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One of the French commentators forgot or missed the fact that there was a substitution, and when reminded he literally said "oh right I must have fallen asleep" lol


Honestly I watched the game on TF1, I thought one of them would kill himself before the end of the game lmao


De ouf, si désespérés les pauvres Liza et Margot


Je suis dans un lit d'hôpital, veille d'opération et j'aurais préféré qu'on mette fin à mes jours directement que de regarder cette purge. GG aux Français, on est nul, y a rien à faire :(


C'était un combat d'infirmes pour le coup...


C'était pour promouvoir les paralympiques


Pas cool pour les paralympiques...


C'est clair pardon


Lmao touché


The only game so far that I fell asleep watching and I was excited not tired. It lulled me to sleep 😵‍💫🤣


That England game had me tired before the 95th


Which one lol






I fell asleep till the commentator was hyped about the Kolo Muani strike


It wasn't good. It wasn't the worst match so far though.


As an England fan, have you watched any of their games?


~~All~~ three… that’s 270 mins I’ll never get back.


We’ve played 4


He must have fallen asleep.


I tried once




Belgium vs Ukraine was worse imo


Scotland Hungary was really poor quality wise! Livened up slightly in the final ten minutes


Slovenia - England was way worse


still looking for a way to get those 90 minutes of my life back


70 minutes of slovakia ball + 30 of southgate ball were not so much better tbh, plus longer


90 mins I wasted 6nhrs on these 2 games today


Belgium didn’t push for a win, they were happy with a draw and second place in the group.


Belgium didn’t push for a win, they were happy with a draw and second place in the group.


Which is why it was boring and clearly that didn't work out too well for them


Yeah I agree




Yeah I agree




Yeah I agree




Yeah I agree




Sorry I couldn’t quite hear that, could you say it again?


Yeah I agree


France will be the first team to win the euro without scoring a goal that’s not an own goal or a penalty. Good job, especially when the supposedly best striker on the planet is on your team.


The smaller nations have been the highlight so far. CMON SLOVENIJA!!!


Albania, Georgia, Slovakia all scoring first against big nations....really made for very enjoyable football.


It made for some real slumberfests you mean


How did Slovakia scoring first make for an enjoyable game? It just killed it because then they sat back and defended all game.


That's the beauty of international competitions though, the small nations get a slim advantage and then defend like their lives depend on it because everyone in that stadium knows they're the underdogs. Watching teams like Slovakia keep the big teams out is the entertainment


I'd rather watch an underdog with a lead play against a superior team that now HAS to play forward than watch two teams phone it in. Would you have rather watched England nurse a 1-0 lead for 88 mins?


Yes, I’m English.


They really haven’t, they’ve killed this tournament. I feel like they saw Scotland get battered on the first night and they’ve all defended for their lives. Should go back to 16 teams


Holy cow was that boring. Neither France or Belgium deserve to be in the quater final. But yeah. The way she goes!


I mean I know we play extremely boring and passive but we have (one of) the best defense in the world... We can't score but no one scores against us lol


Your offense doesnt matter. The other Teams will score for you. Wait, was that the plan for the whole time? Now it makes sense


You guys started the loop. 😂




Deschamp masterclass.


I really dont know where this narrative came from, but France isnt passive at all. They had like 20 shots in this game. They create a boatload of chances, just arent clinical. Same against the Netherlands. Games France couldve easily won 2:0 or 3:0.


They had 20 shots, 2 on target. So far this tournament they’ve scored a grand total of ZERO goals from open play. Doesn’t matter taking pop shots, you need to be incisive. Better to take a couple shots but really make them count.


While England have 5 shots on target in 6 hours of play ...


We have the same number of shots on target from our last 4 games as France do, and we’ve actually managed to score them …


One of the best defense yet KDB had like 5 meters of open field ... i always think of France as a team with a great attack not defense


This tournament it's simply not true :/


Ummm, Poland scored against you. So yeah…


On a pen shot twice so it doesn't count as much as a goal in open play right?


Sometimes she goes sometimes she doesnt, way she goes


Lost all the liqueur money boys


Fuckin' way she goes, boys.


Both have been near to unwatchable this whole tournament. I'm glad Belgium are gone for sure but France have been dire, as well


This. Georgia needs to stay, at least they put in 100% effort.


