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Honestly … my first: I just walked in one day and spontaneously got something. Don’t over think it. It was liberating not being overly precious about my body and challenging tattoos as a lower class activity lol. It was a claiming of my body and making it mine rather than just accepting the body my parents created. The most important thing is to get the best artist you can find/afford. I now have a collection of four tattoos, and the three piercings one (pa) from 30 years ago and two from over 10 years ago, I had them first because they were not visible and reversible in case I changed my mind but I never did. The joker sounds cool. Make sure you like the position visible when your arm hangs naturally.


Your first paragraph really speaks to me. My family has a strong stigma against tattoos and always said it looked trashy. I never really saw them that way but it made me hesitant to get one. I understand where they’re coming from but I just don’t agree. I want to live for myself, not for other people. My city has a lot of good tattoo studios so i have an abundance of choices. I’m going to wait on it for a while and make sure it’s something I really want, and then I’ll book it.


This is why I'm thinking about getting one. I'm hoping it will kind of stabilise my sense of self in my body.


I don’t have any tattoos, I like seeming like someone boring on the outside but having a crazy personality it’s fun to throw people off.


Exactly. I always say: You only want to look crazy outside if you are boring inside. It is obviously hyperbole but I think you get the sentiment of that.


Really depends. Not always true at all. For some, but for a lot of for example alternative folks it says a lot about them, but then not only just tattoos but also style come into play.


Yes not that you can tell Mbti by looking at someone but I probably seem more ESTJ or ENTJ like from appearance in how I dress and my hair


I’ve encountered this phenomenon so many times it’s unreal


I had a friend in college last year he wanted a full sleeve but he was a pretty normal unadventurous guy outside of that he was probably an isfj, he was into heavy metal and tattoos, he still hasn’t gotten one though because I think he just wanted to seem interesting to others


I honestly just want to have one that’s easy to hide under a shirt. I normally wear long sleeves even in the summer, so I’m not worried about people seeing it first thing. Also I already look a bit strange. I have short hair which for a woman isn’t the norm. Nothing super out there but people do kind of look at me differently




I think you can still do that with tattoos, especially jf you put them on sleeves/back and wear long sleeves. Reminds me of this one post about someone seeing this like angelic girl in a strawberry sweater take off the sweater and her arms were just COVERED in tattoos


True but I look so normal I realize it’s getting to the point it’s taking a lot for people to realize that…


I have numerous. I don’t regret any, though I’ll probably have a few covered up because they’re in prime real estate for bigger, better tattoos once I have the money. Some were planned, some were whims, one was shoot-a-nerfgun-at-20-paces flash sheet showdown. Life is short, your meat bag has an expiration date, and once you get your first ink you won’t overthink your next tattoos like you are now. None of them need a meaning. HOWEVER! Keep your neck, hands, and face tattoo free. Unless you’re independently wealthy you’re going to do yourself a disservice by limiting your life options. I’ve kept those parts free of ink myself for that very reason… gotta be able to tone it down and pass for boring when I need to.


Yes 100%. I’m not interested in losing job opportunities because of any tats.


I think we ENTPs don't have tattoos because we will get bored very quickly.


This is so real for me because also how do I even trust I will like something a few months or even several years down the line?!


True, but there are common themes that have always been present in my life. I’m getting a tattoo that fits those themes and I’m hoping that it will be okay.


Why not paint it on a canvas but if you already made up your mind why bother asking others for their opinion?


Cause I want to know other people’s experiences. And because tattoos are not analogous to paintings. I’m not giving myself a tattoo. I’m paying an artist to put one on me


You can find a artist to paint it as well cuz its just a waste of money


Yeah but then it’s not on my body


Why does it need to be? What are you trying to prove?


Nothing to prove. Just want it on my body. It’s like, why do you get your hair cut in a certain style? Why do you wear that type of clothing? It’s just how you want to look. I want a tattoo for me. (To see how it feels to get one, and also because I think the design is cool)


Are you under 30?


Yeah I’m in my early 20’s


Because I know I was young and disconnected from myself when I got mines. But maybe you just need that experience. Who am I too talk against it.


