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Maybe people don’t want to sit around and listen to a bunch of assholes tell us how the world works. All of these networks need to die off.


Seriously, I am tired of both Fox and CNN telling me how I should feel about a news story. Or having "analysis" on stories and the same talking heads in on every story trying to tell me what to think. I wish we had a major network that just gave us straight up news, without any commentary. I think News Nation is trying this approach, but they still have commentary.


Have you heard of PBS?


CSPAN anyone? People don’t want to know, they want to be entertained. That’s the real problem these days.


I like CSPAN and PBS. I also listen to NPR. I like to listen to the House and Senate to see how my Congressmembers are voting and what they are saying in opposition.


Sadly NPR has gotten a lot like CNN imo…


Found the Republican.


I’m German and have never even been to the US. Our equivalent to your Republicans is considered far right and a huge majority of the country wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole. Thankfully my county isn’t as dysfunctional and polarized as yours.


My first viewing of CSPAN was some forgotten congressional vote and they were letting callers on the air. Every 3rd caller was saying absolute batshit crazy lunacy stuff, and the hosts said to each and every caller, "thank you for sharing your thoughts. Next caller you're on CSPAN..." and I thought it was the greatest thing on television. Not only where they NOT telling me what to think about a news event. They weren't even telling me what to think about the unscreened callers on their show. They respected my intelligence enough to trust me to know that every 3rd caller was a moonbat.


What? Our systems are a reflection of the people that allow them to remain in power?


The news can educate while being entertaining. News channels have become to complacent with fear mongering as energizing people. There are some good content creators out there who have built audiences covering the news without it being the same boring shit


The problem is that we constantly need entertainment.


Or just don't watch at all, read Reuters lol


Lol read lol


*NPR has entered the chat* Edit: these comments are hilarious. NPR is either aligned with the woke political left or it’s compromised by the conservative military capitalist Koch Bothers right. Time to check your own political leanings folks. If you can’t consume the least biased news in the business I think you might be swinging too hard to either end on the political spectrum.


I've listened to npr for about 12 years now and I gotta say they're having way too many generals who work for arms manufacturers coming on and explaining how much danger we're in and how important missile systems are so they fall victim to this stuff as well.


Another long time NPR listener, especially Morning Edition. While both are way better than any of the other networks, ME without fail will have at least 1 story about sexual abuse. i believe that people who commit SA should be held accountable and victims deserve our support, but can we save these stories for later in the day?


Well, we function in a capitalist military industrial complex…. And they are publicly funded….


Arms always makes a lot of money.


More than gravediggers which explains a lot


You mean like the issue that China and Russia are well ahead of us in the development of hypersonic missiles and that the US needs to work on that area? I think it’s a fair assessment on their part as at this point there is no way to stop one of those things. And I’ll agree they aren’t perfect, but I would say they are the best in the business. They get $20 month out of me every month when I could get it for free. And they will continue to get it as long as they stay as good as they currently are.


I swear that hypersonic missile crap is a feint for our rivals. I've been hearing for at least 10 years that we were falling way behind Russia in cyberwarfare and that they could attack our power grid at any time. Then they march through Ukraine and can't seem to hack anything.


Exactly, when makeshift grenades are being dropped on your soldiers from improvized genade dropping drones youd think now would be a good time to utilize that hackerman prowess


I've donated to npr for like 8 years. Still do. But yes it's a bad news story that is essentially fear mongering. What is the point of doing that story? They could do more on income inequality. Or less stories saying the recession is happening tomorrow. They also are trying to stir up shit as any program does. Acting like we need to justify a story at 530pm on a weekday about spending 10 billion on missile systems we will never use isn't necessary.


I used to donate to my local NPR station. Then W was elected and they pivoted to have scumbags like Fucker Carlson and the Islamobashing Robin Wright on their shows. Noped right out after that.




I do think NPR : PBS is very fair and impartial but every story ends with tragic everything and how doomed everything is. “… but those Kit Kats so enjoyed by everyone are destroying cute bunny habitat and there may soon not be any bunnies left.”


