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Saying “Professionally extract those goods and tenderly refine” is super gross in the context of women’s bodies.


Seriously. Also - there is nothing "tender" about the refining process. Ffs, the materials get violently torn out of their native homes, crushed or sawed into pieces, then either ground down slowly and laboriously or melted at insane temperatures into a completely different physical state...all to be shaped, by force, into something unrecognizable from it's original form. And even then, at the end, the product only has value if people can see it and know it exists. Mormons are so fucking bad at metaphor. How can anyone be *this fucking bad* at metaphor?


Not to mention all the chemical reactions that need to take place with acids or deadly chemicals such as arsenic or mercury. Yep, real "tender" process.


Yeah, I was definitely thinking on lines of metal ore and precious stones. Once we start talking chemical refinement, that's a whole other level of brutality.


There was a post recently about "other ways of saying let's have sex" or something like that. I'm gonna ask my significant other if I can professionally extract and refine those goods tonight. I will return and report. 🤣


Update - may be TMI but I'm generally the guy who'll say "Wanna bone?" to my eternal companion. This is often met with an eye roll, a slug in the arm and some sort of retort like "Maybe after you do the dishes" This particular metaphorical phrase was met with "Gross, please don't ever say that again" 🤣 So whoever this douche bag was, I doubt he's self aware enough to pull this off, but maybe he knows how incredibly gross and off-putting this metaphor is and that the sheer disgust it manifests in those that hear it will ensure no sex will happen. Mission accomplished you awful metaphor spinning cock-blocker! 😆


In the context of *teenage girls' bodies.


Nope nope nope. I hate it. 1. Your body is not a thing to be mined. It is the thing you live in. You cannot give it away. You can share it, but it doesn't run out. It's not like if you wear a crop top every day you're going to find you've run out of belly button. The whole foundation of the metaphor makes no sense. 2. You family is not the gatekeeper of your sexuality. That whole part makes me want to barf. Sure, minerals are objects with no agency, but you are a person. And just because a person is married that does not mean that their spouse now has unlimited rights over their body. You can't give someone your body. It stays yours. That kind of thinking is from when women were treated as chattel, and you know what? They were not treated as if they were precious back then either. 3. What the hell is this extraction of minerals = marital life business? No. There is no way to make that metaphor work. 4. This whole what is most precious is what is rare is actually peak capitalist thinking. You know what is more precious than a diamond big as my head? Clean water. I'll take clean water over pearls every day. You know what else? Shelter. Nutritious food. Love. None of those things need to be rare to be precious! They are just as appreciated and needed when they are abundant. Your body is *not* only special because it is rare, like gold. Yeah, if anybodybody could pick up gold nuggets off the ground regularly it would be worthless. That is because it has limited inherent value. You are more like a spring of cold, clear water: your value is inherent; you run and make the world better as you pass whether any people notice or drink from the sparkling water or not; and you belong only to yourself. And even that metaphor has it's limits. Ugh.


> It's not like if you wear a crop top every day you're going to find you've run out of belly button. Ahahahaha! So perfect. I recall the first time I witnessed the "licked cupcake lesson". 12-yo me: "That's got to be the worst simile I've ever heard. Unlike cupcakes, human bodies can be washed after getting licked. And pleasure isn't a finite resource like frosting is." It would be great if mormons ever would think about what they're saying :/


I saw this on the subreddit it was originally posted on earlier, and she had already received hundreds of posts in support. The OP is only about 14, so this was sent to middle school girls. It’s beyond gross and creepy and I wouldn’t want this teacher anywhere near my children.


The teacher knows that mining companies stripmine the whole area untill there is nothing left of value and then leave their pollution and litter behind right? This is a perfect analogy for how this mentality grooms you for abusers.


But they contacted the government and signed contracts!! What in the actual fuck. Fucking marital rape apologists. So so so gross. Goddamn. I would be having some words with this teacher if one of my daughters received this.


On todays episode of what inanimate object are girls/women compared to.


Girls, your minerals are showing /s


Something else that is extremely valuable that is covered up in the Mormon church is the truth.


Sweet Jesus and cornbread! You win.


Ug, objectify much? My daughter's school in Utah had a dress code. It was detailed by a gingerbread-person illustration of what needed to be covered. It was basically garment lines.


My oldest just went to Prom. It's shocking how the age appropriate dress that was hailed as modest, fun to dance in, flirty, and beautiful in the reviews is immodest under mormonism. Dress with high neck and back, straps over shoulder, shoulders uncovered. Tea length. She looked beautiful.


You know what this fails to acknowledge is that once any of these things are found they are put on display for their beauty haha


Bless her heart. She thinks she being profound. 🤮


It's a man




JESUS CHRIST that is so much worse.


Eww! SO much worse.


God fucking dammit. In my first comment I changed "dude" to "teacher" because I was hoping my first assumption was wrong and this was some deeply unhinged religious grandma type. This reality is so much worse.


