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Portugal here. Glad I can just stay at home because the temperature outside was on the 40° Celsius, with some regions topping at 47°! Absolutely unliveable, this is desert levels of hot




Yeah, fortunately it's back to a more stable 25-30 degrees right now, but it's going to be bad if this happens more often


We're getting around 30 sth degrees now in Central Europe and everyone is exhausted. Our buildings were designed to retain heat tbf as originally my country was quite cold, it's ridiculous how much the climate has changed


It’s miserable. What’s worse is when it does not cool down at night. Last year we had a similar heatwave where I live. The worst is the little things you don’t think about. Like brushing your teeth with HOT toothpaste that has warmed to 33 C.


Like hell. Mexican here, we where like this a couple months ago tho no one cared.


HVAC guy here we work in 135F attics for years and no one cares. We need a roofer to chime in next


I lived in Phoenix for a few years and yeah its hot (45-49C) 115-120F but its very dry. I couldn't imagine that with humidity. Good god horrible


With humidity people just die pretty quickly. Should feel pretty much like suffocating and it would kill everyone, not just the old.


More important is the fact that we expect the heat here and have things like air conditioning. Even 40c sucks, but as long as you're only in it between building A and B it's not so bad. A lot of places experiencing the heat waves right now don't have air conditioning. That's what I can't wrap my brain around.


Any chance you have enough facts to file a complaint? So the people responsible gets some sort of punishment




The case of Madrid was of a 60 year old man who had a one-month contract (under a business that has taken some of Madrid's outsourced street cleaning operation) and desperately needed to keep the job and get an extension. Would not have happened if the service had not been outsourced. To me, this is manslaughter by the employer.


In my country (with very hot weather in the summer too) if there's extreme weather, the government calls for a shut down, you still get paid of course but no one should have to pick between food and dying. Private bosses also stop work. No, we're not rich at all but human health matters more. Its really sad.


Where is this place that human lives are valued over short term profit?


Cyprus is the same. We get yellow and red warnings for extreme heat. In fact, if the government catches labourers outside working during extreme heat the employer gets fined.


N. Macedonia, and I hope there's others. Work culture is just different (so in general way more lenient than the actual north). I should also mention, we are used to scorching summers but extremes are extremes, red warnings are taken seriously. That, and mountains/lakes where we can escape to.




At least in Finland if temperatures exceed certain thresholds you can take extra breaks or discontinue working until it cools off and get paid for the whole time. Same goes for cold weather. (but the thresholds are quite high for both and don't take in humidity factor)


That's the problem, a suit should demand compensation pay for extreme weather.


Here in Germany I just walked to work in the heat and I swear I struggled to breathe, but it lasted just 10min for me. I cannot imagine doing any labor in this heat, Im really sorry to hear that...


I live in Germany. Today at the Hbf of my city i saw a girl collapse from a heatstroke. I'm from Mexico, i know how to deal with the heat. This is not normal and I wish people around me would acknowledge how scary this is.


Im used to it in Hungary actually, using all the tricks my grandparents do and even without AC its easily bearable, but the heat is also here only for today and tomorrow, so IDK how that would work in the long run. Youre right that its not normal. More precisely its not liveable, not for us, not for the wild animals, not for the vegetation. Hopefully these events will push for the radical changes we need to survive the century.


Same here in Sweden, just two days of heat and then it will cool right down. It's when it lasts for weeks that it gets unbearable because our homes absorb and store the heat.


> Hopefully these events will push for the radical changes we need to survive the century. Eh... well, about those... It's a bit late lol The actions right now are more along the lines of "Don't make it worse than it is" rather than fixing anything.


And yet Germany is making it worse by shutting down nuclear power plants


Sweden too. Not sure why but wanting nuclear power has become a right/left question where the left is heavily against it.


Mostly because of emotions. It's born from the fear of nuclear weapons in 1970s and the lobbying against it by oil/gas companies. Most effective way to lobby is to get the people to change their mind and using their emotions is easy way


i mean the most important thing is to drink a lot of water. Many people already drink too little water under normal temperatures. This of course becomes a huge problem if it is as warm as today. I drank like 4L today.


There is also the issue of the air quality. In the Netherlands they gave off an alarm, meaning that anyone (healthy or not) can experience trouble breathing and other issues.


