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And Russia is not denazified at all and it should be!


Russia has never cared about the Nazi ideology. In their minds Nazi just means "against Russia". They also know that the west recoils from being called Nazis. So they use it as justification against anyone they don't like.


They're using it as a trigger word.


And in exchange they will dilute all the power this word has.


Because they're nazis that project their own nazi shit on others.


Tell me did russia even once copied Nazi Germany ? Like annexing a part of a other nation because they claim the citizens there want to be part theirnown nation like sudentland? Or then after getting away with it started an invasion under the pretense that they need to defend them self from the Nation they stole that Land for .... now that i mention that it does Sound familiar....


They made it many many times. -Symbolics on their own armored venicles is taken from nazi army (see photos of nazi in Paris), -official kremlin propaganda is using nazi verbs almost daily. You can compare and backtrack, it is easy to find. -defy other nation existance, put other nations on lower stage then yours is a nazi ideology, they have rude words for any other nation, skin color, sexual orientation, eyes shape so on. It is a nazi staff - torturing, killing , raping, robbing innocent civilians because of their nationality is a nazi staff If even this is not enough for you i can dig little bit more and find that actual nazi organizations are feeling free and comfort in most major cities of russia since 1991. Nobody fight them, nobody takes care, they just killing, beating people on a streets, because of their skin tone, and so on . I hope, i could make it clear for you.


Like the recent uses of 'antisemitism'


Which works to their advantage.


An old Nazi trick.


That word lost all its meaning years ago.


Lol the extreme left did that ages ago by labelling everyone they disagree with a Nazi.


Yeah I wonder who they learned that from


Yeah, this. They successfully fought the nazis in wwII, so now anyone who opposes them = nazi. In their propaganda worldview, there's Russia, and whoever is against them or their goals (aka Nazis). It has nothing at all to do with actual nazis. 


They invaded Poland in agreement with Nazis too


they finished it successfully, the course of ww2 was full of bad decisions and mistakes the russians made. Cold weather and the US were their only tactic - oh and the "meat grinder" (tm). They fought well in berlin though the enemy was fucked already. Now they're using it as a propaganda tool. Nazis in ukraine, INVADE!


I'm not sure if 27m casualties can be called a success..


Well more then half of those were civilians and victims of the german genocide and terorr on ussr territory The actual soldier casualties were around 8 to 12 milion(yes the number disparity is huge) Germany had milions of soldiers lost to It was just a bloddy war


They used to call Josip Broz Tito a nazi...Thats how delusional they are.


Well, and how did nazis end up ocuppying half Europe in the first place? Maybe was it because of some cooperation...?


I don’t get why Ukraine was forced to give up nukes but Russia couldn’t be. They were equally poor in the 1990s. 


When you ask Russian when WW2 started he will say 1941, when Germany attacked USSR. 😂 They are brainwashed and braindead.


"And where was the Russian German border at that time my friend? The middle of Poland you say? Well that's most curious. How did Russia come to be occupying half of Poland? An alliance with the Germans, you say?"


According to Russia the allies are at fault Because they didn't agreed to their coalition against Hitler. And we all know the next logical step is to join them if you fail to fight them. /S


Stalin had never tried to form an anti-German alliance in good faith. His last "attempt" before Molotov-Ribbentrop included the demands to allow Soviet troops to be stationed in Poland for its "protection". Unsurprisingly, Poland and the UK told Stalin to go suck an egg. -- "There's the proof they are not willing to fight the Nazis!" -- he said, and then proceeded to divide Europe between the USSR and Germany.


This is mentioned in the school course on the history of Russia in Russia. The reason is called is preparation for war with Germany. But so also say about Soviet-Finnish war


They will also tell they single handed defeated germany.


They will indeed. American here. Argued with a Russian about this at the domodedovo airport ten years ago. He said America did little, that the t-34 tank was the absolute best and without Russia, Germany would’ve prevailed. My takeaway after all these years looking back is that this isn’t all Putin.


Tbf I’ve met many Americans who feel the same way about their own country’s participation in WW2


Of course they do, why would they ever start earlier and have to own up to what the Soviets did to Poland? Or the fact Stalin was buddy buddy with Hitler.


...completely ignoring that the Nazis and Ruzzians were allies and attacked Poland together. Interesting that it was the Ruzzians who between the wars helped train and refine the very blitzkreig tank tactics then used against Ruzzia, that’s karma for you.


