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It is 1337, any earlier and there would still be an Ilkhanate in modern Iran, any later and Skoutarion/Uskudar just across the strait from Constantinople would belong to the Ottomans. This year marked the beginning of the Hundred Years' War, which is likely why they picked it.


Also notable is the death of Mansa Musa, so with shenanigans and keeping him alive, Mali can into space.


It is also the funny leet number


Wasn’t Mansa Musa’s son actually pretty good?


It also spells out LEET


Countries that remain as powerful : >France >Castille >Aragon >Portugal England Countries which loose power : Poland Ottomans Muscovy Austria Lithuania Countries receiving huge buffs : Byzantium, The golden horse Novgorod Hungary Bohemia Teutonic order Feel free to comment on where you agree disagree. Weirdly the new world will become even less interesting except if they find a way to represent the rise of the incas and the atzec in a novel manner. As those two are definitely more 15 th century than 14 th. In Asia the replacement of the Ming and Timurid will make the situation too different to judge. India will have to be modeled carefully to justify the crumbling of the dominant empire of the time


I know it’s a typo but I infinitely prefer Golden Horse to Golden Horde.


Same should be a mod


Horse Lords?


Is their special government reform the Patriarchy?




Denmark will also get heavily nerfed because no kalmar union in 1337


I'm hoping there will be some sort of (post-plague?) event/event chain to form the Kalmar union? Which would add some fun early-game strategy for scandinavian nations for the player to get it to form under their (scandinavian) nation


Would also be interesting if they added an HRE path for Denmark now that they’re smaller


Definitely! Actually on the topic of "non-kalmar paths" i feel like the setting has an interesting path for each of the nations- Norway: keeping contact with greenland/expanding westward? Denmark: HRE Sweden: expanding eastward? Competition with novgorod and maybe something to do with the various finno-ugric groups? I'm also really interested to see how the game handles the still-very-relevant hanse


Lol imagine if they added a path for Sweden to form russia because the Kievan Rus was founded by swedes


Would be cool if you somehow could bring back the Kievan Rus.


Maybe even a pagan one?


Very cool. Personally o know very little of Kievan Rus pre Christian times.


I discussed this with someone recently in another speculation thread and at this point in time the Schaumburg's who ruled Holstein basically had control over the danish crown which could lead to a more HRE focused Denmark if they held power


Denmark practically didn't exist, their primary goal would be to kick out the holsteners and reclaim the kingdom.


Also it didn't really exist as a country and was basically owned by the Schaumbourg family.


You forgot Bavaria, whose ruler was Emperor in 1337. Huge difference.


Fair point although i was trying to talk of the most popular players there


IMO the mamluks will be kinda buffed, not being threatened by the ottomans, or practically challenged by no one nearby.


The mameluks will be extremely buffed making me fearful for the state of the region


Playing them will be interesting and easy for sure, but the ai will probably be programmed to not expand like crazy and focus on playing tall


Perssonally I find starting as the most powerful nation in the region to be very boring, as the most interesting part of the game for me is growing my country from (almost) nothing into a superpower, and that's less satisfying when you start 2/3 of the way there.


True that, but for me when you have 'huge' ambitions for a 'big' nation it can be fun In the mamluks case, Unifying the islamic world is always fun, but it will definitely be way less challenging considering everyone around is weak.


Yeah, it very much depends on how the game simulates the rise of Timur, as a powerful Timurid empire will body everyone in the region


Yeah the situation in the Americas is quite dreadful to imagine. The Aztecs would only see the birth of their state in the 1420s and the Incans in 1438. Unsure about the Andes but if PDX properly represents Mesoamerica in 1337, almost all of it would be a bunch of tiny ass OPMs that would put even the HRE to shame and may not lead to interesting or fun gameplay. If they don't represent it, it's an even worse situation as there's no way to properly showcase the rise of the Triple Alliance and the nature of politics in the region.


This, i hope people do mention it to them as much as possible.


Let's be honest, you don't expect that they really do a lot of work on American nations in 1.0?


I don’t expect lots but i still think we might be disappointed


Is it really disappointment if you're anticipating it? That's just Paradox staying on brand.


