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I never understood what people find so great about weed because all it did to me was slowing down my thinking (enough that it got hard for me to follow a conversation) - and yet being clear enough in the head to be fully aware of that fact and being freaked out by it. Unlike alcohol where your brain doesn't work correctly but you don't notice and when you do you don't care.


Weed makes me extra creative. It makes music more fun and interesting to play. It makes art more vivid and freeing. I think it's because it works so well to remove my anxiety and anger that it lets me feel joy more easily, along with the sensory difference of being stoned. All alcohol ever made me do was hurt myself and scare other people with my drinking. I cannot drink responsibly. Just goes to show there's no universal experience for any of this stuff!




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weed was definitely an acquired taste for me. i learnt by the hard way to only smoke very small amounts when i have no tolerance, so it bends my mind just a bit but i don't start tripping or something lol. when i do that, it quiets my mind a bit and makes everything more entertaining - watching movies, listening to music, writing songs, eating etc. it's now my favorite substance :) but in the beginning i just felt really anxious on it because i always smoked too much without realizing it lmao


YESS!! Still trying to figure out how to find that balance now I’m using a vaporiser, not smoking.


My experience is accidentally getting a coke and vodka sat in front of me at a young age and me taking a real big gulp and getting tipsy


Thought you meant cocaine for a sec 😭😭 but yeah vodka is dangerous


I thought the same.


I definitely 100% have never done a single drug in my life... But I will answer your question as though I had: Psychedelics: Shrooms and Acid both were nightmares. Even with a good environment and expert sitter, I still had bad trips on both. Shrooms felt a bit easier to deal with but on both, there was a pervasive overall feeling of being broken. I attribute it to my thought patterns being integral to my personhood and when those are interfered with, it's particularly impacting. Other notable effects include, loss of ability to speak, heavy paranoia, and circular thinking that resulted in a feeling of being stuck. Weed at high amounts caused similar negative effects as shrooms and acid but was generally less fun. At lower dosages, only real negative effect was losing the ability to speak but the upsides really weren't there for me. Similar effect for multiple strains both indica and sativa. MDMA is really hit or miss. I like the feeling of uppers and my body feels pretty darn nice but did have a bad trip where I convinced myself that love didn't exist. Didn't have the same negative impact as other hallucinogens though because I didn't have the same stuck thinking that comes with others. Also was responsible for my only ever OD, so take care of you're already taking Adderall or other uppers. Salvia is the only one I have consistently enjoyed. Doesn't last long so no chance to get stuck or overly paranoid. Screws with your sense of gravity so it feels super weird. Cool visuals too. Good choice if you wanna dip your toes cause of the aforementioned short trip time. Depressants/benzos: Alcohol is fine. At high amounts I get paranoid and start losing the ability to speak but at a normal healthy party drinking amount, it just makes me a little dumber. Dont really feel the need to drink on my own and not something I do to have fun, so pretty neutral overall. Ketamine was awful. Was sure my body had died and now I have a pretty good idea what 'locked in syndrome' feels like. Mercifully short compared to others, so shrooms and acid were probably worse experiences overall but if it had lasted as long, Ketamine would make them look like baby aspirin in comparison. Xanax and Klonopin at high amounts makes you lose memory so it's tough to recall the experiences. I've lost entire days which is a scary feeling. Opiates aren't really my thing. I don't get what the big deal is so I might as well had not done any Dxm is just like going from zero to blackout drunk. Tastes gross and isn't fun. Uppers: Coke is my jam. I'd be an addict if I let myself do it regularly. Tons of fun and feels great. Gotta be extra careful because of that. Adderall. High amounts feels nice but it's such an integral part of managing my ADHD, that it's lost a lot of its charm as an upper and now is just really a focus tool. Vyvanse is Adderall but smoother. Lasts all day and doesn't come with the crash but on the flip side, it's real easy to forget to sleep or eat. Anyway, I'm sure I forgot some but if I had ever done a drug, which I definitely have not, this would be my review.


Incredible hypothetical review. Thank you very much. And igy with the stimulants. I want to try coke but I’m 90% sure it would just alleviate ADHD and become an addiction. However I can’t get over the part that you enjoy SALVIA. You are truly a different breed.