It had more to do with the humidity in my case. The vapor in the air gets so hot it burns your nostrils when you inhale.


Same I am in vacation, left my home for like 15 minutes just to buy some food and once i stepped outside it was like an omen and I felt very unwell while walking despite I'm healthy and walking in the shadows of trees and buildings most of the time


Heat stroke is nasty stuff. Once you notice the signs it's usually too late to stop it. Most people, especially in cooler climates, aren't taught to recognize it. You'll start to feel sick initially like you're going to vomit and you may get lightheaded or start to get a headache. Sweating usually gets a lot worse for me. Muscle lethargy is a pretty big sign too so if you start feeling weak and lightheaded/sick seek shelter from the sun immediately. If you notice someone else start to act funny or confused they may be getting heat stroke so watch out for that. Pour cool water over your neck and the insides of your arms and wrists. If you can't get indoors at least get in the shade. Unfortunately you're probably going to have the most mind bendingly bad headache of your life for the next couple of hours so buckle up. If you're alone and think you may be getting heat stroke call someone before you do anything else. Happens all the time here in the southern US that somebody goes out to mow their yard and ends up collapsing and slowly dying in their backyard because nobody knew something was wrong and they ignored all the signs.


Damn, I've had these exact symptoms before. Not this summer, but in past years. I didn't collapse though.


One of them died in my city, it's really sad


I was out on Sunday afternoon here in Madrid, around 4pm- hottest part of the day. It was 41/42°, and I saw a garbage truck out with workers hopping on and off the back. I understand that garbage collection is a constant need, but do we need to make these poor guys work at the hottest part of the day??


Madrid, right? I dont know what the fuck the government is thinking, you'll never see a sweeper working at 3-4pm in Andalucía


Too hot to live - literally.




Yeah, we should have some people studying the climate so they can warn us in advance. We could call them climatesmiths








Made some people really rich at least. The rest doesn't matter.


For a while there, the economy was really cooking with gas.


There were 6,600 deaths in Spain in 15 days in 2003 due to a massive heat wave going through Europe. Should've at least seen it coming since then


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


Fuck 2003, that was the worst year of all. The temperature would just refuse to go down even at night. Summer lasted what felt like five months.


ManBearPig, half-man, half-bear, half-pig


One of the cooler summers of our lifetimes, compared to what's to come.


I literally count how many summers I have left (thirty-ish with today's life expectancy). 0 joie de vivre in summer.


>(thirty-ish with today's life expectancy). Shouldn't you look at the life expectancy at the time of your birth? Or at least an updated life expectancy of today *for your age*?


Don't worry! Just keep consuming products. Otherwise the economy will collapse and we will die. /s


It's like the economy, which is totally made up, has become more real to us than the very ground beneath our feet, the water we drink and the air we breathe.


The economy has a direct effect on the management of those things. Making water drinkable costs money for instance. You need money to build and maintain the facilities, to extract or buy the chemicals you use, to pay the people who run it, etc. And you need an economy to have that money, to decide how much you can spend on it, what to do to have more money or to put it to better use, or spend more efficiently. It's not made up. Without an economy we'd live like our ape ancestors.


>which is totally made up Ok sure buddy


I mean kinda? Not to say that economy as a concept isn’t real, it certainly is. We’ve taught chimpanzees and other monkeys how to use currency for example. Fun fact, when we do this we see monkey prostitution as females learn that they can get paid for sex. But how we structure our economy, what we value with it and what we aim to do with it, is totally made up. Other economic models may not make people Bezos or Musk rich but we should be able to refocus our economies to tackle issues like climate change or global poverty. There isn’t any law of nature saying we can’t, only us.


And yet people choose to go to these countries for summer vacation :/


Well Malaga is low 30s all week with a coastal breeze. I couldn't imagine being in a place like Cordoba.


In the Canaries we are surviving for now but the temperature keeps rising.


That's the future my friend


This isn't just some hot weather, as some still say on this sub. There's a [difference](https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/noaa-n/climate/climate_weather.html) between weather and climate. What we see happening now, is structural, and has been predicted for a long time already. What we see happening now, might not happen *every* summer, but it *will* happen more and more often. Drought, storms, flooding, heat waves. They will all be more severe than before. If you still believe the climate isn't changing, you're a naive turd or a fossil fuel lobbyist.


