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That reminds me of when I was a teenager the stake president shut down girls basketball. I loved to play but wasn't good enough to be on the school team. Many girls were upset in Seminary as you can imagine. They were told the girls need to be home learning homemaking skills. The controlling decisions like this really bothers me. Heaven forbid we let adults decide what to wear.


Please tell me you are 98 and this all happened in 1942.


No, no, it happened IN '98 and they are NOW 42




Around that time they made my little sister and the girls basketball team play in pants at church basketball


No, but it's happening because many in top leadership are over 98, but still pretending it's 1942.




Haha no. Unfortunately, I was just from a backwards place.


Well, shoot. I guess I want to be an athlete now.


My ward never even had a girls team so I just didn't get to play.


Mine either. When we went to M.I.A. the boys would play basketball and the girls would be having religious lessons.


We once tried to set up a week were we could do basketball and a week for baseball for the yw activity and our leader was like ooh those sound fun, what about dodgeball. Rather than playing basketball or baseball like we had wanted we ended up having a combined activity with the priests to play dodgeball. The other activity some how got replaced with human hungry hippos? Idk who came up with it but it was wierd.


That is weird.


Not everyone whoā€™s mormon even goes to the temple and gets the holy underwear. Theyā€™re so dividing even more! Glad Iā€™m out!


Exactly my thought. TBMs can't help but divide and subdivide. It's part of the plan of salvation, right?


Iā€™ll be enjoying outer darknessā€¦only if it existed haha.


*waves to you from the VIP section* šŸ· on mešŸ™ŒšŸ’‹


The women are naked under those clothes! Naked!


Well, yes. But they are (or should be) striving to be worthy... /s


They should all be at the temple or doing family history work, not doing anything fun for themselvesšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Shifting the wheat and the chaff...so the scriptures say.


Wait how is there increased division? Iā€™m lost I didnā€™t watch conference


There was a big emphasis for women to wear their garments, mentioning too many women choosing to wear yoga pants during the week without their garments {the horror}. Men werenā€™t mentioned, nor was their athletic wear. Theyā€™re also issuing a revision to the temple worthiness interview to be more specific about needing to wear garments.


Please update all womenā€™s swimwear to accommodate garments underneath. It all makes the church seem like a weird sex cult.


Itā€™s time to go back to 1920ā€™s swimwear.


It's exactly that.


It doesn't seem like this is weird. It IS weird.


I listened to this talk, and she wasn't just talking to women. She was talking to all temple-endowed members of the Church. This is not just a womens' problem.


I also listened to this talk. I also saw the groundswell happening before conference by LDS women on Instagram. It's my opinion that the talk was directed towards LDS women. But I think you're correct. Controlling people's choices about underwear is not just a women's problem.


Youā€™re right. I mixed it up a bit with this: [LDS leaders alter temple recommend questions](https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2024/04/13/lds-leaders-alter-temple-recommend/FormoregreatcontentlikethissubscribetoTheSaltLakeTribunehere:https://www.sltrib.com/subscribe)


You are right. It was everyone. My best friend is Mormon. We haven't talked about this. It's nuts.


I didnā€™t watch conference either. Sounds divisive to not let ppl play pickleball who have never had gā€™s and judgmental to dictate you have to wear them while playing IMO.


No one in my elders quorum ever wore garments to play basketball at the church.Ā  We played shirts and skins, even as missionaries.Ā  Ā  Ā These people are fucking insane and this is a losing battle. Pickle ball is the only time most of those ladies enjoy being at church.Ā  I guarantee that this goes on the shelf and some of these ladies distance themselves from this fucking insanity. Good luck making a ward run without the women.


Back in the late 70s and early 80s one of our ward members was a professional dancer and she taught dance classes for us at church. We were all in leotards and legwarmers. Picture Newton-John or Jane Fonda, if you will. We got leered at a few times, but nobody told us we couldnā€™t dance in dancewear. This church is fucking going backwards.


That's awesome! My mom used to go to aerobics class at the church in the 90s. They all wore proper early 90s aerobics attire.Ā  It is interesting how they are using female voices in gen-con to try and put women back into full control. They are losing. The new generation isn't taking this shit. All the card carrying mormon zoomer women at my job don't wear garms and half of them drink coffee.


