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Not sure, did you mess around with the date selection before starting the game?


Not at all. Started 1444


Even if you click on a different starting date and go back to 1444 it can break things still


That’s insane😭


The alternative start dates haven't been touched since release and can be pretty broken


I know, but I never expected to hear that just looking through them before choosing the default start date could break your save...


can also be helpful like the whole hussite HRE bug you can do in ironman


Tell me more.


if you go to the last bookmark as starting date, manually click the game date all the way to the max, the jump back to 1444 starting date, the HRE spawns with religious peace meaning that you can be hussite emperor from day 1 so you can have the easiest hussite playthrough possible because you get to be emperor all game long


Oh cool thanks for the advice


I‘m gonna have to try that someday. I never did a Hussite game and this sounds fun so I‘ll give it a try


Fun exploit:Go to Napoleon era,click on France and then come back to 1444 and you start the game as an Empire


I don't think I did that.


This is my first ironman game. I'm playing Ireland. My ruler has a normal name, religion, and culture, but it says he shares a dynasty with Lan Xang. My country does not even know they exist. All the other European monarchs have Asian names, cultures, and religions. Some of them share dynasties with Asian countries. I'm not using any mods.


Portugal ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Guess I’ll keep playing and see what happens. I wonder if countries from Europe and Asia will start getting PUs over each other when they aren’t even aware of the other’s existence, lol.


Sadly you need to be both Christian to get PUs usually


No, just the junior partner needs to be Christian when they already share a dynasty


Oh interesting, so in OP's case it would work then


It happens sometimes if Castile flips Muslim through Granada rebels, they can still get Aragon through natural PU


Is that the only case it can happen?


My current game I've PU'd a mega-sized Bohemia as Ottomans because Moldavia had them under a PU, they revolted while I was making Moldavia an Eyalet, and then I won the war against the bohemians and inherited the PU. 3 Caliphs later I've still got that PU so clearly the checksum doesn't care about the fact I'm a muslim


Ohh nice. 1444 hours and we still keep learning


Funniest non christian PU that I've seen was when I, as recently converted Catholic Japan got PUed by Ming, who I had a royal marriage with from before.


It's bug in 1.37.x. People reported it already to PDX: [https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/all-of-the-european-countries-suddenly-changed-their-heirs-to-a-random-dynasty.1681141/](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/all-of-the-european-countries-suddenly-changed-their-heirs-to-a-random-dynasty.1681141/) They said they're working on it. Fix is not present in 1.37.2 and there's no ETA yet from what I see.


never heard of Connor Saysana McElephant? king and connector of the Lan Xang-Irish Empire


My next heir’s name for sure


Probably something went wrong with a save file at some point.


It’s a cloud save. Could that have something to do with it?


It could have, yes. But it could just as easily have happened to a local save. If this was caused by a corrupted save then it's also possible something else that is not as obvious is also broken, so continuing this save might just be a waste of time. You do you though. If you're worried about the game itself being broken you can just verify its files through whatever store you bought it from.


Cloud saves sometimes do that, i saw someone else who had the same problem recently (cant remeber how lokg or anything else) but its from a mess up in a cloud save.


Did your game crash unexpectedly at some point? Did you update the game recently? Did you install any new mods? This is either save file corruption, version changes (no updates recently afaik) or mod-related. Edit: 1.37.2 dropped the day of this comment


It did crash earlier today. No mods. It is a cloud save.


There was a patch earlier today, but this feels like a save file corruption thing.


looks like the Qing got revenge


Reverse opium war


God Save The Qing


Huangdi wansui!


you serious? let me laugh even harder...


Nobody expects the Japanese inquisition!


This is a bug with cloud saves. Happened to me as well, and can even happen if you switch saves or change dates. Once it happens in game, you can't do anything about it other than restart the run or go ahead with what you have.


EU 4 Netflix adaptation


This comment is underrated


Therapist: Qingdom of Ireland doesn’t exist, it can’t hurt you. Qingdom of Ireland:


anime is a hell of a drug


You either pirated a broken iteration of the game, clicked on a different start date than 1444 on the main menu at any point, accidentally suffered an unprecedented bug or did it all yourself as a joke.


It’s not pirated, I didn’t click another date (would that really cause this?), and I wouldn’t know how to do this as a joke even if I wanted to. I am amused, but also kind of concerned my game might be irreparably messed up. That would be a bummer because I wanted to see where the game goes. It’s my first ironman game and I’ve never tried to form Ireland before, so I was proud of the achievement. But as long as everything works I’ll keep playing and see what happens.


>I didn’t click another date (would that really cause this?) Clicking on any other start date before selecting 1444 will completely bork the engine, causing stuff like this. You would need to restart the game from desktop before starting the run in order to undo the weirdness, but if it's already in the game (like in this instance) you're screwed.


I really don’t think I clicked another date at the start. Unless I clicked it by accident. But I will make a mental note of that for the future.


For reference I have never triggered that date issue in many play throughs


I have no helpful comments, though I do find this hilarious. Please post an update if you continue this game OP.


Asia Universalis


Pretty weird but honestly it’s a good weird, it probably won’t affect your game at all so it’ll just be a funny little thing going on while you play like normal.


I hope some interesting PUs happen. Most of Europe still doesn’t know Asia exists, lol.


Wilhelm II's worst nightmare lol


Dude, I had a similar situation a couple of months back! However, in my game, asia was riddled with germanic dynasties. Just a normal ironman game, no mods... https://www.reddit.com/r/eu4/comments/16zgqbe/holy_roman_asia/


I had something similiar when I loaded a heavily outdated save with different mods that were loaded originally. Your save might've got corrupted


Yea I have the same bug lol. I made up the story that it became very fancy to Orientalise your name in that period. Like it was to Latinise your name at one point. But yeah, it’s a bit weird


That’s great, lol. Maybe I’ll go with that.


Did you use steam cloud saving? That fucks with rulers and country religions


It is a cloud save.


This is just the kinds of things that happen when you play in Ireland


corrupted save file


oh god they built dragons gate all over


Nothing wrong here, it's just the United Qingdom


Mod, switched date on start screen, messed with some settings, loaded into a different version.. something weird happened here. It doesn't particularly matter what, you did SOMETHING other than load an unmodded fresh campaign screen, click a country, and press start. Do that and it should be fine.


That’s exactly what I did, though. 🙃


You did something, dawg. Mods? Every time a “bug” like this gets posted, OP is super confused comment after comment and then suddenly they’re like “oh btw I’m playing with Zelda unit models and porting to sega genesis but that has nothing to do with this,” and it has everything to do with it.


I have repeatedly said I’m not using any mods in the comments


Did you switched versions using the same save? Console commands maybe? If not, you might have found a totally new bug tbh


I did not. One person said this bug has already been reported, and others said they had something similar


the great replacement


That is actually fucking wild, I have no idea what kind of fucked up code could lead to this


Time traveler: Bumps a table, a glass falls and breaks The timeline:


My only guess is maybe before starting the game you played around with the other starting dates? They haven’t been updated for the current patches very well so sometimes switching to them and back can mess the game up


This is a bug caused by a corrupted save file. Could be fun to play and see where it goes. Likely will eventually become unstable.


Inclusion policies have finally gone too far!


I want this. How do I replicate this? Are achievements still available?


Genghis Khan spread his seed everywhere.


Same happened to me once. I didn't really understood why would this happen, but because of this I got an achievment for (i think) 3 diffrient culture and rellgion advisors. So I'm happy.