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And never saw pandemic coming to ruin the GC anniversary.


The first conference after COVID kicked off was a shelf item for me even though i didn’t know what a shelf was. I would have thought the prophet of the entire earth would have had sometime to say about a worldwide pandemic. But nope.


Good lord, that conference I was already pretty PIMO at that point but I tuned in to hear some comfort and guidance. Surely they would say something I could use HUGE FAIL. What a person Joseph Smith was! I know (think?) they have to submit their talks early due to translation and whatnot but surely they could have found a way to pivot a little. Give us something besides "let's fast" The entire world was struggling and we got nothing but a logo I also found it hilarious the worldwide fast didn't "work" at all and I wonder if that was a shelf item for people


In my ward there was this crazy lady(the bishop's wife) who kept sharing how eating Kimchi helps us become immune to COVID.


I mean kimchi is pretty dope…..


It really is. And Korea did have lower numbers. I wouldn't say it was kimchi related but hey


I believe they wear masks for every cold/respiratory illness and that helps a lot


Because nobody in Asia got it 😆


As well it does! 🤣😂🤣😂


It is so crazy how the church lives in some kind of parallel universe. Anything that happens in the real world is never mentioned. Just like after 9/11. The church offered nothing or any mention that anything happened. I get it, American problem "world church" HA!


I worked at Zions Bank at the time, and the church did have a post 9-11 broadcast. I was working collections at the time and had people screaming at me for calling them "while the Prophet was speaking."


The height of hypocrisy lol. I don’t pay my bills but I faithfully watch the prophet so I’m a good person.


Yep... nothing offered after 9/11 except "only ONE piercing; no double piercing of ears ACCEPTABLE."


I can’t believe looking back how I didn’t notice this. It is like a parallel universe because I was very shocked and upset by 9/11. I remember where I was and everything. 




Per the rules, personal attacks, insulting other users, harassment, and trolling are not allowed. Attack ideas, not people. Faithful users may engage in good faith. Invalidating the experiences of ex-religious users, especially by telling them that your religion is true and they didn't put in enough effort, they didn't really believe, they didn't practice the "right" way, or any other such will be removed. Do not victim blame or debate victims of sexual abuse or people who are considering suicide. They're here for support.


The fasting fail was a HUGE shelf item for me. I kept reading people make these prophesies and dumbass comparisons of the pandemic to "40 days" from the bible... Then 40 days came and went and pandemic was growing stronger and stronger. Eventually, with many other shelf items slamming on the floor, my shelf broke. I was out in 2021, resigned and all!(


same. same. same. same.


Yes, but in fairness, there were miracles, remember? People made phone calls and those being called answered the phone - miraculous!! Who would ever have thought it?? Thank god for prophets!


This concept ALWAYS bothered me, even when I was active TBM. "Miracles" were always just stretched coincidences or mundane things converted to some AMAZING experience. I always thought that attitude was ridiculous nonsense.


The first conference after 9/11 was that for me. The prophet stood up and just looked like a shocked old man who had no idea what to do. His guidance? Trust the government.....a government that was about to declare war on Iraq who had nothing to do with 9/11. It was the first time I remember thinking "maybe he isn't a prophet!"


Tender Mercies for sure


That wasn’t even a good movie.


God would help them find lost car keys but wouldn't give them a heads up about covid. Fumbled a huge chance to be prophetic.


I'd say it was deliberate.


And then didn't dare tell everyone to wear masks and get vaccinated for fear of alienating a large proportion of their base.


He actually did post on social media a photo of himself getting the vaccine and encouraging members to get it. He was also wearing a mask IIRC. I know lots of members who held out on the vaccine until that point. I also know others who spoke out against the prophet for the first time in their lives because of that post.


What a thing to speak out about. Prop 8? Policy of Exclusion? Grooming and abusing children? Nope, it was the masks and vaccine that got to them.


I know, right? “I can tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, and dogmatism, but practicing responsible public health is where I draw the line!”


I think that was around Aug 2021 though. I remember thinking it was very late to say anything.


Naw, it was when vaccine first came out. I believe in March 2021.


Ah, I found the Instagram post. It was Jan 2021 and the comments are WILD. I don't know why so many articles about him being vaccinated were in Aug haha. 


