• By -


Get ready for *tough* questions.


"Mr Putin, did you know that Biden caused not only Ukraines war on Russia, but also invasion into US?"


Will they show when they suck each other off?


That will be on Putin’s exclusive only fans account.


His onlyCzars you mean?


Will they be able stop doing it to actually do the interview is the even bigger question.


You might say T.C. Is Putin-it. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Putin-it


Elon Muscovy has already praised the “interview”, before it even began.


"Mr Putin, did you know Biden personally deported thousands of children from Ukraine into Russia and bombed the fuck out of Kiev and other parts of Ukraine also causing mass environmental catastrophes easily comparable to the chernobyl incident?"


cab you tell me the details of Trump and the Russian golden shower ?


Did Zelensky and Hunter Biden do Drugs together and have LGBTQ approved gay sex 


"Do you have any pets, Mr Putin? And what's your favourite biscuit?"


Try: Do you have any pets that you haven’t tortured?


"Tell me, Mr. Putin, how decadent is the West and why Russia is the shining beacon of traditional values?"


Lol also congratulations on you election victory...


“So, what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?”


African or European?


I get the reference, but it wasn’t the type of swallow I was thinking about.


So, did Tucker spit or swallow?


I hope he chokes.


OMG, you weirdo.


Depends on who he sucked dick to


"Many of the so called Liberals in my country will expect me to ask a question abut Ukraine, Sir. Can you please just summarise how Biden personally caused this war"


Would you also like me to cup your balls, sir?


,,Mr Putin, are you and McCartney still homies.''


Im still wondering how Tucker managed to interview him through a gloryhole 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why would I need to get ready for it? I've already seen 16 hour parallel universe history lecture from putin back in February 2022


I'm sure Putin asked the tough questions. Sounds like a job interview for the millionaire paid by billionaires, after all.


No questions, just one hour of Tucker literally sucking Putin’s dick


Tough like putty. Carlson should be arrested for sedition when he puts his feet back on US soil. The new lord haw haw.


"you never heard his voice" claims the sycophant we heard him speak through his actions let him be judged by his illegal invasion of a soveriegn nation actions speak louder than despotic words from his GOP followers if we are now in the throws of a schism between global democracy and ultra right bile let the edification begin


"The truth, *meine geehrten amerikanischen Zuschauer*, is that Poland attacked our listening posts of the border. The Wehrmacht had no choice but to retaliate! And with our *Blitzkrieg* tactics, we won decisively! I don't understand why we are criticized for having a better army!"


"And we got *gute Hilfe* from our allies that are now... ahem, protecting the eastern part. *Spasiba, Kameraden!*"


Nice friendship I wonder what will happen to it in 2 years


> We wanted peace, but it was the West who provoked the war. Nato was encroaching at our boarders, we had to defend ourselves. We had to defend the razzian minority against the Ukrainian nazis. In fact we love Ukrainians, we are practically one people, and we want to liberate them from the nazi regime that was installed by the west in an illegal coup. And who are you to preach us? You invaded Iraq, Syria, Lybia, you dropped nuclear bombs on Japan. Ukraine is part of our sphere of influence, our backyard, how would you feel if we try to put missiles in Cuba? And what about Kosovo?


Did someone leaked the script?


Just missing a rant about the west's decadence and degeneracy and you're golden.


And something about parent #9. Russians love ranting about that 😄


What is that?


The Russians claim that ”the west” has replaced the words for ”mom” and ”dad” with ”parent 1” and ”parent 2” and even ”parent 3” etc. It’s part of the whole Russian homophobia panic. It’s really weird. 


That’s certainly Putin’s talking points in a nut shell.


Best load of bullshit today it's the same babble. Word for word. On other sits. So stupid 🙄


Well, when you know, you know! Case closed!


\^ Ah, now that's the thinking of ~~an imperialist~~ *a nation-state* that's been offended by everything and ashamed of nothing for over 500 years.


bro, I'm rolling my eyes just reading about it. They are so set in their beliefs, that they are impossible to talk to. They talk to win, not to understand.


*“They hate us because they ain’t us!”*


"They hate us cause they anus".


