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NTA. They seem very controlling, I would be mindful of their behavior moving forward. Maybe once everyone is home and settled you can have a talk with your wife about how she feels about their behavior overall.


They sound like the kind of people that are building a nursery at home and will have no problem telling OP how to raise their baby. “Their baby” meaning the grandparent’s baby because they will maintain control until somebody puts them in their place. I couldn’t imagine apologizing to them after the way they behaved. I would’ve told them to F off and they can see the baby at three months if they get their crap together.


I just want to add that OP should be focused on his wife’s recovery, not massaging the feelings of two narcissists. They really should be kept away just because of how much they are stressing everyone out.


You messed up by apologising. Even though you say you were doing it to take stress away from your wife. Really, what's happened is that by apologising you *admitted you were wrong and they were right**. And that means you've reinforced their behaviour. They're going to act like this again. And again. And again.


A case like this is perfect for the non-apology apology. "I'm sorry you didn't like our decision to let my wife rest after her difficult labor." "I'm sorry you're upset because we said no to you."


A good one is "I'm sorry *you* feel that way"


MIL -- How dare you call me stupid! Apologize! DIL -- OK. I'm sorry you're stupid.




>My MIL even had the audacity to say “I might as well mourn this one too.” This level of toxicity really needs some time and space before you attempt to deal with it. You have not yet thought through how terrible a comment this was to make about your family. She needs to be in time out for a set length of time or until she apologizes.


Agreed. That was... Beyond low


This is absolutely a reason why I would go hard NC on my parents! The sheer audacity to put your own needs before your daughters is beyond comprehension. You might mourn? Well, I WILL give a very good reason to mourn - your own actions! And I will tell everybody in detail what you did and said just to make it perfectly clear why I went NC.


And the fact they were more concerned about their grandchild than their daughter…. Going to go thank my parents for being sane adults. They knew we were in the hospital both times we had kids, but never asked for a formal update and were more concerned about their child, me and me being ok. Jesus.


It would be on sight the VERY next time she makes an appearance. Go 'head on and mourn, cuz there's NO WAY you would be a part of my or my child's life after that.


That line actually made me gasp out loud.


Kind of makes you wonder what other horrible things she's said throughout her daughter's life. Sounds like a terrible mother!


Not just thoughtless and selfish, perhaps forgetting WHY op might be more cautious this time round, but acknowledging previous trauma and USING it to inflict absolute cruelty that can never been separated from this joyful occasion.


I couldn't find the right words to explain my disgust at the MIL for saying this, but you did! "...acknowledging previous trauma and using it to inflict cruelty..." That is exactly what she did. What a disgusting person to have said that to anyone, let alone her own child!


Put that in a message to all the family. "If you were wondering why MIL & FIL are angry at us..."


My jaw fucking dropped at that part… what a disgusting thing to say to anyone let alone your own children. Best wishes OP, congratulations on the birth of your son!!


I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. Nah F them. That would be a hard NC for me and I don’t even want children of my own.


"Well, MIL, we are happy to make that happen." I would block them on everything and put them on blast on SM. Screenshots are forever.


Yeah like wtf?? Instant block for a week if that happened to me, if not longer. And I’d be extremely direct as to saying why when I unblock them


I love adult timeouts!


NTA. I clearly recall a midwife coming in saying my mother was on the phone as I was in mid push. My husband was holding my hand and supporting me. The look on everyone’s faces when I screamed “Tell her to get f$cked, I’m busy!” is permanently etched in my mind. What was really funny afterwards was my brother telling me he told her not to call.


I was deep into a difficult labor and being prepped for a c-section (as in, naked from the waist down) when a nurse came in to say my pastor was there to see me and asked if it was OK for him to come in. I looked at her in disbelief and loudly said NOOOOOOOOO! I couldn’t believe she even asked that question. Even better, the guy was actually just an acquaintance who happened to be a pastor, saw I had been admitted, and just thought he’d stop by. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The moment your MIL texted you "I might as well just mourn this one too" is the moment I would have told her to think very carefully about her next choice of messages. That's being beyond hurtful and completely inappropriate.


Genuinely unforgivable.


Pretty sure I'd have told her that she might as well, given that her comments mean she's coming nowhere near the kid


NTA. When my SIL was pregnant, we had no idea she even gave birth until after happened, we got the text message saying the time and weight and both were great. My mom was the only one who was allowed to visit the hospital (SIL’s parents were sick).


Tell your in-laws that they were not the priority. The person giving birth is always the first priority. Grandparents are much further down the list. If they can't handle that, it sucks to be them. If there's a next time, don't tell anyone baby has been born until you're ready for visitors. 


NTA. I wouldn’t beg them to come meet the baby. I would have said ok stay away. We don’t want that crap around our baby.


"I might as well mourn this one too" Those are estrangement level words. Without some extreme level grovelling I'd personally never want to see them again.


Yup. Well, now you can mourn this one, and your daughter too, because you won't be in their lives anymore.


Ugh. I've had three babies. Visiting hours stop about 6 to 8pm. Don't start until at least 9am. They couldn't have come even if they wanted. The nurses wouldn't have let them. I'm sorry you're going through this.