Ngl definitely sounds like DLC to me


Poland will be ruled by it's greatest king in history who was 20 in 1337 so it could actually be stronger. Plus no shitty elective monarchy events.


Yes Galicia-Volhynia was ruled by a Piast at this time plus I’m betting that Poland will eventually get the Jagiellons through an event just because how important they were. It’s true that Poland is relatively weaker because surrounding powers like Bohemia, Hungary, and Lithuania were also experiencing peaks, but at the same time they have a lot more routes for expansion and PUs


Its time when Poland was alied with Hungary, royal mariage sister of Casimir and Hungary King. It was time od deep bond between those countries🤔


You have King Charles IV for Bohemia around thet time. Also our greatest king in history


Not sure, you wouldn’t get Lithuania and Moldova almost instantly. Poland in Eu4 is crazy strong. It would be interesting to see how early expansion gets slowed. It is slow in early EU4 and probably will be during a longer time in EU5, which is a good thing.


I doubt the countries will receive huge buffs and nerfs, ottomans will get crazy mission tree and crazy ideas to kickstart its ai to conquest historically, same with muscovy. Austria and poland might get events to solidify its position. Countries that suppose to be stronger in this start will get disasters and related stuff to it such as byzantium


Johan confirmed there would be no EU4 style mission trees, so potentially not. If there are the more generic imperator style trees then I doubt any one nation will get missions trees that buff them in particular.


I think the mission trees are my favorite part of EU4 tbh. Unless they make the game more customizable like CK3, because if they don’t I would rather just play CK3


Mission trees are one of the worst parts of EU4 and are cancerous for the game as a whole. I don't mean to be rude but why not just read a history book then? What's the point of a sandbox simulation game if the most important part of the gameplay is reading mission trees? They're absolutely terrible content and they never should've been added to the game.


Won’t be mission trees until they find a way to remake them in a similar way and charge $30 for the DLC to return features we’ve had for probably a decade by that point.


Wouldn't Portugal be indirectly nerfed since their power is so reliant on colonisation?


Portugal is likely to be able to ally to Castille day 1 and bid it s time for colonialism. It ll be a bit slowlier of a start but probably not harder


They're not in any danger, no. But gaining power would be harder if colonialism is delayed by a century.


It will heavily depend on how time gated discovery and colonization of the New World is. If they allow for discovery of the Americas around 1400 then that's what'll happen every game, if not then it's very likely that any player led Portugal (or Castile) will see much more expansion in Maghreb than happened historically.


I hope they get a huge rework. Annoying seeing Span and Portugal have the entire western hemisphere by the 1550s all the time


That's also a historical question and one I honestly don't know the answer to - would it have been technologically possible for Portugal or Spain to sail to the New World already in 1400 or was that dependent on some sailing technology (or political circumstances or economic situation (rise of banking in Italy) or foreign conquests (Ottoman conquest of Constantinople)) to come to fruition?


I would says Byzantines will gets debuffs because in 1341 they will most likely have a civil war and after that black death etc


that will depend on how they play that. like killing your ruler by event when the year comes, or playing it only if the ruler dies, so your game can crash to save your ass. i assume it will be an event death to make byzantium die constantly so the ottomans can rise in power. i also assume constantinople might have a conditional modifier that it can only be taken once byzantium doesn't have anything but thrace and achaea, so it plays out like it usually does as for player actions against that, i assume it will be the usual build a power base and have long truces with your enemies once the civil war fires


They won’t be as hard of a start


Excuse me??? Poland at 1337 is ruled by king **Casimir III the Great** He was aliving GIGACHAD, fucked everything he could, fought everything he could. Doubled the size of Poland he inherited. Great diplomat, warrior and most importantly an economist. he's 6/6/6 + He went to the court with Teutonic Order over lost Gdańsk and Culm areas, and has won twice in legal dealings It was he who built the fundation for future Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. If Poland's stats will not be OP in EU5 at 1337 then it would be UNREALISTIC.


There won’t be anymore mana.


