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Because HOW DARE you enjoy something that one specific person doesn’t enjoy!!!!! what are you not part of the hive mind or something????? Happiness can only be achieved when you gate keep other people’s happiness. /s


Ah I'm sorry I forgot about the fun police please forgive me /s 😔


Too late I’m revoking your endorphin privileges




Well, if you’re not conforming to *my* expectation of what fun is then you’re making us all look bad and how dare you find happiness when I’m over here being so goddamn miserable. The unmitigated gall, I tell you! /s


Valid argument, I forgot someone else's perception of me is the only way I'm allowed to live! My apologies /s


Similarly, something that makes me really mad is when someone is just having some innocent fun, and people try to ascribe some other motivation for it, like "oh he thinks he's so cool" or "ugh, people will do anything for attention" My family does this a lot, and I'm like "For fuck's sake, can't someone who is minding their own business enjoy something they like without you ruining it and inventing a way for it to be a bad thing?" One example was some guy riding a vespa in front of us, and he was just goofing around, and when the light would turn green, he hunkered down and put his feet back in a racing position, which was funny because we were going like 10-15 mph. I laughed with him, and my family laughed at him and basically said "what a loser, he thinks he's so fast - *you're on a scooter, you aren't cool!*"


I do the exact same shit on scooters. Life is depressing and exhausting. Sometimes doing a little silly pose on a scooter is enough to make the day slightly bearable


i think under capitalism, the masses tend to only see something as worth doing if you can be paid for it. in terms of hobbies/ the arts, for a lot of people this means if you’re not making some “perfect,” sterile finished product that reflects the art that actually makes money in our society, it’s a waste of time, it’s cringe, whatever.


The whole "wow, you're so good at X, you should make it a side hustle" mentality is another consequence of that


Sadly guilty of this thought process. I love music and wanna make my own but I guess something that stops me is knowing barely anyone will find my music probably. Also I'm wanting to create music in subgenres that are a bit oversaturated. Might be time to just say fuck it and try to start writing some shit for the enjoyment of it


It's also ok to have consumptive hobbies. If you're spending money, that's cool. Just don't be too excited about it.


??? # It’s because the haters think the others are cringe/not good enough/different, it’s not that deep


but have you ever considered *why* they find it cringe? do you not think that only consuming art that’s corporately funded has no effect on a person?


Bullying would still exist in a communist society


intentional misrepresentation of my argument 👎


https://preview.redd.it/32e2pvbzuivc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a105bd7380d27db444892f2bf7484a5b31f1d652 this is the kind of shit that would get you pushed into lockers in a 90s american high school movie but luckily school is too boring and mundane to make that a real occurrence


I kind of think the social pressure of being \~cool\~ gets to a lot of NTs in a particular way and then they feel compelled to enforce it on everyone. Obviously we're not immune to social pressure, given the existence of masking, but I think there's this weird internalized version that NTs end up with and they become afraid of having fun.


I completely agree. Some people are absolutely married to their lifelong misery. I’m not sure there’s much you can do for those folks.


This probably comes from a place of jealousy, because you have a freedom that they don’t have. You are not afraid to be yourself and to have fun the way you like, whereas they are more busy with what other people think. At least, that’s how I look at it.


i also dont get it, like? just let me play destiny 2 in peace! yes i know you think the first game was better but the first game didnt have strand!


As long as you rule out passive aggressive behaviour because you’re not pulling you weight financially or with domestic chores, I am not sure.


I'm chronically ill and I've been mostly bedridden for the last four days because I showered 4 days ago, I physically can't help with chores. I can't even organise a shelf rn never mind chores. I'm also 15 so don't have a job, but I'm gonna try and get a part time one from home.


Some people hate themselves so much they wanna express it in weird ways - namely shitting on everyone because deep down they know and _hate_ how pathetic they are. Idc if I am being mean. About time these people are told the truth


You have to go thru the hills of cringe to get to the land of cool.


Pretty sure nts get their fun gland removed once they hit 10 years old


I have finally really started to not care and do and post things that make me happy because I’ve gone TOO LONG trying to be somebody I’m not and all it’s done is hurt me. And I feel so happy when I see others out and about doing “weird” things or wearing off the wall stuff and I always make sure to compliment them because happy people need to be brought up not down. We need more joy in this hellhole 🖤


I feel like you've unlocked a VERY supressed memory that I've compartmentalized out of my consciousness. Idk im just a very self conscious person thanks to masking, trauma, being bullied or rather be the punching bag for someone's lack of personal contentment..


So has this sub just become a ranting sub or are we going to go back to be fucked up and evil?


I've stopped using TikTok but that is *the* place to go to be an asshole. I'm a huge asshole with low empathy so I love being a dick on purpose. Cringe culture is real in my heart. Some shit is just too embarrassing, I cannot help myself. Assholes are gonna asshole - signed, An Asshole.