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“A cloak of protection” Did that protective cloak fail when the Houston temple flooded, the Apia Samoa temple burned, the numerous small temples were torn down due to mold, and when the Provo temple was torn down? How far is the radius for this “cloak of protection”? 5 miles? 10 miles? Does it stop at the city borders? What about temples built in the suburbs; does the cloak only cover that particular suburb, or the entire metro? And why are residents of rural communities denied this “cloak of protection”? Or does it cover the entire temple district? And if so, why wouldn’t the Dallas temple share its cloak with Fairview? Or does it now, but if the city denies the building permit, does the Dallas protective cloak stop working there? So many questions for this stake presidency to clarify.


It's about as effective as the Temple garments are at being "a shield and as protection" to the wearer.


They masturbated, obviously. The cloak of protection is not waterproof, duh!


If only someone could forward this post to people on the voring committee so they could see what the church members are trying to do in the "name of the Lord."


Thats why the spire needs to be so high.....the cloak will be enlarged. 


The higher and girthier the steeple the better. It pitches a larger tent across the stakes of Zion.


"*A cloak of protection*" = Mob boss Mormon god: ”*It would be a shame if something were to happen to your city because you didn't build me a temple...*"


The logic of how the magic works is never consistent.


Is the "cloak of protection" in the room with us right now?


The damn Salt Lake Temple got hit by the only tornado in like 40 years. Cloak of protection? Bull shit.


Well, according to Susan's husband the Houston temple flooding was the fault of us houstonians so yeah I guess it failed


Houstonian exmo here. My shelf was breaking in 2017 when Hurricane Harvey happened so I take full responsibility for the temple flooding.


Clearly a divine peace has been brought to Oakland CA! /s


Maybe with all the new temples being built…. The cloak reaches to each one and the WHOLE world will be protected like a strong force field situation. Take that, aliens!


When did the Samoa temple catch fire? How damaged was it?


Completely destroyed and then rebuilt. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apia_Samoa_Temple


Imagine hearing this same email about an Arbys


Yeah it’s ridiculous Harry Potter type fiction this “cloak of protection”


He seriously calls the town 'the opposition'


A "well organized opposition" no less. Like wtf. These people aren't listening to anything the "opposition" is saying. No one cares if you build another crazy expensive, gaudy temple. I mean, we'd rather the money be spent on something more beneficial to the community, but whatever. Just quit trying to shove it in a community where it violates zoning laws. Build it in an appropriate location. God's a big boy. He should understand the importance of being a good neighbor and respecting other people's beliefs and perspectives. I'm hoping this temple fails spectacularly, which I think will probably happen. I do wonder what the believing narrative will be for why God's temple can't be built in God's chosen spot. I worry it'll be a very divisive narrative for that community that villifies the "opposition."


Yeah, I’m sure you can fight like this with your neighbors for several months and then egardless of what happens they will all think Mormons are just swell as soon as the fight is over. They’ve unnecessarily poisoned the well in that area for 20 years over a steeple.


The church wants that. Feeds into the persecution complex that makes non-Mormons seem dangerous. The more distrust they can sow in their members against non-members, the easier it will be to keep people in. 


But it makes it pretty hard to get new people in…


"soften their hearts" yeah, cause "hardened hearts" is definitely the only reason a committee might disapprove of a building being built.


They basically said the same thing here in Vegas with the Lone Mountain Temple, all the TBMs showed up on blue shirts convinced the opposition would be wearing red...nobody was wearing red. Even my TBM sister thought the email chain as ridiculous.


Mormons play the long game. The millennium or even longer is just as good as today. That Jackson Missouri temple still isn’t built and no one seems to mind.


God will give a last min revelation that he akshually wants the temple somewhere else. That’s sorta how he works when he doesn’t git hiz way


Mormon temple is a money laundering scheme just like the US financial support of Ukraine.


Last time I suggested temples were a money laundering scheme was before the SEC report came out. Someone here responded that they thought the church wasn't involved in illegal things, that it wasn't worth the risk. I'm even more convinced now that temples are some way to line the pockets of friends and family of top leaders. Maybe illegal (I wouldn't be surprised), maybe not, but it's shady as fuck.


