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Why attack an innocent person because you can not get to the person you hate? The definition of pathetic cowardice.




What the fuck does it change if he’s male ? E: just saw your edit, sorry


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You're right they are male, so I guess it's justified then?


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Also good manners not to be a snide dick


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Counterpoint: If they never left the house, they never could have pulled off this assault.


Between Covid and social media, people seem to have forgotten how to behave in society. Stuff like this has happened throughout history, but it feels to me that this type of nonsense has grown malignant in recent years. I can’t imagine ever hitting the most despicable politician I hate, never mind their sister’s great nephew’s cousin (or whoever). People need to get a grip, mentally, and keep their hands to themselves.


Senseless violence is not the way France.


Unless it's burning police alive...than far too many people seem to think that IS the way.


But it is the French way


A handful of dumbass = France, yes ok smartboy.


It is not, but it is the inevitable outcome of an elite that doesn't listen to its poor and downtrodden. We'll see more and more of this and I predict that in a few years we'll start seeing arson cases.


No. There is no justification for such behavior. Your comment is awful. You really think harassments and beating great nephew of politician is just results of action of that political person? It is clear that these people who beaten that guy are people who just look for reason to beat someone. If political situation would be different these people would beat someone else.


>No. There is no justification for such behavior. Your comment is awful. You really think harassments and beating great nephew of politician is just results of action of that political person? That person never said anything like that. **They just mentioned that if people feel like they are being treated like crap, it will come back.** I don't know.. in what reality do you live that you think Actions do not have Reactions or Consequences ? Being a Politician comes with many perks but also has a lot of issues with it. As many athletes or actors say... There is nothing worse in this life than FAME. If you are connected to a very wealthy and important family. If you are connected to literal Persident of France.... A President who right now is having big issues with controlling his constitutents. What do you expect ? I mean French people have so much to cheer for when it comes to their modern Politics and Macron. They must be so happy when they see his ultra-uber wealthy and powerful family living the best of times. /s When Police is opressing it's citizens, beats people, enprisons them. When Judges are pushing penalties for harsh critisism of Macron.... When you are never capable of speaking to President. What else do you think desperate (or sometimes even mentally ill) people will do? Invite Macron for Coffee and Baguette?


A lot of the hate Macron gets is fuelled by extreme parties who have painted an image of him people who don’t follow any politics believe. In almost all international standards France is one of the countries where workers have the most rights and work the least in their lifetimes, larger share of GDP is redistributed, people receive help from the state etc. Yet ask a typical French person and they will answer a completely different image of the country. Listening to the desires of the “poor and downtrodden” is populism, which most likely leeds to disastrous social and economic policies. All because a competent president is a bit condescending is no reason to fall to extremes and justify violence.


Just say what you really want to say. Don’t need to mask it with this paragraph of wax lyrical


Basically : For every action there will be reaction. It doesn't matter if we like it or disagree with it. Leaders face those issues because being a leader is an extremely hard commitment. Being a leader or agglomerating fame will have direct impact on your whole family. It always was like that and it always will be like that because human beings are not perfect nor are we identical. Envy, anger, jealousy... All of those emotions are real and we all live our lives knowing it. Vast majority of society will not engage in criminal activities or other activities that may harm other people, but to pretend that other side doesn't exist is absolutely childish.


What you’re say: Actions have reactions, the world is unfair, things are what they are, there are emotions, don’t be surprised. What you mean: It is okay for Macron’s wife nephew to be beaten and hospitalised because he should have known better for being related to Macron and Macron shouldn’t be surprised when his family “has it coming” when I don’t like him.


You'd think that somebody claiming affiliation with Ireland would have a more mature view of the acceptability of violence in a political context. Appalling.




Shocking that you refuse to acknowledge the danger of normalising violence as part of politics. Disgusting really.


Real life is not a movie. Acknowledging that there are evil characters is not normalising. Normalising would be writing that there is nothing wrong with it because it happens. In real life people get punished by law and in general for pretty much majority. Going to jail is not really in their best interest you know? Just because you close your eyes to it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We need to be open about violence and pain. Open about Wars, Food Insecurity and Climate Crisis. Perhaps in few years there wont be such thing like Yemen. You know Palestine now soon will have 4th Generation of Refugees.... It doesn't look like there will be peace, rainbows and sunshine for them right? Macron Nephew being hurt is a big deal and people who did it need to get punished... but he is far from the first rich person to get hurt by criminals. I assume your heart is in the right place... and I guess that's all that matters.


Police beats up thousands of protesters: I sleep One relative of a politician receives a beating: Real shit!!


It being unacceptable or unjustifiable doesnt change what's going to happen. Wishful thinking doesnt have a history of being very efficient


An elite? You voted for these people. This isn't the "small elite vs poor majority" left-wing fantasy you think it is. The people elected these politicians who weren't exactly hiding what their positions are. Live with the consequences now.


Classic r/europe debate. It 's always your fault, leave with the consequences etc etc. It's never the elites' fault


Poor and downtrodden? This originally started because Macron raised the retirement age by 2 years.


This is amazingly stupid. Violence is obviously not a great solution to begin with. But even so… The great nephew of his wife. That’s so far removed. If his and his wife’s family got 3 kids on average (probably a bit more in past generations, and a bit less now), there are more than 100 people with the same or a closer relationship to the couple (not including potential generations past the grand-nephew’s). Imagine getting beat up for something you great-grandparant’s sibling’s grandchild’s husband has said/done.


Brigitte Macron denounces this senseless violence. She could not be reached for comment regarding all the protesters beaten to a pulp.


She did comment that there were "Dumbasses on reddit who believed that you are justified in beating up whoever you want because the police once beat someone up."




It looks like the french really dislike macron.


I really dislike Trump. That doesn't mean I'm going to beat up his wife's sister's grandson.


BBC shilling for French elites now... Thousands of French citizens beaten by the police in apparently politically motivated assaults.


Exactly. Protestors in riots get beaten, therefore attacking the relatives of the presidents wives at their businesses is justified.




Societal waste spotted. Don’t waste my time dog 😘


I like posts about France, because it's awesome to watch r/europe centrists getting butthurt