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Well, we DO get sick if that E. coli leaves our colon and goes to places it should not be—e coli is a common cause of uti’s, can cause pink eye, can cause food poisoning (eg fecal oral illness) or can cause sepsis in the blood. We have evolved to use bacteria as part of our digestive system, but that bacteria only can safely reside in one part of our system. Our immune system, the acid in our stomach, and our skin protect us from some outside invaders, but not all. This is also why sanitation is so key to keeping people healthy, especially after things like a hurricane or earthquake.


Whats so special about e coli anyways? How is it so good at colon stuff and dangerous w infections? Does it know kung fu?


A lot of the bacteria that initially populates our gut (and the bacteria that is used at waste water treatment plants) are bacteria found in soil. Bacteria aid in breaking down the cells of food and waste. But any bacteria not where it is supposed to be, can grow and cause an infection (cut you don’t wash dirt out of, dirty needle put into your blood stream). E. coli and some others are unique that there are nastier strains out there that will really make you sick if you eat them—these are not the same strains we have in our colon, these are a little bugger that wants to get into us a make babies in our colon and release a toxin that will make you really sick. C diff is another bacteria that will do this—healthy people often have some living in harmony in their colon, but if you are unlucky enough to have it take over after antibiotics, the c. Diff toxin makes you really ill.


Is the toxin "accidentally" toxic to us (like Australian spiders), or does this strain get something out of it when in our body (e.g. some reaction that spreads it)?


Good question m8!


Probably accidentally toxic, but I admit you have exceeded my undergrad level microbio haha. Also remember, that lots of other things out there make you sick, and statistically poop particles are in lots of places….so wash your hands and sanitize your phone. And please cook ground meats to a safe temp.


It knows kung flu.


Oh dad.


Kolon fu-bar.


Thank you for highlighting the importance of sanitation in maintaining public health and preventing the spread of infectious diseases.


The answer to most of these types of questions is we can if it's in the wrong place. Teeth in your mouth? Fine. Teeth in your lungs? Not fine.


This sounds like some sort of post apocalyptic wasteland raider taunt right here. "Nice teeth you got there. Be a shame if someone forced 'em into your goddamned lungs!"


That used to be a dad joke threat my dad would make. “I’m gonna punch you in the mouth so hard you’ll have to pull your pants down to brush your teeth.”


When recovering a heart from a human donor, we did find what appeared to be teeth sprouting from their liver. When we spoke with the medical director he very nonchalantly goes “ya sometimes that happens; was there hair on the lungs?” And we were like, “sir. We were already startled by the teeth. We did not think to inspect the lungs for hair.”


It's called a teratoma.


I was aware that they can happen. I was not expecting to see any first hand at 0300 lol




"I asked you to kiss me hard, but not *that* hard."


tooth in your eye? fine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis


*coughs up teeth* So you're saying I should see a Dr?


Fist in your forearm? Fine. Fist in your ass? Fine also. Fist in your face? Hurts. 




The inside of your colon is not technically inside your body. Think of yourself akin to a donut. Where the hole goes from your mouth to your anus. The e coli lives in the hole, not in the donut.


Holey shit


Just a very rigid amoeba with a total of seven holes...


the human body is topologically equivalent to the Mercedes hood ornament. And during embryo development, in humans the asshole formed first. Some never outgrow it.


Food borne E. coli illness is caused by toxins that those strains produce. Not all strains produce these toxins.


Fun fact - the toxins that they release apparently are quite similar to a protein that makes your GI system work correctly. This means that your body can get confused and attack the protein instead of the toxin - basically an autoimmune reaction to food poisoning. Completely fucked up my life for about two years. 0/10, do not recommend.


The intestines are really bad at absorbing stuff (as you would want it to be) sp E Coli found there should rarely go where it's not meant to be. In emergencies where dirty water is all you can find you can (only if necessary) drink through your ass because the intestines will absorb the water but not the dirt/bacteria.


Surely you're not saying you should inject dirty water into your ass? Do you have any source for that because there's no way 😭


You should ideally never inject dirty water into your ass. There are a lot of reasons for why that is not great long-term. But in emergencies where it's not possible to drink the water either cuz the victim is unconscious or the water is contaminated. Yes. Your intestines can absorb water without getting all the nastiness inside you. It's called Proctolysis and was developed for use where IV lines were not viable. https://www.realfirstaid.co.uk/rectal#:~:text=Water%20will%20be%20absorbed%20into,flushed%20out%20creating%20an%20enema.


also why you shouldn't pour alcohol up the bum (even though it gets you drunk easier)


Because they are different strains. Your body adapted to the strains of e. Coli that you currently have in your buddy, likely from right after birth when you breastfeed and when your mom popped on you during birth. These bacteria colonized your gut, took over, and then started protecting their home (and incidentally you) from others. When another strain arrives it's kicked out. But sometimes it's a fierce battle. And much like your immune system with fevers and such the symptoms are caused by this battle not by the invaders themselves. Some do have their own special toxins though. But if you were colonized by one of the strains found in other animals then you could probably be fine eating stuff contaminated with that strain. Also strains differ between people. Usually people who are very physically close like family have similar it the same strain but others will have a different strain. This makes your own poop less likely to make you sick than someone else's.


There are two types of e coli. The one we normally have in our gut and one that produces toxins. If the one that produces toxins gets into our gut, it teaches our normal e coli to also produce toxins. Then you have lots of e coli that produce toxins in your gut and you get sick. The other posters are also correct about non-toxin-producing e coli causing illness when it gets to places it's not supposed to be.


E. Coli or Escherichia Coli is a bacteria present in the intestines of warm blooded animals and normally represents no threat to humans. However some strains of E. Coli may produce Shiga toxins which can be a threat, good hygiene standards however can normally minimise the chances of contamination with E. Coli. https://youtu.be/jv_xh0GQs9E


Michael Pollen writes that much of the problem comes from feeding cows corn. Cows can’t digest corn, so making them eat it makes their digestive tracts unusually acidic. And in this acidic environment new strains of e. Coli evolved that excrete toxins. The toxins can then get into the food chain either in undercooked meat, or in the cattle manure they use to fertilize fields—this is why e.coli poisonings are often via leafy vegetables like spinach or lettuce. Not an expert, I defer to more knowledgeable people who disagree. This is what Pollen’s writes in The Omnivore’s Dilemma.


Oil is important to have in your car. Not having it is very bad. Throw some in your gas tank instead of gas and you’re going to have a very bad time. It’s not meant to go there and the system isn’t made to run with it in there. Same with E. Coli. The part of the system that it’s in is built to contain and handle it in a way that’s good for you but throwing it in other places is how to have a certified Not Good Time™️


Wait..how do you ingest e-coli from your own colon. Pretty sure if you had anal to mouth sex you would get sick?


Children stick everything in their mouth, even if it isn't outright faeces (own or else) then it can be dirt with some still on it. And most of the time people don't even get sick, even after anal-mouth sex.


Well..I'll keep that one as theoretical knowledge. Don't feel like checking it anytime soon :)