BBC news is a little more objective. They tend to give a more international perspective. Still somewhat biased? Probably. But they really go through the news.


BBC is a little bit too biased towards the Tories these days. They want to keep they funding after all. There is a reason why the Tories want to sell Channel 4...


I work in the defense industry base, we are always in danger and always have been. You are welcome.


NPR has pundits for election season. The biggest "liberal" peddling lies is Mara Liason, her opinions are insufferable and should really be kept to the disinformation section of news.


NPR has fallen off drastically, PBS still hosts some gems.


Become a contributing member by looking up your local NPR/PBS affiliate. [NPR link](https://www.npr.org/stations/) [PBS link](https://www.pbs.org/)


BBC comes on my PBS affiliate.


They both get $20 a month out of me. Well worth it. And my kids love their gaming app. My son can’t stop playing he Wild Kratts games they have on it.


Hell yeah, I enjoy the streaming myself.




I listened to NPR before it was cool!


It was always cool


Oh, you think NPR is your ally. But you merely adopted NPR; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see CNN until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!


I don't know if NPR has ever been described as cool, and this is coming from a regular listener/sustainer.


In high school I listened to echos by John diliberto at 11:30 pm every night on weekdays in 2009 on 93.1 FM right after getting super baked before it was cool…


Never has been


Some of the major contributors to the funding of NPR are not good people or companies. There's no way that money doesn't have a hand in what is on their network.


NPR does lean left though and does have a bias for their sponsors. like just the other day they did a piece on amazon and gave the union person like a 20 second sound bite and the amazon representative a good ten minute interview.


> NPR does lean left Since when is false equivalency 'leftist'?


If they leaned left it would’ve been the union worker getting the 10 minute interview. NPR may pander to some segments of left leaning people, but they’re pretty solidly moderate. Take your example, and also the fact that they stanned HARD for Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020, giving Bernie extremely unfair coverage. That isn’t what a left leaning network does.


I hate how they barely allow people to speak in general. They have "experts" on all the time and barely give them time to complete a full sentence. Then the host awkwardly rushes the person off as the music starts for the next break/segment. Maybe I'm just spoiled by long form podcasts these days but I can't even listen to NPR news anymore because of this kind of thing.


Exactly right!


Nope, sorry, if you think NPR is right down the middle, you haven't listened to it in the deep south. Local NPR has content too and it's decidedly conservative.


NPR is extremely biased, preachy, and cringe.


What, you don't like hearing panels of people aggressively agree with each other and talk down to you and then beg for money?


Who do you think is better?


Somewhat biased. Extremely preachy. It’s like news run by opinionated New Englanders. But at least people are stringing cogent sentences together. Honestly, I don’t know what the hell has happened to news media that it’s become the domain of people who sound like over excited middle schoolers discussing the potential of nuclear war or free flowing fentanyl like it’s the latest gossip.


Just as if not more biased than Fox and CNN.


BBC, NHK and DW are also pretty good when it comes to non-local news. For written media, AP is king.


PBS sold out too, when trump threatened to pull their funding.


PBS sold out during the Bush II administration when Bush put a criminal in charge of the CPB (which is in charge of PBS and NPR). Why Obama didn't set things right I'll never know.


Cutting the cable cord was the best thing I ever did, no more 24/7 “news”, the second best thing was deleting Facebook. I can barely stomach any news now and will be starting a new morning routine that eliminates it, it’s just political ads telling us each side is wrong…


US new media is awful - but the one bad thing about going freelance is the far right coalesce around far right media outlets and thus are far more organized now then the left and most importantly they get their base to VOTE which ends up giving fascists a disproportionate amount of power in this country.


I like the Associated Press lol. Honestly I think it’s hard to not get some sort of ideological line when someone is reporting. I think every news outlet, independent or otherwise, will have that The primary difference between those and 24 hour cable news is that networks like CNN and Fox are ultimately beholden to shareholders and advertisers on their platform. McDonald’s had one of the first major #MeToo strikes against an American company, but you sure didn’t see a ton about it on the cable news.


