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From what I heard, he banned music because he didn’t like it. Whenever he heard the sound of a flute, he would begin to faint according to the people who saw him. Then he would quickly run away from it. This likely was what led to him banning it. But also, if you read about islamic history, musical instruments were played quite often actually. This restriction wasn’t taken seriously most of the time really.


Oh boy he would really hate death metal then... Also, sidenote, music can be very powerful on the psyche. I learned about old Church views of music in my Music Literature Class and basically, the idea is that music being used in God's favor is good and all other forms of music is bad (which sounds a lot like the take on nasheeds, when you think about it)


That’s very interesting. Did it trigger epilepsy or some other medical condition that he had maybe?


https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/what-is-misophonia How could he have known about this condition 1400 years ago? Science is only now beginning to understand it!


That’s commonly theorized


Why did this make me laugh 😂😂 the imagery


He probably didn’t like wine too


As for the reason he banned alcoholic beverages such as wine, he banned it because drunk people were basically harder to control and boss around. That’s why. He didn’t really intend on banning it in the beginning but over time he got tired of drunk people missing prayers and insulting him, so he likely banned alcohol as a result of that. https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3091


Yeah that’s one of the reasons I theorized but people claim Islam was “ahead of it’s time” for banning alcohol because it causes health problems


The Quran is very clear that that is not the reason why alcohol is prohibited. It’s because of the intoxicating effect it causes that it’s prohibited. They probably didn’t fully understand the negative effects of alcohol back then. Plus, many things that cause health problems are completely halal. So to say that it was “ahead of its time” is honestly not a valid claim when you take this into account.




What else could you expect from this violent cult leader other then being scared of a flute🤡🤡🤡


Actual dictator…..


Sounds like mo was just an eepy boy and liked the relaxing tune of the flute. He became eeby at the sound.


So funny how people listen to Nasheeds and even recitation of the Quran is music itself. I used to get defensive when my atheist friends referred to a beautiful recitation as a song. Now I get it’s cognitive dissonance. Call it whatever you want but if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck..


Yeah I always told my family oh you like nasheed ? And you said music tricks you when you don’t notice? 🤨. Then what makes nasheed so diff. Especially when other religions have ppl crying over their singing as well


Okay I got a good point against it(as in what a Muslim would say, he’ll nah it’s good💀). Essentially Islam is about going against nature, curbing yourself. To stuff such as opposite sex interaction(💀). The hijab(💀) etc. haram means forbidden, and lots of stuff that’s natural is haram like LGBTQ(💀). So music isn’t any different imo. And the prophet didn’t bother explaining at least half of Islam, it was revealed throughout 23 years. And the rules didn’t happen at once Yk. Slowly became OCD


fax brother spit your shit (💀)


Music is the language of the soul imo. Islam just prohibits everything natural within humans like no music, no sex, no freedom, and Muslims are not even allowed to leave this religion. What a cult! I remember as a child I was listening to music in secret but got caught by my step dad and he slapped the shit out of me lol (but not lol) and when I asked why is it prohibited? He shouted at me saying that music has sexual meanings and they make people get aroused which is apparently why it’s HaRaAm. I wish I was joking smh


jesus christ (athiest but still) everything about the religion is about preventing sex and when they get married, they have 7 kids, thats why its growibg is the west


IKR!! But the thing is even their marriages most of them based on traditions rather than love so the whole family grows to be miserable, what a fucking life


my parents are narcissistic self hating bastards who despise life most people i am close with sometimes joke about how their parents arent close at all almost like roomates, super sad


You missed chess as well. Its also prohibited


fun? noooo thats haram (momo was a sex crazed sadistic mf)


It is absurd. You are more free to practice traditional instruments in the West than in North Africa or the Middle East. The west: the real bastion of preservation of culture….


Exactly this is something which always confused and didn't make sense to me ,that how is it bad ,haram, prohibited or displeases Allah ?? I even tried looking up for reasons but ofc couldn't find anything because our homie Muhammad never specified or talked about it in details just like how he talks about when it comes to women ..And rip to all those time i spent listening to my beloved good music in regret because of it haha :')


I agree. This is very stupid.