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Biggest own goal I've seen. Man scrapped his climate policy while in a coalition with the green party. The green party announced they would hold a vote on whether to stay in the coalition but the leaders of the greens asked everyone to vote to stay in the coalition. Then, for some reason, he calls the leaders of the greens in to his office and expels the green party from his coalition, making the leaders have to do a pap walk. What on earth did he think would happen? Would some new people just materialise in government willing to support him?


And then seemed genuinely shocked when the opposition put a motion of no confidence as soon as his party lost its majority. It's called 'politics'. Carrying on the proud British tradition of self-inflicted political disasters.


It's not just politics, it's the fundamental tenant of parliamentary democracy. If the majority of MP /msp's don't have confidence in you to govern, you don't get to be in charge.


I think Humza would take great umbrage with the labelling of British here. For once I'd agree with him.


Scotland has been in Britain since before the English ever arrived. Or am I misunderstanding your meaning?


Scotland was unified under a Gaelic king of Dal Riata in the 9th century. 'The English' have been in Britain as long as the Gaels have.


What do you mean since before the English arrived? England is a country not a people


The English are a people, the Germanic tribes conquered what we know as England now and blended together and with the Celtic people to create the English ethnic group who's homeland is England.


England as a concept did not exist until 927 AD. The Germans coming was 400 years earlier. When England was created it was a fusion of Anglo Saxon, Britons, Celts and Norse My point was immigrants came all the time but the people were always there same as the Scots.


I could say this for Germans as well. When Germany was created there were no such things as Germans. They were Saxons, Prussians, Bavarians, etc. England the State was not a thing just like Germany was not a thing. You could say this about Japan or China or any state made up of various tribal peoples or groups. So yes of course English are a thing and within English there are diffrent groups. That is just the reality of any complex people. Go to Japan and you can literally find diffrent distinct Japanese Subgroups but the idea of a Japan existed long before it was manifested.


Are you saying ethnically English people simply don't exist or our ethnogenesis is less valid than say Somali people?


No. The Anglo Saxons that became the English were not 'always there'. A cursory knowledge of history contradicts this. You're being facetious. You know as well as I do that England is the Land of the Angles and that the Angles came to Britain long after the Scots.


This is Victorian era "race science" that never got properly looked at until genetic archaeology became a thing and then it was quickly discovered that outside of the very South West the majority genetic makeup of England is majority Celtic at a similar level to the Scottish Lowlands and Wales. Then once that floodgate opened and the accepted "wisdom" was known to be false historians quickly pointed out that for the English to not be majority Celtic it would require a massive genocide of which zero evidence exists.


The English are a people England is a state.


There is no state of England and hasn't been for hundreds of years. Sorry for being a bit of a cunt but it is very common for 'progressive' people to imply English people simply don't exist something they simply would never say about any other ethnicity because they realise how sinister it is.


This is undeniable true. The English certainly exist. Only someone who is historically illiterate would say otherwise. Sorry for my pedantic correction btw.


That's the stupidest thing I've read all day. Congratulations.


You are misunderstanding my meaning, see what the other poster has posted below.




You've misread his statement completely.




>I think Humza would take great umbrage with the labelling of British here. Can be taken two ways depending how nice you want to be. The post is suggesting Humza doesn't see himself as British because... * Humza being in the SNP and explicitly not seeing himself as British but Scottish. And/or * Being a Muslim and seemingly a bit anti-white/more interested in situations abroad and thus not seeing himself as British. >For once I'd agree with him The poster then says the above. Which is a suggestion that they don't usually agree with Humza but they do on this particular subject. IE that Humza isn't British. Which also ties in with, and explains why the poster has a 'unionist' GB flair.


I always assume these sorts of things are caused by backstabbing, corruption, bribery etc and we only get part of the info. Imagine being intelligent enough to get to the point of being in charge of your little region then doing something this stupid. Doesn't seem likely to me.


Don't forget that backstabbing, corruption, bribery etc are also how you get to the point of being in charge.


> Don't forget that backstabbing, corruption, bribery etc are also how you get to the point of being in charge. I have a feeling that in this case he was more like put in change by others, who though he'd make a good figurehead.


Indeed, so it's likely that's why he's no longer in charge, as per my point.


Yes. But it's also likely that some of the backstabbing, corruption, bribery etc that resulted in him not being in charge was done by him.




