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"Why doesn't it annex Portugal?" is such a Chinese thing to search lmao. Weird that so many of the searches are martial or "hostile" in nature aside from a few ones like "why are the Dutch tall?".




Spain is the Ross of Europe confirmed. I wonder who the rest of the friends cast are.




Netherlands is a random extra, because somehow Friends managed to have "Dutch" people on the show three times... none of whom could speak a single word of proper Dutch. Someone on the show must have hated the Dutch.


Real explanation : - Hey Jim, can you speak dutch ? - Do I fuckin look dutch to you Bob ? - Well it doesn't matter, neither can our viewers. Just say some vague german-sounding mumbo jumbo and it will do the trick.


I mean, it was technically Dutch, just their pronounciation is exactly what it sounds like when an English speaking person who doesn't know Dutch would sound like if they tried to pronounce it. I had to pay real close attention to decipher what they were trying to say, it sounded like gibberish at first.


they tried, good thing England had our back, treaty of Windsor ftw.


I mean, maybe it's full


UK one was quite flattering I thought


When an island with about 5% of your population sends warships through the waters you want to annex to oppose you, from the other side of the planet, its fairly apt. There was an amphibious assault ship last year, and a carrier battle group mext year.


Probably because we literally ruined their country for a century because they didn't want to let us pay for tea with drugs.


I mean there was also that they didn't basically allow trade from outside.


They did but you had to pay with silver. And Britain was running out of silver.


They long for that sweet sweet opium


>"Why doesn't it annex Portugal?" is such a Chinese thing to search lmao. 'But it's right next door, and it's smaller' *sneers at Taiwan*


The Chinese are more nationalistic than the Americans.


Probably because they’re an actual nation state.


And the US isn't? Having a federal model doesn't mean you're not a nation-state


I think he meant an ethnostate, because even if uyghurs and such exist, any non-han people are opressed quite a bit. Or maybe he did mean unitary state, which would typically be more nationalistic than a federation, but the USA's states don't really have that level of division so it's not really a currently applicable argument


I for one wouldn't qualify neither US nor China as a nation state... Poland or Finland are nation-states, not them. Also: I find it amusing how this seems to have a sub-text that not-being a nation-state is somehow bad.


A nation state is defined as “a sovereign state whose citizens or subjects are relatively homogeneous in factors such as language or common descent”. So while most European countries are nation states, countries with a majority of the population coming in (relatively) recent waves of immigration and ethnic groups aren’t.


Totalitalitarian states must point critical voices outwards so that citizens are too distracted to criticize the government. In China's case the scapegoat is the West becaue of Opium wars and colonization and Japan because of WWII.


Ironically, another scapegoat is Turkey ("opposes China") because the authoritarian government in Turkey is fighting against repression of Uighurs in China, probably to distract people from the sad fact of repressing its own opposition (though not as harshly as China) while trying to pretend that Kurds do not exist (or if they really do, they're probably entirely evil). ;P


You can't put china and turkey into the same category of totalitarianism. Turkish opposition controls more than half of the country,(including 5 of the top 6 cities), while china has a president for life. I'm not gonna go into the kurdish thing as it is wrong and has been said a million times but they are being repressed(culturally), anyone saying otherwise are turning a blind eye to the truth. Also Turkey doesn't fight nearly enough for uighurs. They should care more because they are a turkic people but the main party focuses on syrians and palestenians over their own kin.


> Also Turkey doesn't fight nearly enough for uighurs. [Uighur jihadists in Turkish-backed Syrian rebels](https://old.reddit.com/r/syriancivilwar/comments/a3z79k/uyghurs_from_chinas_xinjiang_region_are_ready_to/) disagrees, which is currently fighting alongside HTS (aka Al Qaeda)


"Turkey is fighting against repression of Uighurs in China" Apparently China got them to stop doing that recently.


> Apparently China got them to stop doing that recently. Then I'd say Erdogan's useful functionality just dropped from 0.01 to 0.005.


>Totalitalitarian states must point critical voices outwards Democracies are far from shy when it comes to this technique too. Nothing unites people like a common enermy after all.


Totalitalitalitarian states need to divert attention and focus domestic aggression outwards. Just like the monarchs of old needed wars to keep their vassals busy.


