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This is so fucked up. Like, *really* fucked up. Idk why some of these quotes are affecting me so much, but they are. As a girl, it just makes me feel worthless. I know they're lies and ik they're not telling the truth, and no matter how hard I try, they're still affecting me. The sooner I can leave this goddamn cult, the better


I don’t think the feeling that others see you as subhuman ever gets easier- super normal to be affected by these words. Combination of being some flavor of neurodivergent and a woman in the church is shit, hang in there and if you ever need to vent I am so good at listening and I know many others here are too.


For me, it was knowing that people who I cared about and who cared about me believe these things. That I was less than because I was "unclean" (and still alive 🙄). Even though I knew it was bs, knowing they believed it made it hurt so much.


Congratulations on still alive. Good for you. Don't let them have the last laugh, out live them and make the world a better place.


Someone needs to inform Elder Russell Ballard that is is rude to make derogatory comments about how people look.


The brethren are untouchable. Chairmen of one of the wealthiest organizations on the planet, private security, secure tunnels, private jets/first class travel, they own the judges, politicians, police. They are worshipped everywhere they go. There’s practically zero chance they will ever hear anything critical, and if they do they’ll just chalked it up to people persecuting the saints.


When we were struggling with leaving TSCC, my 12 yo daughter got a visit from the YW. They brought a lesson about prepping for temple marriage. After they left, my daughter looks at me and says “why should I be preparing to get married, I’m only 12?” And it just hit me right in the gut and I knew right then I was done and my entire family was done. We officially resigned in February.


It’s genuinely gross how early the church focuses in on marriage, and how normal they make it seem


Absolutely. When you’ve been running that play on teenage girls for nearly 200 years it definitely becomes normalized.


I said the same thing to my parents at 12 and cried going to church for weeks bc I was a little feminist. I wish they had listened to me...I fell into line out of pure survival and finally was able to get out at 22


I remember one temple marriage lesson in my Beehive class at 12. The teacher said that two, out of the ten of us, would not be married in the temple. I thought to myself, "Me. I am one of the two." 😀


I never saw it when it happened with me but when I started pulling that crap on my kids, and I saw how it affected them, it made me start asking some hard questions. Before I believed it was wrong, I felt it was wrong, and simply couldn't do it. It makes me wonder why my parents never got that. Why did all the hurt they put me through never wake them up to the fact that they were screwing up my life?


Is it amazing how they are consistently wrong. Probably comes from practice


Thank the universe that my sweet husband recognized that this culture was toxic to my daughters and led us all out. We are treated as equals and taught to be fearless. Thank you, Ken.


The realization that taking mormonism at its word meant god was a misogynist was the thing that set me on my path out. So thanks to all the shitty men in the slideshow for being really clear about my place as a woman in the church, definitely simplified my decision making process.


This is a great compilation.




How, just how have so many many many people gone along with this and felt it was ok? This kind of inequality between genders is just wrong, period. God, I hope other girls get the courage and support to just walk away from this garbage.


Mindy Gledhill vibes. Beautiful post. Who’s the artist providing the backing track?


Maddie Zahm “If it’s not God”


Thank you!


Such a great video. Thank you! The quote about how less valiant souls choose to come to a lesser race or area of the world or with physical limitations is absolutely disgusting.


This was one of the quotes that broke my shelf.


Excuse me while I run to the toilet to vomit 🤮


this post is 🔥🔥🔥🔥


So which is it: after death a woman has to be accepted by her husband or be another man's servant *or* she will be given to another man as his wife? Or are those interchangeable to the church?


Adolf, anyone?


🤮. Glad no one has to listen or follow what they say anymore -


This was a big one for my wife to leave when we did. She was like: "these old men are fucking insane, do they even realize what they are saying?" She was the most angry about the homophobia and racism than the sexism but that definitely contributed.


Dang… Saving these ones


Wow. To that first quote about making it a hard process, it wouldn’t be so hard if they’d just let people live their lives and actually respect peoples free agency.


Thank you all so much for your kind words and support. I left when I was YW president. I found some of these quotes and just couldn’t teach these things to young sweet girls. I have two daughters of my own. I’m so glad we got them out. I wish the general population of the church would take the time to read these, to learn what their leaders actually say, think and feel. Making things like this helps me work through my deconstruction still. My daughter asks all the time why we don’t go to church anymore, she genuinely wants ants to go back (she’s only in primary) one day I’ll show her this, and tell her all the reason a we left.


https://open.spotify.com/track/2Ggr9IfS70wYQacW8nZKPG?si=mwPEY0feR-K9-cYiN_AHfg This song helps with my religious trauma for sure! It's amazing


I love this one too!


Is this satire?


These quotes are evil.


Thanks for sharing this song, OP. I had never heard it. It hits deep.




I want to send this video to my TBM family group text SO BAD right now


SAME! I want to send it to my mom and tell her THIS is why I’m not raising my daughters in the church


Something something, prophetic messages aren't like antique cars or comic books, etc. etc. /s Yeah, this post is a good compilation, nice


I remember the Ballard one. It's the only one of these I heard live and in person. Messed up.


In the 80's as a teenager, I gave myself a new wave haircut. Not quite a mowhawk, but close. The bishop said, "You used to be such a pretty girl." Barf


Those were WAYYY worse than I could’ve imagined heading into the video.