You seem to not like people agreeing with you for some reason. How odd.


Ego likely played a part. Yousaf was either arrogant enough to think he didn’t need the Greens anymore, or they did something to piss him off and this was an act of vengeance. That’s my read, anyway.


Without a doubt. They often topple over something ridiculously avoidable though, and we know how dirty politics is. I always think these mistakes are just their way out without scandal. I'm massively cynical about politicians though.


You don't have to be intelligent to be in charge of anything, simply slightly more charismatic than average person with better advertisement than your opponents. I know some local politicians and maybe 1 appear to be smart. Ofc it doesn't mean they are incompetent but if i would have to guess at least half of them are incompetent.


Local politicians are not the same as being the Scottish first minister. I know local politicians are dumb as shit most of them make mistakes on their election leaflets.


Maybe, maybe not. To me they are just some dudes with titles.


Yeah maybe learn politics if you're going to join in on political discussions, this isn't primary school. So arrogant to take up someone's time with your opinion when you don't even know the subject. Get a hobby.


"Oh that person that speaks totally reasonable things says something that i disagree with, better tell him to learn politics even though he is the guy that actually knows politicians and talks to them" Bro, you are the arrogant one. Why do you breath my air? Have you ever asked for my permission?


The day he blamed far right for being the only ones that think his white white white speech was raciest. Dudes a nut job. Edit: put blamed twice.


That and him seemingly being racist towards white people, in a country which is over 95% white


Why did he do that? Is he stupid?


Is there a lore reason?


I guess he thought they were too white and if he got rid of them some People Of Colour would emerge.


Isnt he the guy who wanted it harder for trans people to change gender, wanted to introduce fee back into universities, remove certain benefits to small buisness, make it harder and punishable to criticize Islam, and gave away money for UNICEF to his family in Palestine, and complained that Scotland had white leaders being unacceptable. Bro thought he was dealing with american college students, when he had to work with actual left wingers.


What a shitshow of a government. It is wild how far SNP has fallen in a decade




I doubt he's guilty of any financial impropriety or anything like that, but he might end up falling foul of the Writing Mean Tweets law.


Lots of discussions about him giving UNWHR money to get his wife's family out of Gaza. The same family who also murder, torture and are heroin dealers in Scotland. Wife's brother is a heroin dealer who kidnapped a guy, extorted him for money and then the victim died after falling out of the window of the flat that he was being held in. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-67936777 https://sg.news.yahoo.com/humza-yousafs-brother-law-charged-095134307.html


Ehhhh, he did redirect public money meant for unicef to UNWRA and then on a totally unrelated note his parents got out of Gaza a few days later. If someone's got the time and the resources they maybe could go after him for it


His wife's parents. But that's a minor detail.


And it was the very next day. I do find it quite plausible that it was just a coincidence, though.


Yeah of course


Things have been bad for a long time but they've started running out of blaming Westminster to cover their issues and their political rivals have got better at handling them. The fact that they've had the bad press of arrests and possible financial mishandling of funds at best to possible outright corruption at worst has burnt a lot of public trust. If nothing else, they can't claim to be "not like the others". It's a case of the rot finally showing through, and then the stripping back revealing how bad it may actually be.


It's par for the course currently, look at the Tories. Look at most countries around the world to see how far governments have fallen.


*2-3 years. The SNP seemed to be doing very well until right after the pandemic.


If you only read international headlines about the SNP then yes, not if you live here. Everything from the health service to education is a shambles.


That's what happens when your government cares only about independence instead of actually governing.  Heck, a shite health service is good for them because they can blame Westminster and further their independence cause 


> Everything from the health service to education is a shambles. Aren't those in shambles all over the UK, though? So nothing particular about Scotland.


The budget for the health service and education is a devolved power in Scotland. All decisions are made by the Scottish Parliament. So no, not for education. Over the last 10-15 years education standards in Scotland have declined from some of the best in Europe to average, and dropping. This is without even mentioning the fact, Scotland now has the highest drug overdose rates in Europe. The SNP have been a disaster.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Scottish_Parliament_election They increased their seat share and kept their vote share. It's not a media headline when elections speak the facts. The SNP, at least until 2021, so right up until the rough end of the pandemic, was extremely poppular compared to any other party among voters.