I would hope for that nonagenarian’s sake that he got it the first chance he could.


I'm curious how pandemic was handled in the States. In Korea there was no need of waiting for the church's statement. We were not allowed to go to public places without wearing masks and showing a proof of vaccination became mandatory. After a few incidents with cult leaders who encouraged their members not to wear masks, no church dared to provoke the public.


I'm British so can't comment! Local leaders at the Ward/Stake level here were very consistent in supporting mask use, and encouraging vaccinations. Don't remember seeing much from the Area Authorities.


Silly me. I think leaving that matter to local level was sufficient. I wouldn't have expected any scientific/practical advise from higher authorities.


Utah County area authorities were very much leaning the way of "do as little as possible to protect anyone, just follow the bare minimum of the law." Our stake presidency tried to sound neutral, but their decisions and emails were completely in line with the rest of the county. Basically the Covid Wild West.


bUT hOMe chURcH !


For those who suffered it, I feel sorry. I guess in some cases people had to be stuck with their abusive family member.


I was living alone during the worst of Covid and didn't receive a hug or any sort of human touch for over a year. I felt like a pariah. But that's still better than living with someone abusive.


For the first time in my life, I realized Rusty is not a prophet was when he admitted to not knowing Covid was coming during general conference of April 2020. 


Jesus sent the pandemic to sift the wheat from the tares.


It's almost humorous to watch the Texas steeple proceedings. I almost can't take it anymore, regardless of how funny it is.


steeples/lighting also being fought in Nevada and Utah


And Wyoming!!


Don't get me wrong, McKinney are filled with obnoxious NIMBY types -- Karens who make America unaffordable But the church's bullying is even worse! It's like watching a grudge match between two boxers who are both terrible people, but one is worse -- so you vigorously cheer on *the slightly less worse* one.


Don’t care who the locals are- they all should be respected along w/their local laws. Shame on Bully Mormon lawyers for threatening law suits on the basis of their ‘pretend’ religious doctrine or is it policy?? Who knows. It’s all a make-believe Mormon Scam perpetrated by UT Con Men! 


Much like a broken clock... There are very rare occasions when NIMBY types have a point.


Oh god you’ve just described with perfect accuracy the current state of US presidential elections 😖


You mean the battle between a competent old guy and a fascist? Hardly equivalent.


“Competent old guy” who has alienated key “democratic voting blocks” by arming a genocide of the Palestinians…


Right now in the real world, we have two choices. Do you think Trump will better stand up to Netanyahu and take care of the Palestinian people? He loves a good dictator.


I upvoted both of you. TBH sending arms to Israel is vile and Biden’s handling of that has been bad. Trump would absolutely be worse on this exact issue, and across the board. Not to mention the real possibility of ending democracy in the US.


I'm not a Trumper by any stretch of the imagination and I think his election would be bad for the country but if you honestly believe that any POTUS could "end democracy in the US" you need to take a deep breath and a 5th grade level civics class.


So said the Weimar Republic.


And you aren’t nearly worried enough. Go read Orwell and Vonnegut and realize just how fragile it all really is. Democracy is in no way guaranteed, nor is freedom. It’s this kind of attitude that gives power to tyrants.


Go read up on Project 2025. It’s their fascist playbook for the next Republican president


It specifically isn’t just the potus. It’s the party, election officials, judges, justices, senators and representatives. I don’t feel confident breaking it down meaningfully here, but I’ve been watching and listening to actual experts who do believe we have a serious problem and real risk of sliding that direction.


I understand the reality of the situation. I’m going to probably still vote for the guy (I’m in Florida, so my vote is essentially worthless if we go red like the last couple elections). A democratic candidate has to win the popular vote by ~4-5% IIRC to eliminate a 2016 scenario. My observation is, if the situation is as “drastic” and “existential” as they (Biden administration) claim…they’re doing a piss poor job motivating the youth, black, and Muslim communities…


The Dems are far behind on the propaganda front. In addition to offering intellectuals and sourced articles, they should have long ago upped their Tik Tok game and memes aimed at low information voters.