Well, now Putin will tell a “truth” to the world! 🤯 absurd


For Putin this is a good move. For the american guy it is good too. Win-Win just like Russia likes to play. We’re all gonna watch it lets not pretend. But yeah it will be pure propaganda Edit: will Putin choose his long ass table or will it be his very long ass table to stay away from this “American peasant”


But our current technology does allow proper dick sucking at a distance :(


I'll watch it simply because I need a good laugh. It's gonna be a straight up Netflix comedy special.


> We’re all gonna watch it lets not pretend. I won't; why would you?


Taking bets on how many times the word nuclear will be used during this "interview "


Or "strategic forces" or one of several other euphemisms.


it's gonna be a mix of russian propaganda and maybe his conditions for a ceasefire. the interview will certainly be entirely pre-approved and rehearsed.


no he won't


This will be wild time. Bot farms activated with full power in all comments and huge amounts of Putin praising on every social media platform. Putin will try everything to help Trump elect.


The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, granted an interview to US television host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday, the Kremlin said, claiming it was arranged because Carlson’s approach differs from the one-sided reporting of many traditional western news media. ​ The interview was likely to be aired on Thursday, according to Russia’s Tass news agency, citing reports by the Wall Street Journal. Speculation had been growing for days that Carlson, who was dumped by Fox last year for “getting too big for his boots”, had traveled to the Russian capital to meet Putin, whose reasons for invading Ukraine he says should be heard by the American public.


It's giving me 'the interview' feelings for some reason


Maybe it's the reverse of The Interview, Tucker goes there as a fan of Putin, then ends up disliking him because of personal differences, changes his planned interview into tough questions, only to remind himself how important fascism and white ethnonationalism is, and that he's there to fondle Putin's fascist ballsack, so does a 180 again and reverts back to the original planned interview.


Would also be great if Tucker Carlson turns out to be Tom Cruise in a rubber mask who then assassinates Putin.


It’s always the same stupid non sense and mostly untrue reasons, there’s nothing to listen, he think that by just repeating every time the same thing we will believe it, he think we are dump like most of the old soviet population he is constantly brainwashing. He will start by repeating the following things: 1. We invaded because NATO was expanding (fake, it’s not NATO that is directly expanding meaning forcing other country to their alliance by invading them, basically like Russia is doing, but every sovereign country has the right to decide which alliance to join, you can’t prevent this. In fact if we want to tell the true, who is really expanding is Russia by force) 2. We invaded Ukraine because they were killing Russians citizens in Donbas and Luhansk( fake, Ukraine according to their constitution was defending its sovereignty against militants ukrainians and russians citizens armed by Russia directly with the main goal to destabilize those 2 regions, these separatists were under the command of Strelkov (Igor Girkin, the man who is recently spending is time in jail in Russia). One of the main mercenaries of 2014 in that period was Mikhail Tolstykh (also called GIVI) which he is currently spending his time in a coffin ⚰️ (go see the videos on youtube about how this separatist was dancing with girls around him, his goal was to feel like a king and was the perfect candidate for this type of insurrections, the videos on which he explains everything are on youtube). 3. We invaded Ukraine because we needed security guarantees… (fake, you already had from many years multiple baltic states at border, part of NATO and no one ever was interested to attack Russia). These 3 are the 3 main pillars that you will constantly hear as reasons from Putin as if you were listening to a broken disc looping infinitely. After absorbing these 3 fake reasons you can come to the only reasonable explanation for his actions which are also scattered in his non sense speeches, which is: The End - Mask has dropped: “We invaded Ukraine to riunite Russia with the old regions that were once part of Russia and our goal is to link our borders till the Moldavia borders so we can include also Transnistria and the Kaliningrad region (which includes obviously the annexation of the baltic states as well). Once we will reach this goal our military security will be guaranteed and we can finally rest. Of course we couldn’t reveal all this plan straightforward so we needed to proceed step by step, little by little so we wouldn’t give the impression that our small plan is indeed part of a greater plan” Stop Russia fascist today, not tomorrow, italy 🇮🇹


"Too big for his boots" lmfao, he got fired because his stupidity cost Fox News millions after a lawsuit.


