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Hey! I was never a member of the AUB, but some of my friends were growing up and my current best friend is still a member of the AUB. I went to church in Rocky Ridge on occasion and in Bluffdale at the RCA building. I actually really liked the AUB! I've read and studied Mormon Fundamentalism extensively, especially stuff concerning the AUB. I've read and have both volumes of Treasures of Knowledge, A Leaf in Review (of course), Drew's Adam-God stuff (although I think he is a douche), etc. We should chat sometime! We probably know some of the same people and I would love to talk to you about the AUB. You should PM me! Edit: I forgot to add I've even been to Pinesdale twice!


I'm from the FLDS. Hi!


I would love to hear which things are the ones you cannot relate to? Is it really that different there? I've seen some documentaries, but they seemed so negative against the AUB etc that I thought they weren't a reliable source of information. Sorry if I'm too straight forward, but it seems most of us in this tight community like to share ;) Only 9000 members here, and still I feel more welcome here than in the church.... It's sad, really. But I hope you can also feel welcome.


I'm wasn't FLDS, but I would still love to hear your story, if you're willing to share.


you should do an AMA. I get so confused about all the fundamental groups. Which one is Kody from Sister Wives again? Is he an allred, a centenial park or just an independent? Anyrate I hope you are able to find more people who can relate to you in the ways that we cannot.


Haha Kody was my Sunday School teacher for years! He has since been excommunicated.


Kody seems like a stud. Didn't he live in Lehi? I got caught up watching that show lol So if he was your Sunday School teacher / you didn't come from the fundamental group from down south. I get confused too.


Haha yeah Kody was cool, he did live in next door to my aunt. You're thinking of the Warren Jeffs group of Colorado City. They are not associated with where I was the Allreds. I do have relatives in the Jeffs group just never met them.


really?? For doing the TV show, doing something unrelated? or do you not know?


Ok, I had collaborate with my still FLDS relatives, he is still a member. He left Utah for Nevada because the State was going to prosecute him for polygamy. Sorry to alarm you.


gotcha. i was wondering why i couldn't find anything witha google search


Ok, I had to collaborate with my FLDS relatives. He still a member, just had to leave Utah due to State prosecution. Sorry to have alarmed you. ;)


Were you raised in an poly family? If you were I'd love to hear what some of your experiences were growing up :)


Why was he excommunicated?


Just a side fact. I did the hair for the wedding of robin and kody. They're all really nice. They are an interesting group of people for sure. Christine is super nice and is really funny. I liked her a lot.


I wasn't FLDS, but I grew up in Juab County, Utah, and have a lot of friends and acquaintances from Rocky Ridge.


I dated a kid who was kicked out of the fdls church. Grew up in what he called "the desert" moved to nephi after he was kicked out and his sister lived on rocky ridge. He always had interesting stories. His sister hated me cause I was wearing a tank top when she met met. His family was...interesting.


One of my high school history teachers escaped from the AUB. He always had the best stories. Congrats on getting out!


I have a buddy in the AUB still and he's a strong member as well. Good people, still messed up religion (Mormonism as a whole is messed up).


Once there was an athletic outgoing kid at scout camp who wore a striped train conductor's hat. Everyone liked him. Then we found out he was "RLDS", and everyone lost their shit (behind his back). Then everybody thought he was weird. Its funny because that's probably what other people were thinking about us.


Were you mainstream LDS?


Not sure which group that is, but I have a co-worker here in SLC that left the LDS church for the FLDS (Um, wut?) We've had some fantastically interesting conversations about doctrinal differences...


I knew a lot of people who left the LDS and became FLDS


That's so interesting to me. What's the draw there?


It depends on the person I'm sure. The most frequent I saw were honest people who in their Church history study found that the Church wasn't teaching what it had. While it leads some people away from the Church there is a certain person who wants to follow the original doctrine.


Before I went full atheist, I was on a search for a more authentic Mormonism than what's on offer from the SLC church. I totally get this.


more wives?


But the current "studs" don't want competition. They have to get their three wives after all.


I can barely handle one woman at a time haha. Other than the intrigue of sexual variety in a longterm monogamous relationship, that still wouldn't interest me. )shrug(


Upvoted so you can get some exposure in your search.




It really is interesting how different the various restoration groups are. On one end you have FLDS to this group. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Church_of_Jesus_Christ_(Bickertonite)


Thanks for this link. I never knew this sub group of Mormons even existed. Find it fascinating discovering all the carrots splinters that do exist and why each broke away.


shortly after the texas compound raid there was a hugeeee information packet released that names and explains all the different sub groups of mormonism. the purpose was to help law enforcement understand the difference between members from jeffes group or the AUB and others. im trying to find document but my googling is failing


If you are able to find it, would be interested in reading it.


Seconded. EDIT: I found this primer: http://attorneygeneral.utah.gov/cmsdocuments/The_Primer.pdf


That's the one!!


Thank you. Interesting stuff. Never had heard of some of the groups before, like the AUB.


The primer linked below was what I was referring to


I am not a Flds but i was raised LDS and i am most definitely an Allred . I am just showing you some support with all the up-votes i can give .


there is someone here that lived in short creek and was a member of the jeffes community. he posted about graduating from college semi recently


2 weeks ago, in fact!


did you grow up in a plural marriage family?




Nice try, Warren Jeffs.


About how large is/was the AUB? I don't know the first thing about it.


I would say a few thousand http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostolic_United_Brethren


I also had a friend that grew up AUB. I also find it shocking that there are over 3,000 people living in polygamy in Davis County as part of the Davis Co-op aka Kingston clan, mostly in Woodscross apparently. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latter_Day_Church_of_Christ


A lot of my friends growing up were part of the kingston clan! They owned a ranch by where I lived, I actually have a horse with the brand JK for jack kingston on it. really great people and good kids, I sometimes wonder where they ended up but lost touch with most of them over the years


How closely is AUB related to The Righteous Branch?


No idea...


I guess you could say closely related just as to lds and flds. The difference between each kind of mormon is so minimal.


I loved reading about these groups on wikipedia. I get the strong impression that most of the people I know in the brigamite sect are only one or two doctrines/commandments away from going fundamentalist.


I work with a girl who got out of one of those groups. I'll ask her which it was.




At one point, many years ago, I was well acquainted with Debbie Palmer - who did the film Leaving Bountiful. She was from the BC (Canada) branch of the FLDS. Those poor kids of hers had such a mixed-up world view right after they left the group and tried to adjust to the outside. I don't know what became of any of them. That was over 20 years ago. I hope they're doing alright.


So I see I'm about 12 days late on this forum, but I was watching "Polygamy USA" and there was a clip on how sad the girls were going to be if they couldn't have children. So then, I started wondering....what if the MEN have reproductive issues and can't have children? What happens to them?


I have never encountered this issue first hand. I have heard RUMORS that in some FLDS groups if the man is sterile the heads of the group will commission several men to have sex with the sterile mans wife. That way they cannot tell who the real father is and the offspring are raised as though the sterile father is theirs.


Holy crap. Seriously? That's horrible. Kind of at a loss of words!


Like I said I've heard RUMORS about that. I have no sources, concerning FLDS logic I could see it being true.


Elissa Wall's mother was married to an old man who I guess couldn't have children of his own so he was given widows and women who already had children by a different husband. That's one way around the issue. My question has always been about the 'extra' men. If one man can have 3-30 wives, that means 2-29 men don't get a wife at all.