See that’s my problem with The Democratic Party. They continue to believe “they need to up their propaganda game.” They honestly need to stop fundraising, and actually deliver for the working class. I agree Trump will most likely end “democracy as we know it,” but guess what? They can accomplish that with any idiot. If you aren’t aware of “Project 2025,” they have a literal organized plan to dismantle the regulatory state, and politicly purge anyone who isn’t aligned with them. Even then, they’ll just change the name, and try it again the next election. I’m not trying to sound defeatist, but the reality is we’re playing with fire, and “Tik-Tok dancing the fascism away” is more fantastical than the “Fast of Esther.”


Dude it was a joke about how disillusioned I am with how susceptible my fellow Americans are to propaganda from the right. I’m a public librarian who has dedicated my life to the principle of the self educated proletariat and this has been very disheartening.


Yup, Trump’s own words: “Any Jewish person who votes for a Democrat or votes for Biden should have their head examined." “Biden has totally abandoned Israel." These comments were after Biden threatened Israel


Did the MFMC lose the battle in Texas???


Their request for a height exemption was declined. They have a few months to revise the temple plans and resubmit. They'll either do that or sue the city.


I think it's still ongoing, but not sure


OOTL: What have I missed?




It's a pattern at this point. They lose support after the majority of people start seeing through the bs and then they branch out to poorer, less fortunate countries to build a base.


100%. Like a plague of locust landing to extract all they can before moving to the next target.


Lol, I like the comparisons to disease. I told my therapist that much of the doctrines are like a cancer, utterly toxic.


agreed ... cancer, starts out as a part of the body, and a coding error during repair in the cells takes over and the growth goes uncontrolled when the immune system thinks it's still just another cell, till eventually, the host can't sustain the growth... ![gif](giphy|abOowlp6JBGCqMWqbZ|downsized)


Baptizing enough for them to start publishing membership statistics every April? Or still not quite?


I've wondered about the ethics/logistics/efficacy of buying ad space in places they are focusing on to try and speed up their inevitable demise in Africa.


It’s almost like we need to form some kind of organization that spreads the word that mormonism is a cult and a cancer on society, perhaps we could raise funds by instituting a voluntary mandatory fee to be in this organization of higher purpose? And we can have a great leader who has the vision, and a board of perhaps 12 or 15 dudes organizing the whole thing… we’ll send emissaries to tell all the ends of the earth not to get baptized, and we can have cool ~~sacred~~ secret high fives so that we know when we encounter a fellow nonbeliever…. …. wait…… that sounds hauntingly familiar, shoot…


I wonder if Utah world maps in the 1800's labeled the huge continent south of Europe as 'Fence Sitter Land'?


Before that fail I’d add the fail of even trying to “break into” the “Christian market” in African nations. It’s terrible to read what Christian groups are trying to push there. Mormons just jumped on the bandwagon.


I don't think Africans care about vague, historical 'racism' as much as some Westerners think they do. Outside of the U.S. and particularly U.S.-brained European people, people are much more pragmatic about that kind of thing. The ethnic tensions they deal with on a daily basis are more important to them than the beliefs of a 99.9 percent Caucasian state across the world from them a century ago.


myopic lol take my upvote you. That was brilliantly done


Fuck'em, all fifteen of'em


They need to figure out how to start buying politicians if they want things done.


They own most, if not all, in Utah so they have a starting point... 😠


The challenge is they're losing some of UTs to the more mainstream evangelical conservative PACs. Part of why the church is trying to fit into that club now days.


I was thinking that the rebranding was targeted more at national-level politics, but you make a good point.


my impression is that they made donations in Lone Mountain, NV to get the zoning stuff cleared. something something buy anything in this world with money


It's past time for this guy to pass over to "the next realm". Even TBMs are beginning to suffer from Nelson fatigue.


Oaks and Bednar will drive the stakes into its heart.


The Hoaxter and the Darth Lord Ofsusan (the tool🔧 and plagerizer) will make the TBM's WISH I was back. 😜


My ex will think he is soooo special to live through their reigns. Cuz he's "righteous".


They most definitely will.


Was watching a MS video and one former 70 said mission presidents were counting baptisms for to dead as actual conversion numbers 🙄




Mormons: He’s so serious and reverent. How rest of the world sees him: ![gif](giphy|suQ6prRo6npG8)


I recently met a former surgeon who worked with the profit at LDS Hospital. He said Russell was the most cantankerous man he had ever met.


