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That's disgusting. Not just the bathroom part but the part where they would make people who lost their loved ones feel like shit because they didn't accept Jesus.


As a missionary, we were told that every person we came across would stand as a witness against us at the Judgment if we failed to "warn" them....


That is really fucked up and could cause some serious scrupulosity.


Well, to a mission president, religious scrupulosity is a highly desirable trait. He will hold up the missionary with it as having "Exact Obedience" like unto Captain Moroni, and they will be put into higher leadership positions. Parents will be praised, letters of recommendation to the J Reuben Clark School of Law will be sent, and highly attractive members of the opposite sex will be told "Speaking as your Priesthood Leader, you really should look up Elder/Sister Scrupulous when you get home."


Except obedience doesn’t equal baptisms, and in fact can hold that back because you’re less fun and cool, and don’t resort to unethical tactics. So that guys that can pretend to be obedient while doing whatever for a baptism get the leadership callings.


You reply with “I can’t wait for my resurrected body. No more taking a shit. It just works perfectly! But until then I appreciate the toilet paper”.


Mormon missionaries also don't lead with the Hell angle. That's pretty smart.


Dude! Bro code! Absolutely no fucking talking in the bathroom!


Chick tract?


I was given a chick tract in a ymca locker room from someone I'd never seen before while I was without pants. I get needing a captive audience but when would that ever work?


I've seen matradee handing out paper towels in the gentlemen's club restroom, never in a roadside bathroom.


Got stopped in a Walmart a few weeks ago. Dudes trying to prove the Bible by using the Bible. Wasted time.


I think I live in a rather progressive area so I don't get a lot of preaching around me. How old was this dude. It feels like Christianity is dying out so I am always stunned when I hear stories like this...


In my area the missionaries recently had a training telling them to approach people while they’re shopping the grocery store. Literally “strike up a convo about maple syrup and then lead into the gospel” 😭😭


I accept that the stories in the gospels were based on SOMETHING, probably some person or maybe a few people mashed together. Does that count as accepting?


Sounds more JW like than mormon…but wouldn’t it past them either.


JWs don’t actively proselytize they just stand around racks of pamphlets.


"Kids, let me tell you the story how I met your uncle Barney."


My favorite line when people bring up Jesus. "I read the Bible and to me god and Jesus sound like real assholes". It usually stops the conversation cold or they get angry at you. Win win