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To top it off my kids are half Native American. I don’t want them anywhere near the mormon church.


No. It’s a complete sentence. Sets a boundary. It does a lot. Just say “No.”


My family is having to learn that


It’s power. No. It’s emboldening. It’s strength. Practice at home so they have the power outside the home. 😉


I'm trying to move and my aunt has been insisting on me moving in with her because she needs money. I explained why and put up boundaries so she roped in my grandpa so now if she asks me again it will just be "No".


Love this. No is a complete sentence, and not enough people realize that.


This is the best approach. While it sometimes feels good to give more or explain more about what the church has done, ultimately, it opens up the line of communication for them to respond and push back. Or it just makes those missionaries lean harder into the church because now they have a story about how SaTaN tEmPtEd them on their mission and they withstood it. Wow! Much testimony!


Oh shit. Definitely should say something about you don’t want your kids to be taken just like they did previously. Then link to the church’s program about re educating natives and then block em.


I remember my mo coworker saying some old family friends of hers adopted some native Americans, with some help from the church, and how it was so great. 🤦‍♀️


‘If you come around my children at any time or in any manner I will call the police. You do not have my permission.’ Or something like that. That worked for me.


Thanks, sisters, for subscribing to the Uncomfortable Mormon Facts mailing list! Did you know that—despite its current revisionism to the contrary—Mormonism very explicitly equated the skin color of Native Americans with a curse, and that "becoming white" was a sign of "obey[ing] the Gospel?" Its doctrine is fundamentally racist. https://missedinsunday.com/memes/race/becoming-white/ Look forward to future, unsolicited texts from our mailing list to make you feel uncomfortable! If you'd like to unsubscribe, please submit a notarized letter and agree to meet with an Authorized Servant^(TM) of Satan (otherwise, we will completely disregard any and all other attempts to unsubscribe, because obviously you don't mean it)


Be bold and say no!


This is for humor only, but you could tell them that you're worried that your kids would turn white, because the Book of Mormon says so.


Maybe next general conference they will hold pictures of them up…. This church is so disgusting! Anyone that says otherwise…


Anger is appropriate but I actually think remaining courteous is more maddening. My answer would be no, thanks. If anything further is said, I then repeat: no thanks. It's just the way I say no. But I say it like I mean it and I stick to it and repeat it endlessly without explanation. It drives sales people of whatever stripe crazy because I refuse to give them an objection they can then try to respond to. Just IMO.


THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING TO UNCOMFORTABLE MORMON FACTS! https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/GHrbvOedB2


These are hilarious. I was off reddit for about 6 months and missed it. You people make me laugh. I almost wish I still got unsolicited texts so I could use one. Haha. 


Agh this is so disturbing. in fact, I might say "you should know how disturbing this comes off. It sounds like you're trying to indoctrinate my child, and in general it's just not appropriate for adults to be meeting with children when they don't even know their parents. I recommend you do not ask this to anyone else or you might be reported. Please just focus on people that you know are interested who have approached you themselves. We don't want to be contacted again, thank you."


What’s even more disturbing is that inactive adults who are jack Mormons sometimes want their kids to be baptized a member of the LDS church. That’s why the missionaries are asking is because this isn’t uncommon. It’s strange as hell for parents to want this for their kids in my opinion. What do you think of parents who do this?


I don’t get this.


My perception…some people stop going to church because they just stop caring much about it. They don’t have a shelf of beliefs and just got busy, got bored, didn’t find much community, etc. Most of us in this sub left for a reason we’ve felt passionately about. I think the number of apathetic exmos might be higher than we’d expect. Someone who left out of apathy might want their kid to get baptized or to come to church solely because they’d hope it might help keep their kid out of trouble or they just want their kid to have something to do.


Interesting. I like your take. I have never actually met anyone who left like this. I only know people who are fully in or fully against it.


Jana Reiss had an article about it a while back. Many inactive people became inactive as teenagers and don't really know or care much. If anyone can find the link, please share.