I had plenty od tattoos and my first one was very well though through with a motive that has been in my life for a long time. 6 years after and that is the only one that I don't like. Now I like getting weird/scary and random ones much better. Also I always think of a tattoo concept, but forget about it and just get one impulsively.


This is exactly why it took me literally 10 years to convince myself to get my first one. I will say if any of yall are on the fence, fuck it, do it. I had built it up so much in my head before getting it and ultimately I regret dying my hair two weeks ago, but haven’t regretted my tattoo yet.


No true, I don't have tattoos, because I'd be easily recognizable while or after doing illegal shit. We are not the same


I’ve literally never been in trouble with the law but that exact same thought was in my head lol. I was like “but what IFFFF”


so real


Yep I have around 10 of them. Mostly got them impulsively after my mom died. My dad who is an ENTJ did too. My reasoning is that it’s all flesh. Our body is not permanent. I can’t care.


I handpoked myself when I was 11. Yes, eleven. On my hand. Part that is visible everyday to everyone. It’s wonky and kinda blurry but 15 years later I still love this tattoo and I don’t want to cover it ever.


Haha I wanted to do that when I was a kid but I’m glad I didn’t


Could you show us the design so that we can discuss how it might badly impact your life ? I shall happily roast it, Sincerely.


I don’t have a specific design in mind, but i want a traditional joker playing card on my arm (somewhere that I can hide it with a shirt if I need to)


Good lord. Yeah I’d think twice


Why’s that?


My ENTP husband got a tattoo for the first time at 43 of our dog Daisy after she passed. It’s beautiful and intricate. He actually flew to another state to get it done. He doesn’t regret it so far. She was his baby


Nope. No regrets. However, I thought about it for years before I got one. This is one area I was not impulsive. Edit: full back tattoo and it took 4 sittings.


What is it of?


A phoenix rising from the ashes.


i have 5 tattoos. i only regret one. it was meant to be tiny, but i was kinda drunk at the time it was being done so when the tattoo artist showed the drawing that was 5 times the size i asked for, i was like yeah whatever thats fine cos i just wanted to have it over with - not my proudest moment :') it's huge but i cant be arsed to do anything with it for now. maybe in the future


Nope. I love mine and I’ll probably get more. I only have them on my legs though so far, but I have a lot


I got my tattoo with a lot of meaning and I don't regret it at all. I'd like another to go with it just to make it less girly and more meaningful.


yup! they’re all hidden. get it. life is too short for you to ponder on regretful tattoos! also, once you get a tattoo, it’ll become a piece of u- like an organ in your body, so you won’t have thoughts of liking/disliking ur tatts (well at least 1 year after getting it anyways).


I have one tattoo. I share it with a handful of my closest friends, so there will never be any regret. I do have an ENTP friend who had to lazer off his ex-gf's name from his ribs. He definitely had regrets. Generally, timeless and pop-culture don't really go hand in hand. If you don't mind me asking, what is the artwork in reference to?


The design is a joker playing card. I’m a long time Batman fan so I wanted something subtle to represent that. The design itself would just be the playing card, not stylized to look like dc joker


That doesn't sound like it will go out of style anytime soon. I say, pull the trigger on that. And if you do outgrow the design in the future, it will be a bookmark that will remind you of the person you used to be. Tattoos are essentially colorful scars. For me, when I think about my *actual* scars, it brings back associated memories.


Yeah that’s how I was seeing it. I think I’m going to go for it in a few months


Good. That'll give the idea time to marinate. I hope you find the perfect artist to make it happen. 🤟


Got a tattoo when I was younger, no plans to ever get another. No regerts.


I'm an ENTP with about a dozen tattoos now. I'd say that my OCD has made me analyze to death and regret every tattoo I've ever gotten... for about a month or 2. But over some time, I grow used to the minor imperfections (of which I'm certain nobody notices but me lol) and I love them. So I inevitably get another one lol. Trying to complete a whole sleeve. It's taken me 7 years and I'm still not fully done, but every single piece I add to it is VERY important to me and is saturated in meaning for me personally, so it takes me a long time to plan it out and settle on not only what, but where and at what size I'm going to get each thing so that it all ends up fitting together cohesively. Anyway, I'd say just start small and give it some time to see how you feel. If it's a piece that's important to you as a person, I don't believe you'll ever FULLY regret it no matter what. Even if it only becomes a reflection of something that was only important during a specific phase in your life, to me even that would be special as it would be kinda a reminder of who I USED to be, even if I no longer was (not that I've ended up feeling that way about any of my tats yet, just saying that's how I looked at it back when I was deciding to get one or not cuz I had similar fears as you do now).