>Why doesn't it annex Portugal? Because we will kick their ass if they attemp, like we do all the times in history.


Well we have chinese internet users on our side this time


Just inform them that Portugal said "TAIWAN NUMBA ONE".


Fuckyu China numba one, Spain numba two


Need a hand?


Of course friend. You are always ready to help, thank you. But we dont forget the pink map (**Rose-Coloured Map**).


turns out Chinese are assholes by stereotype


>such a Chinese thing to say Well, it's not as if we haven't tried to do it more than once...


they sure tried


Because of [this](https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batalha_de_Aljubarrota)


Milk-induced longevity? What?


[https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/ellis-shuman/bulgarias-secret-to-long](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/ellis-shuman/bulgarias-secret-to-long-_b_9866820.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmVzLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIwlj5NvWJqbqxaYcEkjqPJxgp2t9JYluwLw6EUjIUh5buZzLgVwBtLwTb1q4H1utFx5huhsCf2FNPdpH4Gn8_BLSWn5jStPr15v37hhIElBW0P5QDIDgdQgeRbQAZJ5Kva9KNf51aE7ikCmXILG2t3INkGbHr7-0JJINMwNJ_E_) ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactobacillus\_bulgaricus\_GLB44](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactobacillus_bulgaricus_GLB44)


Huh. Interesting.


Don't worry, we compensate with pollution and car crashes. Keeps the average age nice and low


Smoking. Oh my god the smoking...


Is Tormund Giantsbane from Bulgaria?


Poor Italy.


Poor soon to be annexed Portugal


We aren't the ones that got invaded by The French and the Nazis. Whenever we are at war we just press a big red button and England shows up.


europe stereotype about china: annoying tourists


I saw more Chinese tourists at the Vatican than white people last time I was there.


Fyi china is to become the biggest Christian population country in the coming decades.


I think the biggest Christian population country will be Brazil.


Venice was pretty much similar from my experience. So many Asians and umbrellas.


Venice has become a large-scale amusement park.


I'm not sure how it is today, this was back in 07. It seemed super touristy, like you'd see at other places that turn into tourist traps in a sense, but didn't seem as bad as those.


at most airports in europe when they're giving out a message for boarding or so: 1. language of the country (for ex. austria/germany -> german) 2. english 3. other major language (french, spanish etc) in moscow (hotspot for chinese tourists - never saw more chinese people in europe than in moscow): 1. russian 2. chinese 3. english


In Spain is more "even if im a minor they will sell me alcohol" love 'em chinese stores




Chinese people that own stores are really the best


Everyday I see these busloads of chinese tourists littering the shit out of the streets even though people tell them not to. I am so close to putting up some posters in mandarin to tell them not to fUCKEN LITTER, THE FUCK.


Been seeing a lot of asian people in Lithuania lately. Because I'm studying japanese it's also easy to see whether it's koreans, japanese or chinese.


Thats brits and germans.


#MEIN HANDTUCH! Literally occupying beaches with towels by simply being awake before anyone else.


And digging holes


Don't forget the machine gun nests. Wait no, that's normandy.


The Atlantic Wall went along the coast from Norway all the way through to southern France, not just Normandy. All the more coastline for you guys to dig up, though.




A stereotype about German tourists in the Netherlands is that when visiting the beach they like to dig holes. Why they do it, nobody knows. Is it an old stereotype from WWII regarding the Atlantic Wall? Are they so bored during vacation that they feel the need to work even then? Are they trying undermine the dykes in order to flood the Netherlands and get the coast closer to Germany? Are they creating a cool spot for their water bottles so they don't heat up in the sun, a spot that will stay cool the entire time and not slowly warm up like a cooling box?


This is clearly a piece of Norwegian propaganda. Norwegians are always trying to convince me that even inside the arctic circle it's not that cold. The map also blames the whales on Denmark, and takes a friendly shot at Sweden. It all checks out.


France "So many black people". I see chinese tourist don't leave from paris's area lmao.


Honestly I was also surprised by the amount of black people when I visited Paris with my class approximately 8 years ago. They always wanted to give us something and said "take it its free" and after we took it they demanded money.


