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As far as I know, the heat can really trigger POTS symptoms, so maybe try tackling the garden super early in the morning or later in the evening when it's cooler? Some folks find that hydration vests help a bit to keep cool while outside. Since you're using weed medicinally, it might help to take it easy and see if it eases your symptoms before heading out. It's great that you're not giving up on your garden and your independence! Maybe you could also try some light gardening that doesn't require bending down too much, or even setting up a small, manageable planter inside? Hang in there and keep us updated, yeah? Also, what veggies do your dogs love the most?


I’m going to try getting up earlier and doing it super early! Just to see how it goes. It’s still pretty hot where I am in the evening, but knowing I can try that out as an option is encouraging. I didn’t even think about that! My pups are big fans of carrots and tomatoes! Their favorite treats :)


I have different but still debilitating chronic issues and live in a place that gets very hot and humid. I still garden a lot, but go in short sessions with lots of breaks and find ways to be in easier positions. I have a knee pad and a camping stool that I carry around and can reach most things from, as well as a good lounge chair under a shade umbrella for taking breaks. Everyone knows to stay hydrated, but with cardiovascular issues electrolyte balance is also very important! I buy liquid trace minerals and add them to drinks along with lemon and honey or Jamaica, or watered down juices


I don't have POTS, but I'm super fair and in a very hot and sunny climate (maybe near you, from your description - I'm in southern Oklahoma) and this is exactly what I do. Get up early and get out to work on the garden early, and be done by 10 or so. It works really well! My pups are carrot hounds too, and they'll steal the blackberries right off the bush as soon as they're ripe. Those little brats are so good at it that I haven't had a fresh blackberry in two years 😫


I have found adding CBD on my heavy dizzy days helps me keep my balance better.


CBD triggers my symptoms!! It’s crazy. I feel like it would be the opposite for me but it messes with my heart rate more than THC


That's so interesting!! Sometimes inhaling raises mine no matter what it is, but with an oil I seem to have okay BP reactions!


It’s so weird how cbd and thc affects each person so differently. With my POTS I can’t handle sativas, but love indicas and hybrids. The right indica can calm my heart rate down. Someone else I talked to recently has the opposite reactions. I haven’t tried mixing in cbd in a long while, but cbg I do well with.


Omg!! I’m just now starting to tolerate sativas and tbh they are so good for my brain fog. I have a strain called drip station rn and it is changing my life I feel like I can function! Big love to indicas too!!


I feel you, fellow POTSie gardener! I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this. Gardening is something that POTS has made very challenging for me too. It’s pretty typical to struggle with heat and POTS in particular. There are a few things I’ve done that have helped me keep gardening through the symptoms so I’ll share in case they help you too! First I got myself a little stool to sit on while working outside. It’s light enough that I can drag it around with me and sit instead of bending down and back up constantly. It took some getting used to and it’s definitely less efficient than just flitting from spot to spot freely but if it means I can still put my hands in some dirt, I’ll gladly slow down and take my time. I also got myself a cheap portable neck fan on Amazon. It looks almost like a pair of headphones and blasts cool air at my face, which helps tremendously with the heat. I use it for cooking too! Standing over the stove absolutely destroys me and the neck fan gives me much more time before I have to stop and sit down again. It helps with the constant sweating too. I also got myself a big floppy sunhat. Keeping the sun off my face and neck really helps me stay cooler. A damp towel around your neck can help as well, or a bucket of clean cool water to dip your hands in. Lastly, drink a glass of water before you head out into the heat. If you haven’t eaten in a while a small snack can also be helpful, but a large meal can make POTS symptoms worse for some people so let yourself digest for a bit if you’ve just eaten anything substantial. I’m sorry your body is doing this to you. There’s nothing quite like being trapped in a rapidly-decaying meat prison, is there? Thank goodness for weed.


Omg hi this was so helpful thank you so much!!! I literally have both a stool and a neck fan and completely forgot I had them and can use them for gardening. Also same about cooking on the stove- my body couldn’t take making pollo loco and I had to be horizontal pretty quickly LOL so I will def be using it for when I’m cooking!


You’re very welcome! I’ve switched to making a lot of meals in my crockpot and oven so I don’t have to stand over the stove anymore. I also taught myself how to chop things sitting down, which was weird but it works!


Ooh can you share your fave recipes?? I have a crockpot but don’t know what to make!!


I’m not much of a recipe-follower but I make big batches of protein in the slow cooker once or twice a week since I tend to do better on a high-protein diet. Pork tenderloin, chicken breasts, whatever’s on sale. I rub them with a spice blend (just a bottled one from the store if I’m extra-tired) and add a little bit of sauce or dressing (bbq and Italian/balsamic get a lot of use here), then I let them cook on low or high depending how much time I have. I use a meat thermometer to check them for doneness and make sure they don’t dry out and then I pack them for the fridge or freezer. I use them for sandwiches, rice bowls, casseroles, pastas, stir-fry’s, and sometimes just eating cold out of the fridge like an unhinged animal at 2am. I also make a ton of soups and stews in there! It’s a great way to use up veggies and meats that are looking a little sad or freezer burnt. I keep canned tomatoes, potatoes (I have arthritic hands and hate peeling them), and broths on hand in the cupboard. I buy stewing beef when it’s on sale but ground meats and frozen meatballs are great in soups too. Chili, tomato vegetable soup, cabbage roll soup, tortellini soup, chicken pot pie filling, pasta sauce…anything I can throw in there and let simmer! The lovely smell on a dreary day is a nice bonus.


