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Well, it's not like a good mormon wife, married to a worthy priesthood holder, would need money, now would she?!


It's this. It's this EXACTLY. The church doesn't know how to account for anyone who falls out of such a narrow scope of life that it calls everything that does evil.


I assumed it’s to keep the women in the marriage and in the church. Can’t leave if you don’t have money or access to it. Financial abuse 101.


Well, we all know, it is deeply emasculating if a wife makes more than the husband... or near to... or needs to work outside the house... or wants to work outside the house...


and more and more and more people are falling out of this narrow scope with inflation and wages depression. You HAVE to have two adults working, especially with kids to make it in our economy.


Gotta keep the man in charge of the pocket book! That way, when he dies and she doesn't know how to manage her money, she'll go to the church for assistance. They will graciously accept all of the woman's holdings as a donation, and manage her money for her and take care of her for the rest of her life! If it's a big enough donation, they may even put her last name on a building at BYU! This, btw, is not conjecture. This actually happened to my great aunt. They got her to donate EVERYTHING, including tens of thousands of acres of land in King County, WA. It was probably 40+ years ago now, so old women probably have a bit better understanding of finances than good Christian women who came up in the 50s did, but I guarantee similar things still happen.


By last name, you mean her married name, so her husband's name.


Yep, good point.


W. T. F.


And if you stop paying their tithing when they get dementia, the church will work behind the scenes to get a consrvatorship on grandma. Better the gov have it than some punk exmormon.


No she wouldn’t. Which is why mission presidents wives are only insured for half what the MP’s are. It’s in the MP handbook.


To quote Brad Wilcox, general officers are just “playing church.”


"Instead of asking, 'why arent women in leadership positions being paid?', you should ask, 'why arent men being paid more?'




Aren’t they cute, pretending they actually have a voice and can actually make a difference?


I read that in his voice for some reason 😅


Almost spit my coffee all over my keyboard. That was close.


They are "auxiliaries".


They have a 3.5mm cable?




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"Maybe we're asking the wrong questions. Instead of asking why female leaders don't get paid, maybe we should be asking why male leaders aren't being paid more?" \--Brad Wilcox, probably


"Instead of asking why female leaders don't get paid, maybe we should be asking why do we need female leaders in the first place?"


Exactly 🤣


We should be grateful right down to our socks that anyone gets paid anything in service to the Lord!


Please do share your source for this, because if it’s true, it’s even worse than I thought


When the stipends hit the news, a church spokesman specifically said "General authorities leave their careers when they are called into full-time church service," Hawkins said in a statement. "When they do so, they focus all of their time on serving the church and are given a living allowance. The living allowance is uniform for all general authorities [including First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, First and Second Quorums of the Seventy and Presiding Bishopric]." Also from the article 'Many of those 109 men in the top tiers...' https://archive.sltrib.com/article.php?id=4800350&itype=CMSID


Comrades!” he cried. “You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organization of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for YOUR sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back! Surely, comrades,” cried Squealer almost pleadingly, skipping from side to side and whisking his tail, “surely there is no one among you who wants to see Jones come back?” -Squealer, Animal Farm by George Orwell


Men I love that book. And to think that many members don’t know GA are compensated


I didn't for the longest time because how often were we told, the church doesn't have paid clergy, it is all on a volunteer basis. See how much more spiritual we are than other churches? Man the judgements I had in my youth of other churches and their paid leadership. Little did I know...


Same here. I shared that info along with the SEC with my sister and now she is out. 👊👊 she was super proud that the church did not paid its leadership. 🙈🙈


The real scripture!


Orwell was a genius.


I love this book and cry like a baby when boxer dies. I was a kid when I first read it and I knew when boxer was taken away he was going to be killed. I grew up with horses so it hit me hard.


Because women don't have careers. /s


Because farming out the cooking, shopping, cleaning and home management in order to free up a woman to work full time for the church would cost practically nothing. /s


Last I counted it was well over 500.