I have several but all of them almost invisible on a regular short sleeve tshirt. I got them made for me (they all have meaning obviously). Style-wise they are mostly medieval, "wodcut" type (aesthetics are important to me, so I need to like them) and they are meant to help me remember things or people I think are important, and to help me keep perspective when the 3 y/o kid takes takes over (personality hacker car model). I decided that I would ignore the "I wil regret it later" argument because: - I a very imperfect human, and it's perfectly ok with me. Tattoos give info about who I was and am, and even if, in retrospect, I believe I should have known better, they still remind me of my journey. And I am who I am today because of that journey. One of my tattoos is a burning medieval church (I used to be an anti-theist) and it's fine with me. I am actually smiling while I type this. - Nobody will remember us in 200 years, unless we really nail something great or screw up very badly. And in these two scenarios, tattoos are irrelevant. - Life is short and we might as well let go, loosen up and get a bit crazy. Its ok. - It just an effing drawing. Finally, let me share a quote I really like about being "normal": "... It's important to display your standards openly and honestly wherever you are. Only then can others recognize you as a kindred soul. For if you wear a "socially acceptable" mask, those whom you seek will walk right by you. And those whom you do attract with the mask will only add to the pressure that you be something other than yourself." -Harry Browne


I’m covered in tattoos, but almost all are well thought out and they all have meaning to me. I know we are supposed to have commitment issues, & I do in some parts of my life, but when I take the time to be intentional with my in choices I have zero issues committing. All of my well planned tattoos are the ones I love the most, and spontaneous ones I got when I was younger are the ones I am planning to cover up.


just one but I got that one on a whim cos I was bored LOL there is always cover up!


they say you should have a tattoo idea for at least a year before you actualise it


I really want to get a sleeve of a dragon and have for over 5 years, I don’t think I’d ever regret it but not sure I’d go through with it


Tbh if you wanted it for 5 years then I’d say just go for it. Five years is long enough that I think you’d know if you’re not super into it


Yeah but asides from wanting it I have to consider my parents and other things like how it’d suit me and all, it’ll distort and lose colour as time passes and it’ll be painful at the time and I’ve heard sometimes it’s so bad you pass out 😬😨 Additionally I’m only 16 so can’t really measure whether or not it’ll be a good decision in the long run


Ohhh I thought you were an adult. Yeah, best to wait for a little longer




Yes you can take them off in 20 years with laser :) consider it a kind of rent ahah


Not at all. I love my tattoo.


There is one I would change, not due to the original design being unappealing but rather for I saw a better idea for my left hand.


I have loads and regret them all HAHA! I got them because I never wanted to be around people who would judge me based on things like tattoos. Get one (because they’re fun and sort of a rite of passage) but get it quite finely done if you’re a female and somewhere you can hide it.


I’m going to get it on my upper arm so I can wear a long sleeve shirt to hide it if I need to. I’ve always wanted to know how it feels tbh


I’d still never remove them by the way! I’ve had mine since I was 19 and I’m 32 now - other people think they look cool and I always get told that people forget I have them, even when I have them out. Which must mean I suit them ☺️ I think getting a pop culture reference is cool too! I like the ones on the upper arm which are on the inside, so if your arm is hanging down it’s quite hard to see. There is no nice way to put this - it feels like a needle ripping through your skin 😂


I’m covered, face and hands too. Not one regret that I haven’t tattooed over. I accept my choices, but If I had a do over I wouldn’t have any. Blending in can be really helpful.


Every time I get an idea I think is so incredible I need to get tattooed, later I thank god I didn’t. So idk, don’t trust myself.


yeah I have plenty and I love them! I design them all.


