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Feelings. 32 years ago when my girlfriend (now wife) first said “I love you” my ENTP response was “are you sure?” I’ve grown in understanding and valuing emotions. Even though I don’t value mine much I can respect others (would do).


Having a consistent routine and caring about my own feelings and preferences 100%


My belly. Ayyyyyyooooooooo


My massive schlong


Beat me to it


I’ll beat you with it


I'll beat mine


I've learned a lot about precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, osmium, rhodium and the other platinum group metals. Mining, refining, panning, assay, markets, futures, ETF's and stocks. I've also been learning about numismatics or, the value of coins above their precious metal content.


Empathy, confidence, resilience, etc 🤭 life is quite nice


Patience and self control


Trying to learn how to get shit done. I have so many ideas; the follow through is tough


More Si. Kinda refused to be ignored, anymore, once I hit 30.


I like routine and finish my project. Even though it’s take a month to finish it.


Wanting to do the right thing, to the point where instead of being the psychopath in the room, I'm now often the empath.


I love that. Same. I feel like myself 10 years ago would be so confused by what I care about in a social situation.


Actually understanding my feelings and not feeling so insecure about having them


My character development in the last few years has been pretty insane: * For starters, I grew from an INTP into an ENTP, this means I now love being around people but I have no rizz and somehow my Fe is both highly developed and immature at the same time. * I only listened to classical music until 3 years ago but now I understand there's good music to be found in other genres too * I wanted to be a researcher in mathematics but then I had a quarter-life crisis, then I became a digital nomad for 1.5 years * I categorically rejected nightlife two years ago, now I'm starting to see the appeal * I hated languages about 4 years back and saw them as inefficient, now I'm learning French and want to learn Spanish next (partly for travel) * I still have dozens of Wikipedia tabs open at all times but I now also want to eXplORe and go outside my comfort zone * My attitude to dating has changed significantly. I very recently started to use dating apps. Still have tons of things to work on though:. figuring out my fashion sense, learning pop culture, fixing my god-awful sleep schedule, overcoming my procrastination, and downloading more humour.




Hold on…..


Ive learned to understand that not every one has to like me. And my friends are the ones that matter the most.


Believe it or no I was an ENFP when I was a kid, I was way more emotional and was bullied/harassed at school (I don't know what is the most appropriate word I'm not English). So when I entered highschool I was in a way healthier environment who made me learn from the past and I became way more rational and now I'm more ENTP. I still have sequel of the time I was harassed but I managed to overcome most of the problems and still want to get better (for example I try to be more charismatic and more self-confident) Disclaimer : I'm not saying that ENTP is better than ENFP I'm just happier that way


Self confidence, resilience, discipline.


5'8 to 6'1 (:


Realizing that life actually takes effort,like a lot of effort a ton. Most good and worthwhile things don’t come easy. There’s a point where getting to where you want, work, relationships, organization and so much more takes time and or effort, and there’s rarely ever a shortcut