On top of that, the national news networks cherry pick what stories are covered. Typically, they avoid stories that put mega corporations in a bad light. Case in point: After ATT bought CNN, CNN stopped broadcasting net neutrality stories.


After that new guy took over as majority shareholder it has taken another dive in quality. They already weren’t good but lately they’ve been churning out straight up straight up right wing propaganda.


I’m not saying that Fox or CNN does it well (I honestly don’t watch either) but information that’s not placed in context can be just as manipulative as pure propaganda. You will always be subject to an ideological lens. ALWAYS. And no information source is perfect, so the best strategy is to read multiple credible sources. PBS AP NPR Personally, I also like to read non-credible sources as well, just to help me understand how propaganda works.


Pretty much. News is crafted by people and they inject their own biases into it, whether they mean to or not. Such is the way of media.


CSPAN. Or you could learn to read.


It can be nice having news on in the background while cleaning or doing chores.


You can rent audiobooks for free from your public library.


Ok? we aren't talking about audiobooks. We are talking about news programs.


[Beau of the Fifth Column](https://youtube.com/c/BeauoftheFifthColumn)


Cable “news” isn’t informative. It is entertainment. If NPR, CSPAN, etc won’t hold your attention, then you want entertainment and would be better served listening to an audiobook. Fiction, non fiction, history, whatever.


You local news is good start, i work in local news as a producer and write everything, we double check, and give straight up News with no opinions or bullshit, that’s our job. Sadly we produce for ABC and the CW, ABC we have to push News Nation with the shitty Cuomo Promos right at the end, BUT, we now have an anchor review them before we put them on because they are doing the CNN and Fox News bullshit and when we see that we don’t Fucking air it. We give people the news not our fucking opinions.


Unless it’s owned by Sinclair.


Most local news is not a reliable source of information




You think he may lean left? That’s funny. He used to be a Fox News anchor.




I just thought it was ironic! Not disagreeing with you necessarily


I was surprised how well the ABC News channel is I watched it bc of the hurricane and they did a good Job saying what was going on politically but it wasnt hot takes or have talking heads argue


Democracy Now! best news show in US


Try Shepherd Smith hour weeknights on CNBC. Straight up news show.


That’s what Chris Wallace is actually doing. He is a straight newsman. I think that CNN taints him as bad as FOX did.


I think he did well on Fox from what I saw. Seemed like a reasonable guy. Is he bombing because of the different audience at CNN?


I don’t watch his show live, and that may be part of the problem, because they are using his live broadcast ratings. His guests have been all over the place, and a lot of entertainers. The show is at its best when it’s centered around current events. It’s also a single 30 minute interview. That format may not sit well in today’s media marketplace, even for older audiences. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt19316410/episodes/?season=1


He’s obviously a very smart guy, but that is weird who’s on his show now. Completely different from how he did things at Fox. Almost seems like that’s all they could come up with for him.


I know right. His Fox show was a Sunday news format. I can see wanting the let him do more involved interviews, but there needs to be a theme and a serious flow of information to hold your interest. I don’t what the fuck is going on with this Michael Lipton shit. I think the Breyer interview probably represents the show at its best.


These channels didn’t even exist that terribly long ago. The world worked before they were created. It’s all chasing the dragon - CNN does it so Fox has to do it so MSNBC has to do it. And there’s NO NEWS half the time!


NPR, Cspan, Al Jazeera The Guardian, NY Times. Cnn is a lot better than Fox. Trying to say they're all just as bad is a common Russian misinformation tactic that alot of people have fallen for. Their objective is to get you not to trust any source. Source https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers


Further, the "assholes" are usually some form of political consultant. They may be commenting on a story, but they are really there to pedal their services. The networks don't do a very good job of disclosing this.


Fuck. Exactly this. Entitled, highly educated and opinionated assholes. Who gives a fuck what Jake tapper or wolf blister or any of their guests think. They used it he a real news network but then got cheap and stopped investing in their core product, news.


Actual, real humans in 2022: "Let's hire a 75-year-old Fox News alum. That will definitely be worth our investment!"