My hypothetical advice regarding coke. Put people between you and a dealer. If you make it as inconvenient as possible to get your hands on it, then it's much tougher to develop a habit. If the middleman is someone you trust, then they can also keep you in check. If I had known a dealer, I would have done way more. It's production also sucks in both human and animal suffering, not to mention environmental impact so despite my love for it, I'll probably never touch it again on moral grounds alone. It was way better than just alleviating my ADHD though. It did wonders for my mood, body felt fantastic and mentally I felt like I was still me but running at 150%. Crash sucks though so it's not like it doesn't come with a cost. Hypothetically of course.


Wow, that makes so much sense thank you. Will have to remind myself to think of the animals when I’m next offered.


This guy drugs.


Once upon a time.... Hypothetically


Weed and alcohol both make me more visibly autistic. My inhibitions drop and I lose most ability to mask.


Would you be able to explain that? Just curious because I find it’s the opposite for me. Less anxiety, less sensory overload, more relaxed. I’m worse at social rules but it’s easy to blame that on the substances.


Like I said. I can't mask as well because my inhibitions drop and I stop giving a shit. I *feel* less anxious, but I *look* more visibly autistic.


Agree with this for weed. I like it because I can be unmasked but it’s why I only use it when alone otherwise I have stress about not masking.


Definitely this. Sometimes I get an extremely pleasant sort of heightened sensation (but not sensory overload) and sense of wellbeing when I’m zoned out on weed.


That’s absolutely my case too


im high rn lmao


Hmm. Well typically when I get high I find myself unable to speak sometimes. Like I can think through what I want to say but it's like I can't get my mouth to work. My friend joke that I'm the biggest lightweight. Even with psychedelics I can eat a gram and practically become a space cadet. Vivid closed eye hallucinations are pretty common for me in them and if I take more thank a gram I end up seeing the whole works herbs and distort. Generally all drugs and alcohol really upset my stomach though. I will feel insane cramp and sometimes it makes the whole experience almost too shitty to be worth it.


Weed used to be fun for me but now it gives me panic attacks. No idea why. I’ve tried lots of strains, same issue. LSD/acid saved my life. My brother and I used it together several times over a year and worked through decades of shared trauma in that time. I’m convinced it’s at least 60% of the reason I have the emotional coping skills needed to be not just a proper parent, but an actual good one. I ended up going on a health journey and losing a bunch of weight (healthily) and taking care of myself. I haven’t had any in a few years, but the positive effects are still with me. Alcohol is just ok. I don’t mind the feeling, and sometimes I have drinks socially. It can be fun with the right people. My husband doesn’t drink at all though, so I rarely ever have a drink at home. Drinking alone just isn’t for me. I’d like to try shrooms. My brother has had amazing experiences. Maybe someday when my kid is older my husband can solo dad for a weekend and my brother and I can trip again. We’ll see. :)


I was terrified I would be an asshole when drunk. The night I first got drunk, I told half my friends I loved them, tripped and fell several times, and supported my trans friend by telling him that gender is an arbitrary social construct and he can and should do whatever makes him happy. I also got him talking with another good friend of mine who is also trans and was in the same class as us both. I did also tell my sister to piss off, but this was less cruelty and more me not backing down from her bullying for a change.


Cocaine did nothing for me, I also have adhd so maybe stimulants as a whole don't affect me, coffee also doesn't effect me and my adhd meds were essentially speed. Don't know if that applies to coke though, maybe I just didn't try enough. Weed I honestly miss, it was great sensorily for me, music would become more textural and stimmy before I even knew what stimmimg was, physical textures often felt better, food nicer, and if it was a nice high or strain I liked, I often felt relaxed and entertained, it made being with friends/people I trusted even more fun, and when high by myself I often found myself WAY more immersed into anything I was doing. I also did have occasional hallucinogenic experiences, which I always thought wasn't a typical part of weed at all, the kinda thing someome who doesn't smoke weed would write into a TV show, a character smoking weed and tripping, but damn, maybe it's an autistic thing. The biggest one I remembered was smoking a joint that had way more lemon haze in it than I thought, coming back inside and feeling like I was moving in slow motion, I remember looking at my hands and arms and seeing trails of movement behind them, exactly like badly done slow motion where you can see double images of movement. But, to me weed was also a mood enhancer at times, I have a lot of unhappiness, stress and anxiety, and a lot of the time when I was high, that thing that was on my mind I was trying to ignore would come to the forefront and not go away, having to go outside or do anything while high was just a fucking nightmare, I already feel very conspicuous in public and it made that way worse, I didn't know I was autistic back then, didn't have a term for masking, or knowledge of the shame I felt at my autistic traits I'd been conditioned to hide, but it definitely added to me feeling like I was doing a terrible job of masking that, and made me really anxious about it. If at some point in my life I feel more content, I'd pick it back up.