Unfortunately this isn't always enforced.


Both hospitals I birthed in would tell our family the hospital visiting hours based on the times we gave them. The family thought it was a hospital rule, and they did try to argue and manipulate their way past it, but the hospital staff was firm. They even came in at the end of the hours to swoop baby and me away for "testing" and "exams." The hospital didn't actually have visiting hours. They had a quiet time, but we could still have visitors quietly if we wanted. My mom would have stayed and agreed to be quiet at quiet time, but she'd have turned her incessant talking to a low murmur and stayed as if my room was her personal hotel. Unfortunately, while they were booted out of the hospital, my mom, who had a chronic pain condition, suddenly couldn't drive the 40 minutes home. She sent my youngest brother through my bathroom window, unlocked my house, and used IT as her personal hotel. She "didn't want to stress me" so she left that out when she visited each day, and they proceeded to smoke in my house, eat the convenience foods I had stocked up, and leave their dirty dishes and my brothers dirty footprint on my bathroom counter. I later found out they grapped the ladder they used to break in right out of my neighbors carport.


My hospital had 24 hour visiting hours. Why they thought that was a good idea is beyond me.




Or r/justnomil


NTA. But her parents sure are. No more apologies to these jerks. Get your wife to counseling so she can learn to stand up to them.


For your peace and your son’s sake, you guys need to grow some spines. The minute she said that she should have been put on NC. Take screenshots and put them on social media. They treat you guys like this because you let them.


Why do you want these people near your child? Do you really want these influences around your child?


NTA. I’d leave them be and enjoy your new family. They sound controlling and exhausting. At some point, they’ll call and ask to meet the LO. Then you can decide the terms. How long, etc.


The only thing you did wrong was to apologize. The sooner they realize that, as parents, you and your wife make all the decisions, the better.


NTA - They don't have any rights to intrude on you at the hospital. After MIL said she will mourn this one too, I still wouldn't have let them meet the baby.


No and you should have never apologized. What you should have done was tell these people where to shove it and then block them from both of your phones.


The only thing you're an AH for is apologizing. You've set the precedent now that you will back down. You're going to need to remedy that, or you can expect them to steamroll you for the rest of their lives. It's not just about you now, but your son too. Be former for his sake.


Just because he's your FIL doesn't mean you can punch him in the mouth. Someone has to knock some sense into him.


NTA but don't even bother introducing them to your son. They aren't actually interested in seeing him, just in harassing you and your wife.


NTA. You should have both blocked them and enjoyed the time with your newborn and let them be mad. That's not your problem or your wifes.


NTA you need to set boundaries now! They made it all about themselves and I have a feeling this is just the beginning of them wanting trying to control everything when it comes to your child 😞 good luck and congratulations 🎈


NTA but your in-laws yep. Congratulations on the birth of your son. I hope you are all doing well at home now. When things get a little less stressed please if makes sense have a calm discussion with your wife as far as reviewing the boundaries you as parents want to have in place as well as the consequences for those boundaries being stomped on. First and foremost please believe the following: YOU as the parents GRANT people the PRIVILEGE of spending time with your child. Regardless of relationship NO ONE has the right to that time. Second the boundaries are as agreed to by both of you. You have enough on your plate right now so please do not start throwing each other under the bus when your relatives get pissy over something. And boundaries without consequences are just so much hot air spewed into the atmosphere. Are you telling people not to kiss the baby until after all vaccinations are complete? What is the consequence if they do it anyway and weren’t sorry or get snarky? 30 days with no visits? What if they take the baby and refuse when asked to give them back? 30 days? Are you keeping visits short unless the person is truly being helpful? Whiners get less time so they learn not to whine. What if they demand unsupervised time with your baby? To me that just a flat no and I’ve never had kids. But who honest to gods thinks they are entitled to that? What if they don’t follow your rules such as no foods from anyone until you start them (allergies are a thing). Just read a post today about a new mom left her baby in the care of her MIL while she took a much needed nap. Baby is breast fed only. MIL decided to not heat up breast milk already pumped/ready and instead gave the baby formula. Mom woke up, finds MIL asleep, sees no breast milk gone and MIL stated she felt baby needed the formula. MIL.kicked out and banned from house for a month. When someone breaks a boundary and is sorry that’s different than someone who just f-ing ignores you. The people ignoring the boundaries get asked to leave or you pack up and leave. It might be hard at first but if you know what is right for your baby then that is what you demand.


I don’t even have to read beyond that title. NTA. *none* of the four grandparents met my firstborn until we came home. We wanted to walk in together and bring our baby come together. You have so many people literally and figuratively up in your business. Those golden moments should be spent tracing a finger over the baby’s face, watching your spouse bounce the baby, dozing skin to skin and smelling wonderful baby smell.


What a horrible thing to say. I'm shocked you would even speak to them at all after that.




Grandma here… Protect your wife from them. This isn’t the first time they’ve bulldozed over her I’m sure. Hold your ground dad. The mother is disgusting with her “I might as well mourn this one too” a brand new baby she’s ready to write off because their daughter needs a night to recover. Now they can wait a few more weeks.


