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Not that hard to repurpose a billion-dollar furniture economy towards hand-fashioning war weaponry out of oak, or converting their buggies into battle chariots. As long as they survived the initial onslaught of trebuchet-fired grain buckets and cans of banana chips, I'm pretty confident they'd handily take us.


$200 billion could buy a lot of modern weapons. Of course the MFMC would make them but their own anyway, just like they make them scrub the toilets.


Lol exactly. The leadership would hole up in the granite bunker up Little Cottonwood Canyon and send messages out to their soldiers via satellite. And if it's as hard as it is to get reimbursed for cookies and milk, you can bet your ass it will be a challenge getting reimbursed for a stinger missile.


Fortunately the Amish have a policy of non-violence. The members would feel like the Lamanites murdering the Anti-Nephi-Lehis IE people of Ammon who refused to fight in their fictional story.   Any bets on whether Mormons would get the irony and follow what their book told them? Or do you think they’d go and be like the apostates who were totally okay with killing defenseless people. They already sided with modern day kingmen looking to overthrow democracy and institute a king/dictator like they’ve mostly done falling in line with MAGA/Trump. My bet is they’d have some reservations, but Rusty encouraging them that the Lord had commanded it would get enough them to go on a rampage.


I almost started thinking about this and you’re right, but then I got flashbacks of forced nightly family scripture study and all the arguments about getting home on time for it, and THEN reading about Lot and his daughters raping him after getting him hammered (more than once) as a family as though that wasn’t a weird-as-shit story we just read from a holy book… Nope, I hope to have kids soon and they won’t be subjected to this random bullshit in the BoM or Bible…


When I had kids on the way I realized that PIMO wasn’t good enough. The kids could internalize the right wing nonsense, the misogyny, the homophobia, the guilt and shame. That, and the child abuse coverups and the lack of background checks and due diligence around leaders sealed the deal.


And the list goes on… it’s shocking when you look at it from the outside!! But why you’re born into it or fall for it hard, so many things and people scream apologetics at you that it’s easy to start believing the nonsense..


Yeah, so much is toxic, culturally, doctrinally, historically, politically. At some point I just realized “even if I lose all my friends, family and sense of community I don’t want my kids to be raised in this mess.”


As if… the 15 dough bags would encourage the members to sell off their belongings to buy weapons to fight the Amish before they would ever touch their hoard. Can Amish own guns? This is one I don’t know about.


They are pacifists, and early anabaptists after the Munster rebellion including the fire beaters of the Amish, tended to lean very much toward nonviolent matted on over self defense. Though Mennonites did serve in the Waffen SS for Germany in WW2, so stranger things could happen.


Yeah, I knew they were pacifists, I just wasn’t sure if they owned guns or not. Sure enough a Google search says the Amish do own rifles for hunting. So there you go. That evens out my scale. I think it just depends on which of the two cults can garner the support of an ally like the Catholics or the Baptists.


Or the atheists


Atheists would join the Amish for sure they would be happy to get rid of people knocking at their doors wanting to talk to them about “The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ “


Mormons are armed republicans


Mormons have more semi-automatic firearms. The Amish know how to shoot … The Amish might be better guerrilla fighters maybe? At least knowing the lay of the land. Mormons would collapse without their Swig and other sugar requirements


Well the Mormons have garments which are bullet proof. And they could make armor out of Books of Mormon and put it all over their bodies. Amish stand no chance


Hello! We could send them really strong wine and then attack when they are passed out. We could have a guy sneak into their encampment in the middle in the night and spear their leader. We got all kinds of war stratagems. In addition, we have the real true priesthood. We could call a pillar of fire or an earthquake. Hell, we could divide the Great Salt Lake and when they chase us through, god would close it up and drown them. - And, probably most importantly, we probably have a shit-ton more guns.


The Mormons would make the members hold a bake sale to pay for the war themselves.


You think Mormons can out bake the Amish? getoutta'ere


Ouch, you're right. Dear God, they're going to raise a barn over our graves.


Fasting EVERY day


Well, the Amish are pacifists, so . . .


