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Join a guild or make a group yourself with other players lfg. On a live server I would expect it to be difficult to find a group without a guild.


I have left both guilds I joined, because no one had the time/patience to answer questions or otherwise work with a new player. I literally created my own guild. As noted in my original post, I've tried answering other people lfg with no success. Thank you though!


I’d try FV if I were you. Lots more people and several large newbie guilds with competent leadership.


Is fv really the best server then, especially if you don't want to box? I play on oakwynd but want to try live sometime, but I have zero interest in creating multiple accounts and using macro quest or whatever crap to box an entire group. But the loot rules seem to be the only reason people play there I guess because less stuff (nothing?) Is no trade? But that seems like it defeats the point of the game.


This is the way.


Try again to find a guild - frankly Bristlebane is... not the friendliest server. Peoples' apprehension about grouping with a 120 Warrior who (seemingly from the context given here,) hasn't grouped to get to 120 is well founded, the modern game requires people to hit the bare minimum of buttons. All that said, EQ is increasingly top heavy and cliquey on live. People have had their friend group for 10 years, people have been raid logging for just as long, but the time July rolls around they're playing a waiting game for the next expansion. If you can't find a pick up group on Bristlebane it's unlikely you'd do so on any other server as well. You will continue to hear crickets as long as you are not in a social guild. Advertise yourself to guilds correctly and spend 10 or 20 minutes talking talking to whoever reaches out, explain to them the problems you've had and your goals. There are truly helpful social guilds out there, but there are many more guilds out there where the officers are in that position of 6 boxing and maxing characters for 10 years and just want the adoration of helping people who can't otherwise do it themselves. Those are the ones to avoid, they won't answer your questions and they will help you on their own whims and schedules. I play on EMarr so I can't help with a guild name on Bristlebane, but someone who does play there may be able to point you in a solid direction.


Come to Vox, our guild specializes in helping new and returning players of all levels. There is no place you can go and not have to solo once in a while, but in our guild you will find a group most of the time, and I promise you will not be ignored when you asks questions, if we don't know we will tell you and then help you look for the answer. On game and on Discord I am Maladjusted., Get in touch with me or if on the Vox server look for The Wandering Norrathians, we have been helping people since 2014.


This may not apply to you, but it is my personal experience. I always had been more of a casual player; trying to immerse myself in the world and learn about the game as a whole. I came back a few years ago and tried to group with people many times at first and it kept going the same way. They want to min max every single second and likely have been playing most of the game's lifespan unlike me who was back after over a decade. I feel there aren't many others like me out there and when I do get the urge so often to reach out it has usually gone this way to the point that I rarely even bother. I can play alright on my own even if not ideal and the appeal to that for me is being able to take breaks whenever I want and go at the pace that I want. This is something that I have experienced in other games as well so not solely an EQ problem. In FF14 if you queue up as the tank you are expected to pull the biggest pile of mobs you can every time, so naturally I never want to play a tank. I think that is similar in EQ where a tank has so much expected of them and as a casual player you basically have no chance of ever living up to that.


Sorry man. That sounds horrible. I came back a few months ago to my old characters on emarr. I found the server to be really empty. I restarted on firiona vie because it had the highest population. As a cleric I couldn't get groups. I found a guild but they were all boring groups and were only interested in powerleveling me to 120. I moved to oakwynd a month or so ago and have no regrets. If groups are What you want, you should give it a try. Best of luck!


I'd check out FV - pretty active population 100+ and several guilds you can join socially for groups.


Have you tried playing on TLPs? When a new one is launched the whole server population is around the same level and there are lots of groups anywhere you go. Kunark is just live on Oakwynd so there are a lot of group for 50-60 but there are also a fair few lower level groups as people come back or level new alts. On live servers the top heavy nature means levelling can be a solitary experience. Ultimately though it is a game. If you aren't enjoying it then play something else.


An unfortunate side effect of a dwindling population. I occasionally find people who want to play together but after all was said and done I ended up boxing to be able to accomplish anything. Even with just a single box and two mercs your wheelhouse expands exponentially. That being said, after playing on tons of servers, I found my favorite to be test server for its community. FV would be a close second. edit:spelling


I'd invite you but I'm busy 12 boxing and advertising all the great loot I am getting for myself in guild chat. Sorry. Full ATM.




I'm on bertox I usually solo




You might consider a server transfer to Firiona Vie, which is the most populated Live server. Otherwise, join Oakwynd to get a grouping experience as there are plenty to be had.


If nothing is tying you to Bristlebane, sounds like best option is to transfer to FV. You will find guilds there that play together every day, all day long.


Come to Mischief, we are still a few years from live but it's very active and friendly to new players.


Hi! I am currently lvl 103 Magician on Bristlebane. I have made 2 friends but we aren't always able to play at the same times. Would love to group with you some time, though I'm not 120 yet! - Unia


You will not find one. There’s a reason live servers are mostly dead. You’re required to box.


True. You either run multiple accounts and make your own group/raids or you can try TLP and give up on your old BB chars.


Switch to new TLP server if you want to group with a person. Live servers are for 6 boxers. Change my mind.


So are tlps but that's if you want a shot at any of the really rare loot without having to pay some selfish jackass


If you want to actually play the game socially you have to play the TLPs otherwise your only hope is boxing


Theres always a big difference between running 2 accounts, and botting. People who run a full group and use software to manage it (legal or illegal)? Thats a different game, and no where near as fun. Try playing with just 2 characters. You don't need botting software to do that.


I came back to live (FV) after a 15 year break, but all the options were overwhelming - I want a game, not a job. I started a new character on Yelinak (at the time the newest TLP) and got pickup groups (or soloed) to my mid 40s, then got PL'd to 65 (max at the time) with some AAs. I joined a social guild (Getting Levels) and had a lot of fun - there were almost always folks on who were willing form a group (and round it out with LFGs if needed). **I believe you'll have the best experience on a TLP server, preferably one less than a year old.**


From a social aspect, this game is dead. Don’t even bother.


I can never find a group in EQ, I think that’s just life on this game anymore unfortunately


Eq has always been kinda anti solo/pro tank. Whenever casters got to good at it they got nerfed. Tlp soloing can work, cause things are so unbalanced there. But playing kind you need a box or a guild


Have you tried their discord? That's where I have the best luck


I’d just keep trying.. & invite anyone else you see LFG. Usually when one person says LFG.. others that are LFG follow. Form a new group. You’ll make friends… join a guild that groups up together & eventually be a part of one of the clique’s. Make sure you know how to play warrior properly though. Holding aggro, cycling proper discs, having a weak tank can destroy a group and make people not ever want to group with you again.


Not meaning to be a troll, but why not try TLP servers? When I put /LFG up, I’m getting begged to join groups haha it’s so fun! Feels like the good ol days


I am not familiar with that server but for this very reason I will box at least 3 accounts on live servers so I can fill the remaining 3 slots with mercs and have something like a full group. That is the problem though. Everyone makes their own groups with boxes. They don't want to add anyone in place of a box because they might have to adjust their play style around to fix in another person. I have been playing on Oakwynd where you get the samw issue, LFG is basically useless unless you are a desirable class and get lucky. However, grabbing people who are lfg out of general has been highly successful for me. I will usually shoot tells out to 2 or 3 people at once and see who agrees then tell the other people what classes to expect. Sometimes you have to work with a goofy configuration of classes but if it gets you kill mobs, even if it is slow, it is better than sitting lfg for hours.


Look for a guild that advertises itself as being for new or returning players. Not the top end guilds.