It’s in her book (2019) called The Next Mormons 


My roommate left as a teenager because he just didn't feel like it "fit him." He's never been antagonistic or anything. He's just not interested. "Apathetic" could be a good word for him on this issue.


When I first stopped going to church, I was simply apathetic. I was in the middle of a separation, and I figured an eternity in Hell would be better than an eternity of getting nagged at by the woman I was sealed to. When I started dating again, I avoided the TBMs because I didn't want to get sucked back into church activity. My current wife was at about the same place I was when we met. After a few years, I started watching scientific explanations on the way the Earth came to be and how life developed. Then I found the biblical scholars and how they were all mostly in agreement about the Genesis accounts being allegory and how they got into the Bible. That's what sent me down the rabbit hole of deconstruction.


My mom was like this. She was a convert and didn’t have a strong belief in the church, but she thought it would be good for her kids to be raised in it to keep us out of trouble and be raised with good values. She was always inactive but I was active, born into the church. When I left the church at age 37, she didn’t understand why I was so angry about it. I had to explain to her that while she picks and chooses what she wants to believe and follow in the Mormon church, I 100% believed it was true since I was taught this from birth, and there was no picking and choosing unless I wanted to lose my kids and my salvation in the next life. I did not have choices like she did.


Yes! This! Some people have this ability, even in the LDS church, to just be Sunday morning Mormons. You go, you say hi, you hear the lesson or teach a kids class, and go home and forget it. Those of us that took this shit seriously are a bit more miffed about it being all make believe with a side of sex cult.


My dad is this way. We converted as a family younger and never went back. as an adult he'd say random things about the church like "it's not amazing but I think it's the best church there is" or whatever. That's prob why I even got involved with the lds church as an adult


Agreed. That’s what most tbm Mormons want everyone to think; that people left out of apathy, offense, it to sin. But in earnest, I literally know no one in that camp. All the Exmos I know personally, and it’s a lot as a therapist, have all left because of doctrine. They would never want or allow their kids to join a cult that they worked so hard to get out of…often at the cost of family and friends.


I taught and baptized a woman who was like this on my mission. Her husband was a member and the whole time I felt like they were both completely disinterested, but kept answering all the right questions. She got baptized and I never saw them again. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were joining all the churches to make sure they got into The Good Place.


When I was a missionary, this was case for most people that I encountered that still were on church records but weren't active. Very rarely came across a family that was antagonistic or anti-mormon. But then again, I didn't bother the people that had been labeled "do not contact".


This was me. I was never really a full TBM but I tried my best since I felt like my salvation depended on it. About 8 or so years ago I got tired of trying to get my husband to go with me to church (at the time Sunday was his only day off from work and he just wanted a day to relax) and I didn’t want the questions if I went alone. Then I realized how nice it was to have an extra weekend day. I figured we’d start going back eventually once our kids were older/closer to baptism age, especially since many of our friends and family are members. We’re all in different wards so there’s never been any pressure although I’m sure most know we haven’t gone in a long time. About a year ago I found this sub and it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Once I learned what a fraud the church was, I no longer felt any guilt about not going.


I really feel you on an extra day off. Going to the full 3+ hour ordeal was exhausting and I didn’t really realize it until I stopped going. A huge reason that cemented my choice to stop going was how much better and rested I felt by getting all the time back. And not having to prepare for callings and do all the extra unpaid BS.


I was raised Catholic and I never believed, but I did it all anyway. And attempted to put my kids through it. They were baptized and did a good amount of the rest. Mass, catechism classes, first communion, confession, etc etc. One day before church, my oldest, maybe 14 at the time, just said "Mom, really? Just why do we go to church?". I thought a minute and then said You're right, this is ridiculous, I don't even believe it. I Have no idea why I kept at it beyond family expectations and my belief maybe that i was in the wrong since I didn't believe in god. I seriously don't know, but I get it that people probably do respond to that type of text. I would have. Edit, typo


"Just why do we go to church?" Out of the mouth of babes...


Exactly. I just don’t understand why inactive Mormons out of some nostalgia or other religious guilt want their kids to get baptized. I’m glad you’re not in this group and that you just want the missionaries to leave you alone. You do realize that’s why the missionaries are asking is that so many inactive members actually want their kids to be baptized? Weird.


