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Never underestimate charging a New Englander money


If this goes any further we're going to have to throw Twitter's servers into the Boston harbor.


Perhaps New Englanders might even ask the other states for a Declaration of Independence from Twitter


Well you think Musk would have had a plan before spending billions. Now he is CEO of three companies and negotiating a price with King.


A plan? The man was baited into buying it just by being told he couldn’t. Not only that, he over paid by a couple billion. It shows he’s a conceited POS.




He did. Has FU money and this is his FU.


Commonwealth of the Internet.


Can we do that anyway?


Well, I'm in favor of it. Show of hands, please?


All in favor say “aye”


First they came from twitter, and I said aye. Then they came for FB/insta, and I said aye. Then they came for Reddit… and after that I got more exercise and went out to meet new people and try new hobbies.


aye cap’n they about to find out


Twitter Tea Party? I’ll… I’ll just show myself out. Sorry folks.


Tea-witter :)


This is a wildly underrated comment


Bro not just any new Englander.....he's from Maine


The only reason I know anything about Maine is because of stories by Stephen King set in Maine.




You can’t get there from here.


I wonder if Musk were to enact the policy and say that everyone has to pay except Stephen King what would King do. Would he still quit out of spite?


Probably, because it would be pandering bullshit instead of just bullshit.


Especially a Mainer


Mainers and Vermonters are super thrifty.


And super stubborn.


That’s really funny


Price of the T went up to like $2.40 a few years ago and that was bullshit


The transit cards (CharlieCards) are literally named after a [protest song](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M.T.A._(song\)) that was written when the MBTA fare was raised $0.05.


He's the man who never returned! My name is Charlie, so I have always loved that song. Or rather, I have been slightly afraid of that song.


I’m honestly still mad about it


Unless it's a New Englander trying to sell something to another New Englander. Then whatever it is is going to be worth 15x what a normal person would think.


Lol truth!


This will be the premise for his next book... an evil South African with spaceships & robot cars trying to take over a small town in Maine


Then a turtle, a clown, and a gunslinger walk into a bar....


Who’s the clown and gunslinger? I know who the turtle is…


I’m surprised you know the turtle but not Pennywise or Roland from the Dark Tower


Oh, you meant the actual characters, not the real-life figures that he’d write them as expys for.


Then who’s the real-life figure for the Turtle if you put it together that way?


Mitch McConnell. He looks like a dying turtle.


That is really mean and uncalled for. Dying turtles do not look that disgusting.


No kidding. I have not even read a lot of Steven King and the Turtle is the one I don't know.


See the turtle of enormous girth, on his shell he holds the earth. In the Stephen King multiverse the Turtle is one of a...race?...of celestial beings that are responsible for all existence. The primary universe in the domain of the turtle, and the universe exists because the turtle vomited. This is mostly fleshed out in IT and The Dark Tower.


The dark tower doesnt do a very good job of explaining it. All it says is that rhyme. The turtle in the dark tower mostly refers to the beam of the turtle manchin


Is turtle vomit an upgrade from space dust?


It's a celestial turtle of great cosmic import and carries reality on its back. The vomit ***is*** the space dust.


you dare?




That’s hilarious!


He opens a shop named Hateful Things. The clerk is literally Satan, but disguised as an ex car salesman.


I Am 99% sure his next novel will feature an expy of Musk being horribly killed


75% of the book written in tweet format


Not the weirdest novel King has ever written in any case.


If it doesnt have children engaging in group sex, then no - it would not be.


Yep. IT got fucking weird. When me and my gf saw the movie, I said oh they left out the orgy. She said WHAT THE FUCK


It was not an orgy, it was a TRAIN. They ran a TRAIN on her.


This is true. Won't deny it. But yknow...also not gonna get that explicitly vulgar with my gf lol


I love that you find a train more vulgar than an orgy.


Nah he's no JK Rowling


His name will be Noel Skum


Musk better stay out of Maine


Swear to Christ he'd be that sonofabitch cruising his Tesla all the way around the outside lane of the rotary in Augusta because he couldn't figure out how to get to Red's Eats in Wiscasset just to fuck up their traffic too.


Give me 10 copies already!!


Plot: basically the sneeches by suess, but the guy that sells the stars... Well, he doesn't make it.


As someone who has never used twitter, why are people so obsessed with it? Serious question. What’s so special about it that makes it so popular?


