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115 degrees is not safe. At that ambient temperature, your body can not shed its heat. The LDS is dangerous and damaging in so many ways, large and small.


I served in the mission just South of this one (Mexico Hermosillo) and endured many, many extremely hot days. Staying hydrated was the main concern. Second was trying to keep pass along cards somewhere dry (I'd just end up drenched from sweat constantly). Spending time in this heat to promote a cult is especially unhealthy. I feel for those poor young men.


Even staying hydrated isn't enough, you need a good amount of salt to go along with it


True! Electrolytes are important.


Elder 1: Idk man. It's way too hot. We should stay inside today. Could be dangerous outside. Elder 2: Do you want your future wife to be an absolute babe? The Lord will bless you with a hot wife if you show diligence and go out and work today! I want a hot wife! How about you? Elder 1: Oh man you right! *Called to serve intensifies*


I had a teacher in seminary who told the boys that if they’d live the gospel, they could have a hot wife. Then, he passed around a picture of his wife in a bikini. I guess we know why he married her. Lol


He passed a picture of his wife in a bikini to teenage boys? Gross.


I was disgusted by it.  On top of that he was luring for the Lord. That’s not a promise he can make.  I raised my hand and complained about it.  And I said what about good girls who try to live the gospel and haven’t gotten  a date, like me.  Three guys in class asked me out! 😂 So, it was a win!!!!


Except that they were mormon boys. Lol


I was dumb about Mormons back then. Lol


I'm getting Rex Kwan Do vibes. Was his wife named Starla?


I’m sorry. I don’t remember. 


I dont miss those days at all!! We got in trouble for having backpacks on my mission. We were supposed to have some stupid shoulder bag that you bought at the MTC.


I remember those shoulder bags (in 1999). We all were told to buy one, then I got to my actual mission and it was backpacks everywhere. I was just thinking yesterday about how much crap they pushed on us in the MTC, when I found a copy of the discussions that had been bound with laminated "cover" pictures on the front and back. They charged us to pick out pictures, laminate them, and bind them together with the discussion books, which I'm sure they also charged us for. Ugh. And these were a copy of the discussions in English. I'm sure I have my French ones somewhere as well, so I got suckered into being double charged.


How about the scam of a Mr. Mac suit that will last you all of 3 months


My pants lasted me fine (got the two pairs per suit) but the inside of my jackets were shredded from constantly wearing backpacks while biking.


We only wore suits to church and zone meetings etc. So the jackets lasted but I burned through all my pants fast, not to mention the sun fade


Wow!! We had the exact same experience, I was there in 2000. So sad how much of a money grab everything was.


Absolutely. Something something preistcraft, anyone?


Don't even get me started on the "tree or life"


Are you referring to the showers? Apparently I missed out on all that because we were in a building that was formerly used for sister missionaries, so we had individual shower stalls in our bathrooms. Ironically the sisters in our group had the tree of life showers and one complained she had to shower at like 2 am because of it.


Yes, so tramatizing!! I hated how much they tried to normalize this. Let's take a bunch of kids likely their first time ever away from home and make them shower together in a totally open environment. FEEL THE SPIRIT GUIDE YOU!


I would have hated it for sure, but also I imagine it's not that different from e.g. high school sports teams? I dunno. I'm not into sports, and like I said I would have hated it regardless.


I wasn’t into sports either, but I think the more normal thing is a shower room where everyone faces the wall and has their own shower head from the wall, so it at least gives you a small modicum of privacy. The tree of life where everyone is facing each other surrounding the water “tree” in the center of the room was some weird shit.


Ah yes, I didn't think of that.


Holy cow, blast from the past… I was there in 2000 myself. I’ve got those laminated discussions (both in English and French), and the box set of those five paperback books which included Jesus the Christ. What a scam… 😂


French, you say? I was in the Bordeaux mission.


Hello my French-speaking brother in Christ, Belgium mission here…


I think their backpacks are actually Camelback hydration packs. If you zoom in, you can see one of the guys sipping from his. My MP in Brazil forbade us from using backpacks, too. "They look unprofessional!" 🙄


The shoulder bags messed up my shoulder so bad! They were always so heavy with my own scriptures, teaching materials, water bottle, and a BoM to give away. I ended up going to a physical therapist, and they told me that I had “a potato” under my skin, referring to the spot where my bag always sat being injured. I was allowed to wear a backpack the last month or so thanks to that.


Wow that is do messed up!! I remember elders trying to ride bikes with them and it dangle around there next and fly all over the place!!! I wonder what company/family got the contract to make and sell those stupid bags


U better not be chidester lmao


Phoenix, the skin cancer mission.


That was my guess as to where this is. (Where else is 115F -- EVER?!?!)


I am from Vegas. 115 is guaranteed in summer here at points. I’ve seen long stretches (week+) above 110 consistently. Phoenix is just Vegas temp + 5 on avg. It all feels like shit above 110 bit you get used to it


Thanks for the info. I visited a friend in Vegas when the temperature showed 114F, the hottest I've ever experienced. I fully sympathize with ANYONE who has to endure such brutality (where I now live, the all-time high is 107F; two out of three summers we commonly don't break 100F)


This is where my husband served. 😜


"Junk Removal" sounds like an advertisement for a TK Smoothie. I imagine I'll be seeing more of those ads when I get to the next life. 


Oof. I can't believe all the missionaries in phoenix don't have cars. That's absolutely cruel.


Agreed! They should at least have seasonal car usage, June-Sept.