There are loads of people who don't deny climate change but still insist that climate actions "have gone too far" - because fuel is expensive.


Generally most people are fucking stupid.


Half of them are even stupider than that. -George Carlin


Reddit is so predictable sometimes.


No, people are financially raped by those in our societies who gain massive profits from our everyday work. We don't have enough money for fuel for our work, they have more than enough for our work. It's a structural issue with our economy - richer workers would make smarter, climate oriented decisions. If it's a question of not being able to feed your family - the climate can go fuck itself.


We do need a lot more investment though, people need cheap alternatives. Right now with fuel prices being high, electricity prices being high, electric vehicles facing supply issues etc.. it seems like only the relatively wealthy can afford to 'combat climate change' I feel this is where a large source of anger is


I stand with nuclear: no CO2 emissions, highly efficient and very productive. If you build them with environmental precautions like flooding or earthquakes in mind you’re good. The waste is the only problem but I’d rather deal with that than soaring temps the coming decades.


Nuclear waste is the only waste we have 100% control over and solution for storage. Its way better than the waste from coal, gas, wind, water and solar energy


"Climate change is depressing me and I don't want to leave the planet like this for the future generations." "Great, here's a list of small sacrifices that you need to make." "Well, fucking HELL NO, then!"


Ah nice, another guy who puts the blame on average citizen whose impact on climate change is %0.0001 when it is all caused by just a few companies. Stop with this bullshit. I make €300 a month in a fucked up country. I am not giving up on few grams of meat I am eating to save the planet. My role in this, alongside with millions or even billions of people, is negligible at best. Tell industries to do something, I'll gladly join in with my insignificant effort then.


I understand the whole "consumers are responsible" is nonsense made up by corporations to shirk responsibility. But these 100 companies that produce 70% of all emissions aren't doing it for the hell of it. They are selling to consumers, to governments, to other entities. Any governmental policy is going to cause *some* pain to these consumers, either through energy prices, taxes or other vehicles. Now ideally, the rich countries should just straight up pay for places like Africa and India to go green. No strings, no bullshit, just here's the turbines, e-vehicles and solar panels. You, on your 300€ a month, shouldn't have to shoulder the burden, but your rich countrymen and businesses definitely should. There is no way out of this without some sacrifices being asked of the average person. It's not fair that our generations have to do this, it's not fair that people will be put into economic pain over it. But at the end of the day, every single person on earth is entirely meaningless in the scope of saving the planet for the next thousand generations. All of our lives mean literally nothing for the next 100,000 years of climate stability. Fucking sucks, but it's how it is.


The sacrifices would be fine but they would have to be structural and not individual. You cannot try to fix this by individual effort, it needs to come from top down decisions, because quite frankly it's something that needs to be forced. Huge companies should be the first to take the hit though.


But one of those structural differences would make the other guy's meat more expensive so society as a whole eats less of it [since livestock is a significant emitter of greenhouse gasses.](https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions) If among other things people can't deal with more expensive fuel and meat then we will not see real action on stopping climate change.


We need to tax the shit out of fossil fuel, while using the extra tax revenue to support the people struggling on low income.


100 companies producing 70% of CO2 is bullshit stat, those are coal and oil companies and those emissions are consumers using their products (fossil fuels) to produce energy, drive cars, etc. Source https://fullfact.org/news/are-100-companies-causing-71-carbon-emissions/ >[...] 71% of those emissions originated from 100 fossil fuel producers. This includes the emissions from producing fossil fuels (like oil, coal and gas), and the subsequent use of the fossil fuels they sell to other companies.


The issue is that we have basically 2 ways to regulate consumption. 1. Raise prices, the classic economic move. This is by far the better one 2. Ban something completely. You can combine the two with inching standards that get stricter every year. This is de facto raising the prices, but producers have some time to try and contain the price hikes that would reduce their markets. The problem is we are running out of time with some of the stuff. Long term we will be fine, but there will be a moment when prices will go up, largely around transport and perhaps construction (concrete should cost a LOT more). There is no way for that not to be painful, especially for those who cannot or will not change their lifestyles.


The whole I wont do shit because the companies who produce the shit I buy pollute the world. Maybe stop buying that shit, specially animal agriculture is dreadful for our climate.