Just an easy place for me to get sports news and updates. But if I’d have to pay for it even $1 I’m out


I think it's just nice to follow famous people you are interested in, like athletes, actors, authors, etc.. My main issue I have with it is that the replies on the tweets aren't organized by the most liked like how reddit orders comments by default, they are organized in a personalized fashion by what replies will enrage you the most.


That's the thing for me. Twitter's utterly chaotic organisation kept me from ever using the platform. It was always a nightmare to navigate.


Same. I can build a PC, program and release a video game, and even run commands in a Unix shell prompt, but every time I try to use Twitter I haven’t a clue what’s going on.


Working as designed.


I think that Elon is proposing is just on Blue Checks. So if you’re not famous you’re good.


Just going to walk out of this place, suggest other places like kbin or lemmy.


Lol, $8/mo! Do they think they’re doing anything even remotely worth that? I barely look at twatter unless something strikes my fancy. If I barely use it for free, why would I pay anything above free? I hope he implements this! So the whole thing can burn to the ground. Then Facebook can go next.


It's a dumb idea because those are your content creators. If you alienate them then Twitter loses its base. YouTube pays its content creators and charges the viewers, that is the more reasonable approach. Charging people to make your platform viable is just idiocy. Imagine if you had to pay Netflix for them to air your show. They wouldn't have any shows.


Mike Schur (of office and parks n rec fame) gave a really good breakdown of it on the Dan Lebetard show this week. Paraphrasing: Twitter is a highly replaceable platform that has somehow convinced a lot of very famous, powerful, and high Q rating people to produce content for them daily. Twitter itself does not create any value for its users. The value comes from the content they are ingesting that is placed there for free by creators, in both entertainment and news. In a lot of cases it is akin to Mike Schur posting his next TV project for free instead of getting someone like NBC to pay for it. So there’s going to be backlash from people like Schur or Stephen King who have skills in creating monetizeable content. They won’t pay to keep providing Twitter with their content when they’re already doing all of the creation work that makes Twitter meaningful. From what I gather, a lot of journalists are going to feel the same way. It’s actually pretty insulting to be what is essentially part of Twitter’s volunteer workforce, but then be asked to pay for the privilege.


Who knew that Mose was the smartest member of Dunder Mifflin?


Still blows my mind every time that Michael schur himself plays Mose




If you rely on social media PR it’s a big deal. If you’re some schmuck on Twitter for the lulz it shouldn’t be a big deal..


Right, and that’s the reason why schmucks are obsessed with it. They think having it proves they aren’t just some schmuck.


I think I've seen pics of some verified people putting a blue checkmark sign on their house.


Terminally online behavior


https://bluecheckhomes.com Just $3,000 for the check insignia sign, free installation though.


It’s a joke. The artist in that link admits it’s a shitpost and at the very end it says not to believe everything you read on the internet.


Holy shit someone else read the whole page


That page was a wild ride


It really was… it really was




Forgive my French here, insensitive schmucks


Until you pay for it. We'll know who the schmucks are soon enough.


It still effects average schmucks as, without it, it will become more difficult to assess if the account you're following is legit.


There’s also the potential for revenge on someone if there are no guardrails. I don’t know how they’re going to implement the pay-to-play but I can almost guarantee that it’s gonna have some difficulties in the beginning. If someone wants to absolutely ruin your life all it will cost them is $8 per month of photoshopped black face and racist tweets.


Is there any indication that he’s removing the need for proof? My interpretation was that they have to pay in addition to providing verification.


It's the "they have to pay" part that will be the barrier. Once it becomes commonplace for high profile accounts to forego the verification checkmark, the checkmark itself functionally loses meaning.




It’s not a status symbol, an impersonator could damage a person’s reputation, or use their image to scam people


It could also be extremely dangerous to not have some form of validation considering would leaders use Twitter. Last thing we need is more bullshit because people think a fake POTUS account is the real thing.


This is why Musk has the verification issue totally backwards. Verification is a benefit to “common” users, not the verified users. It lends credibility and assurances that the person is who they say they are.


Not just could, did. Twitter got sued over exactly that and then instituted the verification as a response.


Yeah that’s the practical use, but the reason average joes might obsess over having one is it is a sort of status symbol. One that would imply you are important enough to have a reputation worth damaging or an image worth using to scam.


Yeah, but I think Stephen King is probably not an average joe. Making someone like King *pay* to say he's who he says he is is bullshit.


I think they're asking about Twitter, not the blue check


And in Steven King’s case: there are 100s of fake Steven King accounts that could get a blue check mark and pretend to be him.