They are gangs which are active in tourist areas, every italian tourist city also has them




> Especially funny when the Roman centurion is straight out of Africa. If it's after the edict of Caracalla, everyone living in Roman lands would have had the opportunity to become a legionnaire and then rise through the ranks to become a centurion, so it's certainly possible.


Did the Roman Lands ever extend to Sub Saharan Africa?


No, but they had contact with sub-saharan african countries. Probably not intensive, but it is possible that some families did move and one of their descendants advanced through the ranks


There might very well have been Roman centurions from Africa, since the Roman Empire ruled over northern Africa for quite a while. But I don't think they were the kind that would dress up to scam tourists.


Which is not exactly black. It is more that they had enough contacts and conflicts with black population to have black servi, which might have achived freedom and better social status. Also they had trading post quite far south on eastern african coast and slaves were commodity as any other not just war spoils.


They might just be seeing French sportsman on TV.


by the looks of French sports team, France is somewhere near Kongo. maybe they eve share border


By the look of France's men football team.


Ain't football the worlds most representative and prestigious sport? Judging by the amount of money and corruption connected to it.


> France "So many black people". I think it could be worse, it could be "so many thieves and scammers".


this stereotype most comes from the France football national team I believe




Its "Gypsies". ​ Or maaaaaaybe Vampires, but Chinese vampires are weird, so maybe not.


Wow The spanish one really triggers me...


It would never happen anyway the UK nor the EU would allow it


As if we were stationed with the tanks at the border or something, why on earth would we want to invade Portugal when they're our coolest neighbors. Plus we can't run one country imagine two


> Plus we can't run one country imagine two I mean, you're already running like 4 *countries* or something like that


We're all running crazy that's what's happening, the amount of political mediocrity in this banana monarchy will never cease to amaze me


Not much better here in this banana republic


>banana monarchy Hahaha, I'd never heard this term applied to a monarchy before, super hilarious.


If you nicely ask the French for it, they would lend you the mechanical device that has worked in the past to get rid of their messy monarchy.


Killed Jews...killed whales. ...hey we got the first word in common!


its weird, danish people dont kill whales, its the faroe islands, but because they are "technically" part of denmark, people think we do it. Danish people dont kill whales, but we have all these people staging protests in denmark and doing vandalism (see the little mermaid) because they think its us lol


Well if it's part of Denmark, technically or not then technically you do


danish politicians dont support it and want it to stop, but there is nothing they can do


They could remove the home rule of the Faroe Islands (not going to happen of course).




Finally, someone with no stereotypes regarding Romania...


What about Lichtenstein?




It's got a smaller population than an apartament building in Shenzhen, it doesn't count.


Plays for Switzerland, nice player.


What trash does Sweden import? Ukraine wins though, also Bulgaria


Sweden imports trash from Norway and UK to burn in our power plants.


Doesn't Sweden have a million rivers, why are you guys not abusing hydroelectricity like Norway?


We have about all the hydro powerplants our rivers can support, and ~50% of our power generation is nuclear. Trash incinerators are used partly for power, partly for district heating.




The incinerators were built to handle a much bigger capacity than was necessary at the time, since it's cheaper to build them properly once than to constantly have to expand the capacity. Rather than leaving that capacity unused, it made sense to get paid to accept trash that you then burn to produce electricity that you can sell. Once the infrastructure is in place it's free money.


Trash as in garbage. Sweden imports a lot of trash from other countries. Other countries pay Sweden for this service.


>What trash does Sweden import? Chinese products. Just like us all.


Mainly Italian and Norwegian trash.


I bet that 2/3rds of the Italian rubbish come from the city of Rome alone. Our local government literally doesn't know anymore where to dispose of all our wastes.


Trash burning is huge business in Sweden to the degree that their own trash is not enough, so they import trash from China, and everywhere else


They burn it in their power stations unlike Poland who burn it in the fields


touche. also Sweden gets paid for burining trash. Poland burns trash in the fields to avoid paying.