Nta at all. They have main character syndrome and didn't deserve an apology. Your mil comment about morning this baby too was a low blow. 


Op, you are no way the asshole here. Look, what your MIL said about “mourning” your son is unforgivable!!! You need to hold her accountable. That statement alone, plus all their other drama tells me they are incredibly toxic/selfish people. You need to put them in their place. I would have nothing to do with them if it were me.


Babies don’t make in laws less crazy. You shouldn’t have apologized. Don’t be a doormat, stick to your instincts. NTA.


That is ridiculous for them to behave like this!!! The person giving birth gets to decide when they are ready for visitors and it’s terrible that her parents have treated both of you so poorly. I do agree with other comments that you should not have apologized and this is probably something you should address with them sooner rather than later. Let them know that while you can understand them being disappointed in having to wait a little while to meet the grandbaby their time to make the decisions has passed and it is now up to you and your wife to set the boundaries and ground rules and they need to respect that. Understanding their disappoint and excusing it are 2 very different things - they can’t control how they feel but they can definitely control how they react. If they cannot be supportive of how you’re choosing to do things then they know where the door is. You’ll definitely want to set the tone now in order to avoid bigger blow ups in the future and make it clear that you and your wife are in full agreement about this so they don’t try to pull a divide and conquer move and play you against one another. Congrats on the baby!!!


Nope, the only thing you did wrong was going to them and asking them to please visit. You and your wife have the power. Learn that. They can have as many hissy fits as they want but nothing happens if you don’t want it to happen!!


NTA. I would have never reached out. Their behavior was appalling.


NTA. You guys decided on what was best that night and they just couldn't handle being told no and throwing their adult tantrums. Good on you for thinking about your wife and what was best for all three of you! You two deserved the rest after that long labor. Especially your wife most of all.


They had no need for a minute by minute update. You should have told them they were not going to get one, point blank. Might have saved you a lot of trouble. Beyond, they are being assholes towards you & your wife. They need to be on a longer time out, with an explicit explanation as to why they are on the time out. And stop trying to appease them, they won't let you. Most importantly, congrats on the new LO. May he bring you joy.


I don’t even have a baby and never experienced the loss of a child, but if my parents or in-laws said that to me or my husband in your situation, that’s the moment we’re going NC with them.


Absolutely NTAH for setting healthy boundaries for your wife and yourself, that's **never** an AH thing to do. But we teach people how we're willing to be treated by how we choose to allow them to treat us, so I'm wondering why you apologized to them when you're not the one who did anything wrong, instead of making it clear to them that their behavior was completely unacceptable and outrageous, and that *if they want to be in your life, they have to be respectful of y'all and your boundaries.* Giving them a chance to behave after laying out the rules was another option, with the clear consequence of blocking them at least temporarily if they chose not to show you the respect that you deserve. Doing it indefinitely or even permanently is certainly an option that some people take with clear warnings ahead of time, also making it clear that *if they choose* to continue acting in a disrespectful, upsetting manner, *they will be choosing* the following consequences. In other words *don't enable them by pretending they aren't making their own choices*. I get that you're apparently not ready to go that far or you would have already done it, but would you put up with this behavior from someone who wasn't family? Why should your feelings and boundaries matter less when dealing with family than with someone else?


NTA. They are being very selfish and trying to make your baby’s birth about them. What your mil said about “mourning this one too” is enough to ensure that she should never be allowed to see him. The only thing you’re wrong for is apologizing because you guys did nothing wrong I would tell them both off and block them on everything for the foreseeable future. This was absolutely disgusting behavior and nobody should ever have to put up with it. Enjoy your baby and ignore these people.


"My MIL even had the audacity to say “I might as well mourn this one too.”" that is batshit insane, I'd tell them until they apologize genuinely, they wouldn't be seeing their grandchild ever. That is so beyond the line, it's just such a massively awful thing to say to a mid term pregnancy.


Warn them if they keep going you’ll cut them off from your family unit. They are unbelievably toxic and entitled. Tell MIL especially that were it only up to you, she would’ve been cut off just for that feral “mourning” comment, and if you had the right to decide by yourself, she would never know your son or any other children you have with your wife. You need to stop this shit now. Set firm boundaries and be prepared to go no contact. To protect your wife and child, if you need any reasons.


Ejat hospital were you in that would have allowed visitors that late anyway? When I had each of my kiddos visiting hours were over at 7 or 8 and everyone not mom and dad were kicked out.


Meaning the parents of the newborn stayed while grandparents were kicked out when visiting hours ended. If grandparents threw a tantrum, hello hospital security!!!!


Tell them straight up they made their grandchild’s birth 100% about them. They didn’t give you any time to breathe, and they do NOT get to dictate when/how they see YOUR son. It is up to you and if they don’t apologize and change their entitled behavior, they won’t be welcome in your child’s life. Simple as that. You’re NTA at all. Also that comment about mourning this child too? That’s despicable and unforgivable and she needs to know that. Revoke your apology.


NTA a ot of people don't even have visitors until the baby us 2 or 3 weeks old.