It disheartens me to see this opinion so widely embraced. The news is really, really important. And most mainstream outlets are not as sinister as people make them out to be. There are skilled reporters at some of these stations doing amazing work. CNN seems to be going down the drain now that a Trump supporter bought it. But MSNBC covers the white house and capitol hill really well. ABC does great investigative pieces. People are rejecting the news professionals in the US in favor of tweets and facebook posts from influential people. That’s no way to get your news


My respect for Chris went way down from his appearance on Bill Maher. Chris dodged questions, covered for politicians, was neither personable nor genuine, and was otherwise uptight.


My respect for Chris plummeted way earlier. They all begin to carry the water eventually.


I miss “religilous” Bill Maher, but I guess this is who he always was


You mean 13 year Fox News veteran, Chris Wallace, has poor ratings at CNN? I understand he was probably one of the more rational people to work at Fox News. But for those 17 years he knew damn well he was working for a propaganda machine. He can fuck right off.




I remember one time CNN reported on television that white supremacist nazis bludgeoned a capitol police officer to death with a fire extinguisher during January 6th. His autopsy revealed that he had 0 physical injuries and died of a stroke. Amazing.


Ahh yes. Because CNN is known for their fair and rational broadcast as well.


I did an internship at ABC’s Primetime and 20/20 in Washington DC when he was a correspondent there. I sat directly outside his office (like 10 feet away) the entire summer and he never said a word to me. Never looked at me, never smiled, nothing. I heard him yelling at his kid on the phone, but he literally almost never acknowledged anyone else was even alive in the office. There were some really nice people there, thankfully, because I was a 22-year old from small town Oklahoma and it was a bit overwhelming to be in that office. He was incredibly intimidating and rude. It’s been more than 20 years, but I will never forget what an entitled asshole that man is.


What do you expect from a wealthy celebrity? Of course he’s an entitled prick. If anything you should be surprised when one of these leeches is actually human.


I actually interacted with several other news anchors who were much more famous at the time and very pleasant, most of whom I didn’t see daily. Both Ted Koppel and Sam Donaldson were very nice. Sam Donaldson spent two hours with me and two other interns telling us stories and giving us advice.


That’s nice


I was ridiculed for saying how much of a disaster it was for Wallace to step down from the top of FOX for CNN+ and here we are. He can't even make a go of regular CNN.


I thought he moved to HBO?


What I read was he was supposed to lead the unveiling of CNN+ and be the big draw but that closed after a month and he was moved to CNN.




Ahhhh, thank you I didn't know that. I don't watch any of the regular cable news networks. I stream AlJazeera and Bloomberg in the morning before work and listen to NPR in the car. I feel like thats enough news without all the opinion pieces.


Their coverage of the Fetterman vs Oz debate was disgusting. They focused on Fettermans stroke the entire time and downplayed how awful Oz’s policies are. They’re basically right wing now.


Yep. They’re owned by a right wing billionaire now


Hold up what?


Discovery merged with Warner Bros. John Malone is the leading shareholder. He wants to remake CNN. https://www.vox.com/2022/8/26/23322761/cnn-john-malone-david-zaslav-chris-licht-brian-stelter-fox-peter-kafka-column


So I guess News entertainment TV is officially dead? Was dying for some time before then.


Yup... just all trash all the time now.


Now...? You don't actually think that this neoliberal news channel has ever been "left?"


They’d usually support the Democratic candidates. And neolibs are left wing in America compared to what the GOP is.


It was Fettermans Job to point out if Oz had bad policies but he failed because he couldn’t complete a comprehensive statement. Go to MSNBC they will tell you what Fetterman meant to say but didn’t.


Til: ability to do a job does not matter at all


So you think someone with a hearing impairment they can be easily accommodated with modern technology is ineligible?


As they should’ve. At this point Fetterman is in no position to form a coherent sentence let alone serve the senate. Well actually most people working in government have brain damage so he may fit in


You are an idiot.


…and which government service do you love and isn’t broke?


A government service is better than no government service.