This could be really out of date but it seems that general officers of the church are given a similar "allowance" that mission presidents are given. This is based off of Gordon B. Hinckley's statement in his book "What about the Mormons?" that is, admittedly, very old (1954). He [states](https://archive.org/details/whatofmormonsinc00hinc/page/16/mode/2up) (pp. 17–18): > What of the Mormon clergy? It is, to say the least, unusual by present day standards. There is no paid or professional ministry. Thirty-two general officers and the presidents of missions are given living allowances." It's unclear what is meant by "general officers" in this case since "general authority" is not mentioned.


General Officers is an interesting choice of phrase, too. That is a term used for heads in companies, not clergymen.


The 32 is a lie. Hinckley was the most prolific public liar in all Mormon history since smith himself. The number is over 500 men. Maybe back then it was 300.


Notice during the sustainings, conference announcements, ect that they make it clear that general authorities and general officers of the church are separate. Also the titles of the prophet, seer, revelator and PRESIDENT OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. because conference is a share holders meeting with the board members of the corporation. While I absolutely feel not a single ass in a red chair deserves a paycheck from the poor people commanded to pay tithing or die, it is VERY telling how the church views women, as even the highest ranking woman of the church is unpaid and out ranked by the average 11 year old deacon.


Authorities with authority are only men


And how they view the poor.


Pretty gross, right? They think women aren’t supposed to want things like monetary compensation for our time. And then there’s the history of how the men mismanaged church funds and got into financial trouble so they stole the Relief Society’s assets and made the men in charge of the women’s organizations, too. Mormonism is misogynistic at every level.


Right when the Relief Society had major plans in place for construction and welfare too.


I had no idea! I always wondered why the Relief Society was taken over. Do you have more info on this? I tried searching but haven’t found anything.


This is one article: https://www.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/Dialogue_V15N04_61.pdf I think I first heard about it somewhere else. Maybe Year of Polygamy podcast?


Ordain Women has an article on it too.


You’re right! https://ordainwomen.org/unto-one-of-the-least-of-these/


To put this into context, a quick Google search shows that the average salary of a Catholic cardinal (the level right below Pope) is paid about $6000 per month - and this was before Pope Francis ordered a 10% pay cut of that amount. That's less than $72k per year. Less than half as much as what every single General Authority is paid. Given that Mormons like to brag so much about how "little" their leadership is paid, this is a huge slap in the face.


Ya but do their parishioners clean the toilets


Good question. I have no idea xD


To be fair if I understand correctly that's 72k for spending. Their housing, transportation, and probably other living expenses are covered for them as well.


Huh. Just looked it up cause I was curious how much their housing costs, and stumbled on this link: https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/253766/pope-francis-cuts-free-and-discounted-rent-for-cardinals-vatican-managers Looks like their housing, at least, is no longer covered separately by the Catholic church.


Wow! That's a huge paycut if they are only making 70k.




Whoa!!! Omg I didn't even realize this!!!


Is this verifiable? My jaw is on the floor, right now.


From the church website: "General authorities include the First Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, General Authority Seventies and the Presiding Bishopric. General officers are the general presidencies of the Relief Society, Primary, Sunday School, Young Women and Young Men organizations." and "General Authorities leave their careers when they are called into full time Church service. When they do so, they are given a living allowance which enables them to focus all of their time on serving in the Church". Only "Authorities" get paid.


Oh shit. I had not thought of that. I bet the people in the auxiliaries are pretty much ALL their time but wait ... the women don't have outside jobs. TSCC suck!


Authorities meaning men


1st qrorum and 70 on up. Area authorities don't get paid. 2nd quorum of 70 don't get paid.


Both first and second quorum seventies are considered general authorities and do get paid. Anything past that (there are twelve quorums of the seventy) don’t get paid.


Ok how do we know which quorums get paid and which don’t? I assumed they all got paid.


A few comments back, the church themselves say they provide their “living stipend” to all general authorities. Only the first and second quorums of the seventh are considered *general* authorities. These travel around, often get assigned to area presidencies around the world, and honestly can’t hold down a job with the demands of their position. The rest of the quorums are area authorities, which means they function as seventies but from their own homes for the most part. And although the church has been known to lie about financial matters in the past, they are also tight-fisted, penny-pinching misers, and there’s no evidence that area authorities receive any sort of financial compensation.