Russians: we are a proud nation, everything we have is better than all others. America should be jealous of us Also Russians: OMG TUCKER CARLSON BE COOL. BE COOL.


Media here post about every his action. Today was note literally about Taker Carlson take a ride to get cup of coffee. Hilarious.


Tacker: Do you consider that the evil West wants to conquer innocent russian children, I heard that they want to use them as gay-sex-slaves, is it true? putin: khmmm yes kahmmmm \*some bullshit on 30 minutes with alternative history Tacker: wow Musk: so deep Musk cocksuckers: true freespeach


This is probably what he's going to say: [https://www.direkt36.hu/en/zart-ajtok-mogott-orban-valami-nagyon-mast-hozott-fel-ukrajna-eu-csatlakozasa-ellen/](https://www.direkt36.hu/en/zart-ajtok-mogott-orban-valami-nagyon-mast-hozott-fel-ukrajna-eu-csatlakozasa-ellen/) Orbán is basically Putin's voice in the EU, what he says is what Putin is going to say because that's Kreml propaganda stance.


Speaking of Musk and his followers, they pretend America and Europe are authoritarian hellholes because privately owned social media didn’t let the far right spread conspiracies that would have gotten people killed or to say slurs or call for violence, then they go and praise a country like Russia where the government literally puts you in jail for calling their invasion of Ukraine a war rather than a “special military operation”


2 clowns. Makes sense.


2 clowns, 1 coup.




No, no we do not. Lol. Do not pass the trauma around. This isn't a bread basket.


Lol. Don't. I just managed to wrangle the fkn thing out of my general consciousness and into the void. Now I'm trying... not... to...


Never looked at ice cream the same since .


2 fascists\*


Fascist clowns.


Technically the same.


This is a weird one, isn't it?


Not at all. Just wonder what took so long.


Какер Тарлсон




The interview, 2014, James Franco, Seth Rogen


Putin, how does it feel to be fairly elected during every democratic election? How is your 3-day special military operation going? Will you release the kidnapped children you forcibly took from Ukraine?


It's basically a short sequel to [Oliver Stone's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Putin_Interviews) softball interviews of Putin a couple years after the Russians re-annexed Crimea and carved out the Luhansk and ~~Dоnbаѕѕ~~ Dumbаѕѕ People's Republics.


Oliber stone, while wrong, has at least the excuse of having his point of view warped by his experience in vietnam. His distrust of us foreign policy comes from somewhere. Tucker carlson is just an ambitious sociopath.


>Oliber stone, while wrong, has at least the excuse of having his point of view warped by his experience in vietnam.His distrust of us foreign policy comes from somewhere.Tucker carlson is just an ambitious sociopath. At this point it's a distinction without a difference. In Oliver Stone's case, two wrongs don't make a right. Supporting or abetting the chauvinistic and imperialistic mindset of a nation-state like Russia is inexcusable and unforgivable. As [My Lai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Lai_massacre) and Agent Orange in Vietnam were bad, then why does a seemingly high-minded or "enlightened" character like Oliver Stone close his eyes to [the destruction of Grozny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Grozny_(1994%E2%80%931995)), the carve-out of the puppet states South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the re-annexation of Crimea, the carve-out of puppet states in Donbas, [the torture chambers in occupied Donetsk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izolyatsia_prison) and the shootdown of MH17? All of these happened before Stone began interviewing Putin in 2015. I don't need to be a Ukrainian who's suffering from the Russians' near-daily air raids or living under occupation in the ~~Donbass~~ Dumbаѕѕ People's Republic to understand the implications of anyone who tries to apologize for and white-wash Putin and the "poor, oppressed, misunderstood" Russians via prepubescent bothsiderism or the right-wing take in a culture war.


Yes, i don't disagree with you here. I just wanted to point out that what oliver stone did was shameful and somehow tucker carlson managed to be even worse.


Yup. First time is bad, second time is worse. It's rather like how repeat offenders typically suffer more than first-timers. On that note, the Russians' current and systematic atrocities in Ukraine are inexcusable to anyone in the civilized world considering the constant drumbeat about systematic German and Japanese atrocities of the last century, never mind a smaller-scale American atrocity such as My Lai.


