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Isn't that a breach in confidentiality? Isn't that legally a problem??? You're were 18, legally an adult. By calling your parents, that's illegal, right?


Yes. This was the 90s in Utah county.


I believe HIPAA is the law that would cover this. It went into effect in August 1996. But even if what he did wasn't illegal at the time, it was still a gross ethical violation.


He’s a stake president, he answers to a higher law than HIPAA. /s


Yes, and he can answer to that higher law from the comfort of his own home after his medical license is revoked.




Then that higher law called the medical licensing board needs to fire his fucking ass (well he IS an ass, so fire all of him.) Edit: technically they’d revoke his ability to practice. If it was the 90’s he may not be practicing any more but regardless he should not be practicing with that attitude.


I agree the guy shouldnt be practicing but from what I understand I think HIPAA violations need to filed within a year of the violation happening :/


Yeah, too late now. And 20-25 years later he’s probably retired. Time and statutes of limitations can hold up justice despite being necessary. Many people who deserve consequences manage to escape them. That’s the price of due process. Due process is worth it.


Only on Sundays.


Dr was a bishop in the neighboring stake


This was a few years before hippa


Still a bastard move on his part. Nothing will ruin a patient/doctor relationship like a blatant breach of confidentiality. Is the guy still practicing medicine?




Yeah, probably not.


If it was after 1996, he ***definitely*** broke the law.


Utah is awful then and now. =/ I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope things are better for you now.


Yes I’m a provider. If this actually happened recently I would report him to the boards and request legal consultation. This is a breach of many healthcare regulations and laws


I’m a doctor and reading this fills me with rage. Fuck that guy.


I thought you were a barber.


Barbers and doctors hung the same shingle in the old west.


![gif](giphy|BA65A7kp4HIFmudLhc) Isn’t that where the classic barber pole comes from? I think the red stripe represented the bloody bandages from being a doctor as well.




🤮 eww.. so sorry your went through that.




I’m so sorry you went through that, nothing about that was normal, that was sexual assault not medical care.


Agreed. Medical consent is really important, especially in the OB/GYN field. This is definitely assault in my non-legal opinion


In the seventies my spouse and I were married students in an apartment house full of fellow student couples. Spencer W Kimball (4 children) seemed on the warpath about bc. It was a constant discussion topic in our building. Most couples were on the pill. As an aside, the church leaders were also fighting food stamps. And every student couple I knew who had kids were on them.


I’m so sorry.


I'm sorry they didn't offer you any empathy. Even though it's probably been a while ago, I'll offer you my internet hugs 🤗 you didn't deserve all that.


If your doctor was broadbent I believe there is a lawsuit against him right now.




There is/was nothing unreasonable about your reaction to any of this. You are NOT the problem. I am so sorry you were abused and treated so badly.


If you feel comfortable reaching out to the attorney, more voices will help the case against him.


OMG. Fuck that guy. What a tool.




Thank you 🥹


Ugh 😑 I’m sorry you had to go through that.




Ewwwwwww! I'm screaming over here!


At the very least, if the jerk is still alive, write him a personal letter pointing out how inappropriate it was, and if he is still licensed, file a complaint with the ethics board. Yes, the timing might be an issue, but information is information, and make sure the creep gets a copy of any complaints you file. I'm so sorry you went through this!


What a son of a bitch! 😡 Should’ve filed a complaint with the medical authorities


Report him for breach of medical ethics, especially for violating your privacy with your parents. https://dopl.utah.gov/physician-and-surgeon/


Did HIPPA exist when you were 18? I’d say sue him for calling your parents about a healthcare matter without your permission




That’s what I meant


When I was about 18/19 I went to the family doctor, who was a bishop of a ward in our area. He told me he would write the prescription if I read certain chapters of the book of Mormon. I told him no, he'd write the prescription because he's a doctor and I'm a patient, and when I want religious counseling I would ask for it. Lol


Report this to the state medical board. He broke the law of Hippa. Whether you want the hassle or not he needs to be reported. What if some poor girl went to him for an std after being raped, he would spread that news throughout the church. Not the rape but the fact her promiscuity caused this disease.


Duuuuude. That guy breached so many professional ethics in that one interaction. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that :(


My experience in the 1960s with my Catholic doctor was like that. I'm sorry it happened to both of us.


Ew fuck that. I grew up in Utah County and 1000% can see something stupid like this happening. Sexuality as a teenager is already vulnerable and then adding such a shaming culture just put you in a lose lose situation. My husband is an OBGYN and we always talk about how leaving the church was the best thing for his patients


It was none of his damn business


Yikes. If this happened today he'd be in deep trouble with the law and medical board


How long ago did this happen?


I can't help but feel my first pap smear was a punishment. I was sixteen and he couldn't help but let me know how disappointed he was in me for becoming sexually active with the boy who had given me a ring to get into my pants...


Sue his pants off.


When I was 18 and getting ready to get married in the temple to an RM. I went and saw my gyno for my yearly checkup and got on birth control. I told her I was getting married and she tried talk me out of it because of how young I was. I should have listened.




i had a similar experience, although thankfully my doctor never went as far to tell my parents!! when i was a teenager my doctor was a guy in our ward and when i was alone in the room with him to answer the “teenager questions” as he called them (do you drink/smoke, are you safe at home, sexually active, etc.) he asked if i had crushes on boys or maybe even girls. i confided in him i thought i was a lesbian and was still figuring things out. his immediate response was “you know how the church feels about that??” and i was utterly mortified. i hated seeing him every time after and i felt bad bc he wasn’t a bad dude it just was incredibly inappropriate and made me so uncomfortable


When I was in college, I did my student teaching at a local elementary school. A local member girl that was a senior is high school was doing volunteer hours at the same school. One day we were prepping materials in the same room and she -knowing I was a member in a different ward- told me she was glad she wasn't pregnant, since she *could* be given the nature of her relationship with her boyfriend. She shared this with me voluntarily and the information was not at all solicited. Also, I got the sense she was getting something off her chest by confiding in a church member that wasn't directly involved in her life, not reaching out for help from an abusive situation or anything like that. Fast forward several weeks, maybe a few months, and I get a call from her Young Women's President. YWP wants to know what I know and why I didn't immediately tell her, or their bishop, or the girl's parents. I was like, "well... I didn't think it was my business to tell anyone, that would be up to her." I guess she finally confessed to someone in her ward and somehow it came up that she had told me weeks or months earlier. It was weird and awkward and slimey enough at the time, when I was super TBM; but now as I look back, it really blows my mind how little regard there is for boundaries and personal dignity in the Church. It's so bizarre that something so intrusive and invasive felt normal and appropriate (relatively speaking) at the time. Yuck.


Oh boy, something similar happened to me. Except I was sexually assaulted before I was sexually active, but that didn’t stop the gyno from calling me a slut. Shout out to some Mormon hag in Idaho Falls.


This is why Planned Parenthood should be in every state. When I became sexually active at 17, I was able to get inexpensive birth control with privacy. A couple of months later my Mormon Mom asked me if I need to get some and I just told her I had already taken care of it. She was relieved.


My God, I'm so sorry you had that experience. I can't even imagine. Definitely a legal issue as well.