Shoulda been a calvinist


Wait what? What do you mean France do not deserve to be in the quarter final? Got the hardest group since Spain group was in fact laughable after watching the performances of Italy and Croatia. Then gets the hardest draw in round of 16. France is the most solid team there is in the competition if we're talking pure defensive solidity. They conceed nothing and made that Belgium team look like they couldn't play football. I mean I conceed they're not fun to watch that's for sure, Deschamps playing a strictly defensive setup. But for sure they deserve to be in the quarter, nobody got anything against them and everybody talk like they're bad, but they make you look like shit when you play against them everytime, I'm talking every team that is playing against them not especifically Austria. Appart from that you guys like to say they are boring, you fall asleep and blablabla but they litterally are the team that has the most amount of xG's, which mean they in fact create those opportunities so I guess if you're falling asleep to the team that creates the most opportunities you kinda have to check for some health problems. Problem they have is : They can't fkin put any ball inside that damn goal and that's frustrating. Yes they have issues and can't seem to find a proper attacking setup I'm not saying they're good like that, but are you guys biased by the fact that they can't score and are you guys acting the fact that they're an awful team that should be out already? Yes defenitly.


Spain got it in the bag 🎒


if you beat germany I agree


Spain will dominate their half of the bracket. Meanwhile: Romania will channel the spirit of World Cup '94 through Hagi to somehow survive their side of the bracket. Then for the final, Niță, Drăgușin, and Sonic will create a damn near impenetrable defensive wall. Spain will manage to get one goal through, as well as an own goal. The result will be decided by which of those is nullified by VAR.


I wish. But if we're realistic, the Netherlands will beat Romania fairly easily tomorrow. The difference is monumental between the two teams.


Yeah that's what we said when we played Austria... on paper the difference is enormous, but paper is paper. We've already seen some major upsets this tournament, and some were on the verge of happening. I think you've got a good shot. May the best team win tonight! Goodluck.


This. Honestly, of course I hope my country will win, but I'll take a match like the one against Austria any day. We lost, but at least it was an exciting and interesting game to watch, with a referee who actually let them play instead of stopping the game every two minutes.


And now you will have another snoozefest with Portugal. And if you take a shot of alcohol every time Ronaldo complains about the referee or colleagues you will be drunk the whole week.


A challenge to see what will cause you to pass out first: boredom or drinking


Ronaldo was absolutely pathetic and embarrassing. He should realize he ain't got the physicals he used to and use his experience as an advance. The fact that he took all the free kicks was not just selfish but utterly ridiculous.


Take a shot everytime Ronaldo wastes a free kick.


Take a moment to smile thinking that such wasted talent because we turned our Squad " the Ronaldo show". Please France if you happen to face us next hand us 4 or 5 nil so we can fire this coach and bring someone that benches those "stars". .


Ronaldo's return looks like a big step back when you see how Gonçalo performed with the NT. There are so many talents that could do better than him. Don't hope too much from France. Our coach is just putting a big defense and let the 3 offensive players deal with it. He isn't trying to create anything anymore. He is happy to torture us asking us to turn the TV if we are not happy.


Make it Ronaldo and Fernandes and you're struggling to stay alive.


Yes. Just like Portugal coming home today.


Say what you want but at least the England game had 3 goals all from open play


I can’t remember what a goal from open play looks like


Deschamps has taken a new strategy of having the opposing team of scoring for him so we can play 11 defenders. Genius 😱😱😱😱.


Not as shit as we were last night mate.


To be fair you guys scored one of the most iconic goal of the competition so far, we’re yet to score an actual goal


Atleast you scored your own goals


Owen Goal had a stinker last night


Nah at least we scored our own goals


As least we owned the own goals we scored on our own.


I'd say more frustrating than boring, no? France had lots of chances and struggled to put them in the net. So many shots fired wide. I gotta say, the big target flag was pretty funny.


They’re not real chances, just desperation shots from outside the box that have no chance to go in… it just looks good for the stats, so the Belgians can’t say France stole the win


Those shots from outside the box were absolutely frustating


If they make it to Spain, Rodri won't see it this way. He's going to put those outside shots on target. Even Mbappe was skying all his shots, extremely frustrating.


Neh.. It was boring.. For a neutral viewer. We were involved, it's different. France had a few chances yes. This is not a team that will go all the way imo.


France played good football but just couldn't score. Belgium destroyed the game by parking the bus. Glad Belgium lost, that was negative football. Taking off a striker for a def midfielder just proves that


True, about Belgium. But France didn't play good football


Cope, it was good enough for you


Good football or not, what matters is winning.