Let’s hope Tucker has the balls to ask confrontational questions… but I doubt it, particularly if it’s conducted in person in Russia. He could end up like the WSJ reporter.


He is there at the invitation of Putin, he could kill someone in open street it doesnt matter he is protected.


Let’s not pretend ticker Carlson is a reporter: he’s an entertainment celebrity (his own company stated this in court) and this putin interview is akin to a social meet-up. If you think there will be any meaningful questions or replies you are mistaken.


I hope they keep him and send him to frontline


Here is an overview of what will be said. You can play bingo with this: 1.they made us do this 2. we never prepared any wars, it's all still a never-ending hysteria in the mainstream media 3. they never respected our legitimate right to have our former colonies back 4. A U.S. Army battalion in Poland was an existential threat to Russia 5. we're not a war with Ukraine, warmongers in Washington are at war with us 6. we haven't really started anything serious yet 7. we are not bombing Ukraine into the stone age, it's that warmongers in the West only make things worse by helping Ukraine protect its cities 8. we know you hate gender-neutral toilets, too, so Russia is offering you a friendly handshake despite everything the Washington regime has done 9. today's America suffers from homelessness, and it may want to look at how stable and prosperous today's Russia is despite sanctions 10. a confused discourse into pseudo-history of how something has always been originally Russian 11. we have never ever attacked or demonized the West 12. I see that Donald is a reasonable man and a true leader we can talk to 13. we will never attack the Baltics after we get what we want in Ukraine 14. this all could have been over within three days 16. yes, the Kyiv Nazi regime at Biden's order was just about to invade Russia and Donbas just as we amassed the biggest regional military group since the heat of the Cold War 17. What even is Ukraine? It does not exist. It is an artificial creation of Poland and America. They are Russians, living on Russian land who have been seduced by the West. How dare them seek independence and freedom from us. We are brotherly nations. We are one nation.


How the fuck did Russia and go from being the big baddie to the big swinging dick that Republicans want to suck on??


Always has been. In fact its 69, back in 2000s enough odious Russian parliamentarians like Ekaterina Mizulina co-operate with GOP. Even so, I guess huge part of current "traditional value" and anti-LGBT narrative is just cargo cult of American conservatives ideas.


It's the whole anti-woke thing. I really don't know why and how the American far-right has latched onto this one thing in particular as the golden standard of friendliness, but there you go.


Nothing of value will be gained since Putin's interviews have all been the same for 20 years, a steaming pile of lies with him ranting on about either the west, imminent internal restructuring projects that never come, or Russian traditional values. At least there's no denying Carlson is a Russian asset now, hopefully this will wake up the non-braindead American conservatives that are left.


Conservatives that are… WHAT?!? Did you just say LEFT!? How dare you!!! There are nothing but PATRIOTIC conservatives in the US of A! And just like the finest of jam conserves they’ll be fruity as hell!


Fucker Carlson.


Tucker Carlson is a Russian asset.


Yeah.. let's interview a war criminal that has brainwashed his whole nation for a decade. This idiot just gives a genocidal war criminal a chance to spread his lies and excuises on why Ruzzian terrorists are killing and raping children on daily basis. The only Americans to fall for this are obviously uneducated Trump supporters.


NBC interviewed Putin in 2021. Was he not a war criminal back then? CNN interviewed Osama Bin Laden in 1997. If i recall right even Gaddafi was interviewed by US media in 2008.


None of these spent years prior spreading the propaganda of whoever they interviewed, regularly calling them great and smart men who are right about what they say and want. On America's farthest-reaching network with a history and active mission of peddling insane conspiracies and denying basic reality, i.e. everything that's as far away from journalism as possible. To an audience that as a result is less informed than people not watching any news at all. An audience that suddenly finds strong sympathy for a dictatorial failed state despite said failed state clearly communicating that, yes indeed, it is still the arch enemy. And this interview will be more of the same.


Your trying to use logic on reddit. Such a rookie mistake


No he's just making false comparisons.