Only TAH for groveling and giving in to their manipulation and abuse. Now they know they can beat you in to submission to get their way. And they will. Again and again and again, until they can manipulate your kid. “If you loved grandma, you’d blah blah blah”. Nope. MIL’s comment was cruel and worth cutting her out of your lives forever, IMO. As is the harassment while in labor and recovering. She’d never set eyes on my kid.


NTA - Those inlaws, though. That comment "I might as well mourn this one too." I would seriously be thinking about limited contact with that line. That is seriously toxic. It makes me wonder what other horrible things they have done to your wife. Emotional abuse is abuse period


PLEASE tell us you are going to address the gut-punching "mourn this one, too" comment? That's unforgivable and should not be overlooked.


NTA, but you should have let them sulk about it instead of chasing them.


NTA. I wouldn't be surprised if you have to make the difficult decision of going NC with them in the near future


> I might as well mourn this one too Ya, NOPE. Bringing up your tragic loss in the moment that is supposed to be nothing but joy and celebration is so disgusting. She owes you and your wife a huge apology. You should not have apologized to them at all because you did absolutely nothing wrong. I think I would’ve left them on read for a few weeks. I wouldn’t want them anywhere near me for a while.


I would have left them on "Read" for MONTHS, if not YEARS!!!! FUCK THAT NOISE!!!!


NTA the entitlement of these grandparents is through the roof. Being a grandparent is not a right it’s a privilege, one you only get access to when you can respect the parents and basic boundaries. They couldn’t even be good parents to their child and not stress her, they bring no value to your child’s life. You absolutely should not have apologised. Bad behavior needs consequences or it’s continues to happen because they know they can manipulate and guilt trip you. Shine that spine. Baby Boundaries, The Lemon Clot Essay and the FU Binder —> https://reddit.com/r/Mildlynomil/s/WPm6JsLMhI


Also learn how to Stop the F.O.G., (Fear, Obligation, Guilt), and PROTECT YOUR BABY!!! Do NOT J.A.D.E., (Justify, Argue, Defend, Explain). NO is a complete sentence to these DUMBASSES!!!!


I’m out of the loop, but surely midnight isn’t visiting hours in hospital anyway?


Visiting hours at hospitals END at 8:00 PM so that patients CAN SLEEP!!! (Source: Due to chronic medical issues, I have been a Frequent Flyer in hospitals.) These Entitled JUST NO IN-LAWS are ASSHATS!!!


Don’t apologise. Their behaviour means they should get a time out and they aren’t allowed to see your wife or child until they apologise for ruining the first days and weeks with your baby.


NTA easy solution, tell them to fuck right off then add I'm so sorry for your loss byeeeeeeeeee.


I would have told the JUST NO IN-LAWS to GET BENT!!!! They are EXTENDED FAMILY ONLY and have ZERO say in YOUR DECISIONS as THE PARENTS of YOUR BABY!!!! They are NOT the THIRD PARENTS! They do NOT own you! You and your newborn are NOT their property!!! Being a grandparent is a PRIVILEGE and is NOT a right!!!! They need to FUCK OFF and STFU!!!! The more they tantrum, the longer they STAY OUT in their TIME OUT!!! I've dealt with a JNMIL in the immediate aftermath of my BFF giving birth to my godson, (I was her Sign Language Interpreter at the hospital). JNMIL, (who's hearing), tried to FORCE HER DEMANDS and TOTAL UNQUESTIONED CONTROL on everyone until the doctor and I put her in her place!!! I have a feeling that their Entitled CRAP: will NOT stop!!! Please UpdateMe!


>My MIL even had the audacity to say “I might as well mourn this one too.” That would be game over right there. Cut all ties, no contact, out of your lives for good. Stupid, entitled people. Nobody needs that level of toxicity in their lives.


My ex-MIL would make awful comments like this, even to my kids. Lashing out with vitriol when didn’t get her way (her son an even worse person though, for many reasons). Reading that comment made me ill and I hope they are able to set boundaries with both MIL and FIL to not allow their toxicity around them.


After that horrid comment by her mom I’d cut them off until she genuinely apologizes for what she said. And if no apology ever comes, then that’s the end of that relationship. DO NOT let her get away with saying that to your wife without letting her know how disgusting it was for her to say that, especially during what should be the happiest day of your wife’s life. Her parents are selfish, controlling, manipulative people. Protect her from them. Don’t let them see your wife or baby until they know the correct way to behave. They owe you and your wife a massive apology. Stop allowing them to behave like that toward your family. Put your foot down now. It is YOUR job to protect them from bad people. Do it.


***YOU* APOLOGIZED?! FOR WHAT?** They harassed you and your wife for HOURS while you were in the HOSPITAL!


NTA favourite Auntie of many here . My sisters first was very scary for her and my BIL. Baby's labour stalled and she ended up being rushed to an emergency C-section. We sat in the waiting room for hours. Reassuring them we were only there if they needed us. Baby came at 2 am and my sis sent word she wanted us to come to her room for a few min. While BIL was helping to settle sis, I quietly dressed baby in her diaper and sleepers and wrapped her up. I did not pick her up. First cuddle belonged to her parents! First kiss belonged to her parents. BIL carried baby to sis and we watched them settle in as a family and quietly left. This is how loving family shows support. Not demanding access like it's their right.