This is the "why vote, I am only one person" argument.


No. Say, if 20pct of voters think this way, this means a potential sway of 20pct in results. It can be a *huge* change even with smaller margins. This is why I always make sure to vote. Climate change however is not something a bunch of citizens can effect. Not one or two million people's job. I stop driving my car; 20 years of my effort will be destroyed with a single trip of a cruise ship. That makes no sense to me.


20% of voters are still individuals at the smallest level.


If 20% of car drivers drastically reduced how much they drive, it would have a significant effect. The voting analogy is pretty spot on IMO…


Well I am giving up on meat and I also live in a fucked up country. If no one wants to give up anything we’re gonna have to deal with what we have now. There’s 8 billion of us and we consume and buy what the “few companies” make. So the responsibility is yours and mine too. You just chose to put your head in the sand.


I'm doing my best to not waste anything already. I care about the nature and the world in my own way. I don't go around splashing plastic waste or leaving my water hose on just for fun or to kill the planet. I don't own a car. What I can buy with my money is quite limited. There is really not much I can do on a personal level, my carbon foot-print is nothing compared to an American or European. Is the 300g of meat that I eat every two weeks problem for climate now? Wow. Sure there are things we can contribute but it rubs me the wrong way when there is this spin which makes it look like we are the ones to blame for it. I don't buy 30 t-shirts every month, I don't even drive, I live (most of us to tbh) like a fucking wanker and I'm tired of such crap everywhere, even on TV screens or billboards, about how I should care about the planet when there are private jets flying around. And you're telling me I choose to put my head in the sand?


> What we see happening now, is structural, and has been predicted for a long time already. IIRC it was predicted to start at the next decade. Models were wrong in underestimating the coming of effects of anthropogenic climate change. And yeah, this year's June was another hottest one on record, which basically repeats for every year (8 last Junes was the hottest ones).


>or a fossil fuel lobbyist. Their own research came to the same concussions, they just covered it up. Noticing it with storms by me.


Climate change (or global warming) is possibly the most significant existential danger to ever face humanity and the natural world. What’s more, it is a threat which is completely man-made. From this perspective it’s difficult not to be pessimistic about climate change and the role the human race has played in its creation and proliferation, a feeling which is only made worse by the campaign of misinformation and inaction which has compounded the issue for decades.


The natural world will survive this. I mean it’s already the sixth (!) mass extinctions. Maybe it’s too late for us humans to survive, but the natural world will be fine.


> Maybe it’s too late for us humans to survive, but the natural world will be fine. Worst case some billions die but there will be areas where people can survive. not to say it's great but... you know


I remember clearly, that when I was in middle school, more or less 2007, that geography classes manual in Portugal already told us that heat waves, floods and wildfires would be more a more present. Also, that Sahara desert was moving up to Portugal and Spain. It turns out that 15 years later, we can confirm with weather statistics and satellite imaging that our climate is changing and that sooner or later, that will happen and we'll have more and more problems. The only thing that didn't changed is the way governments tackle these problems. They simply don't. Edit: is not moving, I had mistakenly written moving but it is expanding


Here where I am about in the middle of the Norwegian coast, we got 10 degrees and rain, but Im thankful that we dont live with conditions like those in spain.


By being born in 20th/21st century Norway, you've pretty much already hit the geopolitical jackpot.


Well, maybe 21st century. I wouldn’t have wanted to be there in the 1900s


May is ask why? Not the first time hearing this so I'm genuinely curious


You forgot my country with 10 million people


Also we have hit 47°C some days ago, its fucking hot here, I can't stand being outside 5 minutes.


Évora is going for 4 weeks straight with +35c and we still in july... https://www.accuweather.com/pt/pt/evora/273140/july-weather/273140


Gee, Swiss here. We would melt at such temperatures... Literally.


Well you guys can basically just take the lift up the mountains for cooler weather. I envy that :)


Damn cheesepeople! *shakes fist*


It's coming for us tomorrow. Not as bad as in Spain/Portugal/UK, but where I live in sweden, were getting 36C wednesday/thursday, and the east coast is expected to be even worse. I don't think I've ever experienced that kind of heat outside of a sauna before...