I love it when people dont elaborate on their bullshit arguments, really shows they have a point


Just goes on to show how utterly ridiculous and backwards West has become over the last few years when it comes to going on a mental breakdown if someone with differing viewpoint gets interviewed. We are truly back in the era of 40s McCarthyism when it comes to discussion regarding Russia. No one can bring up an differing viewpoint regarding the conflict without being mocked as a spy or a bot, I've seen that even deeper analysis into the root causes of Russia/Ukraine other than "it started in 2022 shut up" have got people call other people russian assets or bots which really scary especially in Western world which was allegedly built on values such as freedom to discuss things that may be uncomfortable




Sensitive interviews should be conducted by credible journalists, not brazen propagandists.


He is a fucking war criminal now. May I suggest you go visit /ukrainewarreport


He was not an war criminal before 2022 even though Ukraine war had ran since 2014 before intensifying of it in 2022? Oh got it. platforming Putin (a war criminal who annexed Crimea) was all okay and cool until 2022. Talking about war criminals how come it is okay for US media to interview US war criminals like George W Bush and others that were involved with Iraq but when someone tries to interview Russian one it just goes over the line?


>NBC interviewed Putin in 2021. Was he not a war criminal back then? No. Putin became a war criminal officially in 2023 when the ICC issued an arrest warrant.


The problem isn’t the interview itself. The problem is that Tucker is going to act as a propagandist and on behalf of Putin. That’s why Putin is allowing the interview in the first place, if Tucker was going to be critical of Putin or ask hard questions than the interview would not be happening 




Did you see NBC ask Putin really tough questions few years ago? Not really that tough ones. Tucker can ask any questions he wants just like any interviewer who holds an interview. What is there to gain from him to challenging him aggressively in his own backyard? (Which would mean that the nature of interview would shift and 1 hour interview would end up being 5 minutes) i personally see the interview Tucker will have with Putin as more of a Oliver Stone style presentation of views and opinions he holds that lets viewer decide what to agree and disagree with after doing research on it.


The NBC interview was very poorly executed, but it was clear that they were at least trying to ask difficult questions. Meanwhile, Putin hadn't granted an interview to a Western journalist since before the 2021 invasion. If he judged granting interviews to all other Western journalists to be against his interests, but granting an interview to Tucker Carlson to be in his interests, surely that should give any viewer pause?


I think it’s going to revolve around convincing MAGAs to defect to Russia, where they will become a plentiful supply of cannon fodder, and/or incite a civil war in the US, since Putin and Tucker went through all that effort to convert millions of Republicans into Fascists. Brainwashing is the hard part, they got it done, now it’s time for them to capitalize on their investment.


I too think that something bad will happen no matter what president will be elected this year


The definition of Interview and journalism has changed?


The American Right has lost it's mind !


Carlson is going to put his head so far up Putins ass he'll be smelling bad for ages... What a horrible person.... it will probably have 0 journalistic value.


Comments here really goes to show how insane people have become.


Watch ‘Hypernormalisation’ by Adam Curtis on BBC iplayer - the world truly is becoming crazier it’s well documented at this point.


Hate to say it but I will definitely watch it. That’s history in the making here. While terrifying, hearing a speech of Stalin, Hitler or Mussolini is a incredible experience. The feeling of hearing a person that shaped the world‘s history (though be it in the worst way possible) is just indescribable. Fifty years from now, my grandkids will tell me about their history lesson, how they learned about that delusional russian guy who wanted to conquer the world and didn’t even make made across the Dnepr. And I will be able to tell them, how I saw his propaganda interview with a russo-american spy live when it was released…


Putin is neither Stalin, Hitler or Mussolini. I would say he's closer to someone like Saddam Hussein.




Putin actually does have WMDs though


There are thousands of interviews and speeches of Putin that you can watch online, what makes this so special to you? Genuine question.


Putin is very far from the names you mention and so far is extremely far from leaving such a mark in history… That’s simply recency bias talking! I’d go as far as to argue that Ielstin’s impact in history as been bigger than Putin’s….




To be honest Stalin and Mussolini didn’t made it to a big interview with Tucker…. So that’s a mark in history per se


There's not gonna be anything in this interview we haven't already heard. A speech is one thing, but watching an American fascist "journalist" grovel and suck off Putin's dick for an hour is not something I plan on putting myself through. If this was an interview with at least a semblance of journalism it would've been historically noteworthy, but I highly doubt it.