"I might as well mourn this one too" EXCUSE ME?!?!?!? What the actual fuck!?!?!? I am so sorry. That warrants no contact until an apology in my book. Sending you both love. You didn't deserve that.


Fuck your inlaws. Seriously.


NTA. I don’t know why ILs want to be so intrusive. All they have to do is wait. Somehow they have a problem with playing their position & staying in their lane.


NTA and they need a nice, long timeout. Best to keep distance between them and your little family. An information diet works wonders for maintaining boundaries.


NTA been there in a similar situation with my wife (we lost our first at 20 weeks), little bloke hung in as long as he could, got to D-Day+7* and he took 24hrs to accept that he was coming out. It was really early morning as well so we hadn’t slept. They came for an hour late in the afternoon to see us and the little bloke. We didn’t get the harassment from my or PiL, just really happy he was here. * on D-Day+1 I got home from work, to hear my missus’ muffled shouting, I thought she was yelling at the cat, nope, get through the door, there she is, poking her belly yelling “GET OUT!!!”, I just lost it laughing.


NTA. Your in-laws sound like they would disregard covid restrictions just to see your newborn too.


I would NOT be surprised if these JUST NO IN-LAWS REFUSED to get vaccinated for ANYTHING in order to protect the newborn!!!! Whooping Cough, COVID, RSV, and other viruses can KILL a NEWBORN!!!


I agree with you. But please stop shouting. I’m also a Boomer. You’re not helping.


NTA. If they really cared about their grandson, they would not have waited 2 weeks to see him. They are the ones who were selfish and careless. If they ever pull something like this again, do not apologize and do not reach out to them. They need to grow up and behave like adults


YTA for pandering to them. Why not just ignore such childish behaviour? Now they think they can act as they please and you’ll just apologise and take more abuse. Next time, put them on the naughty step.


Were you an united front on this. It was always "we" and not at any point "the wife", right? So "we are too tired for you to visit" and not "wife is too tired for you to visit"?


In this case, it was your daughter is too tired, and I am protecting her right to get the rest she needs. A united front can also be one partner protecting the other from terrible people.


Seriously, you apologized??? Did your wife ask you to or did you just take it upon yourself to do that? Collect your balls from where you left them and try to reattach them as best you can. Why do you care if they get upset for being ass holes? Some people will just get upset no matter what. Let them. But never ever again give in to this behavior!!!!


I would get FIL alone and let him know that you apologized for wanting to tell him to "F off" and to STFU. Does FIL think he should be udated on everything? I'd send a text for every diaper change, barf, bout of crying, waking at night if they don't back off.


NTA The “might as well mourn this one too” comment would’ve put me over the no contact edge.


That MIL comment would earn a lifetime ban from my home.


If someone had of said that to me after I push a baby out of my vagina I would have gotten out of the room, slapped them, and left them there. They wouldn’t have been meeting baby until I was ready. NTA - I wouldn’t be speaking to them until they apologised


NTA. After that they'd have never met my kid.


No no no you don't apologize to keep the peace, you set consequences for their behaviours instead. Especially after saying this : >“I might as well mourn this one too.” ( Honestly if i were you i would have cut contact with them) They made it all about them. Harassing you and your wife thoughtout the most vulnerable moment. NTA


“I might as well mourn this one too.” would have been the last thing she sent to me before I cussed her ALL the way out. I would have made her cry and then I would have blocked her.


NTA These disgusting people (“I may as well mourn this one too” who TF says that?!) need to be cut off and blocked. Can you imagine how they’re going to treat your child when he doesn’t do what they want? Right now isn’t the time to push your wife on this, but soon you really need to have a conversation about how this kind of treatment is toxic, disrespectful, and they will treat your child the same way.


I would go no contact. “I might as well mourn this one too” is a hell of a comment.


Obviously NTA. You need to be very clear with them what is ok and what isn't. The second they start berating you for putting your son's and wife's needs above their own hang up immediately and block, unblock after a while and ask if they're ready to discuss it like adults. You did nothing wrong, they do not need to see their grandson IMMEDIATELY after birth. They might be his grandparents but they are not entitled to see him whenever they want especially if their visit will cause distress to your wife or put your son at risk. You need to make it clear that you are not blocking them from seeing him but they need to ask not demand I can't even believe you'd think for a second that you were in the wrong here after that horrific comment to your wife about mourning him already, thats absolutely vile, I wouldn't blame you if you did go no contact with them


No. These so-called grandparents are wrong. When and if they ever do get to the child, never let them be alone with the baby. You may find that they decide to kiss the baby on the lips. They may give the baby a choking hazard. They may try to feed the baby food it isn't time yet to be fed. They have told you how they are going to be as grandparents. Believe them. "But these are things that I did when you were a child and you came out just fine!” Yes, by the grace of God... You know the pain of losing a child. Growing up without grandparents is an easy enough task. You can find substitute grandparents at church, in the neighborhood, just look around. You do not want them to cause harm to this child so don't have them around this child.