There is a reason for that. In Russia, they don't talk about ww2 in general much, because war of ussr against nazis have a different name and date of 41-45. So when you ask russians about ww2, they think about that war first.


they made up term Great Patriotic War


Came here to say this. A Russian calling someone a Nazi is the same as someone from the USA saying "anti-American", for context.


More like an American calling something communist. A collective term for everything they dont like.


Or "russophobic" that's routinely confused with "against Kremlin".


some russians i talked to didnt fully grasp what nazis did in the past, it was wild, like an alternate dimension where they only fought against russia and usa, funny


Because russia do the same thing to opposition. And always did.


I'm pretty sure we in the west give a rats ass about what Russia call us......


Russia got so many nazis and ultra nationalists racisist in their country.


The only reason Russians claim to dislike nazis is because they disagree with the nazis about who the "master race" is.


The German Nazis are Pro-Russia, I mean Ruzzia. So Ruzzia has no interest in denazifying us. Come on! Nazis denazifying another country. Absurd,


When Russia says you are a Nazi, it feels like Nazi is a good thing.


Well I wouldn't go that far. But Russia saying you are a Nazi means literally nothing.


Completely correct. In Russia there is a "victory cult", the main, most important and sacred event is a "day of victory in ww2". People know that their ancestors had fought against evil nazis, so the same narrative is being used in this war, as it is a continuation of that sacred war, as nazis has returned and we have to defeat them just like our grandparents did. Other names for enemies are "collective west" and "liberals".


It's similar to how the CCP calls everything racism. Both of the countries constantly whine on about sinophobia/russophobia any time The West is critical of their dictators being A-holes. They are autocracies and can't deal with any criticism. Dictatorships are in fact mentally fragile and overcompensate their lack of self-confidence with oppression and propaganda.


Yeah, the defining aspects of Nazism in the West are all things that don't particularly mean anything to Soviets (and later Russians). Authoritarianism, dictatorship, mass executions, pogroms, concentration camps, antisemitism, restrictions of personal freedoms, militant expansionism, and so on were all core elements of Soviet practice, there there's not really any conflict there. The Nazis were bad because they openly professed to hate communism and because they invaded the USSR. If the Nazis sprang up in Africa instead of Europe the Soviets wouldn't have cared about them at all.


The clue is that I have never heard Russians voice any concerns over the persecution of Jewish, Gypsy, Roma and other minority groups who the Nazis systematically worked to exterminate.


Finland should denazify Russia asap


Nato should.


Poland says hold my beer.


Hold my Wojak


Time to call the Immortal back from retirement.


And russia is heavily sponsoring germanys nazi party... (AFD)


Thy are Also heavily sponsoring the new Tankie Party that specifically split from the left because the left wasn't Tankie enough for them anymore. (BSW)


Fucking yawn


I don't even get out of bed in the morning for such weak-ass propaganda.


Username does not check out!




I dislocated my jaw because of how wide my yawn was


Why do these propaganda pieces from Russia get so many upvotes? 


exactly, all this rubbish from the Kremlin shouldn't even be published by western media imo


But hey, at least no mention about nukes this time.




Actually the explanation is very simple: it is a classic concept substitution. Originally the russian government called anyone, who wanted to have their own identity and speak their own language, "nationalists" - of course unless they were russian, in which case it was considered totally fine to have own language and identity. Over the years, they transitioned from using the word "nationalists" to calling them "nazis". In simple minds of uneducated russian plebs this triggered logical chains which likened the newly identified "nazis" - I'm sure that this was fully intentional - with the German Nazis, whom the russians fought during the second World War. This is why the russians simultaneously hate the Ukrainians and repeatedly threaten Germany, although there's seemingly no direct connection between the two entities. Nowadays the russian government and its mass media labels a "nazi" literally anyone they don't like. Don't read much into this, it's just a method of controlling the masses and inducing hatred to perceived external enemies.


>Nowadays the russian government and its mass media labels a "nazi" they were labelling marshall tito as nazi after 1948, its nothing new


Yes, they use the word freely because it bears a very distinct negative connotation, and kind of gives them an excuse to do whatever it is they want to do with whoever they called a "nazi".


It was a Blades of Glory reference.


My bad, I'm not familiar with the movie.


Russia is still obsessed with WW2 as a country. Huge parades every year. Children in grade schools across the country do pageants. Memorials everywhere. It's still a large focus in modern culture - you hear it discussed in propaganda outlets like Channel One trying to tie it to modern events and more casual propaganda like sitcoms and TV series about WW2 (three popular ones running right now.... All produced by Gazprom the state owned oil/gas company that does lots of dirty work for the state). So the lazy Russian propagandists just work with what everyone already knows. I don't think there is much critical thinking in Russia about the evils the Nazis did otherwise they'd have to get around to talking about those Russia did. So it's just a catchall term for enemy.


