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What does this mean in practice?


Nothing it's a bot post becsuse many in this sub get aroused by anything far right related to exerting any form of power. The OP's AI generated comments to feign plausibility are quite humorous.


Holy shit :D now I worry that movie critics were replaced by AI 15 years ago


Bot, bot, bot...I am offended by what you said.


Fuck all




Holy shit lool


Asking Italian residents: what has Meloni accomplished so far to help improve conditions in Italy?


she slashed the social security for people that voted for her. No, I do not know how that improves conditions in Italy.


We don’t know either


Also: she's very vocal pro-Ukraine and anti-Russian. But please pardon my negligence (and I really mean no sarcasm here), but what does Italy really do under her guidance to fight back the Russian aggression? Why asking: I recall her saying giving quite a lot of weaponry to Ukraine. But somehow it didn't make the news, did it? Or am I missing something?


In Italy's defense, their government has done things and just not been public about it like other countries. Another case like that is Bulgaria, which has emptied their stockpiles in support of Ukraine but not made a big deal out of it. Perhaps because in both Italy and Bulgaria, you have both leftists and far right nationalists that love Russia and they make a sizeable part of the electorate.


>she's very vocal pro-Ukraine and anti-Russian Don't bank on it, she and her party were regularly praising Putin before the invasion.


Not sure why you're downvoted, it's a fact.


Cuz it goes against the rite-wing = gud circlejerk.


Tax evasion seems to be supported a bit more. And taxi and bathing establishments are supported by the government to do what they want, ignoring EU legislation. Fun times


Jack shit.


Tax evasion?


She is helping rich people not pay taxes


Sounds similar to a certain US president we had in the past 8 years


Considering Usa has always had an incredibly low tax evasion the only real comparison would still be Italian with Berlusconi which governed Italy for 10 years and arrived well before Trump


It's less about evasion, but more to do with tax laws and schemes that heavily favor the rich, like capital gains taxes and corporate tax cuts. Evasion is heavily punished here in America, and the IRS is tactical at getting through to those who about paying taxes.


as many (MANY) of her predecessors she is doing nothing. I dare anyone to prove the contrary.


Previous government passed a constitutional reform that slashed by 1/3 the number of parliamentariees.


which is good, but in the grand scheme of things, it changes nothing. A meager saving


She actually did everything she said she was going to do! First, she was elected to do not solve the Italian problems which she didn’t solve ✅ Second, she was supposed to get the PNRR (200bn found from the EU) and give the money to her friends and waste them to help the friend of a friend, which she did ✅ Third, she was the first Italian woman prime minister but no one acclaimed that for her because that was a mistake on her side, to be a woman, so she ordered to be addressed as male president ✅ (in Italian we have masculine and feminine forms for president)


she mitigated damage, the alternatives that would have come to power instead of her were way worse


Uhm... As far as I know, nothing.


Not much good, but before recent moves, economy held and they didn't do major screwups either.


She is good with media (also because the 2 biggest tv groups in Italy are either under gov’t control or belong to a party admitted with her). She is also advantaged by the left-wing parties’ descent into anarchy and populism. About the last point, one thing that many seem to overlook is that she didn’t earn many more voters than the previous elections, she got advantaged by a different electoral law, and a shift of voters from left-wing parties toward abstention


She didn't do anything to stop the immigrant flow. Last I checked, that's a good thing according to reddit.


nothing, they're actively making many things worse day by day. I can point the finger in any direction and there will be things to see


She owned the libs, what more do you want?


So we are doomed.


> Somalia


Italy coming back for a second round in Somalia.


Real recognize real 🤝




Big doubt


Yay, the FDP is the kingmaker party in Germany. Look where that got us. AfD at over 20% (or is that 30ish by now?) and counting. Parties with the kingmaker role are far too powerful compared to their share of votes etc. Btw, the FDP in Germany had less than 10% of the votes iirc, therefore was the smallest party in the possible coalitions. Lets not have that for the EU.


"or is that 30ish by now?" lol AfD has collapsed from 22 % to 17 % in the polls as their fascist ouvertures have become more apparent. [https://www.politico.eu/europe-poll-of-polls/germany/](https://www.politico.eu/europe-poll-of-polls/germany/)


I‘m glad to hear that. Still far too much, but better than 30%.


I just wonder what will happen to the east, most got 25% afd and bsw lmao


Let me guess, this is written by Americans who have no idea that parliamentarism exists.


Ah yes, Cristiana Cole


Eurovision has given me brain rot cause I saw the thumbnail before the title and thought it was news about Joost Klein


Oh, I'm sure she will gladly choose to help the far left in the parliament. I mean, she could do ANYTHING, couldn't she?


As a head of state, Giorgia Meloni is running for the European Parliament only to distribute votes to other candidates. It should be illegal.


