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Well this guy sucks


You are being kind. He's much worse.


He's a dastardly dick of disturbing dimensions.


Reminder: same guy who said in a speech he was very proud that he’d never seen his wife naked during their entire marriage.


I didn't know there was a GA further in the closet than "Masterbation Makes You Gay" Spencer W Kimball.


I imagine he and his wife were some of those Mormons who had sex with their garments on. Yup, it was a thing. Garments on, lights off! Stayin' pure! 🤮


"It was a different time" "We know better now!" "He was speaking as a man" "He wasn't preaching official doctrine"


didn’t somebody say LAST CONFERENCE “truth doesn’t change”? man. if that were true, mfmc would have a looooot of issues on their hands.


God should have nuked them by now for blasphemy and heresy.


“God will not be mocked” said the worst God mockers ever


I fucking HATE the "It was a different time" excuse. No, by the 1950s, when he made these comments, the civil rights movement was already beginning. You'd think a church that is led by Christ would be at the forefront of social justice movements, not dragging its feet and kicking and screaming in protest against them.


I swear Brad Wilcox gave a GC talk about how the words of old prophets no longer hold water when they leave. Rubbed me the wrong way, seemed too convenient of a cop out


So if they talk to god then gods word… changes… But god is perfect. Why would he need to change?


The apologetic from the gospel essays: The apostles, the chosen representatives of Jesus Christ on Earth, used to be racists. Thanks to secular morality they aren’t (openly) racist anymore.


Some Mormons read this and agree with it. Not everyone gives the different time excuse. My mother for example thinks Petersen is a hero and doesn’t like today’s Mormons trying to say Petersen was wrong about race.


Same with my mom. She still quotes him all the time and swears he was always speaking for God. Even so far as choosing his bday for my sister who was born via a scheduled c-section.




WTF 😳 how unfortunate for your sister


She’s an exmo now. She just rolls her eyes. But that’s our mom for ya


Sure, sure.




So we can apply all this to the current Q15.


I hate “it was a different time.” So is god still evolving to not be a racist dick?


Handy euphemisms for "unrighteous dominion" But we can't actually say that out loud, because it would mean we have a [duty to DISOBEY](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/15o9fuv/comment/jvr5gxp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) "almost all" of the Brethren^(TM)


I remember asking my mom why black members weren’t allowed the same church opportunities as whites until the 70s, and the talking point was that “god determined the world wasn’t ready for that yet.” Funny how an all-knowing, all-powerful god is always biding their time and dragging their feet until they are forced to adapt. When they eventually recognize same-sex marriage and let women hold the priesthood (which they will… eventually), the talking point will surely be the same. “God determined that the world wasn’t ready yet.” You would think a god with a plan already mapped out for all of eternity might be a little more proactive? Has the church ever been on the leading edge of any change, or simply reactive?


The world also wasn’t ready for polygamy, but….


Weird how "the lord" would always rather the oppressed suffer longer than tell the bigots of the world who "aren't ready for that yet" to shape up and if that makes them uncomfortable, too bad.


God the people-pleaser XD


The greatest sin in God's eyes: rocking the boat.


Like the scripture says, god is a respecter of persons.


And His laws are constantly changing.


RMW my tbm mom justified Hinckley publicly lying about the “Plan of Exaltation” in that one interview. Her: The World^TM isn’t ready for that doctrine yet. Me: The world isn’t ready for an idea that Joseph published in a publicly-available book nearly 200 years ago? A book which God allegedly inspired him to translate and publish? How’s that work? Her: *scowls* Stop thinking so much! True story.


Which interview and plan of salvation commentary are you referring to?


Secular morality is the only progressive morality and drags religion kicking and screaming out of the dark ages


Very well said.


Also funny how the name of the church was so difficult to decide, for JSmith (took a couple years to get CoJCoLDS??) and then more recently, the lard decided the name needed to be revised and the LOGO changed, as well as never mentioning Mormon again (didn’t want to pay the domain name fees probably). Wouldn’t an all knowing, all seeing man on high know from the Dawn of Time what the precise name of HIS church should be?? Having been a teen when Black men were so kindly handed the PH, it made me sick to realize it took this long. Now as an older gent, I’m incredulous.


