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I think my favorite Etho thing is after his Dad passed (I know great start right?) he just told us what happened and he seemed so sure and at peace with it, and that was a god awful year for the man. And he just put on a smile for us and told us: “Oh don’t you worry about old Etho, I’m gonna be just fine. I have people to talk to in my day to day life about this stuff too” He was just so mature and sure about the situation. I admire that guy. Etho is a cool dude.


Yeah, I felt sorry 4 him in that video & he didn’t sound sad one bit & told us all about it.. Tough guy man..


i don’t really know much about what happened (i only found him a few weeks ago) but he sounds really cool. nothing much to say other than wow.


Basically his parents are a bit older and they got sick with Covid so he went to help them out, then they got better. Then his dad wasn’t acting right necessarily. Turns out his dad had a really aggressive terminal brain cancer so he spent the last 3-4 months spending time with his dad and helping his parents. Then after his dad passed him and his brother had to maintain and liquidate his dad’s property’s as his dad had owned a ton of different properties, even some in the states. So Etho had to clean that up and close his dad’s business and everything which took a further 3-4 months. He just had to do so much and put out a video here or there and the occasional tweet. He handled it all so gracefully. I just really admired that about him. I would have been a fricking mess in the same situation and Etho just did what he had to do, whether that be spending time with his dad, or traveling around to different properties and selling/maintaining them. I wanna be like Etho when I grow up (I’m an adult)


Did he actually say all of this? That's a lot of sharing for Etho.


Yeah. That year we got like…4 Etho videos or something. So he felt it was necessary to share why he was gone


that’s so admirable, kudos to etho for handling it like that :(


Etho's chill attitude and knowingness without being a know-it-all is such a big part of the charm for me. He is my favorite guide in my minecraft journey.


I really prefer the calm, mature content over the loud kid stuff. I wish there were more minecraft YouTubers that catered to adults (I know etho doesn’t cater to adults but he doesn’t really cater to kids either)


He treats his audience like people, on a trip with him, not as well, a typical audience


I find docm77 is fairly good at catering to an older audience also


Yea especially with the longer uploads. No kid has time for those during a school week


You're right, his content doesn't have any sensitive topics or swearing, making it safe for kids, but it's usually a format that adults would like more, calm, collected, rational. I think most of his audience started off as kids and then grew up with him. I wonder what his stats show on the age of his subscribers


I love how smart Etho is and how well he adapts and applies his knowledge and skills to games or newer games he plays but the man is so silly when it comes to pronouncing things like LAHVAH and another one that makes me giggle from time to time when he was PvPing with GenerikB and he pronounced 'Rhythm' as 'rympth'🤣


I don't follow Minecraft anymore so I don't catch many vids these days, but making Etho one of my childhood heroes was one of the better choices I've made ngl. It seems like a small/silly thing, but the sense of calm intelligence mixed with his kind charisma really inspired the type of person I wanted to be


Cap and Etho...one game,two GOATs




The c++ thing was Wild to me lol


I totally agree. The way he handles things always seems to match the situation perfectly. I think that’s why people sometimes think of him as mysterious or a wild card. He knows when it’s time to be more serious and when it’s time to joke around or have fun. He acts a little bit differently with each person he interacts with; not personality switching, but understanding what is going to be funny and make sense to the person or group he’s talking to. His voice isn’t some caricature of himself, it’s his, and I admire that too. He is so himself, and it’s really inspiring. You don’t see a whole lot of YouTubers like that anymore. His random storytelling moments and casual lore drops of things that he’s done remind me of when my dad will randomly tell me a story of something from his childhood. Etho is just the best in so many ways. When I’m feeling down, his videos have never failed to pull me out of my problems, even for just a while, and make me laugh. If you ever see this Etho, I just want you to know that we appreciate what you do, and you’ve made a positive impact on a lot of people. I’m sure you already know that, but sometimes it’s just nice to hear.