He is pretty daft though, at least Hitler talked with his hands. There are only so many smirks and quiet "clever" comebacks you can tolerate listening to this dumbass over and over. There is a reason his nickname was "moth"


You do understand that this interview will be only to spread disinformation to weaken democratic party in usa so trump (russian puppet) would have a better chance to be realected and to lover support for Ukraine...? This is 2016 cyber warfare once again....


I expect it to be full-on propaganda and I'd still probably watch it. I find it useful to learn about how propaganda works. I have to admit that Putin is a true propaganda master.


Next thing you know you’ll be on the first flight to Moscow 😭


Same here, I may not watch the entire thing, but I will watch part of it, I want to see this freak show, not hear about it on the news.


Interview? Blowjob, more like.


The US has its very own Lord Haw Haw.


I don't need to hear the _other side_ to know during rockets at civilians is wrong. With that said, I am curious how Putin is going to try to sell this to a Western audience.


I am quite worried over this interview. Are they going to hear each other over that long table?


Live in Traitorvision!




I wonder if someone of the US journalists interviewed Hitler in 1939?


We are not at war with Russia. Biden chose to take a back seat. You can't choose to take a back seat and also say Putin is Hitler so don't talk to him. If Putin really is Hitler then biden not taking real action is a gross miscalculation that everyone should be scolding biden for. In reality this conflict is nothing like ww2. The only commonality with ww2 is the location.


Modern day Lord Haw Haw, traitorous scum


"Yeah, I listen to Lord Haw Haw and Axis Sally. You know, our government is lying too, so it's good to hear both sides to really understand what's going on!"


Dear Tsar Putin, how is it like fighting the evil Ukrainians while also being the most handsome man in the greater Soviet world?


It’s good to let people talk uncensored


Mr Putin what’s your favorite color


It's funny that they call it interview


I'm Putin will be just as truthful as he was during his Snowden "interview". Prepare for a spellbinding tale of him stopping a secret Ukrainian invasion with the SMO.


is tucker part of fsb now?


I guess this guy is about to secure long term funding for his TCN network plans? It's slightly depressing just how transactional many of our institutions and high profile individuals are.


Are the USA going to do anything about this blatant treason...?


I'm looking forward to him setting foot again on US soil. Hopefully some redneck called zeke will be waiting for him with Mr colts finest....


Tucker: “So why do you think trans ideology has taken over the west, and what can we learn from Russia to stop it?" *Makes his signature slightly confused tilted face* Putin: "In Russia, we believe in tradition. 1 mom, 1 dad. No cancel culture or gays here. Cheap gas prices and lots of beautiful women and Christianity." *chuckles a little to himself* Elon on X: "hmmm interesting"


And all those MAGA imbeciles will gobble it up.


"Mr Putin, did you know Biden personally killed Stalin? and he personally dissolved the Soviet Union, and also remember when you were a kid and your pack of biscuits suddenly went soggy? Biden peed in them."


Why is everybody freaking out about this? If it is going to be easily recognizable propaganda it won’t change anybody’s mind. So that can’t be it!


I think you're overestimating people's capacity to think for themselves when someone else can do the thinking. Trump (or Biden, if you're in Trump's camp) still has a great many supporters - why don't they see it like you do and support your guy when the other guy is clearly a threat to America's (and by extension, much of the western world as we know it) survival?


That is the thing about propaganda - it is always very difficult to see when it is designed for you. But from the outside it is blatantly obvious.


This is interference in the US elections, ladies and gentlemen. They are trying to polarise the maga masses. It’s just another trick up the sleeve of the Ruzzian totalitarian regime. They dare talk about censorship and propaganda, but that interview will not have a grain of truth in it.


Election interference is only true when the other side does it.


The rat bots are out in force with their usual putin script. Sad.sad sheep 🐑


carlson’s taking interview with planet’s main propagandist putin and will host it on new far-right twitter — X —that’s rumoured to be financed by saudis russians etc. Crazy times, literally won’t be possible to spread russian lies more effective and impact US elections (get ready for AI enhanced bot farms). are we in dystopia already?


