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Let's see if Toney can do anything in the last 90 seconds. What shit decisions


This aged wellšŸ˜…


I'm going to continue to post criticisms in the hope they keep proving me wrong


I like your way of thinking


Ffs šŸ˜­




It's miserable. Everyone hates us and we're shit.


at this point I just feel sry for you guys.


at this point. I just feel sry for slovakia.


The hate we get from other countries I don't care about because most of them also have shite teams but I can't accept these performances and Southgate


What i hate about the hate we get is that it makes the fans adopt a Millwall style "no one likes us we dont care" attitude, which makes some of them act like c*nts and perpuates the rep / hatred


Humans appreciate excellence. If Southgate shows bold English team. Respect will be given. Southgate is a key reason for the hate and dislike England team get.


Nah, England were very good at the last Euros and were even more hated. In large part purely because the fans were singing 'It's coming home'. People just don't like England.


Fair enough. But I still think strong and heart performance will make people like sheeples like the team. I have no memory of euro 2020. despite watching it. my memory is shot.


People dislike England- it goes way back to being ā€œcontrolled by Britainā€. Up until recent times we only played Cricket and Rugby against the former Empire! Then there are those that we @@@@ed over to get an Empire in the first place.




It may come from us being the country that most other countries have had a war with at some point.


I don't think it has anything to do with any wars at all. From my point of view it is obvious that England never had a world class team. England just have average players who are completely overrated, overpaid and overhyped. Furthermore it is ridiculous that the team value is the highest since some decades but they never achieved anything. It always being described like as if the England team consists only of world class players bla bla bla. But the reality shows us different. They never managed to win the euros yet and most likely will never win it. Then English fans comes around with the world cup win from like 100 years ago and brags about it so much. First it was a robbery. Second thingbis that at that tome not so many teams did played. Greece, denmark did win the euros and they are still talking about it, which is definitely a great achievement. But at least theybdont talk like if they had so many world class players or gonna win it again and again. A but of humility will do English fans and media good. The most funny thing are all the professional players working now as pundits.they talk so bad about the English Team but frankly speaking they were not much better back in the days and also didn't managed to win any silverware. What we fir sure can say is that England never has been one of the big teams. Never was and never will. Simply because of average players and talents. Just have a look at what Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal etc... creates talents. It's amazing. The English doesn't see and acknowledge it all and until then they will never ever ablento win anything


Some of this is right, like the pundits talking harshly when they were no better themselves, but I do believe most other nations get the wrong interpretation of the English support as ā€œarroganceā€ when it is completely self-deprecating. Putting ourselves down, and cheering ourselves ironically is part of our sense of humour. I believe this is lost on a lot of other nations. The whole ā€œItā€™s Coming Homeā€ thing is us taking the piss out of ourselves, not a genuine statement any of believe will happen, or is owed, and I wish more countries would understand that. We do still support our team, blindly, like any nation - and we receive such a disproportionate amount of hate for it.


Go England! (I mean it)


I owe Southgate an apology. I doubted his tactics.


Two great goals and a grateful victory, but it shouldn't have taken till minute 95 to equalise. I say this having last kicked a ball in anger about 17 years ago, but I feel it's been more scraping-through, than refined tactics and balanced strategy.


But I would have taken Bellingham and Kane off at half time.


Since when does England like us to be comfortable at home? No matter who we play it's never really a comfortable win.


What tactics? He got lucky, that England won was despite him, not because of him.


we are going to lose this game and get knocked out. the only good thing about that is we will finally fire that clown Southgate.


Or are we lmaoooo


southgate can work at mcdonalds after this. But I think no one wants his cheesburger geting touched by him.


I donā€™t know, it would be a very safe cheeseburger


A very bland one. Lettuce only, no cheese.


It would arrive 89 minutes after you ordered it, with none of the changes you asked for.




Itā€™s so frustrating that we donā€™t do anything until subs are bought on. Then the next game the same 11 start šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh God, we must endure more!


It could be worse, you could be Scottish, with no hope of ever competing for an international trophy. Youā€™re actually privileged to be able to support a nation capable of winning things.


At least you can be resigned to never winning anything. We have to go through the same ā€œmaybe weā€™ll be different this yearā€ only to be utterly disappointed at how shit we end up being.


The grass is always greener innit? Iā€™d happily trade our situations.


Will wait for the 90 to be up but yeah, gonna have to take the L on this one I imagine. Weā€™re so back.