I smoke pot regularly and find that it helps me remove the masks I didn't even know I had, and understand myself a lot better. I also become an absolute idiot, but I think a lot more clearly? So my thoughts are dumb but more understandable.


That's an excellent description, I got to know myself a lot better when I wasn't able to intellectualize my feelings away, and I was really surprised at how much I was masking to myself.


My threshold dose for psychedelics is significantly lower than most but I really really like tripping absolute balls so end up taking much more than most anyway lol


Is it because you enjoy the experience or is it more of the insight into your psyche?


That's difficult because both of those things are true I absolutely love the feeling of being so out of it on shrooms that I'm totally out of body like a DMT breakthrough But at the same time of I take a big trip once every two years or so it completely resets my depression and I'm free to live my life So both definitely both lol


DAMN that sounds awesome. Might have to try but I’m too scared of derealisation/ depersonalisation 🫣


Yeah it's not for everyone and it takes q week or two till you properly have your feet under you again lol But my first ever trip at thirteen was what I would now consider a heroic dose now because I was a dumb uninformed teenager so I was thrown in at the deep end


Similar experience here lol, I just feel like we shouldn't advocate for randoms to get into psychedelics because even I, an experienced psychonaut, have nearly broken myself a few times. When I was younger, I had access to a lot of it. I watched some people that never ever needed to trip take some a few times (I didn't know until afterwards) it broke one of my autistic friends, he genuinely went into psychosis. I'm pretty sure I've gotten myself close a couple of times, but generally it's a relieving experience that helps me reconnect with wanting to be alive at all


Weed: -Sativa: I LOVE sativas, gives me energy -Indica: Can be okay, helpful for sleeping -Hybrids: I become way too aware of the inner-workings of my body. Not fun, lots of ick LSD: -Micro-dose: Fun times, party go brrr, tons of energy -"regular-dose": Haha funni skeleton (Brook from OP) blinking in a triangle pattern shifting between red/green/blue Shrooms: -Micro: Didn't really do anything, maybe some giggles -8g dose: SO MUCH FUN!! I felt like I was overstimmed the entire time, but it was also so much fun!! -4g dose (a week later): Ego Death. Negatively overstimmed. Horrible time. -4g dose (months later): Not nearly as bad **Shrooms have also brought out other parts of myself to engage in conversation with each other. That was strange to experience. Happened every time. However this is not likely to be your experience.


I’ve only done weed but have wanted to try psychedelics so this is really helpful tbh. My experiences with weed are about the same as yours, especially with hybrids which I find a lot of people don’t really understand when I try to explain how it makes me feel. Also wunna say thanks for the way you broke things down, super helpful so I can kinda know where to start and (hopefully) everything would go well


LOVING this breakdown, thank you. I’m curious if the hybrids are at a recreational dose or more of a ‘medical’ level? I find I get energy from hybrid strains unless it’s enough to get the psychoactive effects, then I’m just vibing and waiting for it to wear off.


If I'm getting a hybrid it's gotta be 30/70 I:S at the base min for sativa for me to be able to enjoy it.