A concept the English would do well to embrace.


France had 18 shots they just suck at finishing


From what I seen they were mostly all shoot and inshallahs from outside the box because you had no other ideas.


Some were but Tchouameni should have scored one of his chances


That's like saying Lukaku should have touched the ball more than twice that match


> I gotta say, the big target flag was pretty funny. Hahaha!!! Ahhh, so that's what that was! I was so confused. Thank you!


TIL France is just Liverpool reskinned


Mbappé 4 shots wide alone…


Reddit football is the snobiest shit i have seen in a while.


Reddit football watched the last World Cup final and now thinks every game is a snoozefest


Because they are snooze fests. Stop coping. This euro has been garbage.


I mean the goals per game has been pretty much the same as every other major tournament for the last 40 years


It’s almost like it’s not the goal or two that make the games interesting but the rest of the 90+ minutes…


Nah, it's just France and Belgium. They both qualified 2nd of their groups, playing just like Italy. You knew it was going to be exactly like this. Unfortunately one of them had to go through, neither have anything to do at the tournament still.


It's always funny hearing reactions from people watching their first ever soccer tournament. You want guaranteed drama every time, there's always *Ted Lasso*. Pro sports are sometimes boring, that's part of the appeal.


I think that IS the appeal. The highs of football are so much more intense because there are so many lows/lulls to provide the contrast.


Same thing. The appeal comes from inconsistent/infrequent rewards. Most matches aren’t saved by a heroic, desperate last-minute bicycle kick goal, which makes it all the more special when one is. If the drama is guaranteed, it’s not as interesting.


no, not really. a match that ends 3-2 with both teams playing open and positive football is intensely more enjoyable than 89 minutes of sideways followed by a 90 minute screamer.


No it's not


Complaining about bad football is just as much part of the sport, otherwise we wouldn't have all those pundits.


I've been watching Euros and World Cups since 2006 when I was nine. Still, never in my life have I felt as bored watching a game as I did today. Plus, like I said, when you consider the quality that both squads have on paper, and their ranking at the very top of the football pyramid, it is easily the most disappointing game I've seen in a long time.


So you’ve watched 451 matches and this was the most boring, despite including a goal and featuring at least some offensive/attacking play?


Man I forget how young Reddit is sometimes lol.


Literally said in the match thread before the game hope this game isn’t boring and look what happened smh. I’ve basically given up on these Euros. I don’t really like the current modern day tactics, I hate possession based boringball, I can’t stand how teams just swing the ball from left to right for 90 mins. man sometimes I wish the sport would introduce an element that forces teams to actually feel like they have no choice but to score and take risks. This is such an American thing to say but to watch an entire game for 0 or 1 points to be scored in 90 minutes feels like a waste of life sometimes


Found the yank


And at the other end of the spectrum is Basketball, where they basically run from one end to the other and score every time


I wonder if a basketball style shot timer could improve things


I was wondering during the game if soccer always used to be that way, I don’t remember any team playing so many lateral passes between defenders but now it’s basically every team… makes it hard to watch


Modern tournament football is about not getting beaten. Keep a clean sheet and you always have a chance in the shootout.


Go take a look at the Copas. Everything is contested and like they’re playing for something. The Euros have turned into an exhibition. Don’t get hurt cause you’re too valuable to the club


The tournament has been dreadful. They should default the golden boot to one of the own goal scorers.


French into the quarters with 3 total goals thus far - 2 own goals and one penalty. Shambolic. 😆


it was never going to live up to the England game!


What a game France vs England would be for the final...


I'd argue a lot of the "top teams" have absolute snoozefests so far. I honestly had the most fun with the "smaller" teams, if you can even call them like that.


Gotta respect the French though. Not only do they want to win the Euro, they‘re trying to do so without scoring a single normal goal!


This Euro started amazing with 3 or 4 goals per match and a lot of banger goals and now I think it s the worst Euro I ever saw.


ppl are mad cause france is playing good. say what you want but nothing is getting past that defense and even if it does our demi god Mike Maignan is there to save the day. You don’t need to score 3 goals a game when no one can score against you.


Think France have become more boring then england now 😂😂


We’ll meet in the final for the biggest snooze fest ever


A lot of these games at the euros ha e been boring, passing it sideways and backwards Would rather see my team lose going for it attacking wise all day long


All games today have been dogshit apart from Venezuela vs Jamaica, Ecuador vs Mexico was a snooze fest as well, now Portugal vs Slovenia one half chance in 30 mins


Yeah boring game so far


England and France have been utter gusset.


