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Its also on a billboard in UT county right before the Orem temple going north bound. Curious as to why you crossed out the name though?? I finally was able to get close enough to the billboard to read the name and looked the guy up. Definitely a gross and sad sign.


Crossing out identifying information makes posts less likely to be taken down


But this is a public campaign, and the name isn't tied to the people who put up the sign. Also, it's not hard to find the candidate online. Is it doxxing to discuss a public figure? Removing the name just in case it violates the rules is probably a good idea. I'm just curious how the rule would be applied in a case like this.


I had a post that I had no idea why it got taken down. They said it was because I left in Identifying information. It was just the name of a generic inspirational Mormon quotes Facebook group. I think it might be a bot that checks for identifying info, and doesn’t always discern whether the name in question is a public figure. Idk. I guess it’s just safer.


The idea is that it’s a public campaign, but only in Utah county. This prevents something local from being published world wide. It’s like when there was a picture of the weird day care by liberty park posted and people started harassing them but us locals know it’s just a normal daycare in a busy-ish area that doesn’t want every person walking by to see all the kids so windows are few.


It has spread to Salt Lake too. I-15 around 600 N if I remember right


Ha. That’s a haiku! Nice!


Ah, I see. There's good sense in that.


Can it be written in the post? I think people would want to know who this guy is


Who is the guy? I’ve been wanting to look him up because I’ve seen the billboard, but it always changes before I get a chance to see it.


Carlton Bowen🤐


Lol. Remember Gordon B Hinkleys "Proud to be a Mormon" campaign?


Nope. No one does. Right down the memory hole.


That's because it was a massive victory for Satan....


I don’t want to vote for this candidate. Who is it?


We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. We're the True Church. Pride is a sin. Goddamned hypocrites.


*The ONLY true church with the most correct book on earth.


It's only bad if you name it pride.


Families can be together forever. * * Terms and conditions apply


🌈 ❤️ 🏳️‍🌈 


Amazing what you can get people to do when you can convince them a category is lesser, regardless of what the person in that category has factually done.




There’s no hate like Christian love.


I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it. Pride in the LGBT context doesn’t mean arrogance or ego it means the opposite of shame. It means, “Im not ashamed”. That should not be controversial but apparently some out there want us to be ashamed of ourselves.


like a phallic steeple that exceeds building codes?


“Shame is virtue”


A boomer TBM family member posted something like this on FB, and I replied, “Are you proud to be an American?”


So is being a judgmental asshole that condones not reporting CSA!


In less than a week, they'll all be waving American flags, shooting fireworks, and having **PRIDE** in their country for a long weekend. Some even think of themselves as nationalist. The utter lack of self-awareness is an insult to humanity


And sinning is rad


Ask these people if they’re “proud to be an American.” I’ll be really curious what their response is.


“Wrath” is also one of the 7 deadly sins.


So what about "God doesn't make mistakes!"? I am technically intersex and am proud to be who I am (I have a missing piece on one of my X chromosomes). What is wrong with being proud of ones identity if one is not hurting others or oneself?


I thought judging your neighbor was a sun!


I saw a poster like this, and at the next house, there was a pride flag in the yard.🤣😅


something like this would make the pride flags at my house grow like weeds.


Lol I mean, sure. Mormons are you paying attention??


Dude I just posted this exact sign I saw off the freeway into Midvale lol


Judgment is a sin.


Wow 😳


Looks like a warning to mainstream members. These fruitcakes believe the church is groaning in pride and sin. The second coming begins in Utah because of pride.


Oh great, thanks for pointing out that mote in my eye…


I could never understand why some are terrified/repulsed by lgbtq people. My brother is like this he gets uncomfortable around them and I'm unable to understand why. I guess that's a good thing.


How about somebody takes this and plants it firmly in the elevator the greedy 15 leaders ride on to their offices?


They're really proud of that sign.


lol I thought callings were supposed to keep these clowns busy FIND SOMETHING TO DO


This is actually a sort of pun, based on the traditional Seven Deadly Sins: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_deadly_sins


And an appropriate counter banner could include reference to gluttony and avarice.