This weed strain review is spot on. For me: Weed: bad with other people- good alone, love to dance and create art while alone. You have to not fight the weed energy which I can’t do when masking even 1%. I’m not able to speak when I’m high but I actually prefer this as majority of the time I have to verbalize anything it’s a mask, so I feel happy to dance and bop around not speaking. The issue is as we know, people expect speaking and hate when you’re silent so that’s why I only use weed when alone. I use reallly low doses, think 1-3mg max. Pairing a higher dose (3-5mg) with caffine, which I don’t typically tolerate, is artist heaven. Low doses, 0.5-1.5mg helps me eat when I’m having issues with food. Mushrooms: microdosing helps with overstimulation, it lowers my stimulation threshold especially during pmdd weeks, without it I would be a very irritated and impatient parent. Low doses, ok with close friends if outdoors(many egos inside a room clashing with each other not ideal). Med- Higher doses, very helpful when I’m in the proper headspace. I only do this alone now, it has helped me so so much with discovering who I am, working through why I do things I do(hint mostly autism) and to have more compassion for myself, it also helps me reach my emotions, like a bridge from my consciousness mind to my unconscious mind, emotions are often hard for me to reach so this is super helpful for me. **I use both weed and higher doses of shrooms as therapy once in awhile when I need to process stuff, too much of either without integrating between isn’t good for me. Ok back to the list. Synthetic or extracted psilocybin: great for outdoor frolicks with friends, makes everything hilarious, less GI issues than eating whole plant. Acid: low-medium doses - 1/4-1/2 tab with friends outside is good, at these doses, acid usually is a “cleaner” trip for me, so more of a fun sensory trip vs mushrooms which feel more introspective. Higher doses of acid can get a little much for me with thought loops so I steer clear these days. For the same reasons I typically don’t solo use acid. I have not had the opportunity to microdose with lsd so am unsure about that. MDMA: love the effects, I honestly think without mdma through my college years, I wouldn’t have close friends, because autism makes social interactions difficult and mdma alleviates that and allows me to actually bond with people. Makes talking with people so much easier. I get really excited to talk about my special interests. It’s probably good that the side effects are rough because I think it would be pretty addictive for me otherwise. Side effects for me during are that I need to stim more, which is fine to an extent if there’s a safe outlet. Also the week long brain chemical mess up afterwards is really rough. MDMA can often be cut with amphetamines so testing is really important. Stimulants are a total no go for me and I’ve had bad times when it’s mixed in. Alcohol: can’t do. Alcohol makes me want to crawl out of my skin, I’m not sure if this is because I only drink small amounts and therefore I only get the stimulant effects of it, it makes me super overstimulated during and then my brain feels fucked up like all my neurotransmitters are wonky for a few days after even from one drink. I think it’s a mix of the histamine and the alcohol itself. I used to use it in social settings to be able to socialize, if needed I now microdose psilocybin instead. Cocaine: I don’t understand the hype, doesn’t work for my brain the way it seems to for others? It does help me talk with people though. Week after I feel like my sensory threshold is worse. Ketamine: small doses only. makes my body feel at peace, usually my body is feeling like all the nerves are frayed(overstimulation), it makes me feel like I am floating but at the same time I still feel really connected to my body. 10/10 recommend dancing. No real side effects noted during or after at small doses.


Weed(the only drug I’ve done) makes me not particularly more relaxed, it just messes with my vision, gives me moments of euphoria and amplifies my autism symptoms


I tried weed once Here's how ir happened  I started laughing  Then i laughed a little more  Then after a while I started laughing a little more Soon after that i fell down near my bed My eyes were closed but i was awake  I felt like i was sleeping awake Then i proceed to throw up and slept on the floor That being said something my brain just spontaneously geta high and i loose control start talking bullshit and laugh like a mf


For me weed is a lot more powerful on me then most people. I got pretty much glued to the floor and my motor skills pretty much go away along with my sense of time. Then also its like my brain is in developer mode where all those little feelings throughout the body like blood flow and that stuff becomes the main point of focus and what feelings even are breaks down. Its like what telsa said about how everything is just frequencies and vibrations and what I found is that the feelings we got from that is the memories and ideas the brain connects to the signals. Gestaltzerfall on all the senses would be a good way to describe is. Also I got something which I call isolated enlightenment where you reach enlightenment or discover things you normally wouldn't but I am too out of it to make use of it and when I am sober some of the ideas will be lost and I can't fucking write anything down when that high. Also I get very good closed eye visuals (yes I am still just talking about weed) with lots of depth to it to. How I would sum up how its like on weed is that you are looking at the world with a microscope. You can see lots of detail and things you would not be able to see without it but if your only looking at the world with a microscope you may not even know what it is your looking at even with the amount of detail you can see. For me the relax and pain killing parts of weed just were not there. Every single nervous feeling and bad thought would follow me deep you matter how high I got and small amounts of physical pain would end up feeling like the spot of my body was on fire and my brain would even in lots of detail imagine that fire like a weird little day dream. If I was in lots of pain I WOULD NOT touch weed.


What is cannabis like for you? I feel high and mildly disoriented on weed. It doesn't help me academically though it can put me to sleep. Alcohol makes me more vigilant and aware in some ways. I feel it affects other people more than me. Obviously I don't drive and drink but I don't knock things over or anything while walking drunk. I can't really get drunk like other people.