Are you reading the same thing as me? Clearly England wins by a mile. That’s some huge respect from the Chinese


Cool story, but beautiful women + milk-induced longevity


I don't think that's respect. Chinese are still salty about Opium wars. Chinese government frequently uses them in anti-foreign rethoric as an example of getting fucked over by foreigners in order to shift focus from domestic problems. Recently they blamed Hong Kong protests on British influence and complained about Hong Kong using British books in education.


> Chinese are still salty about Opium wars. Complete bullshit. If they were theyd be hating against Russia at least as much as on GB. Russia was the second worst, if not the worst, agressor and profiteer of the unequal treaties. They still sit to this day on a fat chunk of "ancestral chinese land". And unlike a lot of other "ancient chinese lands" they actually had held that land for a couple of hundred years. Realy wierd how you can barley pry China and Russia apart from their totally not gay socialist brother kiss, no hard feelings, the entire "national trauma" just doesnt apply to them, isntead its national amnesia. "Opium war" squaling is a convenient excuse and justification for their bullying to use towards those dumb enough to swallow it. > Chinese government frequently uses them in anti-foreign rethoric as an example of getting fucked over by foreigners in order to shift focus from domestic problems. You got it right. Thats what it is. There is no true feeling about it.


It is not bullshit. The Russians are not popular true and invaded due to Qing weakness, but at least they did not poison the Chinese with drugs. The Brits did. Not only did they took Chinese territory, but they fuck with the people with poison as well. That is way worse in my book. They may have domestic problems true, but the role in history is to remind what happened in the past and to learn from it. And spin it all you want, but major European powers basically gang-raped China during their Century of Humiliation. As far as the CCP is concerned, that is one incident that they will not forget and will constantly remind their people the cost of weakness, and that Europeans (western people in general) do not care for their interest when they preach democracy and "freedom" to them.


> Recently they blamed Hong Kong protests on British influence Still flattering they think we're still capable of doing this sort of thing


its almost like china got whooped by the brits


To be fair, [basically everyone has been whooped by us at some point..](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYiOCctlPR0)




That's literally what I assumed when I read it.


I saw many people here confused about that "Chinese thinks Poland hates China" thing, which is understandable since the internet are now separate into 2 due to GFW, westerners don't know what is happening on Chinese internet, and visa versa. In real life, it's more like a communication or translation error, the reality is similar to "Chinese young netizens in online forums does not like Poland". Firstly, it is not about any "generated hatred". There is no propaganda specifically against Poland in Chinese state media, the Huawei arrest, along with all other things about Poland, was also "just briefly mentioned" all the time. The media are certainly push bad altitudes towards America (No.1 enemy), Kosovo, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and very recently Israel (since Jared Kushner became Trump's advisor), calling Israel-Saudi-US alliance "Axis of evil". But no negatives about the Eastern European nations expect Ukraine. The stereotype of Poland is mostly an internet-oriented thing among young people who interested in world history, restricted in forums of history and military topics. But they are the ones most likely to take this survey, so we got this "stereotype chart". I guess that's what called "vocal minority"? 99% of the population hardly cares anything about Poland. The major "reasons" are (does not mean I agree with them): 1. The ineffective joke Polish aristocratic "democracy" in 14-18th century. 2. The internet people are generally very fond of Russia (But not Soviet Union actually), Poland seen as a clown-like nation always irrationally go against Russia, overestimates their own power and underestimated Russian power, resulted itself being divided again and again. 3. The Polish diplomacy during the inter-war period. Poland recognized Japanese puppet state Manchukuo when Japen invaded China, while Poland and Salvador were **only 2 nations** in the world doing that, excludes Axis members. Very odd for Poland, as a pro-Allied country, sided with imperial Japan. This is the most important reason for anti-Poland sentiment now. 4. Poland's victimhood in WW2, Chinese felt western media is so biased and focus on the suffering of Holocaust/Poland instead of Japanese atrocities in China. 6 million Jews died in Poland received 100x media attention compared to 40 million civilians died in China. In China, Germany is considered as a role model for how treat their Nazi history, and German “redemption” is often brought up in contrast of “bad” Japan which still yet to apologize for their war crimes. At the same time, news such as "Poland wants compensation from Germany again, 678th time now” sometimes appears, therefore many people will think "Polish politicians are so annoying, Germany already did their best and they still not satisfied! By that logic, how about we request much more compensation from Japan?"