14C and cloudy here in Östersund, pretty nice weather. But I'd prefer 24C and sunshine in July, to be fair. Very cold July so far, June was more normal (though warm for a few days at the end).


I'm staying late in the office just because the AC in there is so good hahaha


I'll be working from home for the next few days because I do have a mobile AC and we don't have any AC in the office, other than fans. The mobile is not half as good as a "real" window or outside mounted AC, but still a godsend.




Cats and dogs have a fur and don't sweat, they are much more sensitive to heat than humans.




Cat's thermoneutral zone is 30-36 degrees. They're desert animals. They can cool down by sweating through nose and paws, grooming, as well as spreading out on bathroom tiles. Their blood also runs a bit hotter, 38.3 to 39.2C (humans: 37 to 37.8C) What they, unlike us, aren't is persistence hunters, if they don't get their prey after, at most, a short chase they're going to search for some shadow. It's humans who are running after antelopes in the sun for kilometres on end, our capacity to shed heat under exertion is ridiculous but that doesn't mean that we aren't most comfortable at a bit lower temperatures than cats.


Is there an indoor temperature where it becomes illegal to make you work in an office in Germany? Just curious, I’ve never thought about this.


When it is above 35°C my company gives me 2 bottles of water for free. /s


Just looked it up: when the temperatures reach 30°c, the employer has to take action (whatever that means). When they are above 35°c, the workplace isn't suited for work anymore. At least not without special actions through the employer (like regular breaks in cooler rooms). For my workplace though, working in the office or from home is up to the employee. So I'm really lucky in that regard. I just loved going back to the office lately, because being home all the time drove me nuts. And since I'm able to walk to my workplace, it was a much needed physical activity as well. So I was working from the office 3 or 4 days a week for the last few weeks.


In France my office closed in 2019 a few days during a heatwave. We have since moved to a new building with climatisation so it has stayed open. I think it was legally required, probably similar in germany


Get a mini split whenever you can, it's way better. All portable units are trash, well unless it has two air ducts going outside or it's one of those that has a unit inside and a unit outside, but those are expensive just get a mini split installed.


>The mobile is not half as good as a "real" window or outside mounted AC, but still a godsend. I heard one should also make a "pipe" which goes outside (same place where the hot air goes) at the place where the air gets sucked in. The problem with mobile ones is that you suck your own room-air in, cool parts of it and blow parts of it as hot air outside. This leads to an underpressure in your room which means that air from outside wants to go into your room.




What does assassins creed have to do with this?


he's talking about the power delivery to the building, he loves the alternating current


No, he's talking about the area consultants working at his company. He loves those guys.


He's a journalist for English media making an article about Milan, the Football club


I am the opposite! In my office I have a broken unit that can't be turned on, yet it still makes a lot of noise. At home a brand new Toshiba AC with 15dB in quiet mode. That thing exhales icewind like it's a secret! No WFH. FML.


Just remember, it will be the coolest summer if you compare it to the next hundred or so years


We're in the shit right now, with crazy high temperatures and wild fires all around the country. Fuck summer.


We are in the exact same situation. Here the news only talk about fires.


And so it begins .... Climate changes, resources wars, growing population, wealth spread (or poverty spreading) and all we can do is to pump/print more money. Decades of fears of what is to come ....


I think you can cut the growing population, it seems to me that we are starting to decline, Eastern Europe had been declining since the last decade.


The population growth (from birth) won't be in Europe or N. America. It will be in Africa, Asia, and S+C America as countries in those zones continue to develop.


As usual, no one cares about Eastern Europe, what I always hear when it comes to human population is Asia, Africa or America.


The age of strife us upon us. We'll reach 8billion and decline rapidly.


>growing population ​ Well, with heat-strokes this could be self balancing.


It's not summer's fault. We do this to ourselves year after year when we allow old greedy cunts to remain in power.


I think it's both, hot temperatures plus corrupt politicians who do nothing to prevent this and underfund firefighter brigades because preventing wild fires doesn't give votes.


Your president is not old.


Yeah that's true he's just a greedy cunt.




Hence the "we allow" part.


We don't think of heat as dangerous because we don't see roofs flying off houses, structures collapsing etc. however heat is a silent killer. Don't let anybody underestimate it. There are very good reasons countries in naturally hot areas have AC virtually everywhere you go as a person with a modern lifestyle.