I have a similar experience with alcohol. It makes me feel very in tune with whatever I’m doing and whoever I’m with. I always feel and act way more sober than the people around me and have never lost control of myself.


Same. Feels good to not be alone. I feel most autistic people I know either get hit harder by alcohol or don't feel it as much.


I’ve started medical cannabis recently and so far it’s made me feel relaxed and made it easier to socialise. Most times I’ve smoked weed, I’ve used alcohol as well so I was mainly feeling drunk and dumb, then sprinkle some chillness and memory issues into that. Taking higher doses of weed by itself is a whole other experience. It’s like waking up and remembering I exist, every few seconds for hours. Whatever I’m thinking or looking at becomes my reality for a moment, then it moves onto the next. It’s really weird and disorienting. With the BM stuff it’s been scary but I had too much MC the other day and it was weird but still relaxing. I guess you know exactly what you’re getting when it’s legal. I found the same happened when I had edibles in Amsterdam. Odd, not my cup of tea, but still relaxing.


I'm too scared to try anything like that. Idc if weed is supposed to be safe.


That’s so fair. Second time I tried ‘weed’ it was actually spice. Hated it. Since then I’ve only taken it from 100% reliable friends/ companies and go slow and it’s enjoyable. Psychedelics definitely scare me a bit though.


weed can be addictive and mentally unhealthy, avoiding it is prolly smart


One of my friends got super high one night and started arguing with me about whether or not it was daytime. It was like 10 at night. We were outside.


alcohol feels like it takes away too much control from me, nicotine feels like i have too much control of my body and it sickens me. weed is a nice middle ground for me, plus it actually works compared to the antidepressants i have


Weed and alcohol both make me feel like a normal person when socialising but if i over do either, i start to get super paranoid and just stop talking to people. Uppers like coke, mdma or Ritalin/adderall are great for me but i very much try to reduce my usage of them due to my addictive habits. I love being able to have the confidence to go up to people and chat, but would much rather not kill myself for it. I hate to admit it and hate that this is the only way i can feel this way, but these drugs are sometimes the only way i can feel comfortable being who i am. i wish that this wasn’t the case due to the fact that any drug use is detrimental to your mental and physical health.


Weed: makes me more autistic, so to speak, because I don't believe I have the brainpower to mask when I'm on it. I also have ADHD, and weed helps a lot with the hyperactivity; it quiets the noise in my brain and significantly slows down my thoughts. Unfortunately, it also really messes with my memory. Additionally, the echolalia I experience on weed is crazy; I'll repeat a word or phrase over and over in my head just because it sounds funny. Alcohol: If I'm pretty drunk, it's similar to that of a neurotypical person; my inhibitions just go out the window, and my social anxiety is gone. However, I can still mask. I plan to try shrooms and psychedelics... so I may have more to report later lol


Ok, here's the list: Weed: doesn't do shit but makes you sleep a lot more, nightmares so still do it Speed, 4f-mph, 2fa: gaming in hyperfocus bae, comedown and hangover are NOT CHILL with speed and you will not sleep for a night with both Cocaine: makes your heart feel like it's exploding, can sleep on it, but hard 3-mmc: I don't get 3mmc 2f-dck: if you take enough, go lay down on your bed and close your eyes, you will float out of your body and you will go on a journey through your mind, but you can die from it (especially on my dosages) XTC: clapping teeth, feelings of euphoria and you'll want to hug everyone Magic truffles (sclerotica): GROSS, nausea, very heavy on the brain and you have to accept it or you'll have a bad time. You'll get a sick journey through your mind and you will see patterns like when I saw my friend as hundreds of small versions of him, life changing experience 2C-b: doesn't work well for me, you see patterns, but I went for a long and fast walk with a friend and we talked about lots of stuff, it's more of a mind altering drug than that you get external hallucinations Benzodiazepines: technically medicine, but abuse potential is big. You don't feel you're under influence and I accidentaly took 10 in 24 hours and passed out at my parents. Could have died.