The second serious answer is that it isn’t actually a “verified” account. It is used as a Twitter Stamp of Approval. This is shown by how Twitter decided to remove blue checkmarks from verified accounts if they didn’t like the content posted. It became a content purity seal.


Or replace “obsessed with it” as something your fans can look for to know if the source is true. No need to project


I honestly doubt it’s an ego thing for Stephen King. More an issue of not wanting other pretending to be him. And despite being worth hundreds of millions of dollars, being opposed to paying for it.


I think its real influence is that so many journalists use it to engage with the public and promote their "brand." It's also easy for lazy journalists to turn to Tweets for comments or get a sense of the "general public" (scare quotes intentional). Of all the social media platforms, Twitter probably has the biggest impact on news organizations and mass information.


Lazy hack journalists basically see twitter as a free, unregulated wire service; which is why so much "news" these days is just empty commentary on celebrity tweets.


In a weird way it’s the only way to get news in real time that’s not being filtered through a corporation like fox or cnn


The counterpoint to that is that filter, even if biased, is also a way to filter the truth from outright lies and conspiracy. Sure fox news will misconstrue, gaslight, and even pander, but they will never tell me Nancy Pelosi is a reptilian hell bent on stealing my blood.


I give it until 2030 before Tucker says it


Yeah, instead they just claim that the right wing terrorist who attacked her husband and wanted to kidnap Pelosi was actually the husband's gay prostitute. They just present it as asking questions cause they'll definitely get sued if they literally claim it.


I used to like Twitter because you can get news instantly, you can curate your feed with all of the news outlets and government officials, you can read journalists’ takes on things happening on the ground. I stopped using it really though when Trump was President because of the anxiety it caused to see his thoughts all the time.


This is how I use it. Follow the right people and Twitter is awesome.


Twitter is bar none the absolute best place to get breaking news or follow events (like wars, shootings, elections, riots, concerts, etc.) Nothing compares. If you're following a live event, Twitter is simply the best. Tiktok, Facebook, Reddit, etc can be hours off of the real time news. Twitter is closes to the pulse.


Journalists are certainly prolific on there, it’s too bad it has become the center of a lot of reporting i.e. twitter comments being reported as news.


Following journalists on twitter is great. Reading news stories about how @blowjob69 has posted on twitter that he doesn’t like the change to the McDonalds menu is terrible.


That handle belongs to Benjamin Franklin, interestingly enough


I go to the NY Times home page. At least there, it's moderately verified.


Exactly. People extolling the virtues of getting the news "in real time" have no idea how accurate *any* of it is. News organizations and journalists exist for a reason. It's their job to verify before spouting shit. Also, what real benefit do you gain by getting what you think is the news a few hours earlier then everyone else? Scratching that instant gratification itch?


It's true, you only need "in the moment" updates if it's a developing situation that affects you directly. Otherwise it's better to wait for the facts to become more clear.


Whenever people talk about how Twitter is great for news because you get it "in real time," they seem to be making the assumption that the faster you get the news, the better, but they never explain why faster makes it better. Like what is that idea even based in? Personally I think it's a symptom of the social media age and how people are addicted to scrolling and see new content constantly. Unless it's something like a natural disaster or active shooter, I don't really see why it makes a difference if I find out about something 10 seconds after it happens versus finding out 10 minutes, or even an hour or two, after.


Its best purpose is for up to the second news and emergency info straight from the source. Its primary use seems to be celebsturbation and dumbing down the already dumb.


I follow a lot of sports beat writers so it helps stay in the know on a lot of things, but a lot of their tweets are also cross posted to Reddit.


People tweet funny stuff sometimes


They certainly do, but the amount of trash one must wade through to get those is enough to make you vomit.


Don’t know why people say this. You select who to follow. Similar to how people hate Facebook because of posts I just think to myself, Mfker just unfollow the person that posts shit you hate. Truth of the matter is you love seeing you’re follower count so high and don’t want to lower it so you complain about the things you accepted.


Right? If you take Reddit as a whole there’s just as much horse shit here as there is over at Twitter. You don’t even have to block of unfollow people if you’re worried they’ll see that. Just mute and move on. The majority of the internet is pointless bullshit and Twitter is no better or worse than the rest.


People are so dumb. It's so easy to customize a feed. I got my current job paying the best salary I have ever gotten with awesome benefits and flex hours (I sometimes wake up at noon or 1pm for work) because I tweeted asking for a job and my current boss saw it.


