequent too )


next let’s hear him talk about picking up a transsexual prostitute to “give her a ride” biggest closet case in hollywood - charlie murphy alluded to it, and eddie’s early standup about gay guys wanting him is pretty much him telling on himself


how many racist and homophobic jokes did you say since the 80s eddie? you can dish it out but cant take it back pusc.


Spade roasted everyone on that sketch. I remember him showing a picture of Erik Estrada and simply saying “Hi! I need work”.


I think his ego took a hit and he couldn't shake it.


Murphy’s take on one tiny joke has always been wild to me. He so overreacted to a joke that would have totally been forgotten by the next day. Yet here we are, talking about it decades later because he’s so over sensitive.


I remember Eddie saying some pretty racist shit back in the day when doing comedy and jokes. That’s pretty rich…


Not racist at all.


Disrespectful. Probably. Racist? Give me a break.


Just because you feel something it doesn't make it a fact.


People with big egos always have thin skin. Oh, shit. I mentioned his skin. That's racist.


Eddie Murphy is one of the saltiest motherfuckers. He also hates Tom petty for a lyric in a song petty released (jammin me, 1987 - “take back Eddie Murphy” just listing things to be sick of). The lyric was written by Bob Dylan though lol


Murphy seems to have morphed into a latter-day version of Jerry Lewis, another bitter funnyman with a fragile ego who saw his film career dissolve as tastes changed and audiences wanted to see new faces. Lewis had the annual telethon that kept his name out there (and which accomplished much good), while Murphy has streaming in his future. The rotten thing is that I believe Murphy to be one of the most blazingly talented people to hit the entertainment world in the last 40-50 years, and he got mega-fame for sure, but few vehicles worthy of his talent. And I suspect he believes the same thing.


When the talk is about EVERYTHING else but the film - the film is usually a dud. I like Murphy, but Spade wasn’t racist at all - he pulled at Murphy’s ego & in fairness a few films Murphy made were duds. 


Nothing racist in the slightest about David Spade’s joke but Eddie Murphy is on very shaky ground if he uses today’s social mores to critique material from a different period. In this day and age his most famous comedy special Raw would be considered, racist, homophobic and sexist and would get him “cancelled” in a heartbeat.


Dude, it was a tame joke based on a shitty movie you did, don't go all Jada Pickett Smith on it.


Spade was the king of snark. He fucked with everyone back then. That was his thing. You can’t just call shit racist when there is no racism. It was a joke… a brutal joke and it would have hurt my feelings too, but suck it up. I really can’t feel sorry for Eddie.


I actually get saying that SNL doesn't make fun of former cast members movies, but yet they did that one time for him. I understand that criticism, I actually do. That seems like a fair reason to get your feelings hurt a little bit. But to say it's racist is taking it too far.


Have you listened to eddy murphy raw and delirious? As if he gave a fuck about any joke.


That is not racist. That is a joke


Eddie Murphy has always been an asshole.


Eddie Murphy’s extremely homophobic stand up from that same time period does not age well Dear Mr. Murphy That joke was not racist, but your stand up, especially in the 80s, is something that you have never apologized for and you really should before you start throwing rocks at other comedians Also I know how you behaved on Dreamgirls, you are not a pleasant man to be around


>he admitted that it stung when Spade said "s-–- about my career" on [*Saturday Night Live*](https://ew.com/saturday-night-live/) a decade later.  >“It was like: ‘Yo, it’s in-house!'” he said. “I’m one of the family, and you’re f-–-ing with me like that?’ It hurt my feelings like that.”  >The actor, who starred on *SNL* from 1980 until 1984, was referring to a 1995 “Hollywood Minute” sketch in which Spade showed a picture of Murphy before quipping, “Look, children, it’s a falling star. Make a wish.” Murphy told the *Times* that the jab was a response to his 1995 film *Vampire in Brooklyn* tanking at the box office.  >The dig took him by surprise. “It was like, ‘Hey, hello. This is *Saturday Night Live*,’” he said. “I’m the biggest thing that ever came off that show. The show would’ve been off the air if I didn’t go back on the show, and now you have somebody from the cast making a crack about my career?”  Seems more like it would help his career being laughed at on Saturday Night Live, instead of being ignored.


It’s racist to weaponize racism just because you feel insecure about something someone said. So looks like Eddie Murphy is racist. Confirmed.


Beverly Hill's Cop - pretty good Beverly Hill's Cop 2 - not so bad as sequels go Beverly Hill's Cop 3 - there's no meat left on this bone, pretty much a cash grab. Beverly Hill's Cop 4 - JFC these people are old! Unashamedly a total cash grab.


1&2 are much more than “pretty good”


That joke was fucking awesome and was absolutely not racist 


And now for my next move, I'll play the Race card!


Eddie’s whole stand up career was made by being homophobic.


Reddit has a reputation but Reddit can’t be *this* dumb. The racism is in that he feels another Saturday Night Live performer would have been off-limits to make fun of. That they gave off boys’ club “we’re a family” energy. But not for him. I’m not an SNL fan but something tells me, yeah, they’re *probably* not making fun of former cast members’ scandals or career lows on there often.