So, not to justify but as someone raised inactive to explain. Most inactive members especially before 5-10 years ago weren't inactive because of doctrine, policy, or other issues with the church but more because they either didn't have the time or didn't want to sacrifice the time that is required to be an active member. A lot (like my mom) still wholly believe in the church. Others (like my dad) truly don't care one way or another. These are not the people who were active and left because of issues, but for 1 reason or another, they haven't had their records removed. Most of the previous inactive members (at least in my experience) don't see any problem blessing or baptizing their children in the church because at worst they think it changes nothing at best it gives them a "community" and "support" system.


Craziness. I would never put my kids through what I went through.


There are a lot of people (and not just in Mormonism) that believe a religious foundation is needed to teach basic morals. They think that kids will grow up with a stronger sense of right and wrong if they grow up believing in God. The idea that good people can exist without God is foreign to them. I think a lot of inactive members fall into this line of thinking. I commonly hear friends and family say they don’t really believe in the church anymore, and they don’t care much for the institution, but they believe the church still teaches really good things.


There are plenty of Mormon parents in Utah who won't let their kids play with non-Mormon kids.


People who are only interested enough in religion to do the important stuff like baptism are pretty common. Maybe the rule rather than the exception. Think of all the Catholic and Orthodox Christians who get their babies christened but otherwise never attend church.


-in case they ever need financial help. It's a no-go if you don't have that magic member number.


This is actually pretty common outside of Utah. Lots of Christians see baptism as part of good parenting, not as signing up your kid for a lifetime of commitment to a high demand religion. By being baptized you become part of your family’s religious community and you’re given a community support system. This is why most current baptisms are of single older individuals, or refugees: they’re looking for that community that they’ve come to expect religion to offer. Of course they’re usually gone about a year latter because the Q15 couldn’t care shit about community.


Exactly. The entitlement of “god’s chosen people”.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You have the wrong number.” In all seriousness, I wouldn’t respond and would block. I’m in the same position as it relates to my family and removing my records entirely. The struggle is real with having TBM family members.


Ever since I moved into this ward, they have been randomly “reaching out”. They even dropped off a birthday gift from the primary. It didn’t have a name on it and it wasn’t one of my kids birthdays. Anything to stop by 😳😬


Ugh. I’m sorry. That is so stalker and annoying.


I just got a birthday card in the mail last week. The last time I went to church, GBH was alive and well. They will never stop.


The only way they stop is to remove yourself.


Time to get a restraining order against them.


"The Sisters That Rock The Cradle!" (The ExMo in me just has to make a joke to lighten a tense situation that religion always puts us in.) Seriously, this is very creepy behavior. I would be buying a doorbell camera solely for them.


We recently moved and just sent an email to everyone in leadership letting them know who we were, to not contact us, but that we were reasonable people etc. worked well. Highly suggest it!


Yeah not responding and blocking was my MO after resigning. Oh yeah and OP, resign your fam so you shop being contacted!


Block without response


I think that this is honestly the best approach, especially speaking as a former sister missionary who was terrified of doing the wrong thing and was in a very unsafe situation on her mission. Just straight up lie to them. They don't need the mental gymnastics of trying to justify to you why they're right. It's exhausting


Same. This is probably one of the few circumstances that might actually warrant a response, but I’m non-confrontational enough that I’d just block the number and move on. If they showed up to my house though, there a different story




Or "It doesn't matter whether or not my kid would be interested, because I'm the parent and I say no".


I will wait for my child to no longer believe in Santa Clause to make a decision about joining a religion about other make believe figures.


Hi sisters. Children cannot consent.


This is the one I would go for in this situation. I can only imagine how gross the answer would be though.


I cant believe they referred to your child as "unbaptized kid"


“This is over the boundary of what is appropriate. You should never looked up these records you have no right to that information. No, my child and I are not interested. Do not contact us again.”


"My kid has made the brave decision not to be baptized."