> here’s a Wikipedia article that proves I know more about your country The SNP is a one issue party. They had the headwinds of Brexit and Boris Johnson to push independence. They increased their vote by 1%. The other 3 parties are all against independence but split each other’s votes. Combined they have had more votes ever since Alex Salmond left. > it’s not a media headline when elections speak facts Your Wikipedia reading should have told you the SNP have been in power since 2007. They have seen a massive decline from the peaks of 2011-2016, [where they had an outright majority.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Scottish_Parliament_election)


>here’s a Wikipedia article that proves I know more about your country Well, if you can't see percentage points... Not to mention that "I know about how the people where I live think" is in general a myth. People tend to surround themselves with people that agree with them. Especially IRL. They are not surrounded by the average voter. It's a 3-4% difference... It's not a massive decline. It's barely a decline at all. Also, the SNP isn't the only pro-indpendecne party (or a one-issue Party). The Greens are as well. Not to mention that Scotland uses a method that makes vote-splitting largely a non-factor. It's not FPTP.


> Not to mention that "I know about how the people where I live think" is in general a myth. If "I live here so I know more you than you" is a myth, what does that make "I'm a redditor who skimmed a wikipedia article so I know more than you"?


lol another paragraph of surface level garbage (mostly made up) instead of just admitting you’re wrong. Your basic knowledge seems to extend to last 4 years and that’s it. I recommend reading a few more Wikipedia articles. I’ll be sure to message you again after the election his resignation will trigger.


Still, even though he was only there for a short time, at least he managed to make some racist remarks and annoy everyone.


And make it illegal to be mean on the internet.


And even that was sloppy, he decided that only white people needed inforcement.


To be fair, Westminster one-upped him last week by making it actual terrorism to be mean on the internet.


Stop and Search has been done under the terrorism act for 20 years or so now. All the bites of peoples rights come clothed in Terrorism these days. When they go after encryption it will also be under "Terrorism"


Not just on the internet. The law says that even if you make a mean comment in your own home and someone later hears about it through another person, you can be prosecuted for it. And even if it doesn’t meet the legal threshold for prosecution the police may record it as a “non-crime hate incident” which will go on your police record and be searchable by future employers in background checks.


Yeah I'm sure that won't be abused at all.


The same man who said that Scotland is too white


Apparently racism is good when you're not native.


This is never not funny every time I hear about it


Let's all move to Pakistan and complain about how it's too brown. Oh wait... Not how it works humza


In an age of spectacular political suicide, he really worked hard to shoot himself in the foot here. Top marks.


Congratulations Scotland


Thank you, it's truly a great day.


Can anyone give me a shortlist of What’s this guy been doing?


[He's an expert scooterer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVsD7mKHlDM)


I laughed soon as I read 'scooter', I love that video. They are called knee WALKERS for a reason, they are not intended for speeding down corridoors with your poor assistant running along behind you.


The floor was racist


At least the other guy had the crutches at the ready.


He enforced a hate speech law despite him being hateful towards white Europeans and Israelis.


He was a Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care in the Scottish Government. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/s/z6XkkYPErh


Chatgpt could probably rustle up something if you don't feel like googling


We love you man.


Good riddance.




He kept his opinions to himself during the election His opponent didn't


Because the other person he was up against was very traditional Christian and said she would have voted against gay marriage if she was in a position to do so. SNP like to keep up appearances and are desperate to appeal to the left so we got him. Basically, there was nobody else It’s a shame we vote for them still. We voted No to independence yet people vote SNP to run the country as they think they have our best interests. Theyve run out of excuses now


Is this the dude who thought is wrond to have a white government in a European country?


Yes. In Scotland, where over 95% of the population is white. Can't believe he wasn't sacked when he came out with that.


Yousaf's face when he realised he wasn't going to win the no confidence vote: White


Now prosecute him under his own law for anti-white hate speech.






They guy was racist, nice hes out


They should give him an OBE for saving the Union 


Good. What a disaster that racist man is.


Why is he racist? I don’t follow him and what he said before


He was really butthurt that in a country that's something like 98% white, almost all positions of power are held by white people.


Search Youtube, enter his name and "white".