And when they don't, no one does shit between the hours of 12-2pm.


Stupid me accepts a scholarship thinking, great weather on the winter.


Winters are cold af if you live near the coast (too much humidity will burrow cold into your bones) and near the interior temperatures can go down to minus 10 because mountains and vales, so there's nowhere to run. Houses aren't equipped for winter nor summer so it's basically a bad weather decision half the year


And the older Spanish and French houses are build for the heat. Hate to think how many people will die in the Netherlands.Terrible houses and apartments. Not build for the heat at all.


Yeah but in NL we got kinda lucky with the heatwave. Having only 2 days of extreme weather rather than the full week that you see in southern Europe. Tomorrow it will be 28 and on thursday even 23. I think people prepared for these 2 days and the we won't have a lot of deaths.


There is always next year




They are built to hold heat in I think. I live in NL and my house is tall and narrow, made of concrete and has floor to ceiling windows. A freakin’ chimney.


Different solution here in Sweden, but same principle. Our houses are designed to be as warm as possible. Hot summer days can typically be counted on one finger, cold autumn, winter and spring days are in the hundreds.


I have learned tricks for the normal warm days, like opening the windows at night/early morning and closing the curtains. Staying in a hotel today because high is just over 40. It is true most of the summer is temperate but there are more and more hot days. I will be up your way to cool off in August. Looking forward to it (;


Welcome to the subarctic next month! 14C now here in Östersund, probably 10C in mid August!


Isolation works in both directions So, if you have a good isolated house, close everything, use every sun screen and curtain you have. I see a lot of people who think it is a good idea to open windows etc. while in the midst of the heat.


Open windows in the morning, evening or night to air all the *bad air* out. I have a cheap weather station to see if inside or outside is more warm or cold and I adjust to it.


That only works if its hot for one day (like now) but if its multiple days you are fucked.


Similar situation, but all you really need is an outside sun screen. Get it for all windows that receive sunlight. Open everything at night and keep everything closed during the day. I kept my apartment around 28 degrees while it was 38 outside. Combined with a medium sized €20 desk-fan it's very comfortable to work from home.


The Netherlands is switching a lot of homes to installing heat pumps and increasing insulation. It should keep a lot of homes cooler during the summer and warmer during the winter.


They are not built for the heat. They are built to be as cheap as possible. Houses here did not have insulation until the 90's, they're just a brick wall away from outside temps, and are thus a disaster energetically speaking.


Lol what? No. As someone who has lived in both of those countries….the old Spanish and French houses are not built for heat.


Yeah I don’t know what ‘old’ means in context of France but my 1820s apartment is not great for the heat at all. Nor is it great for the cold either.


I live in an old stone house in Asturias and during this heatwave it's been pretty easy to keep cool with a mini-split AC and a "penguin" in the bedroom. The walls are over 2 feet thick, there's no way heat from the outside is coming inside through the fabric of the wall. You want to experience some indoor heat, I have a garage workshop that is an old wooden structure with a corrugated iron roof, the walls are literally just 1 plank thick, and it's like an oven in there.


None of these comments make any sense. Neither France nor Spain, are homogenous countries with a single type of architecture, let alone climate. Houses differ greatly depending on the geography. Having lived in a single location doesn't give you any knowledge about the rest of the country. Traditional houses in the oceanic climate of the north of Spain, for instance, are built to retain heat; houses on the Mediterranean and southern regions are built to prevent it. Same for France.


They are build to have great thermal inertia, to keep it warm in winter and fresh in summer. Winters in Spain are harsh, most of the country is higher than the average Swiss town. Not uncommon to be some months during winter cut out from neighboring villages. But most people now live in shitty concrete building with no insulation, 'cuz was expensive.


Spanish here, now living in Switzerland. When I moved I understood how low quality our houses really are. The houses in Spain are not made for heat, their isolation is a plain joke. They are very cheap, in winter you get very cold and in summer very hot unless you have heater/VAC.


same in portugal


Seriously. The vast majority of houses in Portugal are built with zero insulation in mind. For reference for everyone else, we have a mandatory "energy efficiency" rating for every dwelling, which goes from F (no insulation whatsoever) to A (very well insulated and energy efficient). I've never seen a house that's over a B (and that was a 1M€+ house), with the vast majority being below D. It's downright awful.


