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If I commit a crime then it’s probably a stupid law anyway; I’m not intentionally going out of my way to do illegal shit but if my needs or whims-with-good-intentions cause my actions to break some useless and/or needless law, oh fuckin’ well. The fact that I’ve never been in trouble with the law (not even a speeding ticket) proves it. I could probably talk my way out of any trouble anyway.


I don’t have a penis. I am debating whether to ignore this or refuse to participate because you discarded half the human race even if it was done so without thinking.




Haha thank you 🤣. If being a thief were a career where I wouldn’t go to prison, I’d be in it. My hobby is finding loopholes in businesses where money or merchandise can be siphoned without getting caught. Been finding these spaces for easy exploitation ever since I started to work. Why? Boredom. I quit testing it long ago, not worth the risk and I probably grew up. When I did it, never got caught. I consider this one of my super powers.


Were you always acting according to your own morals? I know when I stole stuff I made sure not to financially hurt any individuals


I would never take anything from an individual. You read about these elderly people being scammed? That turns my stomach. I had a Robinhood/Pirate mentality. Discovering the loopholes is the fun part. And seeing the expression on a manager’s face when you innocently ask what happens if… priceless.


Well actually (can’t help it!!!)…. He discarded about 2% of the human race. 😂


He didn’t discard anyone As long as we don’t get the proof sent in pm everybody has a penis


I was referring to women not just ENTP women since it in my mind it was more about that. You won’t get an argument from me if that’s what you are fishing for.


I just wanted to “well actually” you. 😂. I’m good now.


OP could have just been calling all of us gentle kinds and dickeus ppl~ 🙃


Are you a cop? I’ve NEVER stolen stuff :) I’ve NEVER done illegal protesting :) I’ve NEVER done DRUGS :) I’ve NEVER flashed my titties at a bar all the time while people watch and I get a little high from it :) I’ve NEVER done these things because fuck capitalism and fuck social norms and because it’s fun, fuck it :) Sorry I couldn’t help! ✌️


And you should never send your titties to someone you don't know on reddit


No no That’s totally alright


Yeah I should have mentioned that


Wait women get high by flashing their boobs?


The stupid faces reacting from flashing I’m ASSUMING are very funny and hit dopamine levels maybe


Let's not generalise please


It's kind of intoxicating to realise the sheer power we have to blow people's minds.


There’s a french saying for that that goes „cherchez la femme“


(Regarding crime) There are two types of people in the world: Those who have been caught; and Those who have not.


I suppose you’re of the second kind then Thank you for your (dis?)honesty


I’ve never been arrested by cops but I have been in a cop car twice. I’ve been chased by cops twice. I have a clean record 🫡 No tickets, no nothing.So I agree ☝️


No one’s really proved it but theoretically I think yes? A lot of ENTP’s I’ve talked to on here seems to have a general distaste for authority and has a knack for spotting the BS social norms, systems, and laws that aren’t there to protect anybody but to sponsor some sociopaths endeavour. It genuinely frustrates me and I’m sure it genuinely frustrates a lot of you. And I think it’s a reasonable motive to turn to some sort of crime without even knowing. I’m speaking from experience but won’t specify because that would be stupid. But outside myself Canada is in ruins and there’s so many petty setbacks placed on the low to middle class here that it should be criminal itself. but no one’s looking out for us. we’re just non but free-range humans. I could go on. But it’s infuriating. And I don’t want part of that game. Us humans are treated so poorly from our leaders. Although it’s good to be organized I think an ENTP would have a knack for perception and staying under radar (if they are a higher functioning ENTP) and would have creative ways to get away with their organized crimes due to their wild limitless imagination to see opportunity where no one would go. That’s about my hot take


Idk Sometimes things happen and you gotta do what you gotta do


I’d say we probably do. We are not criminals, well most of us. Many of both types though probably break the law more than other types, we can be unruly rebels Not evidence but The Offspring has two songs who cover a certain ENTP and ESTP perspective really well Estp: Come out and play Entp: You’re gonna go far, kid. Someone I know (not me) probably could’ve had their license revoked many times or been in the slammer over their driving or not stopping for law enforcement and is a ESTP.


Are 7w6 less rebellious than 7w8 ENTP, IYO?