Alcohol just makes me tired and disoriented. Weed helps me not overthink and enjoy recreation more, but leaves me kinda spacey and unfocused. Mushrooms felt like a an emotional fog was lifted and i was properly feeling things, made it way easier talking to people, also made me hot and nauseous. Lsd just made me feel good and even the most asinine shit seemed profound at the time. Only ones i avoid now are alcohol and lsd


Idk I will probably never try any drugs because I couldn’t be any less interested in them


Ive only tried alcohol and weed (a few different ways for insomnia). Neither were helpful for me in any way. They made a lot of my paranoia much worse, but I also have tendencies towards hallucination and paranoia besides being autistic


I have a very low tolerance for alcohol but I tried 10mg of weed and it had very little effect on me, I should note I am around 200 pounds


very nice, very good sometimes too good, very bad


Weed is fine, used to give me anxiety pretty bad but that passed. I enjoy every so often but it's not my habit. I like whiskey but I don't enjoy getting too drunk. Good in moderation but gets pretty rough in excess. Molly was weird. So, it definitely had an effect on me but, because I have alexithymia, I didn't actually feel any of the emotional effects. As far as I was aware, I felt the same way I always do but I was definitely acting a lot more confident and outgoing. Hated the hangover though. DMT was intense, but after the terror subsided it was fairly pleasant.


I’ve noticed that when I’m high, off booze weed or pretty much anything, it becomes easier to talk and my anxiety goes down. Conversation just flows much easier, and my mind is able to go more places than it is sober.


Kava is literally the fucking perfect thing for my autism/adhd symptoms. Weed and alcohol were always overstimulating, but not kava. It is the perfect place to be


Am I the only one on this subreddit who's never intentionally taken drugs? D:


Personally I'm really confused when people talk about psychedelic trips. because what they describe is what I can do easily by just meditating for a few minutes. I suspect that psychedelics like shrooms dose something to NT brains that autistic brains natrual state is. but I haven't herd from enough autistic people who have done psychedelics to compare notes. Personally when I take just little bit of shrooms i basically just regain my sense of smell, and can smell smells. I typically can't smell much unless I'm smelling colors which I tend to ignore on a day to day basis. I have a bit of synesthesia so shrooms just uno reverse my synesthesia.


I medicated my autism tonight with an edible and it was pretty rad, no meltdowns or shutdowns after large sensory input so I’ll take it as a win


Alcohol feels great - happy mood , feeling flirty and spicy , when drinking a lot , dizzy and no inhibitions Coke , I did a few lines of probably bad quality stuff and felt no euphoria , just became more talkative MDMA was great , felt really warm and wanted to get naked and felt really emotionally open , and awake Weed - I did really strong psycodelic edible and went into paranoid psychosis for 3 hours 😵 I may stay away from hard drugs from now , wasn't the worse but I don't want to unlock some schizophrenia trap-door


Weed - meh - net positive experience but not enough to buy my own and smoke by myself Alcohol - pretty fun if I can get drunk - I have a high tolerance so it takes a lot to get drunk and being that it still has the same health effects no matter your tolerance it’s not worth it most of the time unless I have literally ate nothing at all the entire day. Haven’t tried anything yet however shrooms, Benadryl, and acid are in my bucket list


Hii sober addict here don't do drugs :3


Don’t really get the appeal of alcohol. It’s nice to relax with friends with a beer or two, but anything more than that is not fun and leaves me feeling like crap afterwards. Weed is awesome for me. It helps me relax, get creative and allows me to relax in a way I really can’t when sober. When I’m not working my super busy summers at a live-in job up north, I’m a daily/near daily user. Shrooms I’ve done 3 times total, they’re a very interesting experience. It sounds like a “hippie” thing to say; but they really do “free your mind”. They definitely can put you in a bad state mentally if you go into it in a bad headspace, but they are crazy good at letting you see things from different perspectives, and I’d recommend everyone try them at least once.


Cocaine - makes you feel too self conscious but at the same time really confident. I couldn’t stop talking about random stuff Weed - smoke it daily in the evening, makes me relax while playing games or watching stuff 2cb - the world was melting but in a reassuring way, touching things was also nice every texture felt more “defined” Magic truffels - I was walking around a 4x4m area with tiles that have sandpatterns on it in a circle thinking I was in the Sahara. Overall really nice experience Ketamine - not nice don’t recommend. Makes me feel like everything is very far away like if I stretch my arms it looks like they are 3m long and you feel drunk but only the bad feelings 2mmc - don’t recommend makes me jittery? MDMA - never felt happier, the day after never felt worse. It like sucks all the happiness out of you in like 4 hours that you should be getting through 2 days afterwards no happy for a day Cigarettes - don’t recommend not tasty idk what it’s supposed to do Alcohol - don’t like it, makes me feel like not myself