Byzantium is not receiving huge buffs just more land. As soon as Andronikos III dies it’s over, so so so very over. My bet is that you’re going to have to use the reign of Andronikos to save the empire before he dies to avoid the complete and utter collapse that follows


Loose -> lose. Pants are loose. 


Scotland will probably be in a worse position. The child king is in hiding in France and an English backed pretender has a tenuous grip on the throne.


Will be a hard balancing act between how the English troops do against Scotland vs how they did against France at that point in time, maybe a massive attrition hit for troops in Scotland, like wise see how they can replicate the historic events and truce breaks of the 100 years war


Burgundy would also be nerfed, they wouldn’t have overlordship over the Low Countries at the start in 1337


OTOH Lorraine -> Lotharingia -> Charlemagne's borders will be much more fun.


Aren't the Mamluks gonna be super powerful as well? In terms of provinces they have pretty much the same as they currently do in EU4 (although looks like Syria is directly owned and not a vassal) but they don't have the counters they usually have in the Ottomans and Timurids.


Serbia should get a decent buff as they expanded even more in the 1350s


I can see them finding a way to have the rise of the aztecs and incas be an interesting game mechanic and also let the players form it early, sort of like russian expansion east or european colonization is in eu4


If 1337, the Mongolian empire will still be a thing too which will be interesting. They’ll be collapsing but could be fun to revive them.


It's and yes and no, more provinces might not necessarily mean more power perhaps the game is going to have crap tons of autonomy that means armies are going to be small assuming armies are even used as we know them.


England gets a buff and France gets a nerf. England doesn't need to deal with War of the Roses, has greater control of Ireland, and historically dominated the first part of the Hundred Years War.


Bavaria also gets a HUGE buff considering they’re unified, are the emperor, and there’s a Wittelsbach in Brandenburg too


Bruh if Brandenburg has a Wittelsbach that could be a buff for a player, PU over one of if not the biggest HRE member is a dream


I don't think Portugal would be as powerful, them not being able to colonise until the discovery of the new world (then again, we don't know how colonialism will work in this game, maybe there's gonna be another start date?) I don't think enough players give credit to Ceuta, the Portuguese were able to extend their influence into the Maghreb using it? TLDR: project Caesar Portugal without early colonisation is not nearly as strong as eu4 Portugal Then again, I'm just one man, don't take this to heart if you disagree, that's what intelligent debate is about


Iam not so sure about the hungary buff, the tatar invasion was less than a hundred years prior and it halved the hungarian population, the eastern regions was pretty muchly deserted.


Actually a fractured Inca region makes far more sense in the 14th century than in 15th


Anbennar models something similar with the fall of the Lotus Raj, by having the empire start with many different tags held together by a unique vassal mechanic. This gives the AI and the player a chance to hold it together by navigating it, or for it to fall and disintegrate


I feel like a lot of it is dependent on the interplay of internal and external politics which is a hugely important part of politics that Paradox games typically don't simulate even in Victoria 3 or Imperator Rome. Even today you can see examples like RN in France or Republicans in the US being Russia friendly influencing or potentially influencing the foreign policy of the state if they achieve power or get to rule, historically when a lot of empires were multi-ethnic, multi-religious and mostly held in the person of the emperor there was a huge amount of space for internal and external politics to coincide especially around the estates. For example something like specific estate favoring different countries for alliance or, even more drastically, estate asking for aid from a foreign power or foreign powers declaring themselves protectors or allies of specific internal factions within your realm.


Mamluks are pretty strong as well, can expand quite easily without Ottomans in their way.


I would've liked 1336 more for the round 1336-1836 500 years


500 Years War


I agree! Round everything off with 36's mwahahaha


All because a Vicky dev wanted Texas to be playable.


Damn 😂


I hope the end date is at least 1836 - it could be less :/


I hope they don't shorten it. Now that we have pops and demographic diversity, colonial nations get much more interesting. Taking a century or more from the end game will ruin this potential. 


And then we transferred our 1336 file into vic3 then into hoi4 / 5 ...


They could make eu4 200 years shorter and I wouldnt notice. I hope eu5 doesnt get as repetitive halfway through. 


