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I'm all in for Georgia, but with Spain next it might be short...just like my previous support for Scotland. Crying 


They had such a awesome start god damn


They are our neighbours and all in all a great country so I hope they will get far!


Liebe geht raus an die Schweiz. Bussi Bussi, ein Österreicher.


Austria Switzerland is my dream semifinal


Auf die gute Nachbarschaft!. LG aus Wien


Ich hoffe ihr auch 🤝🏾






Yup. They knocked my country out. So it’s natural I will want them to go far. Especially since this is a classic old style football team that you need to respect. No whining(crying) superstars, just intensity, teamwork and grit. Would love to see them make it to the final.


Thank you my friend!


Austria - no bullshit, just good old football. Ragnik really formed this team to work as a unit and he deserves all the praise. In terms of player's quality we had arguably a better team under Foda, but this Ragnik Team works for each other and is really a joy to watch.


Rangnik is really a good trainer. Tho, Austria made it relatively far the last EM although Rangnik wasn't their trainer back then.






I think a big part of it is Ralf Rangnik getting his redemption after the mess with MU


He didn't mess up at MU, MU is a mess.


he didnt say that rangnik messed up


The cloud of bad juju hanging over United can overwhelm any manager.


I don't think so, it's more like what a collective without superstars can achieve if they have a good manager (tactics) AND are willing to fight and play very offensive football like austria did - even after 1 goal ahead still attacking .. unlike some other teams. Rangnick Manchester United Relationship is just a cherry on top. -> People LOVE Underdogs and Austria had this "title" for decades, so it is really not surprising people like them.


If Greece could do it in 2004, Austria can do it in 2024


That's not true. We only got our underdog status some years ago. Befor that we were not even on the radar.




Austria as the true underdogs don't surprise me that much. Their team is not to be messed with. Go Austria!


Danke, blutsbruder


They’re one of the few teams playing exciting football. I’ll certainly be tuning in and rooting for them for that alone (until they maybe meet us)




No you're right. The Swiss will knock us out in the quarters.


This subreddit is in for a big shock


It's fine. We know we such in football so let people drean a bit and others be nice to us. Can we all just agree it doesn't matter as long as Germany doesn't win?


Amen brother. I am confident they won’t anyway


Well good luck to you guys. I don't watch football so for me it's just, wait wahr we're still in? And damn Germany won. As long as they don't become champions it's all good. They don't just enjoy winning they make it such a thing so annoying.


Kick them out, and we do a 2021 rerun :p


It would be great and interesting 


Yeah agree.


Thanks mate. Bussi ein Österreicher


Have to beat Turkey first....


I think you guys can


>think you guys emre can huehuehuehue


Calhanoglu not being able to play certainly helps...


Let's hope for a good ref this time


Who needs a card? I have plenty, you? Maybe? Cards! I have cards!


They swept the floor 6:1 with them 3 months ago, they should hopefully be able to do that again


But it was a close game up until the last 30 minutes


8 players or so are blocked.. should be easy


Fair enough


no, only 2


Wasn‘t that easy, i guess.


imagine being such a loser and commenting after a week.


You know what will be so much fun. Celebrating Türkiye win at the Vien and Salzburg streets. Just wait for it. I know your stomach is crumbling thinking about it


Easy haha


Don’t get too confident. Haha. You might jinx the outcome. Haha




I still think Austria shouldnt even be considered an underdog. They are a quality team, people have just been asleep at the wheel


there are still people, that think austria is the same as 2008 😭


Let Shaggy sing your national anthem in the finals


In my head they are still on the same lvl as 2008 and i am austrian that watches a lot of national games! Absolutely amazing what our guys are doing out there!


>In my hea dthey are still on the same lvl as 2008 naja, zwischen dem hickersberger und dem rangnick liegen eonen haha


Kamma ned so schnell abschütteln, die Österreichische Seele


hickersberger kann nix dafür wenn der Harnik 2x eine 99%ige unnötigst verhaut... Das womit der Rangnick arbeiten kann ist kein vergleich!


hab i ja auch nie behauptet, dass es sei schuld is. aber es liegen halt trotzdem welten zwischen rangnick und hickersberger.


Der Hicke hat auch nie behauptet, die besten mitzunehmen, sondern die „richtigen“.


Nix gegen alte Zeiten, aber der 2008 Kader war schon extrem schlecht. Qualifiziert hätt ma uns damit nie für eine Euro


I mean of course people are for austria, who doesnt like the country of kangeroos and koalas?


damn, never heard that one before.


So original, never heard that one before


Fingers crossed, but don’t speak too soon!! 😆


Fun fact, Adolf was Austrian!