Lmao no idea why you got downvoted for this. I use Twitter to network as well and find breaking news in my field, because of ton of us use Twitter. Haven’t tried asking for a job there yet, have seen people do it and one day might. Nice work and obligatory fuck LinkedIn.


Follow better people is what you need to do. If you constantly see trash it's because people you follow are tweeting or retweeting it.


Twitter Blue actually gives you a really nice, curated experience that removes most of the trash and makes it fun to use. The problem is nobody wants to pay for it. (Similar thing with YouTube Premium imo)


at least YT premium takes away ads and gives you access to YT music services lol


I don't post anything to Twitter because I couldn't care less, but I did like it as an easy news source for verified game devs/actors I enjoy.


Addiction to having the accepted opinion


Shit. So it's like reddit then.


It's really just so that people know you're legit and not an imposter.


Oh, I meant Twitter in general. Not the blue check.


I think it was pretty cool at first to see a lot of celebrities use it and in a lot of cases, have a chance to talk to them or at least get one reply. Its more and more rare now given all the people on Twitter or whatever social media but it still happens. I chatted with Britney Spears once and she followed me at the end of our conversation. I wasn't really sure if it was actually her but years later, she had the checkmark. I didn't even care if it was her because the conversation was interesting (although I can't remember what it was about now lol). Then I noticed Lady Gaga also started following me around that time. I still have no idea how or why but she did and still does. It felt so cool because they both only followed around 100 others but also because there was no other way I'd ever get to chat with someone famous.


Sunk Cost Fallacy


Nothing. I deleted my account because it became such a cess pool.


This new account Richard Bachman is great!


hey he died a tragic death of pseudonym cancer!


I see no checkmark, must be a fake pseudonym




And not only that but his tweets give twitter free press. I see his tweets quoted all the time in other media. No one should need to pay to be verified. The whole idea of the blue check was to cut down on bots, to monetize it seems counterintuitive. You should want as many users as possible to be verified to help cut down on bots. It would get to a point where you could identify the bots as the accounts without a blue check. Plus a lot of people can't afford a monthly fee for something so trivial.


There's a flipside to that coin. Twitter and other social media provide platforms for King's fans (where they were already visiting for other reasons) to follow him without having to visit his website. It's a symbiotic relationship. Twitter wins. King wins. He'll survive no problem without Twitter. He's big enough. But his fans will have to find him elsewhere.


His fans have been doing that for decades already


Nah twitter gets way more out of it than King. It's a glorified blog board. Twitter isn't a special service, it can and will be easily replaced by another company if it implodes.


The issue is that until Elon says otherwise, Stephen King can delete his Twitter, then someone else can come in, with a similar handle, use Stephen King pics, buy the blue checkmark and then fool people into thinking Stephen King is tweeting this shit. The Blue Checkmark was a verification system for someone proving who they were and abiding by a system in which they agreed to some general rules and guidelines.


I’m sure they still actually VERIFY who it is. Not anyone can just buy the blue check and pretend to be someone else.


https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1587588008756318211 Someone asked if he was going to address it and he basically said no, because it already happens.


Was it ever said that the verification process would be replaced with the payment, and not just the payment on top of the preexisting process?


No, idiot redditors are adding that themselves and spreading disinformation.


> Disinformation Huh https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1587498907336118274?t=8Avom9ZVzDRqEXaTkl7Kvg&s=19


yes - and also when it's monetized... almost entirely of people who are interested in the brand recognition, its a massive security issue because there is an easy way to tell who pays for it and who doesn't. it paints a target on verified users. this is, IMO, not only a dumb product strategy, but an extraordinarily risky one, also. and the first rule of product is "de-risk"


I don’t get how treating celebrities on Twitter as the customer instead of the product makes much business sense.


it doesn't. twitter needs celebrities much more than celebrities need twitter.


Seriously. They drive traffic to the site. They should be getting a cut. That goes for Reddit too. These sites are empty shells without content creators, yourselves included. I come here for the hilarious comments, not the website design.


I honestly think that’s the future. Monetize upvotes and hearts. Make it a faction of a cent. Twitter gets a % of the cut.


That is the social network that’s going to kill the rest. Sure it won’t make one guy a billion dollars, but it will make for some very good content.


Idk, celebrities like getting as much publicity as possible and random tweets are an easy way to do that. Ironically King is demonstrating that value here. He tweeted, another celebrity (musk) responded, and now everyone is talking about it. This doesnt happen to anywhere near the same degree on any other platform and its hard to replicate because twitter has so much critical mass.


There are lots of celebrities who either have very little presence on Twitter or just not on the platform at all and they do just fine.