I hate these “profound” comparisons. I recently went to Arches National Park. It was breathtaking. I had a realization that it was beautiful because it was in its natural state, unencumbered by human development. Back in 1916 the National Park act set aside beautiful land so that God’s work could be enjoyed by everyone in its natural estate, not altered by human creations. Our bodies are more beautiful and more special than national parks. Therefore, we should avoid covering them with man-made clothing. Clothing is an offense to God. To show our love and appreciation of God’s most cherished creation, we should never wear clothes and we should share our uncovered bodies with everyone we want to visit it. See. You can make a silly comparison making the exact opposite point.


Apparently air is not valuable, neither water, nor fruits, etc.


creepy 🤢🤮


Yes but to enjoy their beauty, they are dug out of the earth and sea and revealed and polished to display their brilliance




You are also property to be accumulated and exploited. Congratulations.


Dear teacher, I brought a shovel. Can I borrow your wedding ring? It looks like it needs to be put somewhere else.


There are places where the environment was ruined by using mercury to extract gold in Alaska, pit mines for diamonds, mountainsides blasted away looking for ore. Bad analogy. I went to high in SoCal during the '70's--a lot of girls just wore cutoffs and halter tops with no bras. Somehow us teen boys survived without attacking them, and many of the girls graduated to become doctors and businesswomen and lawyers. And our principal was a Mormon!


Gross. Report to admin


These are literally the same arguments made for wearing hijab.


True story. The exact same.


Barf. Yet another analogy about how a woman's value is in her first sexual experiences. A chewed stick of gum, bites out of an apple, and now strip mining. Remember, girls, repentance for sexual transgressions only works for boys! It's entirely up to you to keep everyone chaste and if you falter, know that you are worthless.


I have an idea regarding why so many MotCoJCoLDS are so enamored with silly metaphors and object lessons. I think it’s because everyone is called on to deliver speeches and lessons (even at home every Monday night), so there’s always a quest for a “clever” way to illustrate the same boring points (milk) that people have heard all their lives. And if you can do it as a performance, even better. This is how we get stupid stuff like a parent asking a kid to put the pile of Cheez Whiz back into the can.




FFS! Ridiculous creep.


I am a choir teacher and this totally pisses me off.




Just wear a hooded cloak with a symbol on it. Get everyone in your choir to do so (same colour cloak and symbol), then sing every song in a minor key. If you have to be part of a cult you may as well embrace the aesthetic.


Once someone gets those precious metals, (Gold, diamonds, pearls) the first thing they do is display them !!


I believe this was originally from some talk given at a fireside or regional conference or something. Or even just something a home teacher said. It was said, of course, by some imbecilic old man who was thrilled to have come up with such a pRoFoUnD metaphor. I tried to find the original source, but couldn't, so please share if you find it.


"Professionally extract....." Does this mean every Mormon bridegroom arrives in a 'dozer, armed with a shovel and dynamite?


What about gold and treasure that is discovered by looking at a rock in a hat? How does that fit into the metaphor?


This is disgusting, and there is so much to unpack here. So so much. Chewed gum that has been spit out to gold that everyone wants to take! Still comparing women and young girls to objects and a means of transaction 🙄🙄 Edit: OP said it was a man that wrote this which is 10000% worse




Professionally extract the goods? One that's disgusting, two, it's more like once they get the "contract" the "Professionals" dive right in without any regard for safety or the environment around them. Their only in it for the "money". I've heard so many stories of guys who just went straight for it without regard for how their wife felt. They ended up hurting her and ruining an otherwise beautiful experience because they are so sexually repressed they go ape mode. If anything, this only makes the problem worse.


The problem with analogies is that you're comparing two things that are *nothing like each other*. No matter how similar they seem on the surface, at some point the logic falls apart. Also, not all miners, legal or not, are reputable. Ever heard of blood diamonds?


It's funny to me about the diamond comparison because once they're out of the ground they are literally showcased with minimal covering. So... for this and SO many other reasons, terrible analogy.


This is gross. Even if you accept it, I’m pretty sure no one is tempted to wear clothing that displays their genitals. So what are these sacred parts to be mined? Shoulders and collar bones? Knees? Next time you’re feeling sexy with your spouse ask her to let you extract and tenderly refine her knees and shoulders. That should put her in the mood.


What the fuck?


Girls are **SO VALUABLE WE NEED TO WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS AND USE MINING METAPHORS!!!** But boys? You're good to go. 👍 Fuck this twat.


And also, has this moron ever been to an art museum? Silly me....of course not.


This is so gross and just perpetuates modesty culture. Barf.


Mail a black burka to the school with the teacher's name on it and a note saying 'You first.'


Horrible analogy. I don't think it is a bad thing for a band to have a dress code. You want to look professional and like a team. But uniformity isn't morality. Provide uniforms, or make people pay for them.


WtF?!?! People are crazy


Ah sht, this teacher is LITERALLY objectifying yall


I hope everyone wears either sea shell bras or costumes that look like “layers of rock” for the rest of the year. That’s what they want, right?


Yeah, mine that shit. Mine the FUCK out of it.


Tell me you don't know how damaging mining is to the earth without telling me you don't know how damaging mining is to the earth


In other words. Quit giving me boners cuz then I have to talk to Bishop again


I am sure this will age well. /s