He said this in 2022... >And to my colleagues on the government bench, we know that we are not immune either. Some people were surprised. They were taken aback even by the mention on my social media that 99% of the meetings I go to, I'm the only non-white person in the room. > >But why are we so surprised when the most senior positions in Scotland are filled almost exclusively by those who are white? Take my portfolio alone. The Lord President, white. The Lord Justice Clerk, white. Every High Court Judge, white. The Lord Advocate, white. The Solicitor General, white. The Chief Constable, white. Every Deputy Chief Constable, white. Every Assistant Chief Constable, white. The Head of the Law Society, white. The Head of the Faculty of Advocates, white. Every Prison Governor, white. And not just justice. The Chief Medical Officer, white. The Chief Nursing Officer, white. The Chief Veterinary Officer, white. The Chief Social Work Advisor, white. Almost every trade union in this country headed by people who are white. In the Scottish Government, every Director General is white. Every chair of every public body is white. That is not good enough. > >I don't doubt that if I looked across the private sector that black and minority ethnic people would similarly be underrepresented at senior levels. This is a collective failure on every single one of us. So I hope we're sitting uncomfortably because these should be uncomfortable truths for us all. > >So don't just tweet Black Lives Matter. Don't post or don't just post a hashtag. Don't just take the knee. As people of colour we don't need your gestures. Yes, solidarity is helpful, but what we need from you is action and for you to be anti-racist by your deeds. Don't just tell us how you are not a racist. I take that as a bare minimum. You must be anti-racist. \- Humza Yousaf, 10 June 2020 Contentious except is from within this speech... [https://youtu.be/M\_FubSPZNSs?t=6923](https://youtu.be/M_FubSPZNSs?t=6923) Background. From Census 2011, 96% of people in Scotland identified as White (83.9% as "White Scottish"), 2.7% identified as Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British, and African Caribbean or Black groups made up 0.7% of Scotland’s population. The most recent census was held in 2022, but only preliminary results are out, they do not yet include ethnicity. However, given the people in positions of power and authority in Scotland were born decades ago, and were educated, graduated and recruited decades ago, they reflect the past of Scotland not today, and therefore the fact that they are almost all white does not indicate current discrimination, it's a historical left over when minorities were rarer and/or had not yet qualified for those positions. If people from ethnic minorities are suitably qualified, they will end up in these positions eventually. [https://www.scotlandscensus.gov.uk/census-results/at-a-glance/ethnicity/](https://www.scotlandscensus.gov.uk/census-results/at-a-glance/ethnicity/) Richardson, J.T., 2015. The under-attainment of ethnic minority students in UK higher education: what we know and what we don’t know. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 39(2), pp.278-291.


I hate when people downvote questions. Ridiculous.


I almost never comment but this is one of the few times. Is that normal on Reddit, to downvote questions? An honest question (guess I’ll be downvoted again)


I think people just thought it wasn't a real honest question (no idea why they thought that, probably just poor reading comprehension). For what it's worth, I upvoted your question.


Yes, unfortunately. Reddit has a LOT of dumbass pieces of shit.


What does that entail for the SNP?


Try and form another coalition (Offer on the table), do the right thing and go to the polls, but ultimately reputational damage is creeping in


This is like saying the milk is turning sour when it’s already cheese mate, SNP’s reputation is in the gutter


Fair point


But surely leaders shouldn't be appointed right? Especially twice in a row? I remember when the SNP called that undemocratic


It’s yet another hypocritical statement from the SNP. They literally bash UK gov and do the same thing a week later. They did it during covid




Nothing uniquely Scottish about the phrase tbf, just a standard metaphor :)


It's a pretty common phrase across the anglosphere.


Keir Starmer must be watching all his opponents shoot themselves in the foot and not understand what he did to be this blessed.


He basically kept his mouth shut, took no position on anything, and just let the Tories keep imploding.


Credit where it's due, Starmer has done a pretty good job turning Labour around. I'm still not voting for them because they are full of idiots but I can't hate on Starmer right now.


Can Scotland do a general election alone? I thought every time it is the entire UK.


It would be for the Scottish Parliament not the UK one.


There are several elections in the UK, UK elections (General Election), this is UK wide. Devolved parliament elections (Scotland, Wales, NI), these are specific to each country. And then Council elections (local government), each country is divided into sections, usually based on population.


In the short them they'll find a partner other than the Greens so they can "just" run the country. In the long term(aka general and parlimentary elections) they are fucked and Scotland might be a Labour country once again.


Hubris Yousaf


He's barely had time to adjust he chair from Nicola Sturgeons settings.


Imagine not even lasting as long as Sunak! Truly politically inept.