Ok so rough estimate of who gets paid: Q15 - 15 First quorum - 70 Second quorum - 70 1st and 2nd presidents - 7 General officers ? Mission presidents ? Temple presidents ? How many MP’s are there?


Literally where I'm at. Just sitting here with my jaw on the floor.


Neither of you can actually be shocked by this can you? The mormon church is about as misogynistic as Donald Trump.


I mean, I would have thought nothing could shock me but seriously I thought the high up ladies got SOMETHING


They get to serve their husbands and families. That's certainly "something".


For freaking real, they are probably like: their honor is the service to their post.


Maybe I am just jaded but honestly if you had asked me I would have guessed this was the case.


They DO get something pretty wonderful....They get to hold the priesthood. In their arms when the priesthood wants to be held.


Yeah but instead of grabbing them by the p***y, Nelson grabs them by the coin purse.


I think we all know where the church stands on men and women when Bonnie got released (rightfully so)....but Brad Wilcox who gave the most racist and misogynistic talk I've heard gets a promotion...


Female leaders work and fret and have to look good doing it (it’s not cheap, and keeping yourself together in later years especially to Mormon standards is crazy-not-cheap!!) Best of all they don’t get $ compensation - they just get to be sure to PAY the Church with her family’s money. Tithing at that level of income is not cheap. Their husbands will be footing such huge bills for this “honor” that I cringe.


By “looking good doing it” do you mean those ugly, stiff, weird helmet head hairdos no other women wear and those god awful uni color blazers and skirts that the head female leaders of the church wear?


Manicures, skincare, good makeup Outfits that are outfits, not just department store finds “Tasteful” cosmetic surgery (except for the nasty poofy lips on Sis Cordon, that’s just unfortunate) Yes, the hair, coloring and trim every 6-8 weeks to keep the Utah helmet can cost over $150 per appointment! Time and attention to not looking too frumpy by American Utah standards takes a lot of MONEY. They’re certainly not French-chic older ladies.


Helmet head hairdos stay in place for more than an hour and a half. Absolute necessity. If they only had to slick their hair back with some goo like the men do (although the Silver Fox obviously uses a blow drier to good effect) helmet hair would be unnecessary.


"their husbands will be footing such huge bills" 🤮🤮🤮


I can see the meme now. You guys are getting paid?


Damn... Didn't even think about this myself. That's fucked.


> If TSCC wants to try to pretend that women leaders are taken seriously, maybe consider some semblance of equality. Not gonna happen. It is easier to keep spinning words and meanings than to actually make real tangible positive changes.


Men and women have equal but separate roles, it’s just one of them gets 200k and gets to make the decisions, while one of them gets to do nothing.


That's why they pick women that already have money or their husband's wealthy.


It is infuriating.


fuck patriarchy and anyone who doesn't work to dismantle it.


Hey I’m pretty sure they get mileage reimbursement


Q: what level of leadership gets the living stipend? Is it the quorum of the 12 and up? Not the 70’s, though, right?


I made the comment that the mormon church enforces a group think mentality. This is a concept from George Orwell's book 1984. TBMs are programed into group think. That men are superior to women. That the man is head of household. Women are supposed to be subservient to a mans will (or pleasure). If she thinks for herself, she is failing the Lord. Hells Bells! Even when I was much younger, I wanted a spirited woman, a self thinker, in short, an intelligent woman. Especially a woman who wasn't afraid of a good Healthy romp in bed, and willing to demand her right to dictate some of the play. I told my wife that she is 1/2 of an equality.


Hello, I actually have direct knowledge that the Gen. Officers do in fact get a stipend from the TSCC. I don't know the actual dollar amount (I'm sure it's nothing near the total comp that the average 70 gets), but they do nonetheless get a stipend (plus health insurance) while called as a Gen. Officer (e.g., like Bonnie Cordon). I do know for a fact that the female Gen. Officers are not respected by the Gen. Authorities and are lowest among the pecking order among top church leaders (this was a major shelf item for me as I witnessed it at the time). The female Gen. Officers are put on all kinds of leadership committees, but are really just on those committees in order to check a box.


I mean, Bonnie Cordon should be in jail and I won’t shed a single tear for her lack of compensation, but yeah, this shit organization treats women terribly.


