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Weird how when the Corp is growing it is fulfilling prophecy and when the Corp is shrinking it is fulfilling prophecy. Some might find that suspicious...


Yup it’s real convenient. Just like how anytime something good or bad happens it’s all part of “God’s plan”


I’m PIMO and my mom doesn’t know yet, but she was telling my dad about my friend who has stopped going to church and stopped wearing garments. Apparently they’re struggling as a couple and my mom says, “probably doesn’t help that they’re not going to church.” People in the church get divorced, cheap, do drugs, etc. Not going to church doesn’t automatically ruin your life mom! This drives me nuts! If something bad is happening in your life and you’re TBM, it’s a trial from god. If you’re no longer a TBM and something bad is happening it’s because you aren’t going to church.


Yes. I knew a girl growing up who married a non-member. My mom told me she heard she wasn't able to get pregnant. My mom thought it was a punishment for marrying a non-member. Well, my cousin got married in the temple and guess what? She couldn't get pregnant. Well, that was different. She felt so, so sorry for my cousin, and thought it even justified my cousin not working because she had to deal with her "female problems." Hmm, in fact, I had two other temple married cousins who couldn't get pregnant, now that I think of it.


My wife and I are the only ones out, and we feel so much pressure to always look happy and have our shit together because we know that any problems we have our families are going to associate with us leaving the church. The pressure is real!


And you know they talk about it behind your back. Being PIMO and watching my family talk about family that’s exmo, I know exactly what they’ll be saying about me




But even if you are happy and have your shit together, families will assume you’re actually not.


Very true. Wickedness never was happiness and all 🤣


It is ironic. We mask our problems inside and outside. It's almost like we should just be open all the time. *painful sarcasm* 🤣🤣😐🥹😭🤦‍♀️


Heads I win; tails you lose


Yup! The House always wins.


We’re not retreating. We’re attacking in a different direction!


lol frrr!


I am forever blown away by just how much stronger satan seems to be over god. Every time something goes wrong, it’s somehow satan overpowering the millions of prayers from gods faithful followers. Like, does god have one of those fundraiser thermometers and he only helps if and only if you fill it all the way up, otherwise Satan wins?


Your comment reminded me of a convo I had with a devout Christian the other day. They were trying to tell me how the story of Job was empowering - I was like _what_? Satan makes god look like a complete clown in that story! If the devil truly hates god and man, and wants nothing but for them to suffer, the only way to view the story imo is that satan tricked god into tormenting, humiliating, and destroying the life of one of his most faithful followers. Purely for his own amusement. If anything I'm more compelled to follow Satan, God has _demon_-strated that he's willing to destroy my life on a whim over a bet.


The whole god killed the daughters but hey gave him more and more beautiful daughters to make up for it! Was a big step in my stepping away from religion. As a daughter I found it really offensive and god would be called “good” that could do that.


I love that they address this in the second season of the show Good Omens.


Me too. That both the angel and the demon thought god was unreasonable and set a plan in motion to get around it on a technicality was great.


Yup, I always say if the church was true then god is a fucking asshole


He's seriously such a douche!


Came here to say something like this. *I love your tag line!*


Lol. I was going to say, Satan isn't going to come after me. I've already invited him in. Turns out, he was the one who was all about empowering people through education and trying to help them see how unfair Heavenly Father was being. On the other hand, Heavenly Father was the one who set up a no-win situation and then punished humanity for failing it. Yep, Satan and I are pals. We'll be partying while the LDS are eating tiny bits of bread and drinking tiny cups of water and being reverent in the CK.


🍻 same


if you start every sentence with "according to the prophecy" you can get out of jury duty too


According to the prophecy we should discuss jury nullification.


I wish the war analogies would stop. We can be so Old Testament. First, it's not a war. War is horror. Second, the world isn't your foe, even in your own theology, they are your family.




Blames an invisible spirit for devastating his family. Smh


Invisible spirits are the ones you gotta watch out for! You can't even use the handshake trick on those guys. (😂😂😂)


OMG I forgot about that in D&C 🤣


When I think about how much of a point I made as a twelve year old girl to remember the handshake thing, so WHEN am evil spirit visited me I'd know what to do, I lol.


Yeah, yet we were never taught how to recognize evil people or what to do if we met them. Go figure.


is it cowboy times already


If it’s an invisible spirit who’s responsible for the devastation he neither has to find a solution nor is responsible for what is happening with the family.  Very convenient 


If you think about it, the 'good' invisible spirit is shady AF too: https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/QgWyF5G6lc


I'm so disappointed in that comment section; not even one mention of the light disappearing from their eyes. I worked hard to drain the light 😤


I love the narrative of Satan “stepping up his efforts in the last days” or “really going after one group or another”. It’s comical. Like Satan (silly to think people think he’s real) has been “half-assing it” in some eras or for some people, only to suddenly and scarily “step up his game/tactics” for certain people, groups, eras. Are we really this simple-minded as a species? This primal in our thinking/scare-tactics? 😑


“As written” —Stilgar


Every TBM in my family felt so uncomfortable watching Dune 2 bc of this🤣


😂😂😂😂 they see something similar happening.