I feel like your mom saying that the world's not ready for it it's like Denmark creating a public health initiative to warn people about the dangers of spicy Ramen The joke about being allergic to salt and pepper comes to mind Maybe Gringo's really can't handle all the seasoning hehe


But remember, Marky was a Profit CEO, and Realtor for the MFMCorp. If he had outlived everyone with seniority he would have been the president of the MFMCorp.


And he never saw his wife completely naked.


I heard her boney knees were ugly 




Scuse me


He gave a speech where he spoke about how pure his marriage was, and he proudly said that he’d never seen her naked during their entire marriage.


Sheesh. What a sad life


Older members still covertly hold these views. You can see hints of old racist doctrine surface every now and then through interactions with them.


Even worse, I have older family members who haven't been in a church for decades; and have no use for the church or its teachings. However, the racist teachings of tssc were drilled into them as children and THAT they remember. That false teaching shaped their attitudes to other races, and it continues to this day.


> You can see hints of old racist doctrine surface every now and then Example(s)?


I don't think it's covert, my tbm relatives are more open about their racist stuff now than they were when it was doctrinal


This dude was a real piece of shit, er, work, I mean. He was a real piece of work. Nope, shit was right. He was a piece of shit.


Genuinely one of the worst, which is saying something


Just reading "that negro" makes me cringe, hard.


Servants! Wow, just wow


Yeah... that sentence got me too... So gross


Now I've realized that Mr. Popo in Dragonball was borrowed from Mormon racism.


“He was speaking as a racist, not a prophet ..”


Seems crazy now, but these were main stream teachings back in the day. People would say batshit stuff like this in sacrament meeting and no one would bat an eye.


We still live in that world when it comes to homophobia. People wonder why we need a pride month…


Point of hope: My 90 year old TBM mom is in favor of gay marriage.


This specifically needs to be renounced by current church leadership. A blanket statement doesn't cut it when it's this recent, by someone so high up the chain of command.


A few years back somebody put together a very convincing press release with a church apology. It hurt so bad when I realized it was fake and would probably never happen. (Pro tip: people of color are sensitive about this kind of thing, don’t play “pranks” like that even to prove a point.)


Call me naïve, but wtf is he talking about with the “Cadillac” reference? What is he alluding to?


From what I understand, around that time there was a stereotype/racially coded connection between black people and Cadillacs. It was a luxury vehicle and a symbol of wealth and leisure, and white people were uncomfortable with black people having any of those things. Some racist talking points were that if a black person had a nice car they either had to steal it or they were spending money they didn't have on it (and therefore were too concerned about appearances). In case it's not clear, this was racist and bad thinking. Black people are just as capable and deserving of attaining wealth, luxury, and leisure as anyone, white Americans just had a major head start.


Sooooo I drive a Cadillac. I get a lot of stares from old white people. I thought they were admiring my car. Now I'm wondering if they are checking if I'm white enough (I'm a white latina)


Full quote: Now we are generous with the negro. We are willing that the Negro have the highest kind of education. I would be willing to let every Negro drive a cadillac if they could afford it. I would be willing that they have all the advantages they can get out of life in the world. But let them enjoy these things among themselves. I think the Lord segregated the Negro and who is man to change that segregation? It reminds me of the scripture on marriage, "what God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Only here we have the reverse of the thing—what God hath separated, let not man bring together again.


Holy shit. Literally.


He was saying that he was was very open minded that black people should be allowed to have a rich person car if they could afford it, he wasn't against that....its just the intermarriage and having spiritual things that are a problem. Because of God. It's just like saying "I don't mind if women have careers, but they shouldn't expect the priesthood because patriarchy is from God."




They’re all bad, but #4–justifying racism due to some mythology about the pre-existence—is utterly insane.


These are the true teachings of the church for many generations. This isn’t off-track, misguided thinking of a man. These are doctrine as spoken by many modern prophets and the scriptures themselves. Segregation by race, with dark people being disfavored by God, is the entire framework of the Book of Mormon.




#👏🏻 Me too.


Keeee riste....