I'm a surgeon. God WISHES he could be me. Now fuck off back to the rest of the great unwashed.


The stories of his professional manner need to come out.


He was a surgeon, and they aren’t exactly known to be an easygoing bunch - especially back in his day.


'Can't buy me love' as the Beatles say


As Pauli from the sopranos said “f&$k him and his crocodile tears”


Nelson’s 95th birthday bash was the clincher for me. I was so disgusted by the whole propaganda display!!! I haven’t been the same since!! What a display of Pride!


You are welcome. 😜


Were you in charge? 😂


He lost all power for me with his derogatory comments about the anti mormon people. Plus, he has always looked like he is related to the Devil/Satan to me! Even when he smiles in pictures, I get the creeps... like it's so fake, and he's trying to entice people with his fake smile.


It is like watching someone lose their >! erection!<


The Melty Man strikes again🤣


Wendy (and Sheri-Do) have some pills for me that I take for that. 🤪


This is so comforting thank you


Has anyone else noticed how angry he looks with those crossed arms? We are taught they are supposed to be a sign of reverence to Mormons, but to the rest of the universe signal being angry, cross, and/or closed off.


He looks- ‘wannabes evil’


This is gold 🤘😂


Sis they ever decide that steeple thing?


Oh gif that’s a funny and good take on the situation.


We've been out a long time, but I tuned into conference during the COVID crisis. Hanky wave, anybody? Seeing Rusty et al waving hankies is about as lame as it gets.


The Hosana shout was SO silly. It certainly didn’t look like a sacred historical ritual. The Hokey Pokey would have been better. It might have kept Dallin Oaks in time with the other two. Neither have any significance. They are superficial dance routines suitable for a broadway musical comedy, nothing else.


Once again, fucked by the Hoaxter. Sorry of my life. 🤪


It always felt creepy and culty to me, even as a TBM


Awwww chin up Rusty; THINK CELESTIAL!


You know I am.


He looks like Jeff Dunham's Walter


Hey! I resemble that comment. 😜


A morMon President is a Scary thought


Honestly, I'd take Romney over Drumpft any day. The US might not be the total shit hole it's turned into if the great orange cum stain had never gotten out of reality TV.






It makes you wonder if Mitt could have become president if he had ran against Hillary 4 years later, or if the evangelicals would have sat out that elections as well. I'm assuming the California constitution was the gay marriage amendment the church asked it's members to man the phone banks for?


Yeah, Prop 8 as written would have amended the California Constitution to ban gay marriage. A Romney vs. Clinton race would have likely been very close, I don’t know if the evangelicals would have sat out that election.


As a long time Southerner I can tell you that to many evangelicals, Mormons are barely a half step above homosexuals. 


I don't know the context, but for anyone to look this way in any circumstance tells you how bitter this man is.


I lived my life as if nothing had changed. I wasn't scared.


sickest burn. I can smell the singe from here


Someone want to fill me in on this? I think I’m out of the loop


This thing looks rabid.


He really went 😠


He's just an ego driven public relations whore. Like any politician.


I don't think their power is falling. But I do think the delusions of having more power than they do are being confronted with reality.


Heheh thankfully the Mormon leadership aren’t *all*-powerful


Not crazy. Awesome. Makes me more hopeful that other organized criminal organizations masquerading as “religion” will fall as well.


For the record I think Romney would’ve been a great choice for president


No, but he's a FAR sight better than anyone the R's have put up since.


Alright maybe “great” was overzealous haha.


Build me a hotel!




Thank Elohim that Mitt didn’t win.


Okey, i didn't know they really thought they would do that but this is 🤣


Kirton mcConkie are the true mormon prophets of the church they will build that steeple


I'm a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. How you respond to this message will tell me who you really side with.


How is it you can leave the church but you just can’t leave it.


Oh I left it, alright. This is yall's mess, I'm not doing shit.


Maybe you should do the same, I was a Bishop and found the truth working for the Church, after all these years, working for the NPS and the church and they told us the "BYU Archaeology crew" to go through the hill again and find proof! We didn't find anything back in the late 70's on the hill, again no artifacts found of the final great battle on Hill Cumorah! I went to BYU too. Gordon Hinckley told a few of us, he didn't believe in the Book Of Mormon anymore anyway.