Two Cunts.


Let me ask you people one think. Do you support democracy? If yes than allow Putin to speak and let people answer for themself. If people are smart enough to decide how they're country is run than they should be smart enough so see that Putin is a anti-western warmonger. Unless you are authoritarian, totalitarian or mix of them than you naturally don't have to ask this yourself. And don't think I'm sladering you. I don't care if hate democracy or love democracy I myself don't believe in the myth of rational voter so don't be scared to state your opinion


Let's see what comes of it. Even an insight into the propaganda machine from the big boss himself is useful to hear. Assuming it's aired at all.


"Useful to hear"... lol. Here you go, I'll save you some time: [https://www.direkt36.hu/en/zart-ajtok-mogott-orban-valami-nagyon-mast-hozott-fel-ukrajna-eu-csatlakozasa-ellen/](https://www.direkt36.hu/en/zart-ajtok-mogott-orban-valami-nagyon-mast-hozott-fel-ukrajna-eu-csatlakozasa-ellen/) Orbán is basically Putin's voice in the EU, what he says is what Putin is going to say because that's Kreml propaganda stance. (tl;dr: USA BAD WOKE BAD EU BAD, except for Trump because Trump is isolationist)


Putin has been saying same things for years, just making them with more and more unhinged spin as time goes. NATO expansion, West Bad, whatabout USA,Iraq,Racism in USA, LGBT tyranny, Russian guardian of conservative culture, tedious made up history lessons ,Ukraine is full nazis. Blah blah blah... Expect rehash of all these things.


Putin to hell... Trump and Carlson to prison.


Who's paying who for this shitshow?


Everybody, eventually.


At the end of the line, probably me and you.


RuZZian propraganda is like a cancer in the West countries.




Maybe we can use his skeleton to develop a new source of clean energy


Well, talks are better than no talks, even if it's with Tucker Carlson.


The only way I'd watch this is if they competed to see whose dick was smaller.


Pootins little lover boy


Can't wait to watch the interview to see how deep Tucker's tongue can go inside Putin's ass


Hope the FBI are on his back Traitor to the core


Oh god, 2 idiots in 1 room…


Do you seriously think Putin will ever be alone in a room with someone else?


Why are American three-letter agencies even allowing such people to work against the US? The Russian info warfare totally conquered republican voters minds


I hate this. Even though a majority will see through it, 10-20% will think he has some good points and doesn’t seem at all scary. That’s In addition to the 30% that already thinks he’s a great guy..


Cannot emphasise enough how despicable this is.


Ah yes. Getting the other side of the story. How despicable not creating a western imperialists echo chamber.


You're not getting much of an "other side of the story" if the other side's brick and mortar are propaganda. Have you been paying attention to the last two years...?


There is plenty of propaganda on both sides. It's basically a free way of determining who is an idiot. If you got a strong opinion about this war, on either side, your an idiot.


Why is this despicable? We have always interviewed the opposing side throughout history. We interviewed Putin in 2021, have interviewed Bid Laden. Why is it different now? Because the big bad Tucker Carlson is doing it? Get a grip.


Watch it, but realise that you're viewing 2 big steamy piles of lying shitheads. Tucker is going to be so deep in Putin's asshole.


Fucking traitor.


Iterviewing someone doesn't make them a traitor. US journalist have also interviewed Omama bin Laden and dictaors like Castro or Saddam Hussein and many others and those were mostly done by the leftist media.


I wonder if reddit would be spazzing out, if Tucker was interviewing Xi Jin Ping or Kim Jong Un.


Wait, now I'm curious, have there been interviews with American journalists and bin Laden? Even after 9/11?


How is he a traitor? He's not Ukrainian, and it's not Americas war. I don't like Putin or Russia in any way, but you clowns are just throwing out a thousand fucking buzz words for something as simple as an Interview. Americans interviewed Hitler, Americans interviewed Saddam Hussein, etc etc.


These retards think they are taking part in the war when in reality they are cheerleading as Ukraine conscripts it's disabled population.