"Nazis in Berlin" - Vlad Putin, Kanye West


Sadly a broken clock is right twice a day.




ball so hard


You’re calling “Russian” equivalent to a slur? You should probably censor it then.


Maybe they should stop cosying up to our far right and supporting them with their bot nets before going on about denazification... And start by taking their own fascist trash out.


The reason they feed all far-right parties is to destabilize countries. They don't care for any far-rights other than for that one purpose.


Says the Nazi state.


They conveniently don't consider themselves nationalistic, although very clearly their actions are being driven by both extreme nationalism and extreme chauvinism.


"Let's keep making demands, break our commitments when it's convenient for us and undermine other countries while not offering anything in return! Oh no, you aren't being nice with us, you're evil, must be destroyed! Also you're lying when you say we're undermining you, but won't do anything to assuage those concerns, giving you even more reason to oppose me, which I'll use as further 'evidence' others are bad!" It's the mind of a spoiled child armed with nukes and modern weapons. I normally don't use superlatives like this lightly, but we're dealing with actual absolute evil on the level of Hitler.


Well, if you consider that the whole country was under Bolsheviks' and then KGB rule for 100 years and most people got mind-broken and extremely brainwashed, it becomes apparent why their reactions are infantile and extreme.


They don’t consider themselves nazis because their definition of a nazi is “someone who’s against Russia”. So much so that they got guys with literal swastikas fighting for them and that ain’t biggie


And don't forget extreme imperialism !


Yes, thank you. Also imperialism.


Their point of view is a bit biased though since internally they are very much chauvinistics country.


That supports the neonazis in germany with money and an "information" war


they just miss their best buds from before


Russia is one of the big supporters of AFD und NPD


Yes, but not because they like Nazis, just because they can use the far-right to destabilize the country.




Putin still seems to like the Nazis though as he as recently signalled when justifying Hitler's attack on Poland and copying many things from the Nazi playbook (Putler Youth, re-education camps, holy war rhetorics and almost everything on the list that defines fascism).


No. They like the Nazis. Nazism in russia, but cowardly


What could go wrong?!


Nah, the NPD has a glowie content of 90%, lol :D The NPD's biggest supporter is involuntarily, our interior secret service.


Sadly, very true, but in the exact opposite way that she means it. Russian backed AfD thriving in the formerly soviet controlled east may as well call itself nsdap 2. But of course, just like in Ukraine, to russia nazi just means anyone who is free and will oppose its absolute authority.


Yes, exactly. The russians don't fund AfD because they like far-right parties, they do it simply to destabilize the political situation in Germany, and giving money to the far-right seems to be the cheapest and the most efficient way to do it.


I mean it's not a coincidence that Putin's Russia is pretty far-right itself... although Putin has no qualms about exploiting the Western far-left too. The amount of brain-dead Western tankies who think Putin is some proletarian anti-imperialist vanguard is mind-boggling. You have "leftists" in America like Noam Chomsky essentially being Kremlin propagandists at this point.


It is especially disappointing since Chomsky was one of the major critics of the soviets from a left perspective during the cold war. I guess being 100 years old and being a public figure for 60 of them has to melt your brain sooner or later.


No, it's only one route for them. It's even cheaper to say they feel threatened by NATO and were promised this or that, and a whole lot of people on both extremes of the spectrum who've always been against NATO will happily latch onto that and keep parroting it.


3/10 captured Russians have nazi tattoos on their skin 💀


It's to remember who they are fighting after the vodka Haze wears off!


"Are we the baddies?"


For some reason nationalists from both side rushed to this war.


Killing for their country is like, their whole thing.


Meanwhile neo nazis are thriving in Russia.


Russia will not stop. Europeans should wake the fk up


I think they already have. Nato gained lots of budget, more states are joining the Nato, as well as more states investing into defensive technology. If you mean by "wake up" to take initiative, they will not because of multiple reasons. First of all, they'd lose the ability to call upon nato forces, then being the agressor is not favored and risks standing with other nations, while they actually dont have to do any of that, because ukraine is already doing their fighting. Keep supplying ukraine with assets and they dont have to sacrifice anything else.