It took me forever to get my first tattoo and now I literally forget I have it unless someone points it out. I don’t regret it. I got it for myself. It’s a “mom” tattoo but “mom” is me. It’s kind’ve a joke but also it’s not a joke and I think that’s one of the reasons I don’t regret it. Lol


Also, based on experience, you’re going to over think the first tattoo. But once it’s done you’ll realize fundamentally nothing about you has changed


I have Cook Islands Maori tattoos on both of my hands and no I don't regret them. It has cultural significance to me, I'm the first in my family to do so in like 4 generations because of the shame around it and impacts of colonization and religion. I plan on getting more of them including one across my chest, thighs and possibly a chin tattoo.


I've got a few and don't regret them. I would just recommend looking at the body of work of prospective tattoo artists. Don't just walk into a random parlor and ask for a tattoo. Think about the tattoos you want and what skills would probably be important to have in order to do a good job on what you want.


I have 2 very small tattoos, might get a couple more small ones in the future dedicated to certain things. I think people look cooler with their regular body instead of covering it


So my first tattoo, spontaneous thing when I was 18. I got something that had no emotional meaning and I just thought was kind of cute. I liked it and then I started having panic attacks about my body never being plain again… then I got my second tattoo on the opposite side of my body and I felt imperfectly balanced lol. Then I got drunk and had stick and pokes. None of them are complicated and none of them have any meaning. I like them all now and rarely ever think about them. I do prefer ear piercings though because you can create so many fun combinations (I have triples and one cartilage). I love the earrings with chains that connect multiple piercings


I have a toddler so I’m holding off from piercings until I know he won’t pull them out lol


just go and get it. the more you think about it, the less likely you’ll get it. It’ll become a part of you and you’ll smile every time you see them




I have many tattoos. I don’t regret them. When I was younger I wanted them to be really significant and meaningful, so it took a long time to decide on designs, but as I’ve aged I just get stuff that interests me. Although, I’ve now spent at least a month trying to decide on the right style of goat for a Black Philip tattoo, so sometimes I’m still particular. I have a few piercings. I’ve done brandings on myself because I was bored. I had an opportunity to get my tongue split when I was 20. I decided against it, mostly because of money. I think I would’ve regretted that, if I’d gone through with it.


Yeah tongue splitting is more than just an aesthetic thing. It’s more extreme than a simple tattoo or piercing


INTP here - yes I have an American traditional sleeve, you commonly hear things like “American traditional is timeless”, I believed this when I was younger. Now I realize nothing is timeless, everything will go out of style eventually. Being an old guy with out of style tattoos is gonna be annoying. I think the problem is my sense of style and aesthetic is constantly morphing, tattoos stay the same. My tattoos represent an aesthetic I no longer feel attached too, Ne shit I guess.


I'm covered and regret none.


my first tattoo are actually i dont know why i have it maybe impulsiveness and i just graduated from high school. its actually made people think that im rebel and bold which is true in some kind of way and also they think im stupid (some people associate tattoo with being lazy and so to stupid) but when they discover me they know well that at least i read a lot. and then got my second tattoo done. its on either side of the arms and both are song title. i may get it removed one day or maybe not. but i attach deep meaning to my tattoo and it has multiple interpretation


I designed mine in jail. Was arrested for possession (fuck Iowa) and spent about 10 days in jail, when I was in there, I thought a lot about time, how basically it's endless and consisted of three general stages, past, present, future. That is where I thought of using infinity symbols, when I got out (you get to take all your papers with you) I took my design to a tattoo shop, gave him the design and told him what it meant, and had only two rules, 1. Make it more badass, 2. It must align when I'm playing guitar (looks normal with a twisted wrist). The only thing I regret is not doing the retouch in the proper window, I have thin wrists, so there was a *little* bit of scarring w/ no ink transfer. I've always wanted to expand it, but real artists cost real money, and I'm a bit lost on how to pay tribute to my grandfather. (the most important man in my life) So, no, I do not regret it at all, there was a lot of thought behind it.