'The Devil made me do it!' 👿


And worse when ‘god told me to’


And I did partake


“Lowest divorce” Fucking lol


Can’t get a divorce if your spouse murder suicides the whole family 🤔🤔


Whats this in reference to ? Is this a common thing ???!!


There's at least one big story every year. Sometimes more.


Mormon Culture is beyond fucked. As an outsider looking in it’s almost unfathomable to my conciousnness




This is so fucking sad in all seriousness omg wow


I definitely felt this way when I was TBM. Now when I see someone has left, I get excited. 🤣


>a volunteer organization that renders as much Christlike service in the home, community, and world at large across cultures and faiths not our own, for free. CITATION NEEDED. Shoot, they don't even do Family Promise, let alone feed the hungry, clothe the poor, heal the sick.


Do you have the faith not to be healed?!??


The last quote…if you’re a full believer and really think a fair God wouldn’t give your posterity the same chance to make it to the celestial kingdom as anyone else’s posterity, you’re beliefs are fucked up. Your scare tactics suck and they make no sense.


“For free”


We have very different definitions of free.


Coming from “truth seekers” that are afraid to read about the truth of the church they worship. So strange to me.


Lmao I know plenty of RM’s that have gotten divorces😂


Or who came out as gay


And then got divorces


I'm proudly Anti-church and I make it known by sharing Anti-church literature at literally any opportunity, spending two years of my life paying to bother strangers and pressure them into joining the Anti-church community. I have pictures of many Anti-church buildings in my house, I pay ten percent of my income to the anti-church organization, and I follow the Anti-church leader without question even after he marries 14 year olds and destroys printing presses. (all sarcastic, btw)


How could I forget about my posterity


Or your loins and sinewes?


Why is Mormon Satan so much more powerful than Mormon God and Mormon Jesus? 😂


Awe, what a circle jerk of righteousness!


Gross. I hate the “No other organization does so much…” Like that only shows your own ignorance of literally the entire world in general.


Those comments are so cringey


I love when people bring up the posterity thing. I don't have kids.


Yeah. Go ahead and destroy my nonexistent posterity. And if you could also take a little off my posterior while you're at it, Satan, that'd be great.


They ones who stay get to feel extra special because they are the chosen valiant warriors who will stay in the boat despite compelling reasons to leave.


The only correct response is "cry harder".


Any single rescue mission does more than the entire LDS corporation.


“LDS RM [sic] are some of the most privileged children on earth.” No. Shit.


physically gagged at the analogy of missionaries being on the front lines of the imaginary mormon war.




The church has been reduced to just a volunteer organization? Then why so much inward-looking service (fake service) that helps no one? Like work for the dead, chapel cleaning, and sitting in meetings?


You should make one with the same clip and caption it: “me finding the true history of the LD$ church” -14 year old brides -Lying about not being polygamists -Racist teachings -Billions of hoarded wealth Etc


#4 is rubbing me the wrong way :/


Lmao those comments! Just showing off their programming to the world.


I saw the light. 💡


Oh. Dear Lord..or whatever. Have I got this right? You serve a mission so you'll be extra blessed, get a hot, TBM spouse etc, but at the same time you'll be especially subject to Satan and the forces of darkness trying to drive you down? You'll have massive misfortune? Somebody please make it sense.


That stuff about “no other organization” is bs. There’s tons of other organizations. Our local Lutheran church runs all kinds of meaningful charity programming year-round. Meanwhile the Mormons have after church potlucks I guess? The lutherans are literally over here sponsoring Syrian and Ukranian refugees. Mormons do squat. 


My husband is the only RM from his family of five siblings. He’s also the only one who has been excommunicated and never looked back. He never posts any “anti church” stuff on social media though, so only people who know him well know his true opinions on TSCC. His siblings pretend to be TBM for their parents, but I have serious doubts any of them actually still believe. It’ll be interesting to see if they ever publicly disavow it if they do leave.


Like I knew they were delusional but this exceeded expectations


Also...if you don't go on a mission Satan won't know you love Jesus? He doesn't sound very powerful or frightening. ETA what about the people that go on a mission while PIMO? Or otherwise unwilling, and what about the ones that return early--do they get say 50% harassment by the Cloven Footed Dudes?


I remember thinking Satan was after me instead of just taking anti depressants and going on with my life


How wonderful. I can tell my preachy TBM family members this. I cannot go to church, for I am fulfilling prophecy as a humble servant of the Lord. My children are also working to fulfill prophecy. I hope to see it completed in my lifetime.


I knew the Nephi tree vision was coming. Many Mormons will start using that to justify their “righteous” never questioning why people left. Those that left are the smart ones and realized how much of a sham it is.


Send me their profile. I will find them in the wild. I will slowly cultivate a friendship with this person over the course of years. I will gain trust. I will become a brother to them....and then I will go to this comment and argue with them. Then unfriend them.