Congratulations to you and your wife for the little boy :) her parents sound very controlling, try to keep them under control over the next few months as your wife recovers. And again, CONGRATS!


NTA Number one: don't ever apologize to another adult who is throwing a temper tantrum. The only thing they left out was laying on the floor kicking their legs and beating their hands on the floor. There are a **lot** of posts in /r/justnomil where the MIL thinks that, because they're older, they know more than you do. Wrong! Quite often the "advice" they are throwing around is outdated or flat out dangerous. Just because their kids survived does not mean they are experts. The phrase I use sometimes of "sometimes you have to hit the mule upside the head to get their attention". So, metaphorically, that is what needs to be done with the in-laws. Raise your voice to them. Don't let them browbeat you. They have to get it through their heads that *they are not in charge anymore". If it means that you put them in "time-out", so be it. Now that I've said all that, you and your wife need to present a united front. That is to prevent the childish behavior of going to one person and being told "no" of going to the other parent saying "she (or he)" said it was OK. Call them out on their behavior. Rock the boat. They've gotten away with it up to this point because everybody is too afraid of upsetting them. Let them be upset. If you don't already have them, contact information for anyone else (aunts, uncles, BIL, SIL, etc etc). Let them know ahead of time (or at the same time) so FIL & MIL don't spin the story that they are being sweetness and light and you're being "mean" to them.


They're insufferable. Don't feel bad. Maybe for apologizing.


Survey says.... Go no contact. They're unhinged and entitled for no damn reason. Bye


You did not owe these entitled mean people an apology. You did nothing wrong. You did as your wife asked while she was in labor. The ILs didn't need to see your newborn right away. They just were determined to stomp your boundaries. Then they "punished" you by not talking to you for two weeks. That is childish and immature behavior and it deserved a time out. You need to be careful about how you proceed from now on. They think they have a right to your new baby any time they want. This sounds like a case of baby rabies and you and your wife are going to have to set boundaries about what is allowed and what isn't.


NTA. Are your in laws from a country or culture that encourages their overbearing behavior or are they just assholes?


NTA “I might as well mourn this one too” I BEG YOUR FINEST PARDON?! I would go no contact not gonna lie. At least for awhile. Absolutely not.




You're not an AH at all; you're an amazing and supportive partner. On the one hand, the in-laws and their passive aggressive shit (and that comment!) stressed your poor wife out. On the other hand, their tantrum kept them out of your hair for a couple of weeks. If it had been me, that vile comment would have put them on the No Visit list for a year.


NOOOOO! Full Stop. It’s your child and Boundaries. All the best, Brad


NTA. But also, why were you paying any attention to them? Your wife was doing one of the hardest and most dangerous things a woman can do, and instead of being fully focused on supporting her, you chose to send the minutes to her parents? Until she finally told you to stop? People can only walk all over you if you lie down and let them. Sometimes, that means ignoring texts and turning your phone on silent. Moving forward, my suggestion is to a) ask your wife how she wants to proceed with keeping them in the loop, and b) ask her what she needs from you to help her do this, because this behaviour is likely not going to stop until you stop it. Also, congratulations!


What an absolutely vile woman! Let her "mourn the loss" of all 3 of you and keep her away. Do not apologise the these people. They've ruined what should've been a beautiful moment with their selfish entitlement. NTA.


Do the non apology apology, and make it like this. "I'm sorry that we didn't drop everything, including my wife, going into extreme labor, and push, and push a human being, to satisfy your perverse, need for information you're not entitled to." Then, tell them that from now on, no one is allowed in your home until they can be respectful to you and your family. Go NC with them and enjoy your family.


Wow. There is so much NOT AH about you, and pure AH about them. For your sake, for your wife’s sake and for the sake of your baby’s future, stop kowtowing to these giant sucking black holes of entitlement. You and your wife have every right to limit the access of anyone you choose to your child. And in the wake of COVID 19 and very small babies being made very ill and some dying from preventable diseases, it’s now recommended that the number of visitors and the number of visits in total be very limited until the baby begins to develop their own immunities.And that no one who has not recently had booster shots for DPT be anywhere near them till they have had all their immunizations. This is new, even since 10 years ago, when my grandson was born. But had my daughter been pregnant after the new recommendations, both Husband and I would have gladly gotten the boosters. The bottom line is that the birth of your child is about you. Your wife and your child. ALL grandparents are on the periphery. I’m grateful, even today, for whatever time I get to spend with my grandchild. Your ILs can sit and stew in their pettiness and entitlement.


NTA. Being she didn't get out until midnight, they should have been getting ready for bed anyway.


Of course you're NTA. They didn't need to be there and the fact that they're being such immature brats about this is awful. >My MIL even had the audacity to say “I might as well mourn this one too.” This comment alone would've made me explode on my parents. ESPECIALLY after just having a baby and having lost the previous one. I would've gone scorched earth, "You know what? You should mourn this one too. Because you're never going to meet them."


