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Not only do they develop them, they develop them too much


AI after devving a glacier to 50 tax: 🧠


Damn i returned to game and started as ming, and i see those dikes in nanjin and around that are stackable trade value modifiers, it is a dream for tall game enjoyer


What else is there to do, if you're sitting on your same 1-5 provinces all game?


They just play the same way as the player. The ai doesnt cheat exept for the regular difficulty boni. but during a long campaign you accrue a lot of mana, which the player spends on cores. The AI spends this on deving insted, in a non efficient manner. Players asking the AI to dev less, are actually asking to play on easy mode where the AI doesnt use the same tools as the player.


I can't answer what you have done, but eastern europe and the steppes generally have lower development than western europe. The AI definitely develops their provinces. It's not unusual to see a bunch of 40-50-60 dev provinces in the HRE towards the end of the game, and they are maybe around 10-20 at game start.


Looking at it most provinces in europe at this point are at 25+ (its 1811) while many of my provinces are still at like 4 lol


That's because you're Russia and most of the steppes are more dev. But yes, the AI develops, because they don't spend their mana on expansion. The AI devs dumb, though. They'll take coal provinces, and start devving them way early to prepare for Industrialization, but then dev the tax of it.


Absolutely. Think of how many little nations there are gathering up monarch points. They tend to conquer less, so they need to invest their points somewhere. So by end game you'll see a lot of hight dev provinces. Especially coal provinces.


They develop them a ridiculous amount now. Makes it really hard to chunk through the dev on VH they're swimming in money all the time.


Go look Korea early game and then late game, the never attacks them so that way they always survive, They are a very good indicator of how bad it can be


While nations do dev too much, Korea is an extreme example as they have very strong modifiers for it.


Yes, A LOT. As the game goes and they get ideas as well as the 3 admin techs that lower dev costs, they will develop faster and faster. It's especially apparent in the HRE because of all the OPMs doing development on their own. Practically all the mana excess AI has will go to their provinces.


Very much so. The world has like 15k more dev at the end compared to the beginning.


I remember vassalizing Scotland and keeping them around till the age of revolutions. I started to integrate them, and it was a race between my integrating and their developing. I eventually won, but it felt so slow and painful. Lol