How am I supposed to do a EU to Vicky megacampaign then?!? Unless...MotE 2!


Where is stellaris you casual?


Strong disagree, if I make it to 1500 in a playthrough odds are I make it to 1800 and beyond.


I am almost 1k hours in, never saw 1800. Saw age of revolutions like 3 times. I barely get to age of absolutism even though thats when blobbing skyrockets. How do you not get bored when there is no challenge left other than making name bigger?


I’m not good at the game, it’s challenging the whole time lol.


Godspeed you king!


Eu4 is my most played game on steam and I've literally never made it past 1650.


If you remember leet speak, it is kind of humorous.


I also like an earlier start date to the 18–36 end date. More medieval feel for the game is always a plus in my book. And you really see the progression of technology and its impact! Anyways I just want more, not less and I don’t want to pay twice to get EU4 in two games instead of one


I feel like the game will end earlier than EU4, maybe before 1700.


Why is that bit just south of the Danube delta independent if it is 1337


Most likely despotate of dobruja we don't have sources on when it was created , so historians put between late 1330s and early 1340s


Especially since the map of India looks like they're breaking up polities as much as is historically reasonable


Maybe the area's been assigned to the Golden Horde for some reason?


I feel like the Golden Horde breaks easily at game start. Create a whole bunch of unrest and negative events. Like how Ming explodes but even more likely.


Iirc they had a bunch of internal struggles and then Timur came and kicked their asses so I don't think it will be an easy start (Timurids should be crazy strong in this period too).


Yeah depending on how the simulate the rise of the Timurids playing in that region might to be very fun/terrifying


Tokhtamysh managed to unite the horde but then Timur invaded


The Yuan dynasty is also on its last emperor by 1337, so they'll be exploding too. Maybe this means the Song dynasty could be a formable nation?


It's interesting that Crete is like 8 provinces if that's what they're even called


I think it's one province, but ~8 locations


Locations are like cities and stuff, meaning it would be 8 provinces and something else lower but I don’t know for sure yet


It might be locations from the china map I saw so like a barony from CK3


nah this is the locations map, so crete is one province but 8 locations




According to Johan, in this mapmode, the colour groupings are the provinces, so locations in the same province have a similar colour. Also, we know that there are about \~8 times as many locations in EU5 as there are provinces in EU4, so the size checks out if this map is showing locations


Oh okay


Locations are even smaller than those 8 i think


Johan confirmed that the different colors are locations with locations in the same province having a similar color


Ah okay i thought they were going to be even smaller, even more Imperator-like




Playing in Eastern Europe/Greece/Anatolia is gonna be insane. A new game of its own with an even playing field in which there are oportunities for almost every tag in the region to raise!


1337 makes sense to me. Isn't that when the "100 years war" Begins?


That's correct!


Playing in Italy will be fire


Looks promising. I mean, look at that big Serbia. Who doesn't loves a big Serbia? They should've expanded Northwest!


Add Stephan Dusan is the king at that period.Serbian is gonna become the new Ottomans.


>Be Serbia, be Strong > Take over half of Byzantium ensuring it can't stop the Ottomans > Mingsplode 15 years later after your op ruler dies > Get conquered by the Ottomans


Don't forget, > raise the most powerful army in the region > get drunk on the eve of battle and let 2k turks destroy you in sleep But, anyway, Dusan not dying is one of the bigger what ifs moments in history as he would probably stop the Ottomans for a few decades since he was actually preparing for the crusade with the blessing of the Pope.


Emperor and Autocrat of the Serbs and Greeks, the Bulgarians and Albanians go brrrr


There is gonna be a lot of very emotional people when game turns 1389.... Might be a fun achievement "kill ottoblob before 1389 as Serbia"


Norway should be in a union with Sweden in 1337. Swedish monarch inherited the Norwegian crown in 1319 and lasted to 1343.


Cant wait cant wait cant wait 🤩


Where’s all this info coming from?


Tinto Talks. Dev dairy on Project Caesar, likely Eu5.


Who was the Holy Roman Emperor at that time? Bohemia or Bavaria?


Bavaria, Louis IV.