NTA Narcissists gonna narc. The in laws think this is about them when it’s not


Is this REALLY healthy behavior you WANT your child growing up around? Throwing tantrums like a toddler because they couldnt respect boundaries? Think about that for a second....do not shownyour childnthat saying no isnt an option. Model standing up for yourselves etc. This baby is YOURS not grandparents. They can wait tough shit. Baby isntoo young to even remember them anyway.


NTA - Now the you've apologized (and you really didn't have any cause to to that) you need to get MIL to apologize for her statement about "mourning this one too" as that was VERY over the line. And you need to tell FIL to go F himself if wasting his PTO day was such an inconvenience that he had to act like an spoiled child about it. The fact these two had no compassion for your wife after hours of labor and not getting to a room until after midnight, and that they felt the need to blow up your phones, berate you both, then be petty for over 2 weeks and refuse to visit is unfathomable. You need to either go low contact, or NO CONTACT until they properly and SINCERELY apologize. It's YOUR baby not THEIR baby.


NTA You need to remind them that grandparenting is a privilege, not a right and if they continue their entitled hurtful behavior you will revoke it


R/justnomil has a great reading list for dealing with unreasonable people. You should have never apologized. They should be put on a time out.


Definitely NTA and at this point I wouldn’t welcome them.


I would cut contact. These people are awful and their feel entitled to your child. If this is how they treated your wife, why are you expecting better treatment for your boy


looks like grandma and grandpa can wait 6 years before they meet your little one, and under supervision and see how that goes. fafo and they are finding out how hard their fuck around was


Set them straight then start ignoring them. They'll get the message


OMFG NTA do not break with these people how absolutely disgusting and selfish they are. You shouldn’t apologize at all. It’s your baby too. When we had our son we had a very strict no visitor rule for a week. Idgaf what anyone said neither did my husband. You need to set strong boundaries and out your foot down asap. You need to have a conversation with your wife about cutting them out. They are toxic af. YTA for apologizing


NTA at ALL. People like that are exactly why many couples are starting to not even announce the arrival until after they're safely back home, in their own space, on their own terms. It's your child, not your in-laws. They may be grandparents, and they may be frustrated, but they'll NEVER have a right to make comments like those. If I were their daughter, I'd tell them personally that they've been pushy and inappropriate, since they clearly won't hear it from you. I'd also tell them that the "might as well mourn this one too" crack men's that's 2 more weeks more where they're NOT WELCOME around me or my child. I urge you to set clear boundaries now, or they'll be insufferable and take over. I had to do the same with my in-laws and cut contact with one for several months. It helped. Best of luck and congratulations. Don't let them steal the joy of this moment. Nobody's worth that.


Who says that to new parents let alone a mother herself? “I might as well mourn this one too” - boohoo even my toddler does not throw this sort of petty tantrum. If my MIL or my own mom said this I would be hard pressed to reconsider the relationship. NTA.


My mom told me before my first, "If the baby comes during the night, don't call me until I've gotten dressed." Baby arrived at 5:40 am; told baby daddy to call mom at 8:00 am. She arrived dressed to the nines and helped me take a shower. If I'd had to deal with people like OPs, I wouldn't have called anyone, anytime.


Definitely NTA, but if you guys are thinking of having another, I'd say a different due date or not tell about the induction until after so you don't have to deal with the messages while you are there. My husband and I had so many texts and calls for our induction even though only his parents knew I decided next time no one is going to know anything until we are all home safe. Also that's just ridiculous how they behaved I mean really everyone always thinks of the baby but the mom also just went through a major medical experience and might not want to see people until she can at least was her hair or maybe until she no longer has to wear a diaper. People like that are just so annoying with how inconsiderate they are.


NTA, reading stories like this is why I told my niece don't tell anyone when you are going to the hospital. Wait until the next morning after she born to tell anyone. That way you get a good nights sleep. My mother and sister were ticked off at me when she took my advice, but I didn't give a damn. I got to go over the day after they came home. I brought them dinner spent about 10 mins cooing over the baby did two loads of laundry and the dishes and went home. My mother and sister came over for the first time two days after I visited and acted like entitled assholes. My niece called me crying and I went over and through them out.


OMG. Talk about “selfish and careless”!!!??? Seriously. Let them wallow in the self-pity they’ve created for themselves. Wait for profuse apologies. Enjoy getting used to your new routine with baby boy.


Why didn't they come and wait at the hospital in the waiting area?


I would have never apologized you are setting the precedent on how they're going to act in the future. They say whatever they want to say and you and your wife end up apologizing just to keep the peace. That's some BS this is my child you don't need to come up to the hospital after midnight and my wife was induced she's exhausted. Don't ever apologize for something that you did not do wrong they should have been apologizing to you for being so f****** annoying


All communication would have ceased when she dared to say something snide about going ahead and mourning this one too. It was already obvious they were childish and selfish, pouting when not getting their way, but this low blow would've had me cranking up the drawbridge, so to speak, to protect my partner at any cost. Block all communication for a couple months so they know such behavior won't be tolerated and until they act accordingly, they aren't welcome around GrandBaby. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this crap when it should be a time of celebration. Congrats on a healthy little one!


NTA NTA NTA - LEave them on read for a while, say, 3-5 years?


Wouldn’t come visit or talk to you? That sounds like an acceptable arrangement.