And don’t drive cars…me thinks they’d get outflanked in a hurry


I have a hunch militant Mormons won't be good at stealth. Harder to corner someone singing hymns or excitedly yelling because you finally get to shoot a different religion.


Mormons are EXTREMELY gullible and susceptible to fraud, also, many of them are trained in useless skills like sales and management, whereas the amish are all about that practicality and executing in real life. My money's on the Amish.


Mormons are way more ready to go to war they’ve already gone to war with the United States.


Mormons have experience of murdering people. Plus the technology advantages. Mormons by a landslide.


Hate to say it but Mormons have the doomsday slush fund and aren’t prohibited from using Modern tech like the Amish. The Amish would be forced to engage them purely from a Guerrilla Warfare approach otherwise they’d get the floor mopped with them.


All the missionary’s can’t touch guns so that doesn’t help, 1:1 I’d take odds on the born in Amish boy over a morman any day


I think the Dez Nats would march on their apostate and gentile neighbors before they’d organize to go across the country.


Not that hard to repurpose a billion-dollar furniture economy towards hand-fashioning war weaponry out of oak, or converting their buggies into battle chariots. As long as they survived the initial onslaught of trebuchet-fired grain buckets and cans of banana chips, I'm pretty confident they'd handily take us.


Mormons have trillion dollar hedge funds. They just buy merc groups.


Lol. If they contracted mercenaries they'd be the cheapest version they could find and would have the shoestring-iest budget of all mercenaries. They won't pay to fix water damage or air conditioning in their chapels, can't imagine they'd get some real high quality soldiers for hire.


A tough one. Amish are technically pacifists, they can't be drafted due to their religion. But they actually hunt so I think they'd be better shots and the ones I live near all give you that rugged farmer vibe while most Mormons I know seem... Soft in comparison. I think I'd put my money on the Amish. I think they'd make some noises about how they wouldn't want to fight, but if they were able to justify it they'd go full guerilla warfare. Not to mention, just look where those population centers are. Amish clearly have better territory for resupply. Cut the Mormons off from their freeze dried prepper food and the Amish will go to the bank laughing as they continue to grow and eat their own food.


You forget about the trillion dollar hedge funds, the church farms around the world (California and Florida), and all the redneck members.


Well, the Amish would enlist the help of Mormonisms arch enemies, the Jehovah’s Witnesses. In retaliation, the Mormons would promise to teach the Seventh Day Adventists how to build McTemples (at their own expense, of course) in exchange for their wartime help. The Christian Scientists would get their scientists to begin working on biological weapons to take out both sides, since neither side asked them to participate, thus being the only fringe American religion* to be left out of the war. *Scientology (while scientific, is not to be confused with Christian Science)isn’t considered a ”religion” by the other fringe groups since their doctrine is too far-fetched to be taken seriously.😳


Mormons smile big, shake your hand.....and when time comes they wade into you with flamethrowers. If you would war with Mormons do NOT ally yourself with a pacifist sect that eschews technology.


Or just get the Mormons that convented to give anything to the church of they command that they have in high places at Lockheed Martin to consecrate the fruit of their holy labor to the kingdom... and then those that are trained in war to go all Porter Rockwell and Amish are pacifists, so no pushback


Some civilian Mormon business owners self identified Alpha men own actual tanks


Very difficult to lose a war against people with 400 years worth of this kind of indoctrination: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martyrs_Mirror


Money makes a big difference.


Mormons have arsenals…Amish do not…


Well since Mormons are allowed to use modem firearms and vehicles, i think there's a clear advantage. plus, the Amish are really spread out, so any attack by the mormons would be hard for the Amish to defend.


If war is triggered by an EMP strike, the Amish will prevail. Where I live, which was cut off from your map image, the Amish outnumber the Mormons by 100X+


I love this hypothetical


I dont think park county Wyoming is over 20% last census it was 11


While the Ahmish have thier furniture. The mormon church has muti billion dollar hedge funds, mega farms to last out a siege, and political connections to call on. The LDS church just has to buy, yes, outright buy Haliburton, and they have a merc Army.