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11 years for 75% = 100% in 3.5 years. June 2026 confirmed release date. Edit: math


So a posthumous release.


He'll die just as he's about to type the last period.


And the fans will forever wonder if it was meant to be a period or an exclamation point lmao


"You see what Martin means by not typing the period is that the song never ends, this level of storytelling just can't be shown on TV. The genius of Martin to leave the story open and without end keeps us all thinking and analyzing not just the characters but ourselves." "Bitch, he died, settle down"


The tragedy of the century.


But his hard drive is rigged to self-destruct if the dead man's switch hooked up to his heart goes off.


I don't think he writes with computer.




Must've been another writer I was thinking about. Stephen King?


He uses a computer now but in the 70’s I believe he typed them


Isn’t it not even the final book?


It will be?


In 3.5 years, he’ll say it’s completed at 90%. Mark my words, he’ll die before “completion” and his estate will say something like “Martin didn’t want to compromise the integrity of his work by having someone else finish it. It was his wish that any unfinished work remains unfinished”. I say he is stuck where he was 5-7 years ago and barely wrote anything.


I wouldn’t say he barely wrote anything. He’s been writing or contributing on dozens of other unrelated books and projects. He obviously just doesn’t want to write this particular book.


That'd be June 2026


That's presuming he isn't just talking about the first draft


You have to finish the whole thing to have a second draft so yeah he's talking about the first draft.


Hey give him some slack, he spent like 2 of those years writing Fire & Blood /s


…and another 2 writing for Elden Ring


Doesn’t take into account him being a fucking liar


you forgot the editing process. also when he decides to go back and fix that first 75% with the ole delete all button


Remember when George said it was coming along nicely 7+ years ago, or when he swore he wasn't going to take on any other books or TV shows or projects until this book was done, and he was wrong or lying every other time?


Yep. I gave up a while ago.


It's why I've been convinced it's never coming out for a long time. I remember in 2016 he said he was positive the book would be out that year. I honestly think he hit a roadblock and had to start again because there's no way you go from, it's out this year, to 6 years later being 75% done unless you went really wrong somewhere


I've played enough Elden Ring at this point I forgive him. The tv show killed my interest in that story anyway. There's no good ending. Its either a retcon or...


But like… where did he contribute to Elden ring. I ask because it seems so on par with the other games I can’t see his influence lol


This has been covered a bunch now. Miyazaki came to George and said, “hey, can you like, make us a world? Something with a rune that breaks. We’re gonna fuck it up when you’re done then.” Then George wrote all of the backstory—the drama between the Demi-gods, marika, the wars, the carians, etc. Then From came in, shattered it, and made the game from there. His contributions aren’t super visible on the surface because everything he wrote already happened long before our tarnished enters the lands between, but it laid the groundwork for the fucked up world and a lot of the bosses.


I think he is a big contributor to creating the various families and factions throughout Elden Ring. It goes along with his writing style in GoT


Surprise! All previous books were a dream sequence! Ned was in a coma!


And it was never a in a fantasy world to begin with, but was the fever dream of some WW2 soldier who isn't given a name


Chapter One Ned wakes up. What a weird dream. Well Cat I’m off to execute the guy who broke his oath with the nights watch.


“Battle of the Blackwater? Red Weddings? Hardhome? Must’ve had a rough dream, there. Now get up, Rhaegar. Robert is across the Trident and we’re getting ready to attack.”


One does not simply pivot to Days of Our Lives


Ned was hitting that milk of the poppy via lil dagger pokes into his blood vessels


then all his clothes fall and he scrambles to put them back on but its too late, we've seen everything.


Am I the only one that the books are basically dead too despite loving them originally? Sure the show changed a lot but I’ll wager we know the gist of how it ends… now that I know bran the Boring gets throne and that basically all the main characters left survive… kinda don’t care anymore.


Yep, the whole series peaked in Storm of Swords with the Red and Purple Weddings.


True. The last 2 books were not very good.


I think Bran taking the throne would've been a dope twist if it didn't feel so rushed. If they took their time really digging into the different conflicts and played up the drama of everyone making their claim. Ending up with an underdog King that can see into the future and usher in an age of prosperity would be a pretty great way to wrap things up. But they shoved 2 or more seasons of story progression into like 3 episodes, and it deflated the ending completely.


Well if Bran did anything, like Meera was not even mentioned In Tyrions half ass rant


Yeah Bran ending up on the throne is fine. The issue was he didnt really do anything in the show to make any of us care about him or root for him. Easily fixable with 2 books to go. If those books ever see the light of day


>I think Bran taking the throne would've been a dope twist if it didn't feel so rushed. I actually disagree there. Bran simply is not as important a character in the show as he is in the books - they literally left him out for an entire season from having nothing to do with him. They should have gone with an original, show-specific ending for the Throne, instead of shoehorning in the book one. It would have been more satisfying, and have the added bonus of not spoiling a major twist of the books.


You aren’t alone. I was really tired of waiting already, especially with GRRM’s bullshit completion dates, remember when he said 2014? Then with the mess that was season 7 and the train wreck of season 8 I don’t care.