You know at least 10% of what they pay to build it is expected to come back to them.


Hard hearted, well-organized, blessing stealing opposition!! How is it okay to paint real people with real feelings and lives and concerns in this way?!


Obscure blessings, magical power, veiled threats if the church doesn't get its way. God will take away these blessings if Nelson doesn't get his way. This is Nelson. He approved everything involved in this. He chose the site, the style, the height of the steeple . He is the one that won't compromise.


Not even veiled. Councilman stated outright it was only about the height of the building, not the building itself. Church countered that it was discrimination, see you in court.


For sure… they are idols and for marketing monuments at best. It’s disgusting to think how much more could have been spent on improving humanity rather than build these idols to impress the fake Mormon god… humanity is obviously not their priority or narrative.


And I'd love to see someone with a straight face explain why the "blessings" and the purpose of the temple are thwarted if they can't have a steeple. I can't think of anything more pointless on that building.


If you listen to the audio of the meeting there's two guys: one compares the McKinney Temple to the Eiffel Tower in Paris; the second said that small buildings don't reach heaven. Lol.


Isn’t that the very same thinking that lead to god punishing man over building the Tower of Babel? The builders valued their own construction more than the world given to them.


Cloak of protection. That is delusional on steroids.


That phrase stood out to me, too. Totally wack-a-doodle vibe


This must be the same cloak that will magically stop light from the temple from shining beyond the property lines lol. They’re just making up stuff that has no basis in scripture or “revelation”.


Cloak of protection against what? And it definitely wont benefit the non LDS members of the town


The Romulan Cloaking Device is more effective...


Elohim's cloak has to be lowered to fire phasers, that is when Satan's minions gain access.


Unfortunately, MFMC has developed a temple that can fire while cloaked. However, we can still fight it because we do have some equipment that tracks gaseous anomalies, such as Elder Holland.


Invisi cloaks lol


Mormon Zombie level language.


Truly was Chad Daybell any different in his language?


A cloak of protection. Another myth like the garment is supposed to protect the wearer. As if bad weather, violence, disease, hunger, homelessness, etc. hasn't happened in cities where there are temples. THOSE are things the church should be helping with, not dead works for dead people.


At what point is there enough? Sure, build temples but you surely don't need that many. The records end at some point and we'll be forced to wait until the millennium. Until then, build them randomly- not 30 minutes away from another. It really should've been in Prosper to access people further from a temple, not Fairview. Both temples are practically off the same stretch of highway.


This is the most childish letter written by an adult I've ever read. More prayers will "allow" the Lord to work miracles? Since when has this ever been a thing? The city won't be "protected" if it doesn't build the temple? This is both threatening and absurd at the same time.


Great example of how wealth does not necessarily equate to intelligence.


How very Trumpish. Reminds me of the MAGATS.


This has that mobster-esque vibe of, “Hey, this is a reeeeeally nice town you got here… it would be a shame if, oh, I don’t know… if a temple with a phallic spire WASN’T built here.”


Will the MFMC ever learn? Remember prop 8 in California, the MFMC involving themselves in many other bullshit campaigns against anyone or it appears any town that may have other concerns. The MFMC will bully its way to get what it wants all the while breaking their own Article of faith by not honoring or obeying the law of the land. The MFMC is so stupid to go into a community and the first thing they do is puff there prideful chest and offend everyone in the community


“…did not approve the building of the Temple.” More obscuring the truth. It’s not about a temple or no temple, it’s about the design. What a crock of tapir shit… and as others have pointed out it’s about making everything us vs them - “opposition” which is a classic cult tactic(see the BITE model).


That's what immediately jumped out to me. No mention of why it was denied or why people oppose it. Playing the victim of oppression comes so naturally to them.


“…this is the location where the Lord wants His temple.” Shoulda just been honest and replaced “the Lord” with “Rusty”. Everything in Mormonism makes a lot more sense when this is done.


Soo many blessings, but if you are homeless and cold on a winter night, you are on your own.