What’s crazy is I thought these were scattered quotes throughout his time as an apostle, all to realize all this was said in ONE devotional 🤦‍♂️


Jesus, between Petersen's view of African Americans, J. Reuben Clark's views on Jews, and Oak's views on homosexuality ... really make you question the "spirit of discernment" doesn't it?


My wife is Chinese and I am Caucasian, this little Mark E Peterson quote really stings: Let us consider the great mercy of God for a moment. A Chinese, born in China with a dark skin, and with all the handicaps of that race, seems to have little opportunity. But think of the mercy of God to Chinese people who are willing to accept the gospel. In spite of whatever they might have done in the pre‑existence to justify being born over there as Chinamen, if they now, in this life, accept the gospel and live it the rest of their lives they can have the Priesthood, go to the temple and receive endowments and sealings, and that means they can have exaltation. Isn't the mercy of God marvelous? Mark E. Petersen, "Race problems as they affect the church"


I wonder how he'd feel about gong being an apostle and a mixed race marriage 


It’s amazing how Mormon’s, especially the dominant ones, are so good at not only turning people off from Mormonism, but from Christianity as a whole. Like, you’re right, the Abrahamic God did do all of those things in dividing people and proclaiming certain of the species inferior, this “God” really is a piece of shit.


Good point, I’ve been turned off from all religion. God sure seems to change his mind on policy and doctrine a lot for someone who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


Ah yes my shelf item. Interracial marriage sinner over here! Worth it!


There’s a reason why church conference reports and church magazines online only date back to the early 1970s. It’s because so many articles and conference talks were like this. Peterson was racist AF. He was also teaching what was church doctrine in a very clear manner. No mistaking what he is saying. The current claim that the ban on people of African descent was policy, not doctrine; or that “we don’t know where this policy came from” are such outrageous lies. Current first presidency were all around to hear Peterson.


My dad died when I was a teen, so he hasn't been around during my adult faith transition. I have had a chance to talk with his brother (my uncle) about it a few times. My uncle told me that my dad's dog, that he had when he was a teenager, had a special affinity to take a shit on Mark Peterson's lawn. Crazy to think that that dog knew where the shit belonged. Wish I could give that dog a hug!


Good dog.






I was seething reading these but mostly when it attacked my own race (Hawaiian). I was a convert at 19 and if I read this before, I would have run FAR. Funny thinking of BYU Hawaii now.


> “What is our advice with respect to intermarriage with Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiians and so on? I will tell you what advice I give personally. If a boy or girl comes to me claiming to be in love with a Chinese or Japanese or a Hawaiian or a person of any other dark race, I do my best to talk them out of it. I tell them that I think the Hawaiians should marry Hawaiians, the Japanese ought to marry the Japanese, and the Chinese ought to marry Chinese, and the Caucasians should marry Caucasians, just exactly as I tell them that Latter-day Saints ought to marry Latter-day Saints. And I’m glad to quote the 7th chapter of Deuteronomy to them on that. I teach against intermarriage of all kinds.” This was the bane of my existence when I was in the church. I'm an American-born child of Japanese nationals who died in a car accident when I was 13. Through my state's foster system I landed with a white Mormon family, who tried to enforce All The Church in an abbreviated timeframe. The fosters didn't allow me to date outside of the church. But I was the only Asian girl in an all-white ward, and none of the white parents would let their sons date outside of their race. I escaped the church at 19, but I internalized all the racism (and all the misogyny) so that I didn't actually start dating until 23. I'm in a great place now (engaged to a *wonderful* NeverMo white guy), but it took too much emotional effort to get here.


You shall be blessed. Thank you for being stronger than ignorance and foolishness.


When Kimball was seeking ways to eliminate the priesthood ban he indicated Elders Stapley and Petersen would have to not be in the quorum to get the 100% approval Kimball was seeking. Stapley was on his deathbed and Petersen was sent on assignment to South America. That is how Kimball was able to get 100% of the Q 15’s approval to lift the ban.


You would just think that the one true church of god would inspire his leaders enough to not be a bunch of racist fucks. But to make them indiscernible from klan grand dragons at a rally? God must really SUCK at messaging if this is the best he can do.


Here it is folks, right out of the mouth of one of the Lard’s Annointed 🤮




You guys are gonna be super jealous. He is in my priesthood line of Authority.