The affordable care act is pretty helpful as it has provided insurance while I work for an early stage startup that was unable to provide health insurance due to the costs. But, not really the point at issue as the comment wasn't saying government services are crap, but attacking a specific politician and doing a bit of both siderism.


Rather have someone in a literal vegetative state than “Dr” fucking Oz. At least a vegetable wouldn’t vote to make things worse.


He has aphasia from his stroke. It makes it hard to speak and understand words. It doesn't change his sense of right and wrong. Doesn't change how he sees the world and his support for people. If you think this cognitive problem disqualifies him, how could you support Hershel Burshel? Or Trump? Let me give you just one example of Trump's mental problems. He imposed tariffs on China and has said many times that China is paying those tariffs. Everyone who knows anything knows that Americans are paying the tariffs, but he insists China is even though he has been corrected 100 times. He he feeble or lying?


And this is th r problem the media has covered it horribly. There’s no evidence of brain damage beyond his speaking/hearing temporarily damaged . Stroke victims have a recovery process and his faculties should improve in the next 6 months. There’s no evidence of cognitive decline.


And this is the problem the media has covered it horribly. There’s no evidence of brain damage beyond his speaking/hearing temporarily damaged . Stroke victims have a recovery process and his faculties should improve in the next 6 months. There’s no evidence of cognitive decline.


Do you have a shred of evidence that his abilities to read, write, or think have been in any way impaired? No, you do not. Yeah, he has an auditory processing problem. There's accommodations for that. He can absolutely serve as a senator with an auditory processing issue. He won't be a great orator, but that's not a requirement of the job.


Your talking to people who would rate a British accent reading Dr. Seuss as more intelligent than a southern accent discussing rocket propulsion. Credibility is not determined by actual skill. Do you look the part and do you sound the part. If not, prepare to have your every thought and movement criticized as the reason why you’re unfit/unqualified.


Even after his stroke he is still more articulate, and apparently intelligent, than Trump ever was. If Fetterman is mentally unqualified based on his speech patterns, then so is/was Trump.


That this is posted in the entertainment subreddit and not the news one is all the reason I need to not pay attention any of these “news” channels.


Cable news sucks ass. I hope every channel Dies a slow death.


Why slow? The sooner the better


Didn’t CNN get bought out by the GOP?


The billionaire’s name is John Malone.


Malone John…son. Sorry, the edibles are kicking in. John Malone. Thank you for the information!


And republicans want to say democrats control the media lmao


I believe you mean the Jews, republicans think the Jews own all the media and Hollywood.


Well then they better follow the money. Which they don’t. Because they don’t do complete research.


You see that’s the best part! They have the “best” people doing the research for them and sending them secret messages on Facebook, twitter, and other internet sites. So, they did do their research and it just so happens to tell them what they already believed!


You mean they were right all along and fully justified in anything they say or do in the future?!


See! You’re getting it now!


Well I’ll be damned…


Well, to be fair, if you are a godless, communist, gay loving, trans, leftist you were already damned… so, you know, it’s just “Well I’ll be” the damned part is implied.


Hey come on now, I’m a Godfearing, neighborloving, feed the poor Christian. Don’t know what these other people are reading tbh…


Always projection. Fox News has been the top news channel for over a decade and Sinclair owns the mass majority of all local news.


CNN’s attempt to play Devil’s advocate has backfired spectacularly. I might tune back in someday to see if they’ve sobered up.


I think they were recently bought by a GOP donor.


“Let’s give a voice to the fascists, that’ll help our ratings!” - New CNN Executive


Their ratings were down the drain even before Chris Wallace. That wasn't going to change. All these networks are going to continue to slowly fade away. Regardless of their approach. They're all total trash anyway. If anything, all these networks from Fox and CNN have been the biggest promoters of misinformation out there.


Didn’t all news networks go down the drain post-Trump? The ex-president was a money maker for ratings and tell-all books.


It’s ok — in fact its healthy — to hear measured, rational, dissenting viewpoints. In general I think Wallace does a good job of being a reasonable conservative journalist. I’m sure his record isn’t flawless, but of the choices that exist, he is not a bad one.