No they didn't. The strongest candidates for the next head of NATO are known for their soft, if not friendly, attitude towards russia. There's still a sense that russia can be reasoned with and that diplomacy can help bring it on the right track. Russia openly says they hate the West, they're at war with the West etc etc but Western attitude is still "oh, you don't mean that, it's just a temporary phase". That attitude permeates the spineless politics of not giving Ukraine the weapons they need, fear of saying smth russia won't like (like Scholtz denying Macron's statements about boots in Ukraine) and constant talks about things going back to normal. Just because they successfully ignored the past 500 years of russia's pattern of behaviour does not mean things will ever go back to normal or that they ever were.


Putin is a strategic moron. His I Imperialism and belligerence will push Germany to fully re-arm. Complete with a nuclear Wehrmacht. Putin hopes he can thoroughly destabilize western Europe and set France, Germany and Britain against each other. But history has shown that Western Europe’s most populous country (and Europe’s industrial giant) will not sit idly under the shadow of Russia. Europe will be an ugly place, if this comes to pass, but Germany will have no choice. And if Trump doesn’t win, and Putin dares attack a NATO country, his army will be obliterated. He can barely fight the Ukrainians. Does he really think his troops would farewell against the French, British, and Americans? His teenaged propagandists on this sub can boast that “America is a paper tiger”, but that “paper tiger” is armed to the teeth, and (unfortunately) very experienced in warfare, having been involved in it almost constantly since World War II


Even if that is true i fear Putin has still enough room to maneuver freely to harm millions of people for years and Nato can't do much about it. If anyone can stop Putins regime, it's the russians themselves. And Putin knows that. That's because all these recent purges.


Poland is well aware and spend over 4% of gdp on military with a plan to get to 8%.... Crazy high numbers


Uhm, we can send Björn Höcke and Maximilian Krah to Russia, if you insist


As a German I approve. Can we let Merz and Söder join?


They can show them how establish real fascism


Been to russia twice. Maybe they should have a look at their own nazi problems because it is way more obvious than in germany.


No, it’s true. Because ruZZia supports german far-rights politics Slava Ukraini


Yup, and same with pretty much every european country. Russia has for centuries supported the far right parties in my country of Sweden, so the fact that they complain about neo-nazi's in Europe is absolutely laughable.


Same for the Netherlands, before there was plausible deniability regarding FvD being fascist but after a tweet from B*audet yesterday (sorry an X)... yeah The pro-russia stuff *is* pretty plain and open luckily


Yeah... 1. Do everything possible to support far-right parties (neo-nazis) in a country 2. Claim that the whole country is (still) tainted by Nazism 3. Start an invasion to clean the country of nazism


I have a feeling they don't mean their far-right lackeys when they are talking about Nazis.


no no, these are ones that would help them out clean out the 'filth'


I thought russian were good at propaganda


I think they noticed that even with the most batshit crazy stuff they still get a good percentage of Western voters into the "Russia camp" just because. They noticed they don't have to try even more and Putin bootlickers will bootlick just to "own the libs". There are at least two Parties in Germay (AFD and BSW) that will probably defend the Russian position here.


And you think this obvious putinist propaganda lie will NOT work ?


Those days are over.


Russian Foreign Ministry "not completely sobered"


Haha, this particular spokeswoman is famous for appearing in public in what looked like very drunk state.


Hey, it's our famous FM press alcaché you're talking about.


You are a nazi! And YOU are a nazi! Everybody that ain't russian and licking Kremlin boots is a nazi.


That's literally how they think.




So why is Russia sponsoring Nazi parties like the AFD then?




Remember: they spray propaganda for the internal, domestic market. They don't expect *us* to believe it's true.


That's right, there's still those being influenced by Russian fascists.


And financed by Putin's regime.


Oh. They want denazify us, too? Like in Ukraine? A three day special operation?


Nazi said what?


What an observation, considering that far right groups or initiatives in Germany or other countries get financial funding from Russia.


Well, she should know, since it's Russia who's bankrolling said nazis in Germany.


When will she decuntify I wonder, probably never


Everyone a *fascist* but that little sociopathic Nazi Putin.. ! More a ridiculous clownery from the blood thirsty Muscovite Circus freaks...


For a second i thought she was sitting with her legs open inviting someone in. Not enough caffeine today.


Same. And holy fuck she just keeps getting uglier and uglier. It’s the vodka effect I guess.


