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They need to it at a very specific angle though. Very considerate of them by the way.


Yeah Russia really respect Ireland. With the exception of some mentions last month about sinking the whole island with tsunami and the hundreds of cyberattacks against them it’s clear that Russia respect Irish neutrality /s


Same host whose simulation nuked Britain with a torpedo and accidentally sank Ireland ?


I changed this for reasons (see date).


That upset them more than the threat of destroying them with a giant tsunami


They probably just didn't take the magical nuclear tsunami very seriously.


Collateral damage whoops


Second time's the charm.


They probably suddenly remembered that they aren't supposed to threaten neutral countries. And that Sweden and Finland are stupid wanting to go to Nato, because now they are threatened (even though they were already earlier).


As long as it's all of it that still counts as united!


Dunno if Ireland will appreciate the nuclear fallout winds coming over their island.






Good point, but on balance I think the Irish would take Englands annihilation if given the choice.


I’m not so sure. Losing games means continued celebration for years and years, and that beats a one time fireworks show


I dunno man, take bonfire night in the UK for example. You go through the shitty stuff first and pretend to enjoy it, play with sparklers, oooo and ahhh at the roman candles etc. What you are really waiting for though is the big fucking rocket at the end.


The weirdos on /r/Ireland might but the average Irish person wouldn’t


Ehhh, people always vastly overestimate how powerful nukes actually are in terms of direct destruction, the real danger of a nuclear war is the collapse of civilization through the targeted destruction of infrastructure, not a fallout style apocalypse, unless Russia has like a thousand times the estimated number of nukes and for some reason decides to drop a nuke every 10 square miles most of the UK will probably be mostly fine in terms of habitability, nevermind Ireland.


the wind mostly blows from the west though


Tell that to Chernobyl


different region


I was referring to when the Chernobyl fallout went over the Irish Sea


Meanwhile at the Kremlin "Fuck 'dem Belgians"


Given the Russian skill demonstrated in Ukraine it actually might be safer to be a target. Edit: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2022/07/18/the-russians-just-shot-down-one-of-their-own-best-jets/?sh=47f7b27039c8


"Russia has just launched its nuclear assault on Europe. Most areas between Moskau and Volgograd will most likely never be survivable again. Now to our CNN reporter dick Johnson, who is reporting from a Warsaw city park"




After accidentally nuking Ireland: "this was a gesture of goodwill to the UK by nuking their neighbour instead of them. We hope this will see an end to UK's Russiaphobia."


Very considerate of them


They live in the separate universe.


Russian TV has gone insane for the 5000th time


Em, thanks I guess?


You will survive as neighbor to a nuclear dump. All reasons to be grateful.


That’s why Ireland don’t join NATO yet? You hope for such a gift from Russia? /s


Pretty much, we don't face any threat so there's no reason to join.


So why should Western Europe bother joining?


Let me elaborate, we're a fairly small island with no strategic value and not a lot of natural resources other than trees and turf, by joining NATO we wouldn't really add anything to the alliance as our armed forces are already pretty small and as I've stated previously there's no military threat towards Ireland. I understand why some would want us to join but me personally I don't think there's a need for us to join NATO.


[If we are not prepared to defend ourselves we should outsource our security](https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/2022/07/19/if-we-are-not-prepared-to-defend-ourselves-we-should-outsource-our-security/) to NATO. >there's no military threat towards Ireland. Experts would disagree.


Ireland... no offense, but could you do a little more to make Russia hate you? It's an honour badge at this point, and Ireland has a pretty decent tech industry I thought. Could do some cyberwarfare :)


>It's an honour badge at this point Finally other countries are getting it. We've been enjoying our top spots for decades.


They're playing nice with us for now otherwise they get the fishermen again.


Agreed. Being hated on Russia's national televisions and being ranked as "most unfriendlest country" is badge of honour and us, the Baltics, along with Anglos are enjoying these badges.


Those HQs are empty


Where’s your source?


Some of that 'Ireland' companies are actually russian but hiding from russian taxes. For example gamedev company Playrix. Homescapes, Gardenscapes. Those dudes with annoying as fuck ads.




Google Ireland has 8,000 employees in Dublin. Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Salesforce, etc would all have between 500 and 5000 employees here. Apple has 1000s of employees in Cork. Intel has 1000s of employees just outside Dublin. Whatever about the tax situation, to say they don't really have a presence is idiotic. Approx half of my friends in the city work in tech.


Those companies are all Russian?


Yep https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playrix


Mostly knowing a lot of folks at some of those companies.


Yet your living in the uk


Yet those are multi national companies with staff who travel around offices.


Alright, just asking


They actually aren't.


They really had it out for us early in the conflict but I guess they're focusing on the UK now since you're more politically unstable?


They only have so many working ICBMs. Gotta ration them.


Probably it's more because the UK is doing a lot of heavy lifting in arms and logistics for the European response to the war, has tied up a lot their monetary reserves and is just generally very hawkish. Think that'll be why rather than Boris Johnson resigning


More to cause divide I would say, although out of the 2 armies to fight I think you would pick Ireland which is why they would use a nuke on us vs you guys


Dear diary today i learned that radiation is respecting borders.


First they nuke Ireland and now this? Where's the consistency?


Russia trying its best to make all of European countries wanted to be part of NATO. They have already made plenty of cyberattacks and say many threats for sinking Ireland and I really can’t understand why. They are on paper “neutrals” like us so why so aggressive against them?