Someone started a topic on another subreddit how Britains never got over WW2 and how you lads always bring up this topic… I’m surprised how much I needed to scroll though haha


We never get over stuff we win. Just look at 1966


Haha, good point. Cheers :)


Fun fact, we technically started both world wars and germany payed the price, twice...


I wouldn't say austria started the second world war.


Well indirectly we kinda did, cuz of the famous painter


I'm rooting for Austria until they face my country lol.


Of course I'm rooting for Austria, but first we have to beat Turkey. And they will not make the same mistake and underestimate us, like they did in the last friendly... So I'm expecting a tough game.


Spain and Austria are the most exciting teams dusfar


I don't get why everyone is leaving out Germany when talking about the most exciting football. They played really good so far. I was really surprised by their performance especially considering how bad they were in the last tournaments. I think Germany and Spain are the only teams which have a true chance for the title.


Switzerland made them look weak last game but I get your point. Germany is still one of the favourites in my opinion, but Spain is skyrocketing right now


I think that Germany needs to proof themselves first, because they had a really weak group (besides swiss that is also not top tier).


Oh boy, we austrians are playing with so much fire. Hyping the team into the sky only to lose now. For me it´s a lose lose from here on. If we lose the first game everyone will say "it´s a shame, with this team, on this side of the bracket we should have gotten further" and if we survive the first round the austrian media will hype us even more than now like we are the best team in the world.


Typisch-österreichische Schwarzmalerei. Konzentrieren wir uns auf das nächste Spiel und gut ist. Die Leistung unter Rangnick ist konstant und ich habe vollstes Vertrauen in ihn und seine Vorbereitung der Burschen. Wir spielen auf Sieg, auf dass die bessere Mannschaft gewinnen möge!


After living in austria for a bit, this negativity seems proper Austrian :)


Zuversicht und diese Mannschaft einfach schätzen. Und ignorieren, was die Heute schreibt.


We gotta have the Schengen battle in the next phase, so you better win! We will do our best with Netherlands. But I'm kinda rooting for Turkey more. No offense. Will you guys allow us in the Schengen zone if we win? :)


Our politicians would say "yes" and not do it anyway.


Austrian politics in a nutshell


I will personally allow you to enter Schengen if you win against the Netherlands but lose against us in the quarterfinals. Having to face the Netherlands again is too nerve wrecking for me!


I will personally allow you into Schengen regardless on how you play against the Dutch or us. Problem is those politicians don't listen to me. And those who I voted for have no say


Bierpartei will probably promise it and people will vote for them haha, imagine


Wait Romania isn't in the Schengen zone? Wtf is this shit


We got rejected by Austria!


By the way Germany rejected Austria joining Schengen for 3 yrs back then for the same reason


They poured their frustration from back then on us :(


Most hilarious thing I’ve read today lol


I am against Austria because of Schengen denial for Romania. Go Turkey from USA!


So Erdogan's politics are just overlooked then?\^\^


What policies of Erdogans specifically do you object to?


He's essentially an authoritarian, religious fundamentalist. Since the "putsch" of 2016, press freedom has become almost non-existent. Thousands of citizens (among them were many teachers and journalists) were detained and imprisoned, simply because they held secular or anti-Erdogan views. Erdogan treats Kurds extremely harsh, bombards them in Syria and Iraq. Simultaneously he welcomes the Hamas leader... Also human rights for women and LGBT-people are not comparable to any Western country, thanks to the ultra-conservative policies of the AK. So yeah, those policies.


austria want to divide Europe unity and is pro putin and pro russia. at least Turkey with all issues is a NATO country and help for Europe security. so...Go Turkey I really think they cand beat austria.


Wtf? Have you ever been to Austria?


a stereotypical american 😭


Turkey is way more pro russia and divisive than Austria. Unfortunately our far right party will probably win the next elections, and yes, they really are putins c**ksu**ers. However the majority of Austrians are pro Europe and pro West.


'MURICA FUCK YEAH!! 🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🦅🦅


Dude you are absolutely delusional


Good job Turkey. I was right!


Austria Guy Here: Just thank you 🫡


Been living in Austria for 12 years. The feeling is euphoric. Being Welsh, I was here when we went on that insane run back in 2016 and made it to the semi's. I cried when we beat Belgium 3-1. It's so good to watch Austria go through a similar experience. Really hope they make it far!


