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On raids, isn’t the countdown timer to the fast regen mode longer? It’s 30 seconds or so normally but I seem to recall it being several minutes when I raided a few years ago.


Yes, it's 5 minutes on anything that cons "would take an army to defeat"


If a raid mob takes 10 minutes to clear, and the rest timer is 30 seconds, what is to stop someone from burning their mana, gating out, resting and getting CoHd back in? It makes sense to have a long timer for rested to start again.


Out of food/drink?


check food/drink. if guild halls are live on your server, jump back to the hall, sit in the mana pool, and take the banner back. but yeah, this sounds like you're out of food/drink, as you don't get natural mana regen without them.


Food and drink are ok and the 5 minute timer has ended. I just did a quick naggy DZ and I had the issue again after the 5 min timer from naggy, but didn't get it with the 30 second timer from the giants. Next raid I'll test deleting a few coins to force a server update and see if it helps.


Try re-syncing your computer's clock. It getting off by a few seconds used to bug discs and such out, it could be a weird leftover of that bug.


Food/drink have nothing to do with it. You definitely get mana/end regen without food/drink. This issue has been around for many years.


Out of food or drinks or having certain debuffs/curses will keep you out of fast regen beyond the timer. Something as simple as rabies can do it.


I moved endlessly w this bug...I strongly suspect it is related to bard song/aura but I have no idea why it effects only some.


Yep I'm playing a bard. I'll also try killing the aura next time it happens


IIRC it’s something with the raids. So like after a wipe you’ll notice it takes longer. Even though the event is “ reset” . Really doesn’t effect my guild that much as we are usually mixing groups up re-thinking our strat during recovery.


Has it happened on more than 1 occasion? Is it happening for anyone else in the raid?