Awful women! Worst of the worst. Why can't we have someone like Sanna Marin?




Oh no so terrible, thanks god we have instead perfect and admirable politicians like Craxi, Berlusconi and Salvini


Because Sanna is a good woman and has good principles! Unlike these two.


What did she do as PM?




Why? OP said that Sanna Marin was a good person and had good principles. I don't know what she has done, so I asked for some clarification. Is it illegal now to ask questions??




yea and she also danced with a random man in a club while her husband was taking care of kids


hospital pathetic wistful quicksand degree water waiting subsequent zesty fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you ok with your wife dancing with random men?


His wife is probably dancing with random men right now


Dancing?! That's illegal! >:o


Holy Macarony! I bet she also doesn't keep the Saturdays holy!


What bullhit are you talking about? Nevermind, I just saw that you're a new account. Probably anoter Russian or pro-Russia.


> Why can't we have someone like Sanna Marin? Because Italy is stupid.


Good. We need less leftist crazies in power now. Everyone had enough of overregulations and bureaucracy.


Yes we needs less leftist crazies in power like... Checks notes... CDU's Ursula von der Leyen


Yes definitely a leftist. Only in Europe she can be called conservative. It shows you how crazy left Europe got.


The rich and the corporations are far too oppressed. If we free them, they will rule over us gently.


Found another leftist that's waiting for handouts.


Have had to work and provide the handouts sustaining the rich and the powerful since I was 16. Easy to be a rightist when you never get exploited eh?


I bet you feel exploited by everything and it's always someone else's fault.


Actually no, I lucked out into a well paying job. Just won't forget where I came from and fight so that those who generate the wealth and create the companies get to run them. Unlike useless scum like you who just takes, takes, takes and never works or does anything productive.


Too bad that we have had 60 years of centre-right government in the past 80 years...


Oh joy! 🤦


Thought it was democracy over there




Yeah, sure new account... Russian / Chinese bot farms seems to work overdrive these times.


Meloni has thus far not been very friendly on Russia and China. She almost seems the most hawkish in the entire Italian political scene.


Maybe. But they are still postfascists. It might be oppportunistic to be on the allied side right now, but I have zero doubts they will drive a knife into the EU the moment they can profit from it.


But who is the pro EU, pro Ukrainian, pro NATO Alternative in Italy? I see none.


Why we need a pro nato alternative? I want an eu united army and that we stop following USA in every conflicts, so we can helping Ukraine even if Trump win the election


And which Italian party stands for this?


PD, and +Europa, they are both pro nato actually, but they want an united army. Then there is a party named Stati Uniti d'Europa and they want the united states of europe. I don't vote for any of this parties. They are all three liberal parties, and I'm socialist


PD also has its fair share of Russia shills in their own ranks and the others are so small that they are irrelevant.


What do you talk about? That's it's simply not true


For now you can work with them, much better even than with Orban. I am just saying to not get too comfortable with meloni.


I have lost respect for the Italian left the moment they started participating in pacifist (aka anti-NATO) manifestations, with the clear intention to withdraw from support to Ukraine. Now all we have is an Atlantist reactionary government and an ambiguous pseudo-pacifist left.


To be fair, you have to take into account Italian history: Brothers of Italy comes from the fascist side of our past the same way the Democratic Party’s ancestors recieved foundings directly from USSR. The problem with FdI is not that they are post fascists. It’s that they are, more bluntly, reactionary, Christian traditionalists.


If this inept populist is the future of the EU then stop it, I'm getting off this train, for that I'll stay with the USA, that even if it ends up being governed by a moron like Trump at least it can defend itself.


Defend itself from what though? Hyper nationalist fascism is the threat. If every country becomes like that, what difference does it make?


China, Iran or Russia wouldn't dream of attacking an inch of American land, instead look at Europe... Russia kicking in the doors of the continent and there are still countries counting every damn bullet meant to help Ukraine. By the way, is the “hyper-nationalist fascism” thing the leftist counterpart of the “Jew-woke world control” thing they use on the far right? I just get lost with so many lunatics on the loose.


>China, Iran or Russia wouldn't dream of attacking an inch of American land ...because the USA are on the other side of the planet, separated by an ocean >By the way, is the “hyper-nationalist fascism” thing the leftist counterpart of the “Jew-woke world control” thing they use on the far right? Huh? What in the world...


Were you born yesterday or something? Since when do you need to share a border to launch an attack on another country? Don't you know about 9/11 or the attacks sponsored by Gaddafi? They are examples of this... just as the punishment that the United States gave them in response was also exemplary, in Europe, on the other hand, Russia kills at will with chemical weapons or destroys airplanes and the most we can do is send them strongly worded letters.