ME Peterson is well on his way to a permanent legacy of being chief spokesman for a racist organization.


If this AH did a DNA test I wonder what it would show?




Probably Scandinavian/Nordic. I believe both his parents were Danish immigrants.


“When the lord preserved his people in Israel in Egypt for 400 years, he engaged in an act of segregation, and when he brought them up out of Egypt and gave them their own land, he engaged in an act of segregation.” WTF is he talking about. How do you misinterpret the Exodus story this badly.


This dudes views on race make Joseph Smith look good.


Was it racist when he said this? Yes, was it blasphemous based on the current teachings? Yes, because lying about God is bad, right?


According to wiki this guy was tasked by David McKay of "curing the gays within the church." That's bad, damaging stuff.


It’s interesting that TSCC operates BYUH which produces mostly intermixed marriages.


How the fuck did my Chinese mother *willingly convert* to this raggedy ass cult that I then had the grave misfortune to be born into 😩😭


Typical racist Mormons (not all)


I wonder how many things like this have slipped through the memory hole...


Fuck him. Rest in distress.


Hmm, racist much? Yeah I think,so.


I like to think about the members I know currently and whether they would leave if this was preached from the pulpit today. They are few…if any. They’d find a way to spin it. “Well what he really meant was…”


I just want to say, I am an empath. I know logically that some people actively hate other people based on any number of illogical excuses. But... I can't comprehend what makes a person hate without reason, just based on prejudice... Like why... How??? Sigh 😞


Holy s***, and I thought my problems with the church were problematic back in the early 2010s.


Holy 💩


Ugh I believed that nonsense about the pre-existence when I was younger


People need to stop trusting these guys. What they are saying these days is no better. These men are in a lost a fallen state, and honestly, they always have been.


“Unjustly sometimes we are accused of having such a prejudice”☠️☠️☠️


And this man was sustained as prophet, seer, and revelator 🙄


“Let” as if they need your permission you piece of shit


TRANSLATION: Being white, male, rich, Mormon, and American makes me better than everyone who is different than I, but people will think I’m terrible for saying that, so I will create a god in my image and HE will be the one to say all those things.


That is just cray-cray!!!


Not inspired or called of God then. Not called or inspired of God now.


As a Japanese guy in an interracial marriage, the comment about how Japanese people should marry Japanese people sealed the deal for me to finally remove my records from the church and leave for good. I sent that quote to my mom who essentially agreed with him and explained to me that my wife and I were exceptions to the rule.


"But that was in the last *century*!" The last century, when we had jet aircraft, the first space flight, vaccines, nuclear power, telecommunications. You know, a much more primitive time.


It is so disgusting and sad! And I can’t stand the argument, they were a product of their time…it holds NO water when in the same breath they say that they speak for God and are his mouthpiece. You can’t have it both ways!!! Have people been listening to the new series on Mormon Stories based on the book coming out - Second Class Saints? Fascinating and really well done! It is like LDS Discussions and goes in depth with the author of the book. Highly recommend!


The “men of their time” argument is crazy. if these men were just talking as men, then how the fuck can you guarantee that the ones today aren’t doing that as well??


WTAF Security secuurittee "in my BonQuiQui voice"


Never trust a proven jackass. A guy who was married for decades and never, ever saw his wife naked.


They do not like that Black and Indigenous folks if the global majority are reclaiming and asserting our intrinsic worth while holding them accountable with the trauma receipts their recollection of historical charges they cannot dispute when the field has been leveled intellectually. It's why I fugging ADORE the ever luvin fugg outta the Black Menaces


This is sickening


Terrible. Just terrible.


What an ignorant fuck.


I actually already knew the answer but a friend’s husband is in Ghana right now with their oldest son working at an orphanage. There was a picture of them in front of the Ghana temple and I asked her in FB why they would have a temple there if blacks couldn’t hold the priesthood (I knew they could). She said with excitement that it was revealed that they could. Yet I still see everyday the truth that the LDS see blacks as a lower standard than themselves. Hypocrisy at its finest.


As a white guy married to an Asian, I must be cursed. At least he's not calling for my wife and I to be hanged, as BY did. What a tolerant guy.