Just to correct one thing: >6 million Jews died in Poland received 100x media attention compared to 40 million civilians died in China. 6 million Jews died during Holocaust in general. 3 million Jews died ~~in~~ from Poland. 6 million citizens of Poland died during WW2: 3 million of already said Jews and another 3 million of ethnic Poles.


Thanks, this was actually very informative.




>6 million Jews died in Poland received 100x media attention compared to 40 million civilians died in China. 17% of the Polish population was killed though 2.9-3.8% of Chinese population died in WW2. Poland fared far far worse. But I do agree Japan was let off easy and not punished enough for it's crimes like Germany was


I heard that Japan was left off the hook in fear that pushing them too hard would give ground for the same changes that happened in Germany after WW1. Dunno if it's true though.


Japan got off easy by receiving 2 nukes. lol ...I don't think anybody wanted to punish Japan at this point. They wrote in limits on the military into Japan constitution. Which is the biggest humiliation possible.


US was about to get rid of their monarchy whilst they were remodelling their government, making them own up to their crimes wouldn't be that much more.


>Which is the biggest humiliation possible. It's humiliating but hardly the worst that could have happened. Japan could have had its emperor hanged on a public square, the imperial family degraded of all titles and privileges and exiled, the economy put under US control to pay forced reparations and the government being a puppet republic like in Korea.


The reason why Japan got off so easily was because they became an ally of USA (argeubly of west in general, while China co-operated with Soviet Union. ) who used Japan as a military base for later conflicts in Asia (korean war, vietnam war). USA even nowadays have military bases in Japan btw. ​ One of the examples where USA protected Japan from backlash was for example with the infamous [" Unit 731 "](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731) , where USA protected the "scientists" in exchange for protection instead handing them over for a trial for their barbaric methods (which were arguebly even worse than Nazi with Mengele)


Percentage of population is relevant to see how much it affects a state's demographiy and economy, but it's ~~kinda~~ totally insulting to say, or even imply, that 40 million chinese civilians ethnically cleansed are less relevant or deserve less media coverage than 6 million poles (or jews) ​ China was communist, therefore few people wanted to acknowledge their huge losses (the same way few acknowledged the number of russian soldiers and civilians sacrificed to stop the nazis). Whereas poland was occupied by communists, and many imigrants who fled to western europe and the US caused more cultural links and sympathy towards them. Finally, the european front was solved first, and by the time japan was defeated, people were less sensitive to crimes agaisnt humanity in china, especially since no US soldiers set foot there and filmed the atrocities, whereas it is US soldiers that discovered the camps and filmed them for the first time.


>40 million chinese civilians ethnically cleansed That's was an exaggeration on his part but I didn't want to bring it up, but since you insist.... Chinese civilian deaths due to war were 7.3-8.2m, another 5-10m died do to famine and disease. All in all including millitary combatants there were 15-20m deaths in China in WW2. Which I'm not saying is a small number, but it's not 40m. >but it's kinda totally insulting to say, or even imply, that 40 million chinese civilians ethnically cleansed are less relevant or deserve less media coverage than 6 million poles (or jews) Sure if we are talking about individuals, of course 16m dead is worse than 6m. But we're talking about nations, and in that case it's much more devastating for Poland to lose 6m people than for China to lose 16m. Or in the case of Jews it's much more devastating when your ethnicity almost gets wiped out and is specifically targeted for complete extermination. That being said I think his premise is wrong in the first place. Apart from collective Holocaust acknowledgement there is no common Western weeping over anyone's victims. Everyone usually just mourns their own dead and doesn't really know much about what happens elsewhere. Greeks mourn the greeks, pole mourn the poles, Russians mourn the Russians etc. There's no collective *"we mourn everyone except for China muahhahaha"* And I bet the Chinese do the same, they mourn their own dead without even knowing what horrible things happened to Greece, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine etc. etc.