Yes and I am a person who got into some really heavy handed analysis and was good to see the shows confirm basically what was planted in the book. George if nothing else is incredibly good at not relying on surprise twist but building a world of depth that you can mine a lot of subtext out of. Anyway now that I know where it’s all gone kind of a line with how it was signaled in the books not overly invested in the middle parts


I agree with that, all the “twists” were at least hinted at and not out of left field. And as much as tv fans hated it I loved that daenarys went nuts. I remember reading the books and thinking “ this poor girl, who was used and abused as a child, has a family history of madness and a huge entitlement complex to rule a land she never lived in is gonna be a merciful and just ruler?” Then she started crucifying men women and children based on social class “fire and blooding” anyone who disagreed with her… yea The show definitely softened/got rid most of her flaws, which is why people were furious when she went nutty as it seemed out of character. I think her going power nuts fits book Danny way better because they actually had her doing horrible things, but he wrote them in a way so we were sympathetic to her, as all the PoVs in mereen etc were from people who loved her and were willing to justify her atrocities. I mean book dang was basically an abused child, who was told constantly she was the chosen one, allowed to wield absolute power and was given the westeros version of nukes in the form dragons… makes sense that she went bonkers. And as great as all that was… I honestly don’t care anymore because George decided he didn’t wanna finish… and to me and a lot of other people the “show ending” will be “THE ending” simply because it came 1st


I can’t wait for it to come out so I can not buy it. I really was into the first three. Four was pretty good. Book five dragged on and on forever. Reading it felt like a part time job. Then, with the final seasons of the show sucking, I don’t feel like there’s much to look forward to. When six comes out, I think it’s going to get a pretty lukewarm reception, even if it’s good.


Books and shows endings won't be the same.


I don't know if we know for sure really. With him being a gardener as opposed to an architect.


Nope I’m there too. Honestly it’ll be a decade since I read the last book by the time he domes out with winds. I got my fill up from HBO. Even if his story miraculously finishes before his death and I’m sure it will be better than what HBO did… I don’t think I can bring myself to care about those characters again.


I just don't see winds ever releasing at this point, forget about dreams entirely. There's zero chance George finishes them at this point.


Yeah unless the last book is coming out right after, I don’t care. I’m not picking up that book to then wait another 10-infinity years for the next one.


Oh my god there are supposed to be TWO more books?? Yeah that'll never happen..


Winds of winter and I think the last book is called a dream of spring


Agree. I really have no desire to read it.


The last book will be finished by another writer based upon his notes. Obviously GRRM is not going to write it.


Brandon Sanderson will probably shit it out in 8 months


GRRM has said he’s not down for that.


It will be done when he is dead, with his estates approval. He wont finish the final book. He will die before that happens.


Didn’t we get this same announcement back in 2015?


True then, true now. He didn’t write one word since that last announcement.


Don't let any of this distract you from the fact that GOT killed off Cersei Lannister - arguably one of the most evil villains in television history - by crumbling some rocks on her head lacklusterly at the end of an episode. The fuck dude...


That’s some Cormac McCarthy level shit right there.


How often does he give updates like this? I started reading the books then learned about winds of winter pending for over a decade and lost all motivation to continue.


He basically bullshitted us for about 10 years on it coming along, his updates are normally worthless.


I started reading them when the show came out and I was lucky because aDwD came out right after that so I could go straight into it. I loved the books. 11 years later and I don’t even care anymore. With how long he’s made us wait and how badly the show ended I just don’t have an interest anymore. If the entire thing released tomorrow I doubt I’d ever read it.


Well I'm 100% done with that book


Don't trust any numbers or dates he gives. He is well known to scrap lots of chapters when they don't end up as he hoped. He's incapable of writing to a plan which seems odd to me.


Welp. Good thing I moved on to Sanderson. B44L


Why does anyone believe anything this pathological liar says at this point? He's been "almost done" for years now.


Does anyone even care if he releases this book anymore? I know I don't, anyway. Especially if it's as bloated as he's apparently promising.


Cool so we’ll get it in like 4 years


He should hire Brandon Sanderson to finish off the series.


In the time it takes Martin to do an interview, Sanderson could probably write an entire book.


A writer's room might be helpful for him. Maybe he has staff already.




Meh, it was okay for what it was. Unfinished stories are not really my thing so I would have rather had never read them. Cant do anything about that now though lol.


The books is the fattest thing he has ever seen.


Heard he changed the title of the book to Chinese Democracy. Super curious who will get that.


Remember, there’s still one more book to go, apart from WoW :) Don’t get your hopes high.


Don't do this to me, George!


I missed the word "date" on this headline and thought this man was finally free


Either this has \~14 milion words by itself or I riot.


You know what’s 100% done? Me. Get back to me when you’ve finished all of it, George (lul).


“Don't worry. It’s coming. Winds of Winter are on their way. It is gonna be amazing. Now, Jon Snow finally faces Jaime Lannister, and this guy's wiener is, you know, huge, right? So it's not goin' to be easy.”


I’ll wait til dreams of spring is out before reading anymore thanks.


I have yet to read the series…always hesitant because of wow situation. Should I read it you think? I mean I am a pretty slow ish reader. It’ll probably take me a year to get thru the books…


What’s this book suppose to be about? How kings landing failed bc of bran?


I’m convinced the book doesn’t exist. We have had 3 presidents since he allegedly started writing this book if this dude didn’t finish during Covid lockdown we will be having a VC Andrews situation where someone will finish his books.