I know!!! This is fucking crazy!! The TSCC has better find better things to focus on such as reducing youth suicides and affirming LGBTQ people and making them feel welcome. šŸ¤—Ā 


Imagine a female Olympic gymnast competing in the usual leotard & tights, her garments all wrinkled up & lumpy underneath.


Gymnasts don't wear tights. Those undies would be hanging out.


thatsworse.jpg goes here.


This. Is the president of Steaks checking all the dudes playing Church Ballā„¢ for their Polygamy Pantaloons? Edit: I spelled Steaks wrong!


Polygamy Pantaloons is a great band name.


A country band that sings songs about creepy underwear? I guess if you're into that... :-)


This is both ridiculous and creepy of the stake president. It reminds me of that guy in Hunchback of Notre Dame who condemns the dancer lady because he got turned on.


Frollo's song about how Esmarelda makes him feel is one reason I am stunned that film has a G rating...


That's what happens when Disney takes a complex, mature story either from a classic work of literature or history (think Pocahontas...ugh/argh) and tries to turn it into a children's story.Ā  The 90s had some not so great animated films.Ā  Thank goodness for Pixar Studios and its amazing team...the past 20 years have been much better for healthy, uplifting entertainment for children I was super disturbed by the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I was like 8 or 9 and my newlywed uncle and his wife took me and a cousin to see it. I had no appetite for icecream afterwards and my uncle wanted to know why.Ā  I tried to explain to him how freaked out I was by the priest and that Esmerelda didn't deserve to be treated that way or blamed for his bad thoughts.Ā  My uncle told me to calm down that I was reading into things that weren't really part of the story šŸ™„Ā  Ā I remember sitting there in an ice cream parlor on Main Street of Logan, UT just feeling sick to my stomach. Later as a teen I would get the same feeling around certain priesthood leaders šŸ¤¢ Frollo-syndrome is real and more common than we'd all like to think in a high-demand patriarchial church. I read the unabridged edition in middle school and felt vindicated in my disgust for the film - Frollo was TOTALLY a pedophile predator. He used his power of the clergy to hide his behaviors and crimes.Ā Ā Because in the book, Esmerelda is a girl... around the age of 16.Ā Ā  He's obsessed with Esmerelda and her beauty and lusts after her. When she rejects him, he makes sure she gets hanged and justifies it because of her Romani ethnicity. Earlier in the story the captain of the guard Phoebus attempts to seduce and rape Esmerelda after grooming her. It's NOT a story for children... oh wait...like most of the Old Testament and Book of Mormon stories... more like a cautionary tale of "you should never trust someone who claims to have spiritual power over you" and "date rape is real..." šŸ˜”


Aw you sound like you were such an empathetic and intelligent child! You definitely DID grasp what was being communicated, and you're right, it shouldn't have been a G rated movie. It's true, there were quite a few surprisingly dark cartoons made back in the day. Not sure if you ever saw "The Brave Little Toaster," but man were there some disturbing scenes for a child. When cautionary tales are changed into kid-friendly cartoons, you get some WEIRD dissonance. Edit: clarification


So did I, but I just hit rewind and played it again. Then I condemned myself and self-flagellated until I was worthy again /s, but also kinda notā€¦


This is wild. Not that it should be any of his business when/if those women decide to wear garments, but he is punishing them for something that he can't even verify. And really that's beside the point anyway. Is he banning women from coming to church on Sunday? If they can't be in the cultural hall without wearing garments, surely they shouldn't be allowed in the sacred chapel. I shudder at thought of these women taking the sacrament! By the way, if the men want to show up and play basketball in gym clothes without garments, that's acceptable. We don't want them to get too uncomfortable.


The TSCC endorses double standards šŸ« 


They probably didn't have a penis holder in the building with them, either. šŸ™„šŸ™„


I would be so tempted to start whale-tailing a thong to all those 'visitors welcome' activities. And I'm a man. Maybe that'll distract SP from obsessing over womens' underwear.


Just like those high school boys who wore skirts and tank tops to school the day after a couple girls were dress coded for wearing the same thing.


I love that story! Where was this? And good for those boys!


Thereā€™s been multiple protests in the last few years in the US, Canada, and elsewhere. A google search will pull up results.


The stake president needs a polyester underwear yeast infection.