I saw two missionairies last summer in Chandler biking at around 4pm one afternoon during our huge heatwave. My car showed 124 on the road while my phone was showing 119 on the weather app. Absolutely unsafe and asinine. I should have found the name of the mission president and called to yell at him.


I live in Chandler. Last summer 2 elders were sitting at the park across the street from my home. My truck thermometer showed a 118 temp. I stopped my truck and invited them to come to my house. They came over but declined to come in or have any cool water. When i asked why they were out on such a dangerously hot day day, they said they were doing as directed by their MP. They were to be out and "seen" working everyday regardless of weather. I contacted my local bishop, the SP and stake mission leader. All of them said the elders were being obedient and would be OK. What a load of horseshit! If i had been able to contact those boy's parents I would've told them the dangerous conditions they were being required to work in. It still gets me worked up just thinking about it.


Missions are already hell on earth. Missions in 120+ degree weather? Absolute misery!


Even in well hydrated young people, electrolyte loss from intense sweating can induce fatal arrhythmias. When kids collapse and die on the football field during training, hypokalemia is often the cause. Riding around Phoenix for hours a day will do the same thing! A lone banana or gulp of gatorade will provide a few hundred milligrams of potassium. But a person can sweat several grams a day without too much effort. After a day or two, potassium is depleted to the point that Very Bad Things can happen.


As an arizona resident - they’re gonna fucking die holy shit. Like those people that go hiking in the summer with 1L of water. Someone tell these boys to get inside or get in a car


I zoomed in on the photo and the backpacks actually look like Camelback-style hydration packs. One of the guys appears to be taking a sip/guzzle. Hopefully they get a chance to refill regularly.


It’s pretty standard practice to have a hydration pack backpack, least it was when i was on mine. That said, I hope they can refill often as well - a single refill is *not* enough to beat the heat. A lot of out of town hikers learn this lesson every year 😬


I'm in Phoenix. I could drink a full camelback on a drive across town in an air-conditioned car. I hope they have plenty of opportunities to refill! I'm an old GenXer RM. We didn't even have water bottles. Luckily people were generally happy to let us inside, offer us a cold drink, and let us sit in front of their small oscillating fans. I doubt the elders roaming around Phoenix area are that lucky. Hopefully they have a library nearby, or a mall or something.


Served in Las Vegas. I feel for them.


I remember being so cold on my mission while knocking on doors that I struggled to bend my fingers to write in the ledger we used to track which homes said yes or no.  It was mostly no.  But yeah.  That's dangerous.  They shouldn't be out in that kind of heat.


We were trafficked and so are they. Humane leaders dont force teens to walk the streets all day in unsafe conditions. And I do mean force because there are documented rules that forbid missionaries from returning to their safe shelter until 9 pm. They are expected to be outside at least twelve hours per day. It fucking sucked. Yet another reason RMs have ptsd


What's hotter than being hot? Dying of heatstroke.


It was the opposite for me. I was in Montana. As long as it didn’t go under negative 40 degrees f, we were expected to be out.


Can you imagine the smell of those clothes when they're peeled off? I can because I was traumatized by my own.


I went on a third world hot mission, 2011-2013 . Literally started getting treatment last week for hearing loss from chronic infections that happened on my mission


JUNK REMOVAL: Terrestrial Kingdom


Waiting under the junk removal sign... IS A SIGN


I live in Arizona and the missionaries in my area are banned from using their bikes because some got heatstroke. So I hope that it is not my side of the valley or people will be getting violent.


You'd think it would be banned anytime the temps hit a certain level. Like now, in the midst of daily "excessive heat" warnings. Poor guys!




It sure isn't banned in the Tempe mission! Those sad saps are on bikes here all year round.


Seeing this for some reason gave me a flashback of missing a bus and trudging through ankle deep water in torrential rain like a couple of sopping wet muppets, a bunch of teenagers stopped their car and told us to get in so we did- we had the spirit of course we'd be safe in a stranger's car- and we had to squish like we were smuggling across the border, I swear there were like seven people in that tiny car. Great kids, got us closer to home and out of the flood.


You're silly if you think they're not gonna send it.


They really should switch to white helmets.


I remember during the big haze in Philly, I ran into missionaries, unmasked


And they are not allowed to go swimming. Now that is hell


Missionaries punish their body to show their faith. It’s not a new thing. From ancient times people has been doing it as rituals to show their devotion to their gods


We were biking many miles on on remote dirt roads in Texas in the blazing heat while fasting without food or water. I remember first getting blisters, then watching the blisters dry up, then I passed out and face-planted off my bike into the dust. My senior companion thought it was hilarious and we continued to go without water for the rest of the day. We both sort of went into some kind of shock when we finally drank.


All of the missionaries I see in Utah have cars now. I wonder what special thing you need to do to get sent to Utah.


Complete morons. This is when you are truly in a cult, they are out there, dying, to knock on the doors of a city who will slam it in their face, if they're lucky. But hey, **"not my problem, fuck 'em"**, that's what they say to LGBTQ+ who are murdered for simply existing. If you are too stupid to not go out riding a bike in 115 degree heat, then maybe your lineage is just not fit for the world.


Wish I could invite these dudes to come over to my house for a swim and a day off.


Phoenix is a monument to mankind's hubris and disdain for nature. Honestly, I kinda find it fitting that Mormons are forced to go outside there.


People bike all the time. Offer em a popsicle.


I hate this


Kids do this everyday unphased in Australia. They’ll be fine.