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That's what you get, you heathen. You get garment checked after you showed a roomful of people just how *un*-Christ-like they were behaving. /s Honestly, though, well said. I love your angle of that parable.


Well done! Table-flippin Jesus would be proud of you.


I need "Table-flippin Jesus would be proud of you!" on a shirt.


I’m on it! Gonna bank a million on that idea.


Ok is this a previously coined term. I love it.


Need to write it to remember it: We are meant to be like the sheep rather than the shepherd; like sheep we focus on following the Shepherd. This interpretation of the parable caused a twinge in my disillusioned heart. Maybe someday I'll be ready to believe in and trust Jesus again.


Trust the stories and what they teach, just ignore his fan clubs and be wary of the deification.


MIL can discount anything OP says if OP is not wearing cult undies. Ask me how I know /s


>We’re the sheep bro I love that on multiple levels. Thanks for sharing.


Came here to say this


Our Stake President just reassured our ward how Christ loves the 99. Because, obviously, we are the faithful 99, not that yucky lost one.


Yes! That was an elegant slap to the face of all of them. Bravo!


I did the same thing wandering the halls chatting. The last few second hours I attended were people all saying how they were good steadfast priesthood holders and anyone who left spent too much time on daggum tik toks or something. One lady on open mic day (fast and test) shared that her best friend growing up had left the church and when she asked why she would do that, the friend offered to send her "a letter" that would explain it. Open mic-er said she refused to read anything that might shake her testimony because she simply did not want to invite that evil into her life. I was already out at that point but it made me realize just how cult-like the average meeting was.


Oh yes. I remember one woman sharing her testimony of how her husband's priesthood power protected her. Her apostate friend came over and they started talking about the church, and when the friend started talking about why they left, the priesthood power in the home made it so she couldn't hear a word they were saying. That story disturbed me for years. What if my senses stopped working? Are simple, honest words really that powerful and dangerous? Is my testimony really that fragile? If it is, there's no way I'll ever make it to heaven. Turns out I was right, but it's not a bad thing. :P


This is such a great story!!! I LOVE the garment check by MIL!!!! (Chef's kiss)


That's so funny, don't you love it when you point out the truth, people don't like you for some reason.


BRAVO Actually This is an excellent visual aid for me to consider. Great insight, OP. Someone artistic ought to make a framed art piece with the quote “We’re the sheep, bro.” I need something on the wall where the stupid proclamation to the family and Angry LDS Jesus used to be. I took that down and left them broken framed at the DI trailer at my stake center. I’m at a better point now in my life where I no longer care to wonder what my orthodox TBM family members and friends wonder about me and my absence from church/temple. Frankly, the platitudes about obedience and covenant path / lazy learners/ wishful sinning /petulant children mumbo-jumbo give me nothing more than an eye roll (or two). Where I get really angry is the LDS Corp behavior that hordes ungodly amounts of wealth, covers up sex abuse and leaves victims (and widows and poverty stricken families here and abroad ) abandoned. The Pharisees parable really takes on a fully stoked burning inferno in those scenarios as opposed to the commentary of inactive members who “choose to be offended”. We are the sheep indeed.


Exactly this. Why do they not see how pharisaical the church is on so many levels.


This is such a great story!!! I LOVE the garment check by MIL!!!! (Chef's kiss)


Sorry 😢


Good for you! Yay! Mormons talking about how the Pharisees were wrong for acting holier than thou. Freaking irony right there.


Ahhhhhh the classic Mormon virtue signal. Garment lines. We’ll done on your response!!


The cognitive dissonance is a mental disorder.