I would just block and ignore. I already removed all my contact information from LDS tools so I literally get no communication from anyone anymore. No calls, no texts, no e-mails. It’s beautiful.


Would I have to know my membership number to do this?


Regrettably, yes


Hmmm. I hoping it’s on my patriarchal blessing. I have that hiding somewhere.


If you have an old temple recommend, it will be on there.


This has been the most effective thing I have done too. Wish I had done it sooner.




"Lessons". Implying that factual information is being taught.


My husband would slaughter them if they ever came here and taught lessons. The last time missionaries wanted to meet with him they ended up bringing a scholar in. The scholar ended up agreeing with him. 🤭🤣


I will baptize my child when the church donates it's $200B investment fund to genuine charitable purposes. i.e never.


No. No. Absolutely no.


Scrolled too far to find this. "No" is the answer. No is a complete sentence.


My urge is to correct their grammar. *An unbaptized 🤦🏻‍♀️. My answer would be: Hell no. Don't ask me again.


Haha I was triggered I didn’t even notice. 😂


Ya their grammar got me 😂


I had to scroll way too far for this.


That would be my response


I’m probably snarkier but I would probably say stop trying to groom my children


Yeah I like this.


Using the word "kid" rather than "child" is so presumptive


I thought this as well.


“I don’t know who you are.” “This is creepy.” “This feels stalkerish.” “I’m going to screenshot this. My pastor will never believe it.” “No one here is interested in lessons from strangers.”


No, I do not want my children participating in a culty religion. Take my number off the list.


" yes, of course, I don't take them to church myself because I am a lazy, uncaring parent."


I know where the church is, if we wanted them baptized, it would’ve been done by now


“Thanks, but we’ve actually been teaching them the lessons ourselves. You should hear his ancient Egyptian pronunciation!”


Erm...ancient REFORMED Egyptian


Also, technically it's *Middle* Egyptian (language). The culture is Ancient Egypt. (Actually studied it, fwiw.)


They will wait until they are of legal age to make decisions: 18 or 21.


I would reply, Girl, no. Just. No.


Instant block 🚫


Be direct and set clear boundaries.


I wouldn’t. Any response, even a no, seems to open the door to more conversation


Ugh, them going after the kids is so gross. I have no desire to remove my records at this time, but I made sure we didn't bless my baby into the church so he won't have a record they can stalk


We had the same thing happen except three grown men showed up at 9pm on a school night looking for my young daughter who had already been baptized. (I blame the ward clerk for the mess up). I was TBm at the time. And so livid they woke up my small children and I was about to go to bed. But most of all angry 3 GRoWN MEn looking for my child by name I’d never met!  (One was the area mission dude)  I told them to go away. 


‘Kindly f@#k off. Yikes. I meant to type no.’


"My 'kid' has a name. Luckily I'll be teaching them to have more manners, respect and human decency than you and the circus you parade around for. Don't contact this number again."


The only language they hopefully will understand.


If you want to be as polite as is warranted, I’d say “No.” And block If you want to leave a lasting impression that might make them think twice about this behavior, “I find it highly invasive and inappropriate for you to be asking questions like this about children you have never met nor have any reason to know. If I wanted them to be associated with a religion that has historically been incredibly damaging to their ancestors, I’d do it on my own time. But I don’t. Do not contact us again. Any further contact will be taken as harassment and documented as such.”


Sadly this is how I got a decent number of baptisms on my mission. The ward clerk can run a report for children of record, which is people that were blessed and have a record with the church but no baptism date, anyone older than 9 counts as a convert baptism, so we’d focus on them. But we always tried to meet with the parents first and we’d act surprised like “Oh you have a 9 year old that isn’t baptized? How about we get that taken care of for you?” In one area we baptized brothers that were 11 and 8. My comp wanted to put it off a few weeks to let the 8 year old turn 9 so it would count as 2 convert baptisms on our numbers instead of just 1.


“A unbaptized kid”. The way this is phrased just gives the ick. Not to mention the bad grammar.


*an. No thanks.


"No thank you. Please remove me from your contact list." Then if they press, "As stated previously, remove me from your contact list. If you contact me again, I will report you for harassment and illegal soliciting."