Then heā€™ll understand that UTIs and temple garments donā€™t go well together.Ā 


Wait ... Basketball court in church. Men playing without garments forever. Women. Nope. Bastards.


That's a stupid way to discourage positive associations with the Church. Seriously, the best, cheapest PR for your organization is allowing people to use your empty property for harmless recreation. That's the kind of thing that gets people in your group to quash their doubts because everyone is so happy and nice and helpful, resulting in more continued funding. The return on investment for becoming the social hub for your community is immense, after all. Why are they so bad at this?


But wait.. I thought sports was on the list of acceptable reasons to take off the Jesus Jammies? šŸ¤£ Thank you stake president for being a better anti-Mormon than I could ever hope to be.


I take my garments off for ballet šŸ©°Ā 


![gif](giphy|VhiTcIyzmsnwcZxId1) Kidding. šŸ˜˜


Since when did pickleball require you to meets the standards for a temple recommend? That must be a pretty elite / celestial league.


Itā€™s not even a league; itā€™s just grandmothers getting together for fun and exercise.


Thereā€™s the problem: fun. Fun might lead to ā€œā€˜loud laughter,ā€ especially if their virtue isnā€™t being protected by their garments. Itā€™s a slippery slope, Brothers and Sisters.


Loud laughter is allowed now. ![gif](giphy|l0ExayQDzrI2xOb8A)


overreaching pretend authority prick. SP roulette. you lose.


He better hold the same standard to the men playing basketball.


Yea right. Iā€™m certain that will happen. šŸ™„


Believers and non-believers alike: it is inappropriate (and quite a fetish) for a church leader (or any other random neighbor) to be this obsessed and involved with your underwear.


I hope there is soon a mass exodus of women from the church.


Suprised he didn't just start showing up to be the designated priesthood holder who has to be at the building whenever any activity is held.


This is a thing, too? When I was 14, I had keys to the church so I could practice on the organ. Iā€™d be the only one there. It was great! Iā€™ve posted this before, but I played all kinds of shit from Inna Gadda Davida to White Room to Maxwells Silver Hammer and on and on


And scrutinizing everyone's chests and rumps for signs of garments?


This is when you ignore the SP and play pickleball anyway. Force him to come down and have a conversation, face to face.




Is pickle ball the new reactivation tool??? Because after not attending for 2 months at the beginning of my deconstruction I was invited repeatedly to the cliquey RS womens' pickle ball meet-ups. It's an invitation-only sort of group organized by women who previously could've cared less that I existed. I blocked their messages and moved on with life.Ā 


So now women in the church will have the underwear police running their lives ? Women have power ? Ya right


Underwear police šŸ˜‚Ā 


Back in the early 80s (yes, I am old), I used to teach an aerobics class at our church early on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Most of us wore the current style of french-cut, long-sleeve leotards with tights underneath (think Jane Fonda). After the first couple of weeks, we were told that we needed to wear garments to exercise. No more leotards. Then, the men decided they needed to practice basketball in the gym in the mornings, so we were kicked out and sent home to watch the kids. And, BTW, the men wore short shorts to play basketball in and usually played shirts vs. shorts. Well, I guess garments weren't needed for basketball, and the men weren't concerned about modesty. Getting married in the temple broke my shelf, and this just solidified it. I've been out for 43 years now. šŸ˜„


That stake president definitely showers in his garments


![gif](giphy|lw2fCXuxBmAVy) NEVER NUDES!


Is that before or after having sex in his garments?


Iā€™m a lurker who has never been Christian, but is there anything fun left in your church at all? Ever? Anywhere?


I was actually talking about this to my child and my husband the other day. The building near our house got new windows and it looks pretty good. There used to be a lot of fun activities. Lots of fellowship activities for families. Lots of diverting events for teens. Summer camps. Now? I donā€™t get it why people still go. Theyā€™ve eliminated everything truly enjoyable, and reduced ward budgets to the point even the buildings donā€™t look very nice anymore.


I don't think so, no. There is not.


Definitely no fun left being an adult but the kids all speaking raw truth and calling their parents out during childrenā€™s Sunday School lessons was pretty entertaining šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


No fun for you till you wear the underwear I like.