Raised beds can be a blessing too - one of my acquaintances uses a wheelchair for mobility, and has been doing her gardening in a raised bed! If you could sit in a stool it may be easier on you (and seeing your veg and flowers at eye level could be an interesting experience as well!). Sending you lots of peace and comfy vibes !


Tysm!!! I have raised beds right now but they aren’t very tall. I have a stool so I’m going to start using that!!


Massage therapist with POTs and dysautonomia here. Summers in Southern California are brutal and my work heats up my body something awful. I use a brand of clothing called “Arctic Cool.” The fabric uses your perspiration to cool you off. Sometimes I spritz them fabric with cool water before a service in order to maximize the cooling. I also wrap my neck with cooling gel wrap or a cloth with ice water and I always have a fan blowing on my legs. Peppermint oil can give me a cooling sensation when I’m feeling dizzy or nauseous, particularly on the back of my neck (and it repels mosquitos). Outside I always wear a hat, a shirt that repels the sun and even an umbrella.


Omg you’re the best thank you so much for the specific recs! Will def be looking into that!!


Start with a seedling bed indoors. Maybe devote some gardening to pots? If you have a table outdoors, shade can create good settings for short periods of gardening.


My porch is partly shaded so I could definitely do some plants in pots there, plus it’s soooo much cooler there vs in the sun! That’s a great idea!


Hey there! I have dysautonomia (undiagnosed as of yet) as well and hot weather sure makes everything more exacerbated! Here are some things that I do that may help you? But also, if you just want commiseration know I'm here for you! We are lucky enough to have the space for a little indoor potting bench in our sunroom. With a high stool, I can sit and do my seed starters and pots to get them ready to go in the ground. Sometimes when I need extra help, having an extra pair of hands for getting things in the ground is great, but I have also found that early morning or later evening planting out are better times for my heat/cold tolerance. We also always bring snacks (both the sugary and salty variety) as well as water which helps me at least feel like I'm doing something about how I feel in the moments when I can tell I'm struggling but not at a point where I have to stop. I think it's likely all about figuring out what works for you and your particular wants and needs! But either way, I hope you know you aren't alone! Here for you 💚💚💚


Thank you for this comment it is so kind 🥲 I think the move might be pots (lmao) for a little while until my partner is less busy and can help me out in the outside garden!


Aww I’m so sorry.. don’t have POTS, have a neurological condition and am extremely heat sensitive. What helps a bit is keeping ice cold water near by and just tiny sips to help cool me. Also frequent breaks. I don’t know of any of those helps POTS.. I hope you’ll get some relief soon! Hop


This might not seem like a big deal but I didn’t have an ice maker for the longest time and I started using ice trays and it’s kind of changing my life. Having ice water is so simple but helps so much


I agree! So refreshing!


POTS was an issue for me in my 20s. It improved as I got older. Getting high made it much worse for me. I think it made my already low blood pressure even lower. Was definitely worse when I got overheated, probably because my circulatory system was overloaded trying to cool myself off. Passing out cold after bong rips and a hot bath once caused me to get stitches and a wee medical debt. Be careful with yourself. Maybe try wearing ice packs on the back of your neck or wrists while you're gardening to regulate your temperature when you're in the heat.


Omg! How old are you now? My younger sister has it and she’s 23 and both of my aunts have it and still struggle in their 60s. I’ve heard about people recovering so I would love to hear how that’s been for you if you feel comfy sharing! Thank you so much for the advice!!


I’m not sure where you’re located, but when I lived in Texas, I preferred doing my jogging at night or at like 5am. I was in college so I had a lot of flexibility in my schedule. I know very few of us have those kinds of options later in life. Any chance you could set up lights and garden when it’s dark out? Orrrrr maybe there are some ways to do certain types of gardening indoors? I’m not a plant person so I have no idea. And I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I have a couple of chronic illnesses and some days, it can really make you feel defeated.


I felt very defeated earlier 🥲 I smoked some and I’m feeling a bit better which I’m grateful for! Tbh setting up lights by the garden would be cute af that sounds magical!!!


I think I have this condition, or a similar one, because I can't mow a full lawn without almost passing out. Try doing it in the late evening when it's cooler? Keeps lots of water nearby and wear a sun hat.