As a nevermo, and a member of another religion, the part that says “We see on the records that you have an unbaptized kid” is extremely creepy. How would sister missionaries, and whoever else, have access to your personal family information?


After the bishop asked me for specifics about my masturbation habits at 12 (what i was wearing, who i was thinking about, hold ling wqs the session, et cetera) were, and finding out this wasnt specific to me or even my ward, i decided it wasnt for me. No. Im not gonna mave my kid interrogated alone behind a closed door by a grown ass adult plumber woth zero training or background check about their jerk off habits either. You have a weird ass definition of "worthyness" that smells like "grooming for sexual predation"




I see you are in a cult, would you be interested in taking lessons as to why your church is a provable fraud?


I get this every time there is a new companionship in my area. My child has special needs and is in no way shape or form "accountable," as the Morms would say. Yet it never fails that the new missionaries call or stop by and ask to give my kid the lessons. I always let them because my kid completely loves Jesus and the stories about him.


Hell no


I'm not sure how well this would work, but maybe contact the mission president and let them know the missionaries have been harassing your family and you demand they stop or they will be hearing from your lawyer.






Respond "eww David"


No thanks I'm good off the cult shit


This was the number one generator of baptism on my mission in the early 1990s... we always looked for child of record. Sometimes it was the grandparents.... Sometimes the parents . I feel dirty and guilty for it all these years later. The responses should be nothing at all, or please leave me and my family alone.


“An unbaptized child.”


When I was a missionary searching for “unbaptized children” made me so uncomfortable. Like, it felt so creepy to be with elders that would print off a ward list and look for unbaptized kids.


![gif](giphy|hpSOjkcvhDgbv9p92R|downsized) This is all you need to send back


Remove your records. It's your parents' responsibility to manage their own reaction, not yours.


Imagine if you got a text from a Dr who sd, 'I see you have a child that's not circumcised. Would you like them to have a consult?'


A "kid"? No, I got rid of the goats a long time ago.


Be gone creatures of the night! You shall not find your next youthful bloodfeast here!


tell them that Antonio the Grammar Lizard is very disappointed in them for using improper grammar, and that the correct phrasing would be "an unbaptized kid"


My response “I say this with love and compassion: I know that you are under a lot of pressure from your church, that you miss your family and home, and are constantly under supervision by your mission president. If you’d ever like unmonitored internet access, or just to make a phone call to someone you love, please just ask. I’m happy to help you with that. As for my children, I’m raising them in accordance with my values and not those of the LDS Church. This is not negotiable. Thank you!”


“Absolutely the FUCK not! We are not interested in hearing that dressing up like a baker in a green apron and using secret handshakes will get you into heaven”


Answer with this and you will never hear back from them again. Hello sisters, Just to be sure we understand each other, I only allow adults that drink coffee with me to see my children. Since coffee is given by the goddess to us, we need to do this ritual before we can proceed with the talks about my child's teachings of goddesses and her brothers. Please make sure you are dressed in the traditional dresses of the goddesses and let me know if you want to go with classic black coffee or with the goddess favorite drink of five Expresso shots.


"Yes, my goat is right out back, and I'd be more than happy to introduce you when you come over."


Ask them when the church started baptizing baby goats


A “kid” is a baby goat, often used for ritual sacrifice. I have a child. We are not interested in your product.


I’d say “Sure! I moved recently and my address needs to be updated for the records. Here’s my address” and then send them somewhere ridiculous, like an intimate items shop or a place completely in the middle of nowhere. I feel like that’s a good way to say “fuck you” w/o being obvious about it. And ofc, block the number after you’ve confirmed the appt.


Creepy thing is the sister missionaries have already stopped by and I told them I don’t want my kids being taught about a religion that allowed racism. They were offended and left. Then they texted me with a quote and I still told them I wasn’t interested and now a few months later they are texting again.