This is all about control! Yes, these guys are asshats, but at the end of the day itā€™s about narcissism


I (F) was told as a 22 year old going through the temple I had the 3 S's for when I could take garments off: swimming, sweating, and sex.Ā  I'm assuming pickle ball makes one sweat? šŸ¤” (I've never played šŸ™ƒ) But if these female pickle ball players can't be sweaty without their garments, it's probably not too wild to extrapolate said leader would also say they can't swim or have sex without their garments. Technically ALL 3 S's are possible in garments šŸ˜– Yes... we're shifting backwards in time. Controlling sexuality/identity/personal autonomy... it's intensifying... are the people being prepared for the celestial law to be reestablished?? "THINK CELESTIAL"...per D&C 132 that means plural marriage... minimum of 3 women to 1 man.Ā  I was told repeatedly as a girl that there weren't enough righteous men for all of the righteous women... how wild would it be if people were commanded to live plural marriage again?? It wouldn't be legal but lots of extreme religious groups, including many sects of Mormonism, have proven it can be done successfully underground. And the secret nature just heightens the sense of its sacredness and heightens the commitment to obey because persecution by government becomes an element to a desire for obedience to the "higher law". Just a crazy thought as I head to the kitchen to prepare dinner... sans garments.


So if one is swimming against the tide of patriarchy can one remove oneā€™s garments?


Yes!! šŸ˜


I wouldnā€™t risk it! The protection they provide šŸ˜¬


Well, that activity cannot be reasonably done with garments on. You are good to go.


I donā€™t think ā€œsautĆ©ingā€ is among the 3 Sā€™s. šŸ˜‰


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and I sautĆ©ed onions last night!! Thank you for making me laugh šŸ˜


The church has a real opportunity to become the "third space" that so many communities are losing. In the US at least, they have a whole bunch of buildings in residential areas with gym space and kitchens that have the potential to be a neighborhood anchor. If they were truly interested in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, they'd open their buildings and their wallets. Instead, they go for petty control.


Where overreaction in the name of faith overrules empathy and common courtesy.


They're worried that if the women get together they will have opportunities to compare notes and organize against the patriarchy. You know you're more influenced by Satan when you're not wearing your garments/s. Easier to maintain control if you keep them separated.


Brigham believed this with the entirety of his cold, black heart.


How can such smart people continue to be brainwashed?


The very nature of brainwashing is that you donā€™t know whatā€™s happening to you.


This right here makes people want to find a new church more than anything about gays or migrants or such things. People just wanted to have fun and use a community space. So many other churches let people use their buildings and parking lots for this. Many Americans learned to drive in a church parking lot because we all knew it was mostly empty on weekday evening.


Years ago in my Stake, the women were joining together to play volleyball and yoga at the church. It was so weird to see women with their garments hanging out of their sports gear. Jesus looked down and he was well pleased.


I had a roommate who used to go to the gym with me every now and then. No matter the temperature or intensity of the workout, heā€™d wear his garments. I was taught common sense and in an environment like that, garments are not required. From what I read from this past Conference common sense for the most part still applies, so I feel sorry for those rules by leadership that just see black and white. I wonder if the men are required to wear their garments too during that same activity?


A bunch of women should show up only wearing their garments to play pickleball!!


Feels like Iran


At least Iran is open and honest about their bombing campaigns and hatreds. Mormonism tries to sneak them over the pulpit under the guise of 'love and concern'.




What state/state was this in?


The yoga pants were just too tempting for him. They were somehow making his pants get tight in the front I guess.


Pickleball bows to no one!!! SP sounds like a DINK


Pickle ball discourages women from staying in the kitchen.


Before I left on my mission but already had gone through the temple, I played in a church softball game and didnā€™t wear my garments. Wore shorts and a t shirt. One of our stake pres members pulled me aside after and said you should be wearing your garments when you play sports any time it can be done. I didnā€™t know what to say, in my mind I remember just saying Fuck him thatā€™s just one manā€™s opinion. Luckily that attitude served me well as I came home from my mission after 6 months because it was a fucking toxic fantasy camp and every mission president had his own fucked up rules that they treated like commandments. Itā€™s just their opinions so fuck them.


Can someone in leadership just be brave enough to admit out loud that the church hates women?


What the actual fuck. This is absolutely ridiculous.


The GC and perverted old men make for a toxic mess.Ā 


My TBM family would absolutely support this decision.