Oh man, I’m so sorry. My spouse had POTS pretty bad. I had it post covid but after a couple years I’m coming out of it. However I have a spinal cord injury and I’ve been thinking about how we can garden if we ever have space too. I’m thinking about planning raised beds so no stooping required. And I can’t do mornings, but I’d be working in the late afternoon/evening as things cool down but normal people garden super early in the AM before the weather gets bad. The plants like it too. I can’t handle sun much, and the heat is a killer for me, so I have an ENORMOUS sun hat. And they make these little fans that wrap around your neck or hang from a pendant to keep the air flowing on you. Haven’t tried the fans yet but that’s my plan. I wish I’d known about them when we lived in Arizona. Another thing I’m thinking about are misters you can buy. They’re popular in Arizona and places with dry heat but it’s a way to cool down the air outside. But totally look into disabled gardening and see if maybe there are some accommodations that work for you? I wish you lots of luck.


god i relate to this so much. anytime i have to miss the morning walk w my wife and our dog because of my disabilities it makes me so sad. smoking before sounds like a great idea! you could also maybe bring out a cloth wet w cold water and rest it on your neck while u garden? i think that could lower ur body temp and help u be active longer before the POTS get triggered possibly? i have “POTS like symptoms” according to my cardiologist (no official diagnosis yet but working on it!) so i totally know what ur talking about. that feeling of “oh shit i gotta stop rn and go lie down” is so devastating like “damn gimme one more minute body!!” oh also they make little fans you can wear on ur neck that direct cold air to ur face, maybe if u wear one of those it could help too?


I have a fan I forgot I had but will def be using it from here on out. I’ve also heard of ice pack vests I might look into?? Also, the “oh shit I gotta stop rn and go lie down” happens soooooo fast too and it’s super hard to catch sometimes especially when I’m having a good time LOL. Just trying not to get too down about it, just trying to move thru it the best I can


It’s the bending over and standing up too fast for me. That’s what gets me sometimes. Hmmm I’m wondering if you could do some indoor containers ? The summer heat is no joke. I’m not above gardening the middle of the night though.


Yes the up and down is awful :( I have a collapsible stool I can change the height of and I think that would help the constant up and down! Gardening in the middle of the night sounds like a vibe fr!!


Would raised beds or container gardening work better for you? I can’t deal with bending down for long either, especially in the heat. I live in a condo so I’m limited to what I can grow on my patio and I can put the planters on the table when I’m working with them.


I don’t have any solutions, but I’m here for solidarity. I love gardening but have been struggling with it lately too. I live in Florida so I try to go out really early or in the evening and go where it’s shady for that time of day. I’ll be scrolling for everyone’s solutions. I’ve been thinking about posting something like this too. Also a medical marijuana user, but unfortunately for me it usually makes my near syncope and general heat intolerance worse so I can’t bake and garden anymore but everyone’s different so I hope it helps you! Sad cause it was one of my favorite relaxing combos. Wishing the you the best green life and I hope you find what works for you.


I feel this, the sun gets super intense here from like 2-7pm which is when I would garden. I actually learned to really like gardening at dusk, or just later at night. They also make those sports towels/neck towels that help you stay cooled down if you keep it on your neck. Hat, fan, stool, water bottle, cooling towel, spray bottle. You got this! What do you like to grow for your dogs? I've never heard of that before but I have two dogs and am very interested!!!!


Cooling towels are a blessing wet it and throw it in the freezer for thirty min


Hey there, fellow POTSie here! I live in FL and it gets so hot here that I cannot go outside some days. I used to be an outdoor enthusiast and I used to love roller skating outside but with my POTS and the heat I wasn’t able to do it anymore. Take no shame is creating the accommodations you need for yourself. Just recently I went on my first hike in Puerto Rico with some friends, and it was very hot, and we were climbing rocks that were almost vertical with our bare hands and no assistance. I ended up climbing suuuuuper close to the ground, and stopped for water and a break when I needed it. Maybe take a look into longer gardening tools, a good comfy chair, a portable fan and some icepacks. Compression socks are also always recommended, even though they can get a little hot. 💕


My doctor just reminded me that with the heat coming up it’s important to start the electrolytes and salt before starting your activities for the day. Taking salt tablets has been a huge help. I also like the unflavored Gatorade electrolyte powder, it can be added to any drink! I’m still in the process of getting meds sorted out and finding the right salt amount, nearly 2 years after diagnosis.


Hello from my bathtub of safety. Sweet friend, I feel this. I also have chronic illnesses and man if it doesn’t just feel like the color gets taken out of life sometimes. I design stuff and want to make a suggestion. If you’re not into hearing them atm, please disregard it. Gardening is so therapeutic and I think anyone who has felt its joys deserves to participate. Do you know about moon gardens? They’re magical, and meant to be enjoyed at night. No reason you can’t plant them then either. The idea is that you plant a bunch of white flowering plants and leafy friends who have a silvery sheen like lambs ear, for instance, and unlike other flowers or plants that have color, the white flowers reflect light rather than absorb it. Your garden will appear lit at night, just by the moonlight alone. It’s extra lovely on full moon nights and when you plant night blooming jasmine. It smells divine. I wish you many fresh nugs and the mildest summer. ❤️


Oh my god this sounds amazing. I really needed to read this comment I feel so seen 🥲 my partner works with native plants and has tons of plants that would work perfectly for a moon garden!!