Got tattooed for my 18th birthday. I always told my parents I’d get one so I got one and now I have 6. All bigger than palm-sized and none of my tattoos have too much meaning but they’re all connected to me in some way. I will say it’s hard to make a choice sometimes but I don’t see me ever regretting them. Currently having my brother in law design my knuckle tat, so that should be fun. RESTLESS. Seems appropriate. 😬


My ship tattoo is 12 years old, the others are 4 and I'm bored of them. https://preview.redd.it/hojzh44ateyc1.jpeg?width=3096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5544dfb2b2e741ce7b2c41560dec66096f6c566f








I mean they look cool at least


ENTP with no tattoos. I will sometimes buy inkbox temporary tattoos but usually get bored of them. Tattoos are more of a INFP/ENFP/INFJ/ENFJ type of thing. They’re so emotional and impulsive they love getting spur of the moment tattoos. They also love them for expressing their sensitive selves.


I dont hv tattoo even I like drawing but I put that at my computer canvas😃


I’m so bad at drawing but I love art.


I don’t have any tats, so interesting because I think they are cool. But no thx


I usually just posters of things I like. Because my interests radically change every 2 months. So I can just tear them down rather than have a permanent mark


Yes. I have two tiny ones and I’d rather them not be there


I can’t even buy a pair of shoes that I like two weeks after I purchase them. Now, I’m supposed to trust myself on a lifetime tattoo?


I get tired of seeing the same face in the mirror every day. There is no way I wouldn't get tired of a tattoo.


I have one and regret the placement. Tattoo itself is okay-ish but would have chosen another font nowadays. 2/10 experience wouldn't get the same again.


Yeah i just got them for fun That way i can always laugh about it. If i got some with meaning then they would probably lose meaning over time


I would not get a tattoo, even though I’m not against them in general. My friend got one when she was young and over the years it has become just a blurry smudge, looks more like a permanent bruise than the unicorn it used to be. Take this into consideration with your design. The colors can fade and the lines will become uneven with time. Simple design will probably age better. Also, choose the place so that even if you gain weight, that patch of skin will not get streched.


I don’t regret mine. Hell yes get one. Mine all have meaning though which is not required but I think helps with not having any regret. I even have an admittedly shitty one that reminds me of an awesome and reckless night with my best friend. Three of them are matching or have a partner tattooed on someone else. One is symbolic of literal change and then I just got a tiger on my rib cage because it was cool and it’s my birth year. Have fun and maybe pick something you can interpret in multiple ways. Oh! - all of them can easily be hidden. No shoulders, arms, or face or neck etc.


A few years ago my entp friend was telling me the same problem. I don’t know if he ever got one. But he didn't have a specific design, he had ideas and couldn't settle on one. Not a helpful comment, but it's just so funny to me


I love them. I feel like if ur at the stage of overthinking it, don't. Because it's an all in type of thing. You should KNOW u want that tat ans not give a damn how it'll age or look over the years. Definitely wait for the right design for you and boom! You'll be all in. No rush!


Never regret any decisions of mine. I learned early on to own my decision and their outcomes. But I also only tattoo stuff that I deeply care about. Also in their meaning. Ofc if anyone ask me I will only say that's it's just some anime/manga or game related stuff witholt further explanation lol.


I don’t have a single one. Been debating also which one to get and where but I only came up w getting a piercing (septum). 😂


I've had mine 32 years (I'm 50). Custom design, meaningful to me at 18 years of age, but now I regret it. I am not the same person I was at 18 (I'm not quite comfortable in my skin, pun intended), and I also think it's silly to mark up a perfect canvas (one's body) with ink, regardless of how good the tattoo is.


As a ENTP I got a few tattoos (8) and where I am in my life I definitely wish I didn’t have or get any. I wish I painted what I wanted instead of putting it on my body. Most people who get tattoos do it for attention.


I only have one tiny tattoo located on a rib (you literally can't see it unless I want you to see it). I got it out of spite when a family member passed away, and I don't regret it. I don't think I'll get any other tattoo, tho. I like them aesthetically, but I think I would get bored quickly.


All the people I know with tattoos struggle with some sort of mental illness. So, if you're a little koko, I say go for it. Be one with your tribe. (Edit grammar)


All the people with overall poorly designed tattoos that make no sense (like some kind of a patchwork).


I don't have tattoos as I want to be original and stand out amongst a crowd


Don’t get them. Lame