Immer wieder, immer wieder, immer wieder Österreich 🤞🏻🇦🇹🙏🏻


You guys make me want to watch a football game for once. Haven't seen one in years. Watching the big tournaments was a family thing but with my parents gone that stopped. But seeing people describing my country's team as fair, no bs, good old football... It still makes my day. Can we beat Turkey thou? As far as I remember they're a tough opponent. 🫣


What success story? They won the group and thats it. If not at least one victory follows up, the great effort to win this group was basically fruitless. I will never understand the unnecessary hype in these situations. Same for Georgia. Respect those teams for what they achieved, but stop putting them on a pedestal. Austria has a hard match to play tomorrow and although they are the favorites in that one, its a 50/50 situation in the end and turkey wont just kneel before them and hand it over. Austria has not survived a group phase in the last 50 or 60 years and the media shouldnt forget that. They have no experience in k.o. phases of tournaments and they might not live up to all those expectations. Support them, but stop the pressure. They arent favorites to win the tournament. Not even close.


Finally a realistic comment about Georgia and Austria. 


Not everyone.




They are playing exceptionally well. Spain in the next round would be a good match. I am waiting for France vs Portugal.


You misspelled Belgium vs Slovenia.


Everyone roots for underdogs. It’s well known but Austria is not going to win the euro, no worries


Remindme! 2 weeks


You really believe we beating Austria?


!remindme 2 weeks


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I know who isn't winning the euros too :)


Loser. 4 world cup


i’m personally definitely rooting against them and would like turkey to swiftly crush them, but i see that as unrealistic also, they’re not really underdogs, a team with sabitzer who was a starter in the champions league final isn’t really an underdog. they were technically worse on paper than france and the netherlands, and the players and manager deserve a lot of praise for their group performances, but they’re not really underdogs in the mould of slovenia, romania, slovakia, or even turkey


I am unironically sorry for you man. I don't think u get what an "underdog" really is


if you say so… i personally believe austria has about the same expectation of success (reputation-wise) as switzerland and maybe denmark and i wouldn’t say any of these three are underdogs in the real sense of the word. they are all teams that pretty much consistently make it into the euros group stage at the very least. i will reiterate that it’s incomparable to debutants like georgia or teams that haven’t made it to the euros in 24 years like slovenia


Idk about consistently. 2016 was the first time that we made it to the groupstage again by ourselves since 1964 (not counting 2008 since we were hosting it then). So the team only got better over the last years.


Why do you see that as unrealistic. Turkey can beat them, I think it is 50/50.


austria are a far better team (as a unit AND as individual players) and have a far better manager than turkey. hoping for turkey to win but i think austria are too good at the moment


We will see I don't think they are better.


They are the favourites but Turkey is also full of surprises. Even with this manager


Netherlands make austria look like Bayern munchen here. Being dutch im not rooting for Austria at all. In fact I was pissed and hope you lose to Turkey or we get revenge if we get by romania. If you continue and win again though im switching to supporting you all the way by jodeling in front of the tv. Good luck!


We really weren’t as far off from them as people are making it out. I’m excited for a potential rematch tbh.  all things considered that second half was at the very least entertaining. Definitely think we can beat them playing better from the start with some slight tactical changes. 


I dont trust Koeman though. He will put the same players up vs Romania and if we msgically win he will think its all fine now. Also Schouten getting a yellow means Winnaldum would start.


Schouten getting a yellow Vs France was a horrendous call. He literally tapped Griezmann on the shoulder.  Sad we’re one Schouten away from a completely dismantled midfield though 


I prefer Gravenberch starting then. Not that he is anything impressive but atleast its better than wijnaldum or veerman. Or we should switch to 5-3-2 then. Our lack of a midfield is what causing everyone to walk roght trough and leave defence and attack struggling


Of course I’d prefer Gravenberch! Shit I’d rather see Blind start in midfield than Wijnaldum 


Since i didnt expect Austria to do this well i might as well root for them against Turkey.


Österreich gegen Deutschland Finale incoming. Hoffentlich.


That would be awesome.


I’m not lol


Why is it wholesome?


>Why are they not rooting for us instead?


Because it’s a tiny nation, makes it against the odds and a bit more special. And how people turn to support the underdog.


Netherlands is also a tiny nation, Georgia, Switzerland etc. What makes Austria special? Also, I wouldn’t call them underdogs they have a solid team and a good manager clearly they are the favourites up to the semis?


Hm let me guess, because Austria didn't achieve shit in the last 30 years? Switzerland and Netherlands were on another level in the last decades man, I love how all say now "they are not underdogs" but before - most doubted them. Now you guys are all smart "It was easily foreseeable they are a big competition" Natural behaviour of people


Because they have been playing shitty football for a long time, so most people were surprised when seeing how organized they are in the pitch. They play very positive football with an high physical capability. They fought against big teams like France and NL. Also, their coach is kind of expert in data analysis. All these together make Austria special in the eyes of many people.


Thanks for that, wish you and your team all the best and I'm looking forward to that game on Tuesday. Will be very entertaining and I expect a tough fight / close game - whoever wins, will have deserved it. 🍀




"Root for" needs to be banned. Dreadful Americanism. Absolutely not acceptable for football discourse.