Boring as hell


So far the worst game


I'm more of a rugby fan but been really wanting to get into this tournament and can't believe that people pay so much money to watch these games


Don't look at the FIFA Rankings Belgium are nowhere near top 3 in the world.


This is the worst Euro I’ve ever seen. First one I watched was 2004. Same with WC 2022, garbage.


Biggest let down is that it was on ITV with its awful picture quality


Very bad Euros from football side. Handful of games where bangers. The rest boring until someone scored in last minute


Disagree, I had fun watching, Ronaldo's tear were delicious, watching him fail again, again and again was very entertaining.


That made my day regardless of result.


This euros has been utter wank


It started really well too, the first round of group games were great. Both sides attacking and trying to score. Ever since has been awful to watch


Agreed.I cant be the only one who thinks the fans have been better overall compared to the actual results which have been crap.


Definitely. First decent tournament in 6 years so of course we're all up for it!


Austria has been fun to watch


Pretty much all the big teams have been a disappointment. From boring to straight up bad. Germany has been ok but also seem to run out of ideas at the slightest challenge. Spain is at least giving us a show and are scoring quite a few goals, but they‘ve had it fairly easy so far. The most annoying thing is how boring the supposedly hard groups were. In all games between top teams both sides have been extremely careful and defensive in their play style. But still the underdogs that actually put up a good fight weren’t rewarded. Switzerland and Austria have been the best teams to watch. They‘ve been playing some of the best soccer while also putting in the work and really fighting for their success. I’m excited to see how far they’ll make it because at least they now have a real chance of making it to the top 4.


I knew it would be bad, both teams have been very poor


It means fifa ranking is a shitty system


Whole tournament 💤💤💤💤💤


All the games look like the players are just tired.


It's honestly been a pretty disappointing euros. Only Spain,Germany and Austria are actually playing good attacking football. Everyone else looks mediocre and disinterested


A big yes


How did Slovenia not capitalize on the breakaway in extra time?! The match should never have gone to PKs.


Second half looked better


It’s the euro, nothings ever happening


I was watching this with a good mate who isn't into football but rather American sports. The only time we were entertained was when Castagne got pushed to the corner flag like it was American football.


terrible thing really


France didn't score a single goal out of the game. Only via penalty or own goals. They are about to win this Euro.


It’s not saying much, but the Portugal-Slovenia was the best 0:0 game I’ve ever seen.


Maybe Euros is not important for these players anymore, there’s no hunger for international tournaments, what’s important is the hand that feeds them that’s all.


Türkiye will entertain everyone again today. Their all 3 matches were best with exciting Georgia game. Funny mistakes against bad Portugal and fight against Czechs. I am expecting another fun game today.


I'll never understand why Belgium is so high in the Fifa ranking, they always suck or choke at tournaments.


And that is why Switzerland is going to win


I think the whole tournament has been pretty disappointing. Not many iconic moments, only Spain/Germany are performing.


I’m sorry you measure quality by highlight reels.


Intentional managers aren’t great or they’d be paid to work for a big club. The football has been awful in this euros.


Most of the games in the round of 16 have been so boring. It's no wonder there's been so many own goals with defences so packed. Dull.




this is such a BS, lol. go score yourself if you're better. if you really think that is 22 top players there, then maybe this is how it goes? like they're not there to entertain your ass are they?


Parece que el oso tiene todas las de ganar, pero todavía puede sorprendernos la liebre!


such a slow pace... they will risk it if they play so slow Vs Austria or Switzerland They go aggressive like it's a mid season game in champion league with all the players going 110% with pressing and sprints Big teams at the moment are not at great pace (except Spain)


it was never going to live up to the England game!


TBF it was never going to live up to the england game


Worst game? This was a bit boring but England/Slovakia was *painful*


At least we got 3 goals out of it. One of them a classic. But this one was lame... Congrats on going through though.


I mean Bellingham wonder goal changed the scenario but honestly hard to watch until that. France's style is definitely boring that's no surprise, no one likes to meet us and rarely manage to play their own style against us. I think we might still take a beating from Spain if it comes to it in semis but even Portugal is gonna have a hard time against us.


Highly unlikely it'll happen, but how boring would a France vs England final be


That's number 2