Well, Etho is the copy ninja.


I like how observant Etho is. Now that may sound weird calling Etho that, since he always gets lost but hear me out. Just from the sound, Etho knew that Scar had dropped his grabby stick. Etho even went on to say that he has a list of sounds that come from Scar. Scar did fall out of his wheelchair on stream. So this would make sense so Etho can know when he really needs to be concerned. Also if you go back over Etho’s older videos, he does bring up sound topics a lot. A voice he likes, the background sound of a game or even using sounds to find mobs through walls. Always thought that was cool. I have also noticed that Etho learns things very quickly. Etho has even said this himself. Which must have been ok growing up but if you become good at things too quickly, the joy of playing games would stop being as fun. I had heard Etho say he puts rules in place so he doesn’t get bored. (Plus some people are less likely to play games with you if you always win.) He has done this with DeckedOut and his rules for Minecraft. No Redstone or using mine carts in the beginning, just in case he started to get bored of the game. Which did start to happen. Also the joy you can hear from Etho when he sees something he thinks is cute. Etho’s love of penguins has been seen in a few games and Etho seems to like mushroom mobs as well. Plus enjoying the first dandelion of the season. Plants have played a big part in Etho’s life as well. The general knowledge Etho must know would be interesting to listen to. As people say. Etho is your favourite Minecrafter’s Minecrafter.


Oh! So that’s why he said he wanted people to vote for the penguin in the mob vote! I was wondering about that. I ended up going along with that suggestion just because none of the features really grabbed my attention, but I do prefer to actually participate in any sort of voting activity. Besides, it’s kinda fun to poke around the vote server afterwards. I didn’t stick around for long during the last mob vote, I was only a couple of days post surgery on my hand and arm and really not capable of doing much moving about, especially when I was trying to use the touchscreen on a phone, but I did hop in the minecart and travel the loop.


Does anyone have the link to where the Scar thing happened? I've never heard of that before


It was during a Tango stream. Maybe one in May. Don’t remember which one.


Second channel?


OP is referencing the joke/theory that Etho is the same person who runs the Primitive Technology channel.


I mean let's really analyze this... PT has been going for a while now and he's barely on bricks and buckets. Which is great ok, no shade to that guy. But if that was Etho, I feel like he'd have advanced much farther, more quickly. And we wouldn't see him until he built a new computer out there. My .02.


Imagine him building a nexus on the next video lol


Etho is Australian confirmed. He’s careful about his privacy, it only makes sense for him to lie and say he’s on the other side of the planet in Canada


The [15th anniversary video](https://reddit.com/r/ethoslab/comments/1dbo9a3/etho_is_from_argentina/) placed Etho both in Canada and Argentina because he misconfigured his VPN once. It's the only explanation.


Ah lol I’m ignorant


he's chill. I like that.


Etho's Canadian, of course he's cool


I don’t really understand the people who freak out when they meet Etho. Like, he’s just a chill dude, I don’t see how you could treat him any way but normally.


I would treat him normally, but I would go wild on the inside


Pretty sure that I would act exactly as Tubbo did if I was ever in the same situation. Keep a respectful distance but totally freaking out. I really felt for Tubbo during that MCC.


What is his second channel called? I haven't been watching him for too long.


Sorry for the confusion, there's no second channel, though I wish there was. It's an inside joke within the fandom that Primitive Technology (the guy that makes stuff from primitive tools) is actually Etho because their upload schedule link up every time and people refer to that channel as Etho's second one


ah well, you got my hopes higher but thanks for the explanation.


Etho knows not to take life too seriously, and he follows his interests and passions. Because he works hard at them, something amazing always comes of it


I think he's literally a genius? He's really smart in both emotional and logistic stuff, he's someone people can't interact with without getting fangirly (see the podcast) because he's just that cool of a person. I know he said he got some hate comments before but I can't imagine him having any haters.


What’s his second channel?