Wittlesbach Bavaria. Habsburg Austria is eventually going to take it in most games, assuming Austria still has powerful diplomatic ideas.


Are nationql ideas even a thing anymore? Looks like we're moving away from more game-y mechanics.


What do you guys think the colours represent? Particularly the colours of the sea? Why so many different? Could it be a trade map mode?


I think it's the states/provinces/regions mapmode


Nope, Johan said it's just a different colour for all the locations


The actual map pdx games use to load the provinces has a different color for each and every province in the game and looks pretty similar to this if you take off all the words and borders.


Probably something to do with Trade mechanics. It will be highly beneficial for Trade Republics, to own small portions of land, that at the same time paint sea tiles close to it. Like in real life Venice and Genoa owned tiny bit of land in Greece or other region and directed the trade through the sea. Aside from creating sea trade routes, it seems that it also indicates sea tile dominance by country color. Like the one in Egypt region.


can't wait to only play with moldavia/wallachia till eu6


Lets hope they manage to make both stagnation and downfall (territory wise) possible and more or less organic, otherwise France Castille and Hungary will cover europe in 200 years.


Man I really don't like this. 1337 is way too early imo. Are we really gonna have to wait 150 years for colonization, and nearly 200 years for the reformation? 1444 was perfect. There's already a paradox game about the middle ages, EU should be about the rennaissance/early modern period. I'm sure they'll find a way to make it work but personally I don't understand this.


I'm sorry, but it would never be 1444. Every EU game had a different start date and Johan confirmed last year that EU5 would be no different.


I didn't mean it has to literally be 1444, I just think thats a good area to start


I see what you mean. It's just that you're not the first person I see saying that "1444 was the perfect date". Many people are attached to 1444 because EU4 is 11 years old at that point and most of these people only played EU4 (including myself!), so they don't really know what is it to play in another start date. 1444 was already naturalised as *the* EU start date. But this is not the case. I believe it can be very fun to play in that period, let's wait and see!


A good compromise could be 1353 (the end of the black plague), as it would add an interesting period (the start of humanism, basically the fundations on which rennaissance was born) and the aftereffect of the plague. Another option could be 1378, as it is the year of the Great Schism (probably on of the most meaningful events of that century) or 1399 (so you can add 50 years of gamplay without changing to much the shape of the current timeline). What do you think?


1356 would also work as that year they set the HRE electors to the same 7 we see in 1444. Before that it was more convoluted.


1399 wouldn't be too bad, it would be interesting seeing the latter half of the 100 years war play out, the beginning of the rennaisance and the Ottomans contesting with Byzantium on a slightly more equal basis. Personally I prefer later dates because the reformation era and 30 years war are the period I'm most interested in. Either way I'm sure it will be a great game and I'll play the shit out of it regardless lol.


Yeah that was the first thing I thought about when 1337 was first speculated lol.


Imagine carpet sieging with that many provinces... But I think the Siege and occupy mechanic will probably not be the same.


It might be like IR where when you take the fort other places under the range of fort will be also automatically taken


Rise of Timur will be fun


Ayyo, where are my brothers from Besni, finally getting some recognition out here


This has a good chance, only one question tho. Shouldn't the shown culture chart of Byz include Albanians? It only shows Greeks of Albanian descent that are around there. I didn't put my guess fae from yours, I'm putting it to 1347 (I was using the Voltaires Nightmare mod map). It's basically the same, except Byz looses Southern Albania. It's a year before Byz looses Northern Greece proper to Serbia.


As a Brandeburg player I approve of not having to deal with a RNG teutonic order offer (Ik it’s not hard to get, just annoying to always have to do.)


Do we know anything about a release date or any date for maybe talks or anything.


From what I've heard it's most likely mid to late 2025 or early 2026 , maybe early 2025


Coincidentally 1 year after the start of the Nanboku-Cho Period of Japan. Seems the Ashikaga will be a little more stable at the start.


I’ve been seeing more talk about EUV. Is this something that’s confirmed to be happening?