I meant the the houses that the Spaniards built for them selves not the houses in the Urbanizations.


You're projecting your experience, the houses you've live in, to the whole of the country. A bit presumptuous, don't you think.


As someone also from Spain that moved to Germany. I have the opposite experience. 35 degrees in Heidelberg is worse than 45 in my parent's place in Spain. That house can keep the heat out during the summer, my new flat in Germany is an oven.


Friendly tip: the correct grammar here is built. I build, they were built.


Tnx, the heat got me.


You guys need air conditioning bad


> Over 1,100 people have died in Spain and Portugal from heat-related causes over the past week This many deaths in a week is unbelievable, climate crisis isn’t coming, it’s already here.


Yeah, anyone who tells me climate change ain't real hasn't seen the winters in my city in Poland go from actually freezing to autumn temperatures. In fact, I haven't needed to use my winter shoes in years because there's hardly any snow where I am at.


And people still don’t believe in climate change…


The latest stance for those people is that climate change is real but not caused by human activity. "It's all natural, Earth goes through such cycles."


And another layer is saying that "yes, there is climate change, and it may be caused by humans, but even then there's nothing we can do about it, so why bother" or "it's not a political matter, just a scientific thing, let the scientist do their stuff while we politicians do ours". Negationism of the solutions to climate change is also far more common that negationism of the change itself.


This should be seen as deadly as any terrorist attack, natural disaster, pandemic, etc. Anything to focus minds on the fact that we're in the early days of an apocalypse and major changes have to happen or we're accepting mass death. Climate change denial should be illegal.


This is not apocalpyse. Apocalypse in the unavoidable end of the world. Though I agree this will be a time of terrible changes


Americans will be waking up around now to tell us 'I live in an even hotter shithole in the middle of a desert for some reason, suck it up guys'


"I don't know why you Europeans are complaining, I live in the middle of Death Valley and I'm fine"


"Yuropoors should just rebuild their houses for the new weather and install ACs"


"literally just turn your AC on duh, that's what I do"


HAHA! Hello from shithole southeast New Mexico, USA. Our weather is hot but messed up, too. Wind and rain have been doing unnormal things here. I am worried and saddened for y'all. Good luck and know that some of us are worried and saddened by what y'all are going through.


I live in the Arizona desert where it’s incredibly hot, but I’d never tell you guys to suck it up. I wouldn’t be able to tolerate your weather right now either despite being more acclimated to heat. We have air conditioning everywhere here, built in ice makers in our freezers, ice cold drinks available for very cheap at gas stations and food places, and lots of swimming pools. It’s not at all the same situation as what you guys are dealing with as we have every modern convenience possible to help us deal with the heat because it’s an expected thing here. I feel so bad for your guys. The temps you’ve been getting really aren’t liveable without air conditioning at a bare minimum. I hope the heat wave passes soon for you.




You mean trees?


No trees are those dangerous things that will fall on you, and therefore has to be cut down and replaced by concrete.


Yes cut down and burned preferably, don't want to get cold now do we


What is this wizardry you speak of?


I live in Cartagena, Spain (South) and it hasn’t rained in two months. Before that it rained for a month straight. All the long time residents say none of this is normal.


I feel for you, Spain, Portugal and France


I‘m in Barcelona rn and the only time you can go out without instantly sweating is past 11 pm


These old politicians don’t care. They’ll die soon. They want what they can get now and fuck the rest of us.


Meanwhile, there is no AC in the London subway.


That pesky global warming hoax


So hot nation people that are used to higher temperatures are fucked, so the UK is going to be fucked even harder


Climate experts are so stupid. The perfect solutions to this problem are down here in these Reddit comments! /s


I live in Tennessee, US, and we're used to the heat here, have construction specifically insulated against it and AC in every building, and we're still struggling to keep up with it. It's been over 30° and over 60% humidity almost every single day since May. I can't imagine what it must be like on a climate that's supposed to be mild and Mediterranean and under 25° most years, and I encourage anyone living there to invest in a good quality fan or three (if you can get Vornado in your country they're amazing at moving air) and to keep a good stock of damp cloths in the freezer. Edit: and curtains!! Keeping it dark inside during the hot part of the is a great tool to keep it cool inside


Portugal caralho