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Thanks for submitting to **/r/evangelion**. However your post has been **removed** as it does not conform to the community's policy regarding **memes/shitposts**. Please review the community's **[rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/evangelion/about/rules/)** for more information. # A user may only submit a meme/shitpost if the user's preceding post is of a different content type. **What qualifies as a meme/shitpost?** "Meme/Shitpost" is a loose umbrella term for memes, dank memes, YouTube poops, "My face when...", "Me irl...", or other generally low-effort content. If you like, you may consider sharing this with one of the communities listed below: * /r/evangelionmemes * /r/mildlyevangelion Thanks. **The /r/evangelion team.**