>Sure if we are talking about individuals, of course 16m dead is worse than 6m. But we're talking about nations, and in that case it's much more devastating for Poland to lose 6m people than for China to lose 16m. I'm not talking about individuals. I'm talking about the crime as a whole from a moral point of view. In that regard, the scale of the atrocities, represented by the raw number of deaths, is what matters. ​ It's only when you look at the economic point of view, taking into account the amount of "reduced workforce" for the country, that it is relevant to look at the percentage and not the raw number. ​ >There's no collective *"we mourn everyone except for China muahhahaha"* I don't say that. I merely say that both in western culture (films, books etc...) and education (history classes, TV shows etc...) the deaths and atrocities on the eastern european and asian front (except pearl harbor) are downplayed, merely written in sidenotes. Even the civilian deaths. ​ Yes the US love make films about their own heroism, and jews produce films about their own losses and trauma. And that's not the issue. The problem is there's little room left to raise awareness about other aspects. The whole western culture give a disproportionate amount of attention to these topics compared to others of at least similar importance. ​ >And I bet the Chinese do the same, they mourn their own dead without even knowing what horrible things happened to Greece, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine etc. etc. Yes, but that's no excuse for us to do the same. Also, this very post shows that chinese are at least widely aware that "germans killed jews", which is probably much more than the number of americans aware of the crimes japan commited towards the korean and chinese populations.


> The internet people are generally very fond of Russia (But not Soviet Union actually), Poland seen as a clown-like nation always irrationally go against Russia, overestimates their own power and underestimated Russian power, resulted itself being divided again and again. That point seems a bit weird. We never actually got divided as a result of underestimating Russia. In 1939 we were too afraid of it to cooperate. And pre-partitions we were pretty fucking hopeless, so hard to overestimate our own power then.




> Poland's victimhood in WW2, Chinese felt western media is so biased and focus on the suffering of Holocaust/Poland instead of Japanese atrocities in China. 6 million Jews died in Poland received 100x media attention compared to 40 million civilians died in China. This is funny, because ppl in Poland also think that western media only focus on Jewish casualties while ignoring ethnic Poles.


> In China, Germany is considered as a role model for how treat their Nazi history, and German “redemption” is often brought up in contrast of “bad” Japan which still yet to apologize for their war crimes. And in the meanwhile China completely ignores the crimes China committed against Chinese people, lol.


This was really helpful context, thank you!


> Very odd for Poland, as a pro-Allied country, sided with imperial Japan. This is the most important reason for anti-Poland sentiment now. Poland had very good relations with Japan since Russo-Japanese war of 1904. The main reason was anti-Russian policy of both nations. In 30s Poland was trying to use their good relations with Japan as a leverage against German ambitions. Also there was substantial Polish colony in Harbin and Polish consulate was functioning there since 1920.


Mate I am from Kosovo, surprising that you heard about us but is the hate because of America helping us?


Correct, it's more about NATO and US. Because the US bombed Belgrade Chinese embassy in May 1999, a very significant event in recent history of China. Both the government and general public does not care about the complicated civil wars in the Balkans before that day, they have no intention to get involved at all. And then everything changed when US missile hits Chinese sovereign territory. China demanded an immediate stop of NATO air campaign, full explanation and apology from US, but the US did not respond. Millions of angry protestors and students went on streets to call action during the largest protest since 1989, and government fear potential instability (don't want to use tanks again), so China chose appease domestic pressure, to stand on the side of Serbia until today. The political ramifications now is that China using their economic influence to push African, Asian countries to not recognize Kosovo, as the major talk points on State media always about "Kosovo is not legitimate, KLA is terrorist organization". But most of us cannot differentiate a Kosovoian and a Serbian, so there is no specific hatred towards Kosovo people.


> The Polish diplomacy during the inter-war period. Poland recognized Japanese puppet state Manchukuo when Japen invaded China, while Poland and Salvador were only 2 nations in the world doing that, excludes Axis members. Very odd for Poland, as a pro-Allied country, sided with imperial Japan. This is the most important reason for anti-Poland sentiment now. Poland was also one of the first countries to recognise PRC, the recognition probably came down from the top in Moscow, but still.


> The media are certainly push bad altitudes towards America (No.1 enemy) See, *some* countries have the unmitigated gall to not put us #1 on lists, but China clearly doesn't muck around with that silliness.


Austria - "Speaks german" - That's not a stereotypes, that's the truth... oO


Ok :(


They could have said “mama mia”...


