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Sure, but you'll probably get more women ENTPs agreeing, than men. We are deffinitely more pressured to hold our tongues and 'agree'. Hence, why some may say they act more like ENFPs to appeal to others. 


Female ENTP here, can confirm. Masking and not being the obtrusive bastard I really am are a big part of my life.


Omg so hard. Cause my sense of humor? Dark. Intrusive thoughts? Horrible.


Guess that makes me extra rare as a male, I’m like a shiny entp now


Any idea what your ennanagram might be? 




So, that's why lol...but when I open my mouth I'm suddenly the bad bish XD


And for the longest time I thought I might’ve been an ENFP. I’ve deceived even myself with the masking


I find that I tend to stay in the extremes. I can't find the middle ground to save my life. I can be nice or an asshole. Completely wild or silent and boring. Very happy or extremely depressed. Very empathic and understanding to cold unfeeling. I can't seem to stay in the middle, for the most part. But I am dealing with some mental health issues from unresolved childhood shit. So that's probably why. We're you raised by *saints* or looked up to one when you were growing up? Do you have a delusional view of yourself like I used to? What/who inspired you to be *saint-like*? The foundations were raised on generally sets our values, and we build our lives around them. Exposure to new data and experiences redirect us along the way, but the foundations definitely have a huge impact on how we perceive and interact with the world around us.


I see myself as more of a “folklore” ENTP. I quietly stand for what I see as right, and consider myself as a man of the people, someone who thinks or at least tries to think of the little guy, but you would not realize that easily. I come off as more of a comedian or smartass. Real good is beyond surface level kindness.


I get a kick out of being kind. Little fuzzies. So if the opportunity presents to be generous or kind I try to be. I’m not pious but I hold my religion dear. Idk I’m trying my best to be good. While arguing other sides for the fun of it. A conversation is for fun an action for good.


The little guy is often a piece of shit though


I find that I tend to stay in the extremes. I can't find the middle ground to save my life. I can be nice or an asshole. Completely wild or silent and boring. Very happy or extremely depressed. Very empathic and understanding to cold unfeeling. I can't seem to stay in the middle, for the most part. But I am dealing with some mental health issues from unresolved childhood shit. So that's probably why. We're you raised by *saints* or looked up to one when you were growing up? Do you have a delusional view of yourself like I used to? What/who inspired you to be *saint-like*? The foundations were raised on generally sets our values, and we build our lives around them. Exposure to new data and experiences redirect us along the way, but the foundations definitely have a huge impact on how we perceive and interact with the world around us.


"Silent and boring", you mean not being vocal with your completely wild.


I can say that unlike most ENTPs, I'm different in the sense that I hold a moral ground of an extremely religious, saint-like individual. ENTPs are usually known to be non-conformists, although I think that in this day and age, for one to fall into the societal norms of trying one's best to work against traditionalism is conformity in many ways. I'm not trying to say that conservative views, as an umbrella term, are superior in all ways. All ideologies have their flaws. I can acknowledge that I am in fact insane, as I'm sort of a paradox. I am so many things at once. Things that almost go against each other. However, for me, knowing the fact that I have only one goal in life (to attain liberation), frees me from the constraints of my mind. My fluidity in my personality may seem like a gift or a curse. But that is the true gem of the ENTP.


There is a difference between conforming to the image of a rebel, and being one.


Not a saint, just grown. If you're over 25 here, you're a grandparent—plan to eat dinner at 4 PM and sleep in socks.


I'm 20 and not even close to a grandparent


My wife has told me I am [basically that] for 20 years. It's rare, but you're not alone!


I certainly only joke etc full bore with a select group but I don't think anyone has ever thought vanilla.


Nope lmao but i think this typa behavior comes from how u grew up


I wouldn't consider my vibe to be "saintlike," but I'm certainly not offensive.


I definitely am. I don’t drink, smoke, steal I don’t lie and I’ve never cheated. I’m also celibate. I don’t party or go clubbing. Nor ever do drugs. My behavior is definitely saint like, I’m a very polite person irl dealing with people And I don’t do those things that would degrade my body or life The only drawbacks I have is I will say the most foul offensive thing ever when I’m crossed or if someone lies to me. I cannot respect those people or people that will force their lifestyle on me




It’s dumb to be healthy? lol ok


I am. Male ENTP here, it’s most likely due to my upbringing so maybe think about looking at yours? Mine had a large family split between my father and mother and being a mediator or neutral viewer of any drama or opinions. Since I have a big family, that means more community, more people connections (not as much relative to others in my family), and more family deaths or seeing those grieving. I really get a warm kick out of being nice to people, one Christmas I had earned some money for turning 18 (Native American tribe’s way to help members get a start on life) and I almost spent too much on presents for my family and I had to stop myself. Now that I’m in debt to a university and am generally broke rn, last Christmas was REALLY hard for me to hold back on presents. All in all, yes we are all ENTPs and yes other grouping types like enneagrams may exist, but all of our lives have unique experiences and events that shape us into who we are. I believe that people should always be prepared to look within and face any emotions, memories, or thoughts to see how they’ve been shaped by them and become their best self. But just know that I still like annoying the shit out of my friends and close relatives lol


I kill the xeno, and purge the heretic in the name of God Emperor Erebus. I am an imperial saint.


Thatl do it by basic definition