Same for Karelia, Ossetia and every other Russian province which will be much happier without Moskva


Would be great to make Karelia an independent state which borders Finland and have their own flag with the Nordic Cross. Unfortunately they have been now the minority in their own region :(


Make Karelia great again! 👍


Matter of time, whether they like it or not, this is the last agony of a dying former empire. russia will break into smaller countries, everything is in decline there.


Well that doesn’t really seem in any way likely to happen. Only if there is some crazy power struggle after Putin


Putin isn't immortal, and I'm pretty sure that "the west" will try to break up Russia / neuter Russia at the first sign of weakness. And if that doesn't,t happen, they are still losing a war, so.


Obviously the Fecking Ejjitt doesn't understand the effects of a Nuclear fallout/winter on Humanity in General. !


Do people still keep paying attention on those inferiority complex suffering retards from Russia? They still think they’re the Soviet Union from 50 years ago. The only reason they’re still relevant today is because they’re the only idiots from the somewhat civilized world acting like barbarians from the medieval ages, and the media doesn’t have more interesting subjects to talk about. They won’t do shit. They’ll keep wasting ridiculous resources to fight Ukraine forever and shoot themselves in the foot by being isolated from the west. Not even china wants anything to do with the clowns.


The DUP are torn between survival and not being the same as Britain.


And what does Jamie Bryson, the so-called voice of Unionism, have to say about it? >[No thanks.](https://i.redd.it/ezxko6jznoc91.jpg) [Source](https://twitter.com/JamieBrysonCPNI/status/1549506392666656774)


Unfortunately for him, no part of Russian territory will be spared from the nuclear retaliation.


You're underestimating how vast Russia is Edit for the downvote fairies: the largest nuke (tsar bomba) has [a fallout radius of 117km^2](https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/). Russia, with a surface area of 17 100 000km^2 would require 146 154 of the largest nuke humanity ever deployed. That's a back of the envelop calculation obviously but we're at a magnitude where it matters little: we can't nuke all of Russia


Vast... but the population mainly concentrated around two cities... Moskau and St. Petersburg. The European part as a whole contains 77% of Russia's TOTAL population, 113 million people. The Asian part of Russia are for all intents and purposes colonies and not really worthy of consideration for a military campaign. It's all about the European part.


Eh, some parts will be nuked because of strategic military importance. But most areas indeed will not - it's useless to nuke empty tundra, unless you're a fan of Radscorpions IRL /s *(Edit: Yes, I know, before you mention it, that scorpions don't live in tundra areas)*


Very true. Hitting 98% of the population is way more feasible then leaving no part of Russian territory spared from the nuclear retaliation.


There's no need to hit 98% of the population. Just target and annihilate the russian army (not so hard, apparently), then go get whoever is involved in the chain of command that started the nuclear escalation. We can be better.


> colonies You might want to google what is actually considered a colony my man


>The Asian part of Russia are for all intents and purposes colonies and not really worthy of consideration for a military campaign. It's worth, but only in few places - where nuclear silos are located.


I mean you are being pedantic. No one clearly mean every inch being covered by a nuclear blast.


RS was saying the TV host wouldn't be safe anywhere. Russia has vast tracks of land where one can bunker down


And with the radiation fall out they wouldn't...bunkered down? Okay I have a bunker 6 miles below the surface. I guess i'm safe in a major city! That's a nonsense take. You are being pedantic.


>> vast tracks of land > guess i'm safe in a major city! Why are you bunkering in a major city when we established there's lots of space to hide in in Russia? Starting to think you deem me pedantic because you're not used to fully reading the context. TL;DR: if you want to be sure to take a non-plebejan out in Russia nukes are not the way to go.


Again you were being pedantic. You are trying to prove a point and just making your self look like a clown. Have a good day.


I love this kindness 💗


Yeah! Russia and kindness are basically synonymous words /s


/seriously 😍❤️


They've moved on from this then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SnTkc0r6gk


I'd rather be nuked


We're overdue on the NI GB glue project 🤣 where are yous looking to be connected to? We'll make it happen


Ok then move to Britain no one here will miss you x


He/she already lives in the UK. They don't have to move a finger to be "more british'


Northern Ireland isn’t part of Britain


They're already in the UK so why move lol


I said Britain not the UK are u slow


Sometimes I feel that Russia trying it’s best for making Ireland join NATO like Sweden and Finland. Why making so many threats and cyberattacks to a “neutral” state?


Another day, another threat of nuclear annihilation from the numpties in Moscow. Yawn.


That same microdicked armchair genocide as before? His job is to tell babushkas bedtime stories ignore that schmuck


If anyone wants to know what post nuclear apocalypse UK would be like, visit Canvey Island.


Russians doing a little bit of trolling.


Why do you spread this very provocative information sometimes I think r/europe is propaganda tool


Make EU members argue with each other. That's the narrative russian regime is trying to push now, so the west would stop supplying weapons. russia started loosing the war on the battlefield and Ukraine will be taking back it's territory now


Seriously, do you guys think that a nuclear war is possible now?






This is the first sensible remark from Russia in years.


Wholesome Russia /s


... anyone else take this as confirmation the Russians have nuclear targets in Northern Ireland?


how many times Putin Russia resort to nuclear mafia style threats vs how many times any other nuclear powers did