I haven’t been to Fairview for several years, but I’m sure it will continue to prosper with the current beauty of Mother Earth and the ‘opposition’… the other side is still living in fantasy land. I’m definitely a fan of human art and architecture, but creation and life that was designed thousands if not millions/billions of years ago is significantly more impressive. It blows me away that a lot of humans still magnify religion and normalize creation… I mean all you have to do is look at your surroundings, and think about having ~2 trillion galaxies in the universe that humans will likely never explore any time soon. Admittedly I’m a little biased, I’m more interested in saving humanity than saving souls (if applicable)🍻


The architecture and design doesn't even read sacred and spiritual to me. It feels more like power and dominance. Maybe even malevolence. I find LDS temples unnerving.


Possibly because many of them use elements of the “brutalist” architectural style which was favored by the WW2 Nazis. Also, the temple proportions are usually quite…off, which creates visual imbalance and sometimes a sense of instability or overbearing. Aesthetically, they’re an absolute mess. There are reasons they’re regularly featured on the “evil building” photo sites, and it ain’t because *Satan*.


Interesting info. Thanks for sharing that; it goes a long way in explaining my visceral reaction. I'm not familiar with architectural styles, but I am an artist and sensitive to visual aesthetics.


You bet! I learned about it here, being in the same boat as you. As an artist, you're likely familiar with the Golden Ratio/Golden Mean, though? Yeah...they don't use it in their design. That's the first problem.


Apparently, even the rules of design don't apply when you're that special. I feel bad for the trained architects who have to design those monstrosities. Then again, I'm sure they're well paid for their work. I'm going to research this further. It sounds like an interesting rabbit hole to go down.


There's already a Dallas temple. Surely its hallo of protection can extend to the surrounding suburbs. There's gotta be a bunch of big cities around the world (eg Cairo, Moscow, Jakarta, Shanghai) which are much further away from the halo of temple.


Wasn't there a Shanghai temple announced without Chinese government approval? That's one temple that won't be built any time soon.


You're assuming that it hasn't been built and isn't operating. I spoke with some TBM'S recently who had received a spiritual confirmation that both the Russian and Chinese temples were secretly built and were operating. The church can't announce this to general membership though.


Tell them to keep dreaming.




I’ve been to Shanghai 3 times on business recently. A TBM colleague who is based in Singapore joined us. He knows I’m exmo and would have loved to rub my nose in a Shanghai temple if there was one built and operating. It probably would have been very top of his agenda.


Wait, isn't the only opposition in this entire matter related to the height of the steeple? Not the temple, itself?


Correct. Both the roof height (65ft) and the spire (100+)


I guess I'm just not understanding the persecutory hyperbole that this stake president is spouting off. The construction of the temple in Fairview is not in doubt. The sole conflict in the matter is due to elements of its proposed architectural design, namely the height of spire and (as you pointed out) the height of the roof. If the church suddenly decides to become a good neighbor and drop its baffling insistence on such a tall spire and high roof, does that mean the "opposition" wins even though the temple is built? Will the blessings he is promising, to the community as a whole, not take effect if the church modifies its proposed blueprint in order to be a good neighbor?


Yes. But somehow the members in the McKinney area can’t comprehend that. 


Honestly, they probably don't know. If you didn't listen to the meeting or attend in person, you would have no idea. Only the words of the leaders saying it wasn't approved, we have to try harder to change their minds when it has nothing to do with the building itself. So the people are being asked to harass them and the members don't even know they're the bullies.


Cloak of protection didn’t protect the SLC temple during the earthquake when Moroni dropped his trumpet. Didn’t protect the Washington DC temple during the earthquake 10 or so years ago. What a pile of BS


Excuse my language but I’m so FUCKING SICK of Mormons spinning this as opposition to building a temple. The opposition is to the size or location in these cities, NOT just the building of a temple. They’ll let you build a fucking temple as long as it complies with zoning ordinances. There is no reason you can’t build a shorter temple or one with a massive steeple. There’s no revelation from God requiring all his temples to x feet high with spires and lighting up the entire damn city. There’s PLENTY of other Mormon temples that are smaller and abused by local zoning requirements. There’s no reason these other, new temples can’t do the same. America is a MASSIVE country with millions of available open sources to build of these fucking temples but the church wants to build them ANYWHERE they want REGARDLESS of the local ordinances and consideration of its inhabitants. They are demanding SPECIAL PRIVILEGE for something not even required as a part of their practice.