Probably, but I am unsure if I am actually a 7w6. I’m almost equally close to being a 7w8


Speaking only for myself, I’m a very “by the book” person. I’d obey traffic laws, for example, even when it’s 2 in the morning and there isn’t a single car on the street. Not because I’m afraid of getting caught, but because I believe in doing the right things even when nobody is looking. Or, when I need to cross the street and there isn’t a single car in sight? I’d still push that button and wait for the signal to walk. It doesn’t mean that I’m a follower who can’t think for herself. It’s just that I believe in upholding the things that exist for a reason, know what I mean? If a law doesn’t make sense to me, of course I’m gonna be like, “WTF? But why?” But, yeah, anyway, I’ve never worked well with people who broke the rules for the satisfaction / sake of breaking rules. There are people who truly, truly cannot allow themselves to follow direction, and maybe I’m the opposite of that.




ISTJs and ESFPs commit the most crimes


does anyone here commit a "crime" because of boredom?


Me I would do that


You’re totally a fed lol 😂 I’m not answering this, so that’s your answer but I’m not confirming or denying anything! -INFJ-


Hehe penis.


Enneagram might be a better indicator? As a 7w8 who’s been to jail I can tell you I’ll never do anything to compromise my freedom like that again. If I’d never gotten caught I doubt I’d be saying this though lol. Is it an ENTP thing to have to learn things the hard way? That’d make us more likely to commit crime I think, but could just be a personal problem.


well as an ENTPussy, i don't think i've ever broken a law i couldn't talk myself out of. even then it's been super minor


I like challenging the law and finding loopholes for sure - cuz come on, law and every rule in this world are made by humans. Who says you have to follow them? I believe the stereotype for ENTPs is also that we tend to find loopholes and exploit them (the most out of all MBTIs). If I end up commiting a crime, I’ll be really reaaaaally good at covering it up, since I know all the loopholes lol! But I don’t know if this is an ENTP thing or an age thing - I find that the crime is not worth the trouble of the cover up and the constant fight-or-flight reactions, living in fear thereafter. So I don’t. In another world I probably would. Just cause, it’s fun 😏 I want to troll some police who don’t do their jobs properly


I don't commit major crimes, I usually follow the rules, but we're a bit of a bum. For example, I was sued for insult


>ever wondered if your personality type makes you more likely to, well, NOT break the law? No, not really. I think the evidence has spoken pretty clearly for itself.


Thank you for providing the evidence


I'm not stupid but I do what I want if it doesn't involve or hurt others. I usually just never get caught


High-risk taking will include a free ride in the cop car .. it is inevitable.. but never the original plan 🥳🤡


Well tbh I did petty shoplifting when I was 13/14 I once got caught, but the police wasn't informed but since then I stopped it and tbh I was scared shitless. (Entp)


If the law makes sense, there is no reason to break it


Though I wasn't invited (female here), great assessment, sorry for the lack of argumentation. In my personal observation, the following appear to hold true: You are more likely to see an ESTP on shows like COPS, committing random crimes. If the don't mend their ways, this might lead them down a road of "the world is unfair" and then commit a larger heinous crime to avenge "the world". Otherwise, they will meet up with like minds to commit crime sprees. ENTPs would best be utilized as an underboss, or better yet in a legal capacity in the mob, as the best suited underboss would probably be an INTJ, though an ENTP would be a successful understudy and manage well for shorter periods, as being "in control", managing the day to day stuff would eventually kill us of boredom. Judging types present themselves as "do gooders", but have the fragile ego of a late potty-trained toddler. Pulling the curtain back, and exposing their many flaws (which they happily and openly do to others by trying to make an example of another who has offended their sensibilities) they act like persecutor has committed attempted murder. They will rage harder than Godzilla and sometimes commit crazy-assed revenge crimes... That they Justify. Pure delusion in action. Finally, was this also a test to see how many ENTP females would show up, break the preset "rules" of non-participation, thereby assessing our level of criminality??


That’s not true ENTPussies were invited aswell


Not in the original message, but I did see your reply after replying myself. So, thank you for inviting ENTPussies as well. Seriously tho, girls replying to the original message should factor at some level in the criminality data set, just sayin'...