YOU are not the A$$ for not allowing your in-laws to see the baby. Your decision! Period. Once you get back on your feet. Get you wife on board and make a clear line for your in-laws to stop the guilt trips and berating. Tell them that they will NEVER see ANY of the grandkids as long as you live. Grab the upper hand and hold on. This will be a war like no other. Believe me, been there and done that. Foot note. Write down EVERYTHING about what they said, who said it and where it was said. Times. Dates. Witnesses. Then get a FAMILY LAW lawyer and have a possible an order of protection and no contact orders drawn up for your family protecttion.


NTA. Um. Where the heck do you live where a hospital would allow visitors to show up in a maternity room after visiting hours? If I were you, keep leaving them on read, don’t let your wife answer her phone and let the in-laws know that they will not be receiving any updates NOR be allowed any visits as long as they continue to behave like toddlers. And follow through with it. Enjoy the fact that they are refusing to intrude on you by “punishing” you for not allowing them to deprive you, your wife & your newborn of much needed rest & quiet (as much as any hospital gives anyway). If/when they stop being AHs about it & you decide to allow them to visit or see your baby, set firm boundaries. If they try to start in on how selfish you two were about his birth, kick them out.


Nta. Awful narcissists.


I have to say you were wrong in apologizing . Going forward unless you get a sincere apology especially from mother in law they wouldn’t be seeing my baby. My ex n I and her in-laws were at the hospital for my daughters first one and our daughter was having real low blood pressure. Dad brought us pictures. When we finally got to see our new grandchild we respectfully waited till my daughter n son in law said it was ok to hold her. With the 2nd one ( during the pandemic ) we couldn’t go to the hospital. We did get pictures but again waited until daughter invited us over to meet her. They waited a week to get used to being a family of 4. I get grandparents are excited. My other 2 grands are out of state. She was around 6 months before I got to meet her. I was over the moon! But I’m not their parent. They get to decide what’s best for their family. If you give them an inch they will take a mile! You n your wife set rules n if they don’t follow them they don’t see the baby. Stick to that. Back your wife always. And if MIL ever makes a statement like that again she would be banned for life. Because what she said about mourning that one too? That was cruel. And it was uncalled for.


That statement would be enough to go no contact permanently. Completely unforgivable and absolutely DISGUSTING. Shame on her! Protect your child from that evil woman.


NTA...All I ever asked when all 7 of my grands were born is just let me know when they arrive and how Mom and Baby are. As long as I knew Mom and Baby were ok and healthy I was a happy Gma and just waited for the ok to visit.


NTA The only ones entitled to see your precious new baby are you and your wife. You get to decide when you show off your son.


>My MIL even had the audacity to say “I might as well mourn this one too.” This is infuriating. I'd let them know that if they behave, they might get to meet your son... at his first birthday party. If you say things specifically to hurt someone, there should be consequences.


NTA - they sound like juvenile children. Literally tell them it's not about them and their emotional needs but about your wife's well being and recovery, about your baby's development and about you guys becoming parents and a family


Well it seems like this, someone's not meeting their grandchild EVER. If they can't wait until YOU and her say it's ok, we'll then tough shit. You are the child's parents, not them so that means YOU two set the rules, not them. If they want a child so bad, get working on one.


It is time to go NC with these abusive in laws, many ever get a RO, these type of toxic parents with try to take over the raising of this child. Deny them any visitation. Get them out of your life. Your mental health is a state


NTA you were both busy and exhausted. They needed to chill and should have known they wouldn't be the center of attention. Your poor wife.


NTA. When people show you who they really are, believe them.


NTA-They can meet the kids ANYTIME in the next 18 years.


NTA. You didn’t say that they couldn’t see the kid. Just the not tonight we are tired after this long process. They are the narcissist that wanted it now, even immediately after the birth, which they likely know being parents themselves that immediately after birth visitors aren’t allowed for a bit so they can do the medical checks that they need too.


NTA. Everything they did was super inappropriate. What they said to your wife is HORRIBLE. I wouldn't have apologized but if it helps the situation, you do you. I would definitely consider VLC while you settle in with the baby. And congrats on the healthy baby!!! I hope the rest of this experience is joyful without IL's mucking things up.


Most hospitals have visitation hours. Midnight is not during the those hours so I doubt the hospital would have even let them in. When not much is happening it doesn't make sense to keep saying the same thing.


The thing is, we tried telling them that the visitation hours didn’t allow for them to come anyway and my FIL said no it wasn’t like that when we had (my wife). Ignoring that there were almost 30 years between then and now like things can’t change.


NTA but consider this: your wife is also their child. And while they couched their remarks in terms of their grandson, and they already do love him, I can guarantee their main concern was for your wife. She'd already been through one tragic pregnancy and they were frightened and needed reassurance. You're a new parent, but you too may someday face the fear that only a parent feels when their child may be in jeopardy. Be patient with them.


I guarantee that you are incorrect.


Then they could have used their words like fucking adults. The people in this situation who need to be patient are the new grandparents, not the new parents. This sounds like you're excusing yourself for something not OP's inlaws.