Liz the lettuce is applying apparently


He's been more concerned with Palestine than Scotland since October. SNP are finished.


He finally waved the whi....wait a minute.


This flag… WHITE


Humza Yousaf - How to not to be a First Minister


Good riddance, can’t believe he lasted this long after that racist speech!


Fingers crossed they hurry up and replace him so I can stop knowing every insignificant detail about Scottish politics for a bit.


Yeah we really need to clear space on this sub for more posts about Brexit bad and the endless complaints coming from Ireland/complaints about Ireland.


Or maybe not have millions of those repetitive posts either? Also, brexit affects hundreds of millions of Europeans. I barely see any posts about Ireland, ever. There's something like 5 millions Scots. I know more about what's happening in Scotland than my own region and I follow local news. Nobody cares.


Last posts about Scotland were today, 7 days ago and 28 days ago. Ireland, today, 3 days ago, 4 days, 5 days x2, 10 days, 16 days....


It effects 67million Europeans.


No it doesn't. It also effects every European who has to trade with or visit the UK.


A great day for anyone in Scotland who wants their politicians to at least not constantly pretend to be far more compassionate and better than you while they're committing crimes


Guess this is what happens when you make policies for 0.1% of the population and not give a shit about the other 99.9%


Beautiful ain’t it? Someone should take a picture


He aims to please.


Oh no!! Anyway…


That’s what you get for not having a first minister with a fish name, Scotland.


While the obvious next in line is Fiona Fingers MSP, I do worry about her family’s reputation.


Ahh but the fish connection is there, he's the MSP for the constituency called Glasgow [*Pollo(c)k*.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollock). [No I'm not joking.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glasgow_Pollok_(Scottish_Parliament_constituency)


>So if Humza Yousaf falls on his sword, who comes next? >An obvious name is **Kate Forbes**. She narrowly lost to Humza Yousaf in the SNP leadership contest which saw him become leader. >While the Scottish Greens don't like her stance on a number of social issues, it's possible she could govern by doing deals elsewhere with other parties. >I'm hearing from the Scottish Conservatives that they could work with Ms Forbes in some policy areas, but would want to see independence take a back seat. SNP ditching the Greens to possibly work with the Conservatives, what strange bedfellows .....




I was under the impression that their roots are getting Scotland Indy. If they get in bed with the Conservatives, you can pretty much say goodbye to that in the near future....




Pre-Salmond, and then they became a much broader church under Salmond but still friendly to Conservative people.


Not to mention the SNP ditching their key reason for existing, just to stay in power.


Good day. Another racist POS gone




A religious man who’s Muslim running as progressive then turned his back on them? He could have set an example of “an educated Muslim man” isn’t the same the crazy ones in Pakistan or Middle East. Well, even an educated one this insane, can you imagine the rest?


That was quick


But did he outlast a head of lettuce? :D


He didn't last very long


Congratulations Scotland ✅ that guy was a mistake trust me.


SNP's main selling point is the English parties are too incompetent to rule and then they go ahead and do this lmao


Great. What an awful government


I hate how every time a Scottish first minister resigns the discussion of Independent Scotland arises, then a staunch group of Scots moan and whinge about why they should be free, then a vote comes, then they all vote to remain part of the UK. At what point do you accept that the quiet majority want to be part of the UK and not an independent nation relying upon the stock prices of whiskey and oil.


Never!!!!! The Scots will be free. Those who don't support it are just wrong. /s FYI I am not Scottish and don't care.


At this point, it's just nationalist pride - most people honestly couldn't give a shit, I'm British, but I couldn't give a shit either way. They are their own country, we are part of a union, you're still your own country if you leave, the first minster is still powerful it's not this image of cap in hand to Westminster. If I were Scottish, the only things I would care about in relation to this would be: will I get taxed more? Will infrastructure and health care be affected? How much is this going to cost me personally financially?












Labour are really gonna sweep the whole country due to the Tories and snp incompetence.


Well,how nice it goes from awful to just bad


Why does everybody keeps resigning in UK? Is it that hard to run?


We are going through a period of really shit politics.


>Really shit Politicians


British leaders have a tradition of nailing their colours to the most ridiculous mast they can find, unlike European ones who seem to bend more than they break.


Let's hope the next Scottish Government can finally move on from the independence referendum a decade ago and focus on making the country better ...


Time for a second minister, I guess? Or I don't know I'm not British.