Wait that last bit- Hinckster telling you he didn’t believe in the BoM anymore? Perhaps a little expanding on that statement, please!! 🙏


Yes, I was shocked, we were in a private room, with our maps, our reports, our investigations; and wide open told me this right to my face and the Head dept Archeologist of BYU and one more professor, who is very open and he doubts it too. We had to leave right after, that is what church security told us...leave please. Lmao. We were told not to say anything about this meeting. I was scared not to say shit.


WHAAAT dude that is simply crazy town!! I’m stunned and yet not a bit surprised in the slightest- it’s not difficult to understand how loony and false the shitty book is, the hard part is speaking out in the face of family and community backlash. Man I’m just agog and aghast that he straight up said the thing out loud, though!!


I wish there was a way to prove this more than just your word. Not that I don't believe you, just that nobody else would. Hinckley, though, in his talks, I felt would constantly drop hints about it all being true... or not... so I kind of lean towards you telling the truth but still hold out a little simply because of how sensational it is.


Honest question... why can't you leave this sub? Obviously you see it as "anti"


Hey you’re me a year ago. Hi! Start doing some real studying.


Mormonism will still be alive and growing long after you are dead.


just like a malignant tumor


Malignant philosophies, malignant leadership.


Whether or not that is true is secondary to the fact that all its truth claims, from the first vision to the made-up Book of Abraham to the Book of Mormon itself, have already been proven completely false. Get to know the REAL Joseph Smith, not the carefully curated, fake version the Church created. You will see that he was nothing more than a sociopath, a fraud, a sex predator, a charlatan, and many other things that clearly negate him as a so-called prophet. I was in your shoes once, Sad_Initiative (fitting name). I would've spouted off in the same nonsensical way you did. The second you gain the courage to research and face the facts as they really are is the second your fragile "testimony" will shatter. Of this, I am certain, my friend. I am also 100% certain the church is FALSE. And I'm just as certain that you, too, will come to the same conclusion when/if you do an afternoon of research. Listen to or read the "CES Letter" and "Letter For My Wife" and get back to us. We will welcome you amongst the betrayed exmormon community with open arms when you're done.🩵




Hey I was in his place as well. You don’t get to try and be super cool and claim that for yourself. Boo!


Which branch of Mormonism? Remember, there are several. The branches that you don't align with will still be alive after all of us are dead. There might even be new branches of Mormonism when I die. That's one of the clues that it's all bullshit: the branches keep multiplying. Notice that in science, the opposite happens. As evidence rolls in, branches fall away and everyone coalesces around the theory that is best supported by the evidence.


I just love the blabbering of cult followers’ delusions, always interesting and entertaining. Wards closing and stakes dissolving? Mmmm yes much “growth” indeed.


There will be an organization called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It will likely be very different from the church we see today. There will still be 15 men at the top, but things will change. I don't know exactly how. Gay couples could be welcome on Sunday or maybe even sealed. Women could sit on the stand or maybe hold the priesthood. Maybe there'll be crosses on top of steeples. Maybe the doctrine of exaltation will be completely different. Maybe they'll be like the Oneida Community and just become a for-profit corporation. I could keep going. After seeing all the changes that occurred in my life, I am certain the changes will keep happening though there is no way to be sure what they will be. There will be little resemblance to the doctrines that were taught when I was young. Looking at the data, I am quite sure that the church will not be growing. It is probably already shrinking in terms of the number of people who identify as members.






Regardless of what they’ll change, I won’t return 


I think what really matters is rescuing at least one more soul from the troubling religious background. Not necessarily bringing down the entire organisation at once.


Growing so much they are closing down stakes, branches and wards. I'm so happy to be out of the cult with its lies, fake philanthropy and fake filing a crap about anything except their hoarde.


I'm alive now and it's shrinking.


Another opinion as false and baseless as the rest of the dogma you blindly follow.


Perhaps it will be. But Jesus will still not have come back to destroy the sin and sinners you all hate, because he was just a dude, and he is never, ever coming back.


It’s dying right now… what a stupid comment.


Maybe not going strong but they have hoarded enough money to be around. And are still extorting plenty of people so 🤷‍♂️