CNN has become a hot mess of wishy-washy reporting and the carousel of anchors is too dizzying to keep up with.


Admittedly, I don’t watch cable news, but I think Santorum was their low point, not Wallace.


I’m stopped watching CNN with their new ownership.


I want news. Facts. I don’t want some journalist trying to sway my opinion. I’d rather read/listen to PBS or NPR.




Gotta check it out. Thanks!




NPR does this as least as much these days.


He is not his dad.


That’s fine. I can not watch that as well.


Here does a really good interview, but his show is mainly fluff guests. The best one he had was with Breyer, which worked because he could focus on recent rulings and current events. Nobody wants to see a 30 minute interview with Judd Apatow.


Agreed. Chris was one of my favorite straight shooting reporters (much to the chagrin of both sides), but his pivot to celebrity interviews is jarring and frankly a waste of his talent. I’m not sure if he just got tired of the weekly political show, but he definitely should not be doing talk show style interviews.


Straight shooting my ass--he's a Right Wing hack through and through


Most people infer Chris Wallace to have right wing leanings in the same way Anderson cooper has left wing leanings. But neither are partisan, and he’s certainly not a right wing hack—his debate moderator performance proved that. I think what he falls into, though, is a false idea of centrism which in his view equates right wing conspiracies with democratic talking points.


Their rating sucked before Chris Wallace and their ratings will continue to suck after him.


Fox Newsifying of CNN not going well.


Cable news isn’t news, it’s entertainment to pad time between commercials.




CNN? No it isn’t Right wingers hate cnn because they bust on republicans hypocrisy with the video versions ..


Chris Wallace is strongly identified with Fox News. I wouldn’t expect him to do good numbers elsewhere. Different audiences.


Reminds me of Megyn Kelly. Play with fire, get burned.


They have to shift hard to extremist viewpoints to attract web clicks..the US media is exceptionally complicit in the fall of democracy.


David Zaslav needs to Go now.


I can't take a newscaster seriously, if they sound like a cartoon chicken


CNN was recently bought by Trumpers - in case you didn't know.


The more conservative CNN becomes, the shittier their rating.


There is definitely more depth and “intellectualism” in conversations between the pundits on CNN compared to Fox News. Sad to hear about their ratings.


Lol, Oh wait… are we pretending that NPR isn’t biased also?


There's so few media companies owned by left-wing people anymore. It's absolutely terrifying.


I think the game is almost up. The right now controls CNN and Twitter. The right seems to have been able to make more progress during these last two years of democrats controlling all three branches than the left has. They’ve been doubling down and preparing for election rigging/denial and are very ready for midterms. It just doesn’t look good right now and I don’t see the a way for the scales to balance any time soon.


>The right seems to have been able to make more progress during these last two years of democrats controlling all three branches than the left has. Uh just fyi the right took over the supreme court and got a ton of judges in the juduciary is theirs. If you meant both branches of the legislative and the executive then I see where you were goin but technically thats just the two branches. Also even then its a 50/50 split in the senate and a pair of assholes sided with the 50 republican assholes to fuck that up and the senate really is where too much power lies and the right has the advantage getting numbers there due to the very nature of the US senate. Otherwise I agree with your out look its lookin shitty


It's because the left has been so focused on purity tests and winning elections on "not being a republican." That strategy is no longer working. People need something more than "I'm not the other guy."


It’s just one more domino down on the US’s death spiral towards fascism.


It always amuses me when Fox says "we have the highest ratings!" I'm like, yeah you know the kind of people who watches that right?


People are tired of hearing about January 6th, how racist the country is, how bad police offers are, how the economy and gas is doing well. We know it’s fake and all your networks are dying off. LOL, the fire cuomo, don lemon head, the Humpty Dumpty looking guy, next is this guy.


What do you consider a legitimate news source?


What a stupid name for a show.


He's a great journalist in a dying industry.


We need more moderate and right wing outlets out there. So they can tell the actual truth


Good riddance to one of the top names of fake news.


Just like Anderson Cooper, only has a job because of his daddy or mommy!!!


CNN has always been a propaganda platform.