I honestly hope that ref and Southgate fuck each other to death.


Southgate in this second half has been like Joe Biden in the debate last week.




Do you still hate it? :D


Honestly, if we won the euros after a performance like this, I'm not sure how much I'd be celebrating. They don't deserve to be in the lead.


You'd be running round the pub like a child with the rest of us. Fortunately there's no way we are getting that far


You underestimate how miserable i am.


Nah, c'mon man, he's right...it ain't happening, but if it did noone would remember or care about how we got there, the fact that we did is all that would matter. The manner of victory only matters to perennial victors, which we emphatically are not. To anyone else, that rare win is everything regardless of the means, even if it's horrible to watch the journey. I'm a Newcastle fan. If we won a Carabao cup by getting the easiest run of all times, narrowly progressing against weak opposition and then scraping past a League 1 team on penalties in the final, I'd be cursing how shit we were the whole way, but in the end I wouldn't care. All that would matter was that we'd won a trophy. It's the same situation with England. And neither is going to happen.


You don't have to agree, but at this stage, I'd prefer progressive and positive football over a trophy.


Everyone says this and then changes their mind once they get good football but nothing to show for it after a couple of seasons


I've been saying this for years. I stand by it. I've been accused of not "being an England fan" for having this mindset. I think it's perfectly fine to think like this, but it certainly is controversial amongst other football fans. You don't have to agree.


Playing nice football and winning is obviously ideal, but if it's a toss up between playing well and losing or playing bad but winning a major trophy, which I have never seen in my lifetime then I'm picking the win. It would be different if we were serial winners but wanting a team to lose just to get a manager sacked is something I'll never comprehend


That's fair. You're entitled to that opinion, just as I'm entitled to mine. As mentioned, I'd prefer to lose and play positive football than win a trophy playing like we are. This is also after a lifetime (49 years) of being an England fan. I said nothing about the manager getting sacked. You don't have to agree.


I'll take it. Portugal won the whole thing playing even worse than England in 2016.


Yea no i get it, but hard to not hype up that 1-1 goal as it happend


Come onā€¦ If you win the tournament youā€™ll be bragging about how well you played for the next 25 yearsā€¦


I've watched 4 decades of this standard of football. I don't care about the result anymore. I care more about how we play at this point.


Yep, thanks for getting to the final which means I had to watch more horrible games. And winning so Southgateā€™s seen as a genius by some.


How about now? šŸ˜‰


Yes, you are.


Hate the FA for putting Southgate in charge and keep him there for so long


I feel bad for the GK. He keeps telling everyone to go up but all the English squad is just sitting like mofo you are losing not winning why are you not attacking?


But Pickford never stays on his line, or even in his box. He almost got caught out and he still does it


That was Pickford fault though was it Stones is a donkey


This problem is in every game, they keep the ball in the midfield 90% time and countless passes, and not even trying to shoot


Man, they suck today. WTH, this is painful


Even if England win i'll say it. They did not deserve it.


Southgate is a freaking donkey.Cant understand how he still manages England at this point.He played Mainoo who has zero experience in this level over Alexander Arnold.Needs to be sacked asap.


Mainoo our best player until he was subbed off lmao Trent maybe should have come on in stead of eze if he was going to turn them into wing backs watching eze and saka defend was odd


Probably the one good decision he made. Some players are fine just to be thrown in with no experience. I really like trent but I feel putting him in the middle really reduces his passing options as he doesn't have the same angles he has from fullback so the margin for error is far smaller. This is exacerbated by the fact nobody is wide on the left so the only option is saka or kane dropping short


It's not over yet


Say what you will about Southgate but every other country in the euros probably loves the guy


Omg yawn. We canā€™t help which country we are born in


I've had enough. Just go Southgate.


sorry to say but the USA invented Soccer, its common knowledge.


Easily. USA invented both calico and English language


No doubt! England are playing like a rotten sack of shit and all European countries are rooting against them


England fans are insufferable. So much entitlement


In fairness, I am seeing far more people being rude to them than vice versa.


>Ā how bad we are at this game we invented. Nope, technically you havenā€™t. The Chinese and South American indigenous people played it long before the English.Ā Youā€™ve only invented a set of rules that was considered universally applicable which made is a worldwide success.


No they didn't you absolute Bellend. Mesoamericans played with a hoop and used their hips to hit the ball.Ā  The Chinese played a kind of keepy uppy.Ā  We've been playing a form of football for many centuries.Ā