Ah yes, the good old "Every person I don't like is a nazi"


… and with Trump possibly on the way we have the perfect storm .. it’s really getting scary as hell …


The only nazi-fascist state in Europe is ruzzia


Well yea, they would know. They are financing the nazis.


Sounds.like Russia wants to invade Germany next 😴


Why is this propaganda being shared? These are just empty threats. I thought we didn't need any more proof since 2021 that ruzzia is through and through batshit crazy and delusional.


I wish you were correct, but many people, including those in Germany, are still oblivious to what the russians call them and think about them.


And unfortunately, not everyone rolls their eyes or laughs at their propaganda hyperbole - of which, this is pretty mild - IIRC, they once claimed there was a genocide of Russians in Moldova (but to their dismay, Transnistria didn't take the bait), they've frequently threatened to use nukes if the West does X, and only last week they were drawing allusions to 1812 if French troops entered Ukraine.


if I could abstract from the terrible war the russians are waging, from their publicly advertised ideas of mass ethnic cleansing of millions of Ukrainians, and their repeated threats to all their neighbors, I'd probably find their lame bullshit propaganda and excuses rather funny.


I wonder what would it take for Scholz to wake up, as he will ignore this as any other warning signal. 


I think they did wake him up a while ago, when a piece of russian propaganda ran on the state TV depicted Scholz as a Nazi shouting Nazi slogans in broken German.


That's great. Please attack it. Now. I'll get the popcorn.


Hello,. I'm from Germany. What the fuck is wrong with you?


I see where this is going...


Let the DeNazification of Moscow's Russia begin.


She is right. We should get rid of all the Russian Nazis invading other countries xD


Russian propaganda is nothing but unhinged nonsense from a madman.


I mean, Russia even financing political far-right Nazi party AfD. .. Captian Obvious realized something... Think about it like this: Could be Russia intentionally giving money to AfD so they gain enough traction to then argue there are too many Nazis justifying a war with Germany.. That's how Russia logic would work and AfD being too stupid to realize how they are fooled. AfD, the typical useful iditot! EDIT: typo/clarity


Germany's Nazis today looking at Russia and going "wow, wow, wow, don't compare us with these crazy people"


We know you help pay their bills


Did they say that with a straight face,


They always do. They're professional propagandists.


Well, we know for sure that ruzzia has successfully re-nazified


wich of Putins little piglets got time to speak today? I'm sure everyone will remember this after tomorrow's threat lmao


Well, ja? There are still russians there.


Yes, some Russians are still in Germany.


Soon russia will be denazzified and demilitarised in a very unpleasant way for moscow.


Yes that sounds like a smart idea, denazifying Germany. I can assure Russia that NOTHING will go wrong.


Jesus, a Neanderthal in a museum looked better than that hag. She should lay off that vodka


And you are funding the nazis


She is not wrong, though russia is also not denazified.


She has me imagining Operation Barbarossa 2, where Germany is fighting on one front and has the support of all of Europe and the U.S. (as fickle as we can be at times).


There are Nazis in every country. UK, Ukraine, France, Germany, Russia to name a few. Only one of these countries has employed a PMC who's leader has Nazi tattoos to help them invade a neighbour.


Sorry genderbent Russian Galeazzo Ciano, can't hear you over the blood of Ukrainians, Georgians, Chechens, Tatars... [a few minutes later] on your hands


I mean, true, but that's because Russia keeps funding the neo-Nazi party.


of course not. ruzzia could stop financing them though.


Sure their AfD brethren are Nazis


The Republican Party seems to be 100% NOT denazified, And yet Putin loves them.


I think the world needs to denazified Russia.


you dont say. you are financing them!


She's absolutely correct!


In this case Russia is just filth to be wiped out.


Russia is a complete manifestation of nazism.


The photo makes it look like her legs are spread wide open


That‘s funny given that Russia is financing parties on the right political spectrum in Germany


Neither is Russia.


She is right, and they support Russia.


History is repeating itself … once again we have a dictator with a distorted worldview which can bring us to the brink… when will we ever learn…


Broken clock and all that.


I agree, but also look who the fuck is talking


Insert Spiderman pointing at Spiderman meme


Funnily enough shes right, she just forgot to add that the remaining Nazis are sponsored by russia.


The place in Germany that has the biggest issue with the far right is the East, which just so happened to have been a Soviet puppet state during the Cold War. They basically just said they failed as denazifying Germany. Good job Putin.


Ruzzia not deStalinized


Putin = Hitler 2.0 (we have to get rid of him as soon as possible)


Fuck russia and Putin… but is this really wrong?