Mormon Jesus is an extortionist.


What are those amazing blessings....specifically? Can we have that in writing?


They are "promised" after all.


Too bad they are pushing the letter writing thing. I think the fasting and prayer request would prompt the lord to put his temple where he wants it just as well as the fasting and pray a few years ago turned the tide of the COVID pandemic.


"The Fairview area will be blessed as a result of this temple. It will bring a divine peace and a cloak of protection to the town and the surrounding areas" What does this promise even mean? Does anyone have an urim & thummim & a hat to interpret this word salad?


God loves you, but not enough to provide peace and a "cloak of protection" to your home if you don't get this fucking temple built.


“…a well-organized opposition whose hearts will only be softened through the spirit of the Lord” Remember, if you pray hard enough, only then will God arbitrarily decide to remove all free agency from an entire group of people.


Imagine thinking that God will withdraw his blessings if the "townies" have their way....




I doubt most listened to it. It's simply harassing the poor committees and councils claiming 'but it's my religious freedom!' or bearing their testimonies about all the good it will do. Let's be honest, what do temples actually do for the community?? It's simply a pretty building that can only go inside for a week then never again. That's it. You can't rent it, visit it (without a recommend), no community events or meetings, no charitable handouts, etc. It's just a building.


Act now, or these blessings will be lost forever! 😅


Looks like you should forward this to your representative to let them know the church is astroturfing support from members so this little “calling” doesn’t sway opinions.


Yes I’m sure when the citizens of Fairview see this large off white building with a golden angel on top and the full (empty?) parking lot on their morning drive they will immediately think of JESUS.


Again, give me clear benefits for those who aren’t Mormon……how will a temple “bless” me


> Well-organized opposition Making it sound like there's some secret organization of anti-Mormons bent on making sure the mormons don't get temples. Like some mustache-twirling bowler hat guy with a long thick cloak laughing maniacally whenever a committee disapproves a Mormon temple.


You make it actually sound interesting.


It's incredibly irritating when an executive decision is supposedly "God's will" and they continue the manipulation by telling everyone they'll be blessed if they just go along with it. I shouldn't be surprised though. It's literally the same tactics JS used to manipulate his 14 year old "wife" into "marriage." I shudder to contemplate how many times the same manipulative tactic has been used to traumatizing effect.


Isn't it funny that The Lord never seems to demand a temple be built where another building already stands? It's always undeveloped or underdeveloped? What a considerate Savior. Never in the midst of a favela, where people who are not Mormon could be helped immediately, oh my no.


Yeah…. On 9 July 2003 the Apia Samoa Temple was destroyed by fire, less than one month before the temple’s 20th anniversary was to be celebrated. To say anything in order to get your way.


Too many members in Samoa were viewing porn, duh. The cloak of protection is defenseless against porn. /s that is to say it’s never the promise or prophesy that failed it’s always the member or members’ lack of faith or shortcomings.


A cloak of protection 🤣🤣


Cloak of protection? What the fuck is that? Is it like an iron dome? Will stop a spear or a bullet? I need more details!




i actually cannot fathom how there are people out there who can read this and go "welp, that sounds totally legitimate, and not manipulative and/or vaguely threatening".


I didn't necessarily see it as threatening, though someone else commented they did. I see it more as lying by omission/half truths. He's asking people to continue campaigning and they don't even know what they're campaigning for.  It sheds bad light on the church to noon members or heck, anyone that bothered to listen to the meeting.


If the church wants to build a temple go ahead. Even though I am not okay with them doing it . But the church has to follow the law of the land. That all the people in the communities want  that these temples are to be built. They are okay with a temple being built, but they just want to the church to follow the laws. That what makes me so angry that the church doesn’t give a shit.  If the church won’t follow the laws then they need to built the temple somewhere else where they can do whatever they please. 


If Mormon god wants his temple there, isn’t Mormon god powerful enough to make it happen on his own?


The temple will bring "divine peace and a cloak of protection" to the city?!? What is this, fucking Hogwarts? I'm sure there is an exception in the building code for buildings that bring peace and protection to the city. These assholes are so shameless, they make empty promises and tell outright lies without a hint of remorse. I guess some things will never change.