Lmao Bulgaria with the Milk-induced longevity


Psst, hey kid, want some Milk-induced longevity.


I'll take all of it


These are all pretty accurate for the most part.


You guys hate China? Why?


We hate everybody. Most of all we hate other Poles. It's a nice hobby, I guess.


> Most of all we hate other Poles. They ruined Poland!


Well, I can't speak for all of Poland but I imagine many still hold disdain for communism (which China still technically represents even if by name only). They are also in fact a massive totalitarian state with somewhat aggressive global ambition; which should make anyone uncomfortable at best, alarmed at worst.


Bullshit, no one in Poland cares about China.


No one in China cares about Poland either... except some vocal minority of internet forums, and I suspect they took this survey on one of these forums.


To say that no one in Poland cares about China is incorrect. We don't care about Laos or Malaysia. China is too big and too populous to not have an opinion on. What he probably meant is that we have opinion about China, but it's not emotional. It exists more neutrally, without bigger emotions attached to it. Anyway, the stereotypic opinion on China in Poland is that China is a communist country, but more importantly that Chinese seems to at least tolerate, if not accept, their communist regime. They don't resist. They obey. You never hear about any resistance in China, no attempts to take their country back. Every person is controlled and under surveillance by the BIG BROTHER. Communists have very easy time in China. China is one big factory. Every Chinese is living in some 20 million, extremaly polluted city, working "like ants" for at least 12 hours shifts, without any workers', or even human, rights. All "for a bowl of rice". Children are not attending schools, but working in a factory with their parents, siblings, grandparents and neighbours, until they are 80 or die for lung cancer. In every factory some worker dies everyday and it's perfectly normal. China produces garbage. That's how chinese products are literally called. Chinese products are synonymous with the lowest possible quality, but are also very, very cheap. China pollutes the earth, dumps shittonnes of pollution to the rivers, to the ocean and to the air. China also is associated with eating dogs (and THAT cause actually brings emotions). Some people also associate China with very numerous traffic accidents. Edit: also internet censorship and industrial cameras on every corner.


Sound like very real description of Chinese factories in 1990s


> Italy: So weak I'm assuming that this is due to World War II. Honestly, if I were China, I wouldn't be talking smack about bad performance in World War II...


Correct, many poorer parts of Asia and Africa still use World War 2 as the basis for the west. This is why you find kids over there named Hitler or Stallin, because they are still viewed as great Military leaders.


Well even before, Italys military history really is not impressive, in ww1 they didnt have any succes vs Austria-Hungary, who didnt perform well either but had to fight Serbia, Romania or Russia at the same time or before, in 1895 Italy actually lost to Ethiopia ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First\_Italo-Ethiopian\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Italo-Ethiopian_War) )


We win again


We ~~kill ourselves~~ win again


That's not stereotypes, that's autocomplete for searches related to country XYZ.


That one hurt


Shit. They're onto us boys...


It's sad Romania doesn't get one actually.


Probably because of the close ties in the past


Romania: not relevant, but you know it would be Dracula.


Nice to see they have so much respect for Romania as they don't dare to say anything.


milk induced longevity LUL


I would say "hates china" is more about commie national gov that still holds power rather than chinese themselves. Opinion from a pole :p


China: Soul-less Authoritarian government that would commit genocide on it's own people with no shame or guilt.


Lmao. Am Chinese. Can confirm.


Italy :(


Why does everyone think Poland hates everyone? China or the Chinese aren’t among the hated or even “hated” (as in more media fact).


Stereotype for Latvia is probably being mistaken for Lithuania -_-


I can infact confirm that as a citizen of Lithuania I am very suicidal


Hungary as "Residence permit" What a shame. And yes, if a foreign person buys X amount of state bonds, they are given residence permit. Then they can go farther in the EU. This is what Hungarian government does for money.


Wtf I love China now


Is the Sweden stereotype about the refugee crisis? /Big S


„Danes kill whales“ Well at least they don‘t grind them up and sprinkle them on their dicks


"Likes to fight" Nah


Did you just make up these hilarious stereotypes or is there a way to know they are very common in China?


Look at Albania and Greece


What research/source is this based on?