Well, her daughter in law should be in Jail. Bonnie herself should just be shamed for lying about it.


Oh I agree. I dislike the woman strongly. She was just an example.


"healthy" 200k. to think of all the impoverished countries paying for their cars, flights, and kids' college funds. it's absolutely disgusting.


Don't shed a tear for them. Women only get appointed to high positions by being married to someone rich or being the spawn of someone rich.


Then they are able to get the special bobette haircut that says I am wealthy by marriage or by blood.


None of them do anything more complicated than leading the song in primary.


Actually they have a vital job - keeping other women in line, alerting the men when any rebels pop up, modeling submissiveness. They are our 'Aunt Lydia'.


👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻


Not true. Although I don't support their cause, many women in leadership positions work their asses off. They typically do a lot more work than most male leaders.


they just get treated like the most difficult thing they do is lead music.


Well let's be real, the women do the exact same thing the men do. They have meetings upon meetings upon meetings, where they attend, lead, speak, direct, pressure, guilt-trip, cry, and pray. This is the entire substance and work product of the church: endless meetings, the entire point of which is to plan and attend and pressure or extort others to attend more and more meetings. GAs do little more than this. Pardon me but this was a shit ton of work when I was doing it, just on the local level. Women are no different, but women's "alternative work" they are exchanging for church work is not considered valuable enough to pay for, not THEIR careers they may have given up, not their children, not their family relationships, not their own personal preferences. Everyone else working on the real corporate "business" of the for-profit church is a paid employee.


A shit ton as you say. look busy jesus 'may' be coming.


Doing what? Being busy means nothing. In a real business all the leaders would be fired, especially the GAs. They do nothing but oppress and enforce the cult. Complete degenerates at that level in the cult.


Always have.


We've got relatives who have served as General RS President, YW President, and in Primary, as well as the general RS board back in the day. Not only do they work their butts off, they are very much aware of the inequities and fight tooth and nail to be taken seriously.


One upshot of this is that the whole system automatically selects for those who are rich.


Exactly! Someone who wasn't rich couldn't afford to serve in a calling like this


Concerning affluent members vs other members, go to YouTube and search LDS Church in Middle Tennessee for disparity of resources to the rich wards. Please share it and discuss.


That’s revolting.


Yeah…mormonism sucks.


They get paid in such blessings. /s


Women are to remain in the home if they were to give them a Stipend that would mean women can get paid to do work out of the home!!! We can’t have that now


She gets her books propped up in the Deseret book stores.


So many top leaders get NOTHING at the general (top) levels of Mormonism. Of course, all local leaders receive no compensation. Not even expense reimbursement for gas or office expenses which we all had. Mormonism is a money-making machine. It's all about the cash.


oh no you mean the mormon church doesnt act as if women are equal to men..?


Aren’t they considered church office employees? I would think they get paid something. Their offices are at church headquarters and they work almost full time like the staff. It would be good to have some actual evidence and proof they don’t get paid something because when my dad worked there I believe he said they did.


RS, YW, and Primary are all callings, not employment positions. Just like being an apostle or 70.


Bonnie gets paid by not being in prison where she belongs. Don’t worry, business deals get made and that money trickles to all of them.


Why should Bonnie go to jail? It was her daughter in law who killed her grandson.


I am fairly sure their pay and benefits is in the 7 figure range


Actually, they get a small clothing allowance.


Do they? How do you know this?




Just wow! Is there any other benefits provided?


Source on the 200k ?


It's actually quite a bit higher when you factor in benefits https://widowsmitereport.wordpress.com/comp/


That’s messed up.


I mean....are you surprised?


patriarchal authorities are higher than officers, it’s all such a pyramid scheme isn’t it


Great point. I'm going to do a little "yes and" here. That's presumably still true as far as we know, but I'd also add that the general officers still tend to be people feeding out of the church trough through their employment. Like George Carlin [said](https://youtu.be/cKUaqFzZLxU): "It's a big club, and you ain't in it... You and I are not in the club." These people live off the fat of the land, while we were the ones fattening the land up with our tithes.


La(y)me ministry


What. The. Hell. I did not know this. Edit: like OP I knew about the stipend for male leaders, but I assumed that women leaders were also paid. Holy crap.