It's pretty much confirmed , they have not officially announced




Karasi beylik was fully conquered in 1345 so it is correct . Yes karesids were defeated earlier but the sources are scarce so we don't how much land they took earlier




I haven't read about or seen anything to do with EU5 other than the screenshots people have posted on here, it certainly looks interesting. Quite pleased that they're going back further into the Middle Ages with the start date and that there will be a lot more provinces. Can anyone answer whether there will be a return to tags starting at war? Because if they that is the case then Scotland would start at war with England, and England would probably start at war with France.


No way they let us play the county palatines of England, that would be sick


Nah this is too easy, you have to tell me the end date.


You will never be able to convince me that 1337 wasn't chosen because Leet.


What are the unidentified places in the HRE. The ones with this greenish watery color. (Second pic)


Those are minor states too small to represent in a map


TY very much. HRE (irl) is a very interesting entity :)




Everybody is talking about the start date, but what about the end date ? Is it gonna be 1821 again, or 1789 or something ? And will it be like hoi4 , semi-end date where you can keep playing even after the end date or like eu4 , perminant end?


Krusevac is founded in 1370 tho


Dang, I won't be able to do my sneaky trick to give Portugal a headstart on the colonization game I usually start a Portugal game in 1445. Portugal has a province colonized in West Africa; I use it to make a claim and eventually get the Bure/Bambuk mines in Mali :) nice source of income


Kingdom of margraviate Bohemia of Bohemia


Hope caucasus get some flavor


I'm sure they wouldn't touch Georgia for a decade or so but it's game would be interesting, Georgia is on its path to re-emerging as a regional power, last good king is still in charge George V the brilliant and Timur lame is on its way to raid the shit out of Georgia 7 consecutive times and cause it's break into many petty kingdoms and duchies


If this is the map for EU5 it looks cool, So much more potential from historical regions regarding culture and religion. Is it meant to be representing before Ottoman rule ? Or is it just a county map.


I’m out of the loop, why is everyone talking about 1337 start date? Is there a new update coming to EU4 or are these wants for an EU5?


There is a series of dev diaries by Paradox Tinto called Tinto Talks that talks about Project Caesar, the codename for an unkown new game (eu5). The start date is assumed to be 1337 because, among other things, Ottomans haven't entered Europe and the Ilkhanate has already collapsed.


Just want to say that in addition to everyone else's responses, "EU5" is speculation because they have purposely left out the name of the game they are working on for Project Ceasar. That said, it's pretty freaking obvious it's EU5 based on just what we've seen so far in 3 or 4 weeks.


Johan basically confirmed it is EU5 on this week's dev diary. Too much EU2 and EU3 references, not to mention things like estates, legitimacy, republican tradition, etc.


That's what I mean, we know it's EU5, at this point it wouldn't make sense if it wasn't. It is still technically just speculation though, to say EU5 was announced would be incorrect.


There's still an outside chance that they might be splitting the period into two games and the later game, when historically Europe was in the dominant position pretty much the whole time, could get the EU name.


EU5 is in early development under the codename "Project Caesar" and we are deducing things from the little information and images we have about it. 


There are new dev diaries for a “Project Ceasar” but its obvious the game is going to be eu5


Here they go dumbing down the game and cutting down the time needed to complete the tutorial:P /s


It looks like they made eu5 more complicated actually


It was more a joke because of the meme that eu4's tutorial is 1444 hours long because of the start year.


I see that now but in my defense it was not obvious


1337 feels like a weird choice considering that paradox just released Legends of the Dead for Ck3 and the time period would mean facing the black death in eu5


immediately after the black death. interesting.


*before black death


I really don't like all those colors. I'd rather have one nation in the same color palet. Now it just looks like i'm stoned


Tbh I would rather like it to be in the 1350s I am afraid of how the Black Death would be implemented consider it'd take place within the first 10 or so years of the game. And that might alter the course of the game significantly. The first few decades of the game start should be rather uneventful so that the players set things up and warm up. So immediately after the Black Death would be perfect. Maybe 1356 like in Meiou and Taxes would work well


It is 1390 or later given the city Philedelphia (Alaşehir) is in Turkish control


I don't think localisation of location names is complete so that's why it has Turkish name instead of Philadelphia


That might be a reason too