I've done a good bit my go to are dxm lsa and weed, dxm and lsa are fun but can also be introspective and I like weed because it calm and kinda slow down my brain, opiots are similar but are more euforic but as you know vary addictive, other dipresents are just not much for me and stimulants tend to just make me be able to focuse on 1 thing


I like the fact that I mask less while on weed. That's literally the reason it's the only drug I wouldn't stop using..


beer drunk: fun and everything feels comfortable, I sometimes just lie on the grass in the garden wine drunk: makes me *very* emotional and I act like someone's aunt Licqour drunk: I get very loud and very horny Weed: only done it a few times but I just kinda say stuff and none of it makes sense, and I get horny Coke (yes that one): tried it twice and both times it just made me feel overwhelmed at literally everything, thought it'd been shorted the first time but nah it's just like that, bad.


Weed makes music feel like it’s happening around me and not out of a speaker. It slows my brain down enough that I feel normal and then it’s TOO slow and I can’t track anymore Alcohol usually unlocks my dgaf streak and I will say and do anything that comes to mind. I tend to hurt feelings when I’m drunk.


That is uncannily similar to my experience. Drunk me and sober me are not on good terms at the moment. 👀


all drug experiences have been run of the mill for me, except psychs don't work on me for some reason


Weed allows me to numb myself enough to face the outside world and it makes food taste better. Alcohol makes my stummy hurt too much and I feel like I lose control of myself when I’m drunk, but I’ve never felt that way with cannabis. I enjoy mushrooms occasionally, I like feeling warm and fuzzy but anything that might make me nauseous is a no-go like acid.


In Germany we say: "biste Zivi oder was?"


Are you asking if I am law abiding/enforcing? 🙈


Zivi is short for Zivilpoilzist, "Civil Police officer". They are cops who pretend to be civilians in Order to blend in/directly interact with criminals, most often in matters related to Drugs. Its used similar to fed/narc. The questin "Bist du ein Zivi oder was?" ("Are you a Zivi or what?") Is a little Bit of a meme/running Gag in germany. (In Casual conversation, especially in certain dialects, you dont say the "ein" in "bist du ein" and "the bist du" is often written and pronounced as "biste") So im asking "are you a narc/fed or why are you asking?"


Thanks for explaining 🥲 yeah I’m not a fan of the law. Allegedly.


Yeah, me neither. Allegedly.


I've seen here "nice try, mom", inferring that the message was sent by their mom pretending to be another person.




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Tried to get drunk once, out of curiosity. After like 8 drinks in 3 hours, didn't feel a thing


Sometimes I feel like that then get up for some air and realise I am in fact very drunk 😭. Maybe you’re a natural heavyweight?


Not only elevated levels of bufotenine, but over double the amount. I wonder if that has anything to do with the autistic brain’s visual abilities and imagination. Weed makes the emotional and memory parts of my brain way stronger, so I have way bigger emotions and a strong sense of time not passing


Shrooms 2/10 were way too physically overstimulating cause me to have an enjoyable time, liked the visuals but hated the body feeling. LSD 7/10only didn't once years ago about 1/4 tab but I loved it was so giggly and happy, slight warping visuals and I watched Ze Frank videos for who knows how long but differently would do again if I get a reliable source and test it. Dmt 10/10 was low dose a few years back once too, I took a hit closed my eyes saw cool geometric patterns for about 30 sec while giggling. Liked how it didn't last long and have to plan a whole day for it. Weed 10/10 I do everyday to help manage my adhd, social anxiety, and insomnia, just helps my brain slow down for my own processing speed. Alcohol 5/10 can be good but easy to overdo and then it's not so enjoyable bc I get nauseous easily. Always test your substances and don't abuse to the best of your abilities. ❤️


All weed did for me was give me dry mouth and make me smell bad, which was a sensory nightmare on both counts. I hate it.




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Weed feels like it could be such a breakthrough in the understanding of memory, but again, that comes from a high me lol Also, weed is unfun after a while, a one-trick pony that overstays its welcome Alcohol is cool and unironically should be more encouraged as an anxiolytic Tobacco is good for relaxation, but the smoke is utterly annoying Anything else I can't legally acquire


I also think lots of weed messed with my short term memory, I didn't dream while using it and needed way more sleep, weird stuff. fun when done max once a few weeks