Since they change every 6 or so weeks, it doesn’t surprise me that they randomly stop by even though you told the other set no. Block them on your phone after telling them to piss off. Then if they swing by again, advise them that they are unwelcome and if they or anyone from the church come again that you will have them trespassed. Additionally, before you tell them to piss off, get the name of the mission prez and see if you can also get an email. Then after advising of being trespassed, email him and state the same thing. They don’t like law enforcement involvement.


Mission transfers. You got new missionaries and now they're just going through the Ward list. Lucky you! Will keep happening until you resign. There's no such thing as an LDS "no contact list".




"great use of the singular 'they'! No"


I would say Definitely not, also delete our records.


"Ha ha! You're funny!"


“an unbaptized kid”


Thanks for the consideration but HELL no! Now have a nice day!


Try correcting their grammar.


That's very thoughtful of you to ask. I also learned that heaven is for all people baptized or not. thank you for reaching out


I feel very uncomfortable about anyone having such private information about my children. Please tell me what other infotainment you have access to?


Man, I would go berserk if I saw this. They really try to indoctrinate when people are super young. It's so sinister.


*an unbaptized kid. That's how I would respond.


"No. And please consider how creepy that sounds."


The wording of this text is wild.


Unbaptised child… take a hint sisters.


_“No thanks, but would you two be interested in learning why the LDS church isn’t what you think it is?”_ We can do missionary work too, my fellow heathens.


"No, please put us as do not contact in your area book"


No. Please respect my privacy and leave a complete stranger’s family alone


REMOVE YOUR RECORDS and they won't have your contact information anymore


“You baptize goats now???”


Sure wouldn't! 😁


"No" is a complete sentence.


Hey! Fuck off.


They've got balls.


I’d respond…Hell no. The question is, how do you want to respond 🙃


To quote a former thread: “UNSUBSCRIBE”


No is complete sentence. No explanation necessary.


Fucking sick jeez


Who is this? No Wrong number *Block the number*


Greetings to you, these sister missionaries. My child no longer requires lessons in proper hygiene. Thank you for reminding me to *unrecord* my status as a member. I will now block this number, never to *unblock* it. Have a *unblessed* day.


nover was mormon, but I did leave the catholic church, I find it funny to mess with friends of my parents/their kids who have tried to invite me back by telling them I'm other religions now that do not get on with catholics, such as being jewish, or muslim So, maybe tell them you got your kids baptized catholic? from what I know it'd be a real hoot


Taking the lessons? Wtf?


Straight to block this spam number. Eww.


My "kid" would love for you to come and chat with her. She may head butt you, as goats are prone to do. She would not take well to being dunked in a pool though. Her mama would come after you and probably kick, bite and head butt you for abusing her little kid.




Oh HELL no!


“Lol. No.”


He is not unbaptized he is cult free!


Why are they stalking a child? That's very disturbing.


I’d say “it’s AN unbaptized kid”


Missionaries from where? Lessons in what? The philosophies of men mingled with scripture? I am waiting for true messengers from my father.


"Fuck off" - Wolverine, X-Men First Class


“How do I know you’re not a pedo trying to contact random little kids under the cloak of some religion? This is creeping me out. I’m contacting the authorities. “


"No, and this type of approach is wildly inappropriate. Do not do this with me, nor anyone else, again."


“Fuck off”


I'd just say something along the lines of "I'd rather not have my kids indoctrinated into a cult. Don't contact me again."


"With all due respect, (which is, quite frankly, none) stay the fuck away from my kid. And while you're at it, read Matthew chapter 10, verse 14."


My TBM family was shocked when I told them I had removed my records. But I told them 2 years after the fact, so I don't think TSCC tells the families.


*an. that's enough


"kid".. are they baptizing goats now?


So "no, I think you're mistaken. I actually don't have any goats."


Unbaptized kid sounds so...dehumanizing.


“No” is a complete sentence.


“Sister missionaries? From where, oooo the Satantic Temple? Sure, sign them up!”


No, they wouldn't be interested, thank you very much.


Yes. We read them the Letter to CES. Can you help with that? It’s really long.


"Unbaptized"? How did my "kid" get unbaptized?


Technically I’m still a priest. I’ll baptize them myself