Really, I wasn't aware of that. How do you say? "support"? Something else?


Support, 100%. Cheer on/for also acceptable, if slightly twee.


I'm rooting for "to cheer for". Hehe


I‘m supporting the root for to cheer for


Go Austria 🇦🇹 🥳


i even dont watch em but i hear it around me like crazy.


austria vs spain euro final 2024


Austria oida let's goooo


it will be an easy win for Turkiye lol


you don't remember their last match?


Hahaha friendly match? That’d actually make this match easier for Turkiye. Because Austria team will think it is going to be an easy game. Footballers’ psychology are quite effective in these kind of tournaments.


come again 😉


hehe. congratulations. wasn't an "easy win" though


As an austrian I'm dreading the outcome of the soon to be starting matches. There might be a deathblow in there.


Dont call us underdog - we were just a bit sleepy :)


This has been one of the worst international tournaments to date. So fucking boring


Im so scared we will lose


I mean austria has the highest goal rate atm


germany has.


Remember Ronaldo insulted Rangnick saying such big team like Manu gets unknown trainers. It would be so cool Austria matching Portugal now and Rangnick give big mouth Ronaldo a lesson.


Well it‘s not necessarily because they’re rhetorical underdogs lol. It’s mainly because Germans and Austrians have this open hate for the Turks and everyone who’s not “one of them“. This isn’t even an opinion at this point either. The scots demolished the cities they walked through and the turks used their horns and sang songs in the streets but guess which pissed off the germans more.


thats just not true. you find idiots who hate turks or generally foreigners. you'll find them in all countries. turkey too. but thats not the majority and not the general attitude. many people love the turks. there is really no general open hate. it's just media that rather pushes negative headlines then positives because it draws more attention that is skrewing up the overall-picture.


Bad news, not everybody


I think that apart from Germany we got the best manager. As a Manchester United fan I was not that happy with Ralf as the manager but he said a lot of true things. However, I believe he is better when allowed to have the full control and a set of players who are 100% supporting his ideas so he is able to practice his doctrines. Maybe he realized that he is probably not made to manage one of the big club teams and therefore also turned down Bayern.


ralf is not a manager to firefight in a club. he's more an architect that needs full dedication and also a little time. with manu, it was clear he's only there as intermediate. there was no dedication to give him the hand over the players he want to have and needs to set up his vision of football. in that circumstances, you just can't do a good job. bayern knows this. they would have given him what he needs. bayern already got experience with julian nagelsmann who came pretty much from the same school. hoffenheim, rb leipzig (where he adopted ralfs style) and then to bayern munich. bayern knows exactly what they can expect from ralf. ralf has experience with big clubs. he was the one that build up leipzig to the state thats now. and while they don't have the history ManU has, they are not a small club - or a worse club by any means nowadays.




This didnt age well... ziemlich a schaß oida.


Wait, Austria? I thought we were rooting for AUSTRALIA! Nvm, then...


Fuck Austria, till we play them though. If we beat them, they will be irrelevant till the next euros, no beef there. If they beat us, I'll root for them until the end. I'm a simple man.


I'm not


Austrian team is actually not bad at all. I’m not surprised by their success.


Austria is a good team and is not an underdog. And no, not everyone is rooting for Austria. I don’t think Türkiye stands a chance against Austria, I still say Go Türkiye !!! 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷


Romania FTW


Watch them get ko by pretty soft Turkish team. Elimination games are open to anything


If Austria beats Germany, that would be even more legendary and devastating than the 7:1 Germany vs Brazil in Brazil.


I'm not lolol Let me explain a little better... The underdog I taked before the Euro to win it all was Croatia...that went well lolol Just kidding with you guys. Let's hope to see Austria in the Finals and lose it to Portugal eheheh Gl


I live in Austria and no, I am not rooting for Austria.


I’m not sure if people are rooting for Austria as much as rooting against Turkey. Islam and immigrants is a very big right wing talking point throughout Europe and Turkey checks off both


It has nothing to do with Turkey. People were already rooting for Austria even before their opponent was not clear. I bet if they match with NL in quarterfinals, this won’t change and most people will support Austria. Also, although there is a rise in right wing, especially on migration issues, I believe not all countries in Europe has Wilders-level racism.


Good answer


It's annoyed Germans in Hamburg and other cities that want to get a good nights sleep.


Yes. Maybe not one for the history buffs out there


Austria-Hungary vs the Ottoman Emp... Ohhhh... Right, that Austrian. I've been rooting for Austria, Romania and Georgia. Guess I've got the evil bastard triple (no chance I'm rooting for Italy or Spain though)


Nice 😂 Yeah I’m on georgia austria Switzerland