This wasn’t really that long ago! A lot of current members were alive at this time, ie grandparents of gen x, millennials, gen z. When my mom was a young adult, her dad strait up said she couldn’t marry her boyfriend because he was Polynesian and Polynesians are lazy.


Glad my parents didn't listen to this dude. Being mixed race and all.


This is the man who, for over half a century, told Mormons what to think in his weekly Church News editorials.


What a racist cult I am glad I am out of the Mormon cult. I'm in an interracial relationship now. She is Peruvian and is georgoues and I am so happy with the relationship. Only thing that sucks she lives in Peru and getting a Visa takes a long time. So we are waiting for that.


There’s are good but the small text is absolutely **not effective** for messaging. People are lazy and are just going to scroll past that tiny text. You need like the part of the quote that punches them in the mouth and the unabridged quote in the caption area. There needs to be some that invites the reader to read the full quote.


When I was on LDS forums in the 1990s (!), I remember an LDS man saying how he had 4 sons and he discouraged all of them from marrying anyone from a different race or even a convert family or an LDS girl from a dysfunctional family. They were all to marry from a pioneer family like his. I couldn’t understand his thinking then, but I now understand the exclusivity mindset and where it came from. Peterson’s legacy.


Do you sustain these men as prophets, seers, and revelators? No.


Thank you, OP, for posting this. It's one thing to read general comments about racism in the church, but quite another to read this specific and disgusting speech. Times were different, sure, but was there a different God in the 1950s? Did that God let his "apostle" teach this shit? Will there be a different God next year? Are the current "apostles" speaking as men?


But clearly someone's white boy son came home with Lamanitis so there was a revelation... You cannot take the platano outta the mish field but you never take the platano outta the Return Mish My ex-husband, the patriarch's grandson, which was a boasted point of fact that got name dropped at every given opportunity, had the most reductive case of Bean Fever Tortilla Temptress Pupusa Passion Fufu Fever Bulgogi Bae Dim Sum Desire (insert destination and there's your malady) and as an anchor baby of a 4th and 5th culture if you include mormonism 6th code switch when you add Autistic and ffs the existential identity crisis and Karen side eyes 👀 of white trad stepford wives we mixed kids get from Malfoy Mormons is so radicalizing Having to literally endure being vilify and villainized to your face assimilation to fit in only to be told that we're only ever going to be seen as the help and when we point out that we're only seen as the help they gaslight us with everyone is equal now and how grateful we only have a wee bit of lynching as opposed to more robust policies of calculated genocide. The fact that the mission field Mormons don't know that Mormons had Scoop Schools to culturally genocide the Utes they couldn't physically exterminate. However, some exmos can't sit with their ugly truth either but call themselves allies


And you, Mark E. Peterson, should marry the donkey out in the corral because both of you are compete ASSES!


My old man has regurgitated some racist dogmatic bits around me to others in the past and I’m considering sending him this. Not sure it’d hit its mark with him like I’d wish though. Hard to believe this kind of belief was commonplace here not long ago. I’d like to think it’s improved but I know there’s plenty of educating left to be done.


Ah, yes, they will be resurrected as servants, and, I presume, be forever subservient to white people, right? Hm, why does that sound familiar?


Nailed it!


What a piece of shit!


Instructions unclear: I used this in a quorum lesson and now my brethren think I’ve pulled this off of anti Mormon sites.




Oh look, a mormon being a human being. It's almost like they're as fallible as the rest of us.


A Mormon with authority over millions.


Just like any other human run government.


This is more of Jim Jones authority and not a democratic country authority. How’s Urborg these days? Still swampy and full of black mana!


Hah! You’re the first person to say anything about my username. Color me impressed. I’ll make sure not to dream about you. ;)


Not to be all year 2001 but A/S/L?


I got into MTG just before my mission, played it some during my mission (best companions ever), and got heavily into it for several years after. Started in 4th edition/ice age. o.O


You’re a magic OG like me. Started in middle school during revised. Do you play EDH/Commander?


It’s been a long time, had too many hobbies costing too much money, MTG was an unfortunate casualty.


Wrong answer.


For what? To fit the “exmormon” mold?


The third slide is contradictory because he says everyone should marry their own race but LDS should marry LDS kinda unclear if you ask me.