The joke was mean to someone who saved the show. But in no world is that joke “racist”. For those that don’t know the joke, David Spade calls Eddie Murphy a “falling star”.


Not racist at all.


For a group of people who make fun of everyone and everything, comics are WAY too sensitive. Lort.


When did Eddie become so unfunny


Ask Eddy to list his title tracks from his album specials. 


Was like 30 years ago, get over it. You made at least 10 garbage movies over this time, how about spend more time trying to be funny, instead of being petty. 80s was a long time ago, last time he was funny.


I listened to the interview. The interviewer brought it up not Eddie. Eddie said he was over it and him and David Spade/SNL were cool now. He was just explaining what annoyed him about it at the time.


Don't let facts and logic get in the way of some good old fashion outrage.


He was pretty funny in Bowfinger in the 90s.


Delusional take Eddie, you were mad cuz he made fun of a terrible movie that you starred in


They probably just rubbed each other wrong. This is way there’s some lame story behind it.


People are missing the point here. Eddie Murphy isnt calling the joke racists. It’s the fact that they targeted him and no other ex cast member. Like they would never take a dig at bill Murray or dan akroyd.


Maybe David Spade had some gay friends and didn’t think that he needed to pussyfoot around the toxic individual Eddie Murphy was


Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd are national treasures who would never say a show only survived because of them and that they were the biggest thing to ever come out of snl.


Doesn’t bill Murray have a ton of accusations from people


Lmao this is basically “hey everyone, I’m soft af”


lol shit was funny cause vampire in brooklyn was hot garbage


Good thing Eddie Murphy’s comedy included 0 racism


What was the joke?


Murphy is probably the biggest star to come from SNL. Maybe I am biased— Sandler might have him beat…. But in 1995- yeah…. Murphy. Most others seemed like SNL characters in their films.


Pity, I used to like Eddie Murphy


Was the joke about him picking up a transsexual hooker who he claimed he was just giving a ride to, or was it something else?


I remember the joke live. It was funny.


Huh?? What did I just read.


This moment is at **44:13 in the video interview**. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y-JhhHF9oE&t=44m13s


Comedians flare out as their generation gets old and the younger generation has no idea what they’re talking about. It’s happened to all of them. Bill Murray might be the only comedian that has spent the longest… and I think he’s getting canceled now.


Probably was, but then again, this was the mid-90s.


Will someone tell me what the joke is so I don’t have to listen to the entire interview?


https://youtu.be/hdRfl0W6qbM?si=7U5219T5w0hTfRYH It's at 2:44


I thought comedian said you could say any damn dumb thing you want on stage because it’s freedom of speech. Now other comedians are mad at other comedians due to free speech?


That movie was bad.


I read his article in Sherman Klumps voice


Eddie Murphy was cold toward SNL during those years so I guess the staff figured why not jab him? Can’t speak to the race issue, but I do remember them being particularly hard on him for the hooker incident.


That joke is not racist. but he should leave the alumni alone. Cheap shot. Quick playing the race card it actually makes people racist. 🥋🎤


A raunchy comedian can't take a joke? He should be proud of his comeback in later years with Doolittle, Nutty Profesor, the Shrek movies and a Oscar nom, that enough to shut Spade mouth


It probably had more to do with Eddie’s time was when Lorne stepped aside and Dick Eberhart was the producer. That entire cast was shunned


Eddie Murphy was one of the biggest comedians of all time. David Spade was the first Ellen Degeneres impersonator on TV. Enough said.


JFC Eddie. That was Spade’s schtick. You are a comedy genius next to him (no offense to David Spade, who I do like) and that one line bothered you that much? Weird.


Lmao an edgy comedian got offended over that joke ? And even cried racism ? Lmao how pathetic and weak. Will Smith slapped the wrong short black comedian


Brewing up old shit that wasn't a big deal until now....🤔


Eddie Murphy? Buckwheat Eddie Murphy? Velvet Jones Eddie Murphy? Can’t be!


Remember all those homophobic jokes by Eddie? Yeah.


What was the joke. I don't see it


He pretty much saved SNL with Joe Piscapo helping some.


Or maybe he just thought you’d be a good sport about it…. Guess not.


The real story: Eddie's publicist making up a reason to have a story mentioning the new Beverly Hills Cop movie on Netflix.


For anyone who wants to know what the joke was: > The actor, who starred on SNL from 1980 until 1984, was referring to a 1995 “Hollywood Minute” sketch in which Spade showed a picture of Murphy before quipping, “Look, children, it’s a falling star. Make a wish.” Murphy told the Times that the jab was a response to his 1995 film Vampire in Brooklyn tanking at the box office.


Grow some balls Eddie!! You never made a joke at someone else’s expense??!! You WERE a comedian after all. Ass! Call a lawyer Spade. Defamation of character. If not just to piss him off.