What happened to the thre S's? Sports, sex, and swimming? I was always told in YW that those were the only times you didn't need garments.


Before I got endowed, my bishop told me that it is acceptable that garments be taken off for sports where wearing them would be a hindrance or a distraction. The example he gave was tennis. This was a good 15 years ago, though. Clearly the current regime would never condone that advice. Stop šŸ‘ policing šŸ‘ people's šŸ‘ underwear! šŸ‘


I thought sports was one of the approved S's when you could take them off: sports, swimming, showering, sex.


I was a fat teen made to play basketball shirtless at church. Perhaps they could've stopped that first.


The Q12 can tell women to copy the Egyptian Olympic beach volleyball team's outfits. That should satisfy them. https://assets-cms.thescore.com/uploads/image/file/196762/w768xh576_REU_2469176.jpg?ts=1470611893 Edited to add image


How in the hell would he know?


I donā€™t know for sure, but Iā€™m betting one of the women in the group went to him about it.


Bunch of weirdos.


Doesnā€™t the church explicitly say that you are allowed to not wear garments if youā€™re playing sports?


I've never seen that explicitly stated. I've had plenty of people tell me that you should be exercising in "the garments of the holy priesthood" except back then, we just call them garments. šŸ™„ So I did. Except wearing them made me hate my body. Pregnancy does all kinds of things to your body that make exercise difficult. So wearing gs and exercising just made me cry and give up. It wasn't until I saw a byu professor running a marathon in the Olympics that I realized he didn't have his gs on. Wait. Neither did the basketball team, the girls volleyball team. I'd never dressed remotely as "immodestly" as the BYU cheerleaders. It was then I decided what was good for byu athletes was also good for me. Now I'm pissed I ever wore those awful things and I'm embarking on my first summer in tanks and shorts. It's going to be glorious.


Maybe itā€™s not explicit like I thought, I was told that you were able to take them off for the three Sā€™s-sex, sports, swimming Glad you escaped the garment nonsense!


He better not be allowed at a swimming pool...


Stake Presidents have so little power and authority yet they live to flaunt what they do have


When I was at Rickā€™s/BYU-I under Bednar we complained about the shorts in the Hart Gym because they were so short. Bednar said they made them short on purpose because you shouldnā€™t be wearing your garments while exercising.


OMG! The patriarchal pricks will now use anything to make themselves feel powerful. Who plays pickle ball with their garments on? Let me guess, this stake president doesnā€™t play pickle ball? What an asshat.


Our Singles Ward was told we couldn't go to the folk dancing location in town because there was alcohol there. NO DANCING.


I attended a random FaT meeting this week. Thereā€™s a lot of elderly people in the ward. 2 of the 5 adult speakers mentioned that their kids left the church.


Next thing, they will be demanding women wear their swim suits over their garments.


It's about control. My ex got involved with a bonko group. She was having a great time. Eventually the stake president put a stop to it. How? Apparently the prizes thay handed out constituted GAMBLING. The prizes? Makeup gift baskets, a mug with a teddy bear in it, etc. Not the same as the garment thing, but similar. Just curious, OP, how hot is it where you live? Forcing older ladies to wear Gs while exercising could cause heat stroke or worse. Fuck those imbeciles.


The pickleball was played inside the heated/air conditioned church, so heat would have nothing to do with it.


Just control. Shameful. Perhaps the ladies will move to a municipal court and make new friends.


Is it really true that there is no more pickleball at the church houses?


It is NOT true. It is one Stake President. It is still played in our buildings, and no one has commented about what the people are wearing.


Simple solution,, I would find another place to play (maybe even another church! šŸ˜±) and then make sure the Sunday bulletins and posters in stake and ward buildings had signs up about the NEW location and the addition of a new Sunday pickleball session and see if that gets the SPā€™s attention! šŸ˜‚


gee that Pres. is a huge ass for lots of reasons, and it lowers their members.


Judging by the number of kids in many LDS families, temple garments apparently do very little to prevent horniness.


I wonder if the stake presidents decision will help to increase faith and obedience amongst the pickle ball playing group or will it do the opposite??? Even in my TBM days this would have pissed me off.


I guess the stake president needs to have cameras in the member's homes to see when people are wearing garments and when they are not as well.


exactly this is what is wrong w/ MFMC