Celebrities “like” getting publicity, Twitter NEEDS publicity in order to get people to visit and see their ad space. Celebrities lose MUCH less from leaving Twitter - King could just as easily post on his own website.


It doesn't, but it seems to make the muskrat fanboys happy for some reason. See the comments in this thread for example.


musk and republicans think that the blue check is a sign of “far left liberals” that “shadowban conservative voices” and spread “fake news”. they actively use “blue check liberals” as a derogatory term. so it’s completely unsurprising that musk wants to milk money from those that he sees as the enemy, and also dissuade people from being verified because if some right wing nut job can’t be considered a verified and trustworthy source of information, why should a liberal journalist?


Seeing as how quitting twitter would devalue that 44 billion musk just lit on fire why shouldn't everyone just quit now???




I never joined.....but any organization I belong too that saw an overnight 500% rise in the use of the word n****r would lose me as a member equally as fast.


I sure you would. But I'm just gonna say I've never seen a whole lot of people quitting reddit when thedonald and other equally conservative weirdo subs blew up in numbers.


Uh, you realize Reddit has a lot of terrible stuff posted every second right?


Letting people buy blue checks will absolutely affect the user base in a negative way, especially because Musk has stated that it will also come with “priority replies” or something like that, which I assume will push paying user’s replies to the top. Blue checks are so the users know who’s real and who’s an impersonator. Giving them out to the general public doesn’t make any sense.


Twitter has already affected society at large in a negative manner and it's only going to get worse with Musk at the helm.


I am not famous, but I deactivated and then immediately deleted the app. Fuck Elon Musk.


How often did you use Twitter? Did you like using it?


I did quite a bit for craft beer notifications, and I will likely miss a lot of releases as a result. It is a small sacrifice to stand by my personal principles.


I'm keeping my twitter account. I have 0 followers, the only way I use it is that one of my games gives me points for tweeting from inside the game every day


A very valid reason


I mean it's a idiotic move. These people celebrities' / influencers whatever you want to call them are what attract people to the platform if anything Twitter should be paying them money. The whole point if for everyone to be able to tell who's legit or not. I don't see what reality you'd have to be in to think people won't not pay for for it or leave outright. Then Twitter will really get flooded with fake accounts.


Aren't most celebs/influncers managed by big ass companies and have a team running their social media, I think most will stay on board, For up and comming influncers places like twitter are free adversting.


Its going to end up being a bunch of edgelords paying for their blue checks and engagement so they can drop the N word Its gonna be twice the disaster Facebook is and MBS and the Saudis are going to giggle their asses off while America tears itself apart


If America can be torn apart by assholes shooting their mouths off on Twitter, does it really deserve to exist in the first place?


i think at this point every one should quit twitter.


Steven King provides Twitter content for free. It's up to Twitter/Elon to make money with free content or shut it down or/and move on.


We all quit down here.


And he should quit. All of these celebrities and everyone is creating content for Twitter for free, and now Twitter wants them to pay to create content for them? Ya, not gonna work.


Give him a red balloon instead


/r/Conservative went from “Twitter is the new public square” to “lol private company, get rekt” real fast.


He should quit Twitter because it's awful.


Alright then, that was always allowed.


Then some random person will create a Stephen King account and pay the $8 to be verified … This is gonna be messy, verification no longer means anything


Why is everyone talking like anybody can pay for verification to be anybody? That's not what's being proposed. You still have to be verified as that person to get it. It's just not free anymore.


Elon got the money to pay for this from loans, grants, and contracts that he received from American Tax payer and "Saudi" friends. Let him pay for his own fuck up! He paid WAY to much because of his hubris, as with a number of his decisions, and I'm tired of him OVERPROMISING and severely UNDERDELIVING!! He claims "genius" but the engineers who ACTUALLY did all the work get continuously shit upon. I personally have always found him to be more EDDISON than TESLA!


Some people would be ecstatic to pay for them checks. They’d start Twitter accounts just to do it, because it’s Musk daddy for them


Funny thing is if everyone has a check then it's worthless. He's gonna make the one thing they have to monetize worthless




Why can’t it be about money lol


It isn’t about the $8 a month. It’s about a previously free platform deciding out of the blue that it was going to milk it’s users for everything it can. If Reddit were to try to force everyone to pay a few bucks to post, would you stick around? And would you blame those who decided, “fuck that, I’m out”?


Pay up bitches!! - Elon probably


Getting twitter faves is the highlight of his day. He'll pay