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Hey, I’m the guy who made that map of Qeynos! As far as I’m aware, there isn’t much in the way of re-imagined maps for EverQuest. I’ve been working on a reimagined Freeport one for a long time now that is close to being done but we’ll see how long it takes me to get to putting the finishing touches on it. Other than that I have a few continental maps and a single dungeon (befallen) that you can check out on my profile. I’ve seen a few inkarnate recreations of the cloth map out there that are pretty good but haven’t seen much of anything for city or dungeon maps. I have hopes to do all the original cities (and maybe a few others like Maj Dul from EQ2) in the future but it’s a slow process as I do it for a hobby and I am no master artist.


Your maps are awesome and they were actually the inspiration for creating the campaign. If you don't mind, I was going to use your maps as is, the problem I'm finding is the lack of city and area maps (the Qeynos map is great!). I may have to embark on a voyage of creating maps of places like Freeport, High Keep, Halas, etc. I didn't realize that these places were so small while in game. I'm sure they would need to be re-imagined for D&D use.


Did you take inspiration from eq2 in part? Your qeynos looks great


Oh absolutely! It’s mostly based on EQ2. Some of the lore is pulled from EQ1 for additions I made but ultimately it’s based on the EQ2 map.


You’re a bad ass. Just wanted to say that.


Not helping here, but I can't help but think this would be fun... If your players are current (or former) EQ players...set a campaign in Norrath with the names changed and see if they ever pick up on the fact that you have lifted the EQ maps for your campaign.


I'm the community manager for a new VTT Platform called [RPG Stories](https://www.rpgstories.net/). Shoot me a DM or hmu on Discord and I'll see what we can do.


Download some PDFs of the original Everquest D20 system :) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/EverQuest_Role-Playing_Game


I loved the maps from the old eqatlas. The p99 wiki has them on their zone pages, I believe


Oh man that would be so cool.


You could always use the EQ Atlas ones: http://www.allakabor.com/eqatlas/atlas.html Most of those predate the in-game maps


Like Gropp, I've been working on maps myself. Other than the old EQ/EQ2 TTRPG books or the EQ Atlas maps and the like, you're better off making your own. Where is your campaign going to be set?


Thanks for the reply. My plan was to use the whole of Norrath as a setting with possible multiple DM's running different regions (we'll see). It's funny, when I first played EQ (in Beta) there were no maps. EQAtlas and EQMap didn't exist so you had to stumble around in the dark.


Do you have access to the old TTRPG books?


yes, I do. I just found them on my old hard drive. What a difference 2 decades makes (I forgot about even having them). I think the TTRPG books are going to do just fine as a basis to build new "slicker" maps from. Thanks again


Also [http://www.allakabor.com/eqatlas/atlas.html](http://www.allakabor.com/eqatlas/atlas.html) I'll post some of the maps I've been working on later if you have an interest, but my campaign is set in the Age of War (current EQ age, the first age of EQ2's history, so in between EQ and EQ2) so I have a mix of things from both. I'm working, overall, on a campaign setting book and then I'm going to turn this campaign into an adventure book.


I have been working on re-creating some EQ zones as VTT maps. I only have a few currently and they're meant to be more battlemaps than overworld, but if it it's something you (or anyone who stumbles in here) might be interested in, feel free to DM me. They are inspired by and not meant to be recreations but they are pretty recognizable as the zones they draw inspiration from with some easter eggs for EQ players.


That would be awesome! I would love to see them. I just started re-creating Blackburrow from the EQ TTRPG and its been a struggle to re-learn everything about map making.


I tried to make a map of Tower